The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4011: After Wang Zhao died

"Father, father. Why did you go?" The son Zhao Jia shouted with great sadness. This scene was filmed in time by the reporter waiting outside the palace gate, although most of the time the prince cried most of the time. There are artificial elements in them, but under such circumstances, this will inevitably bring them great political gains, filial piety. It has always been one of the most particular in the traditions of the Central Plains countries.

"Father. Father. My son is not alive anymore." Zhao Jia cried to death, and this scene made many reporters feel embarrassed. Because they have never been so sad.

When Zhao Jia died of crying, the defense ministers nearby were extremely nervous, because the only troops they could mobilize were the two nearby Marine Corps infantry battalions. They were already stationed here. Ask the King City, at least there are Of the five guard infantry regiments, the two battalions were obviously unable to fight the other's forces. If Zhao Qian really wants to do something, no one can stop him.

But soon, he breathed a sigh of relief, because ambassador Qin arrived in time. If such a thing happened before a country's diplomatic ambassador, it would definitely be condemned by all countries. Then came the South Korean ambassador. It seems that the people of Qin and the Koreans have discussed it well.

As a result, the Minister of National Defense was greatly relieved. Such things greatly eased their tension.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"A stable state of Zhao, a stable state of Zhao, is not a good thing for us." Han Shu thinks that Zhao's country should be brought into chaos at this time, so that they can unite with other countries to destroy it, at least as a blow. Losing half of Zhao's military power, Zhao's threat to South Korea is still great. However, Zhang Liang strongly disagrees with this move. He believes that this move will inevitably bring great disasters to the State of Zhao, and that State of Zhao cannot do so.

"My lord, you must not be so hasty at this time." Zhang Liang persuaded again.

"Okay. Okay. I won't think about it anymore. I just think that such a thing has taught us enough lessons." Han Shu said.

"Let’s assume that according to the current situation, if we launch an offensive, we will inevitably fall into a huge crisis of confidence in South Korea. At the same time, the financial, military expenditure, and the public’s response to the war, although good thinking, but actually The conditions are not very mature. If you think about it carefully, this will drag down all the worst results to us. This will be a huge loss for us, and this loss will be further. Increasingly, we cannot allow such things to happen, and we cannot allow this situation to happen. Therefore, under such circumstances, your idea is correct, but it is mine. Because it is inappropriate, it will cause even greater This is an extremely inappropriate inference. I was wrong.” Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord, you are right about all of this." Zhang Liang agreed.

"Yes, and the people of Qin are right. They know that only a stable and peaceful environment can generate more economic benefits. Goguryeo has opened up their markets. If they rush into a war state, everything will come to an end. In the huge vortex of war, the Yan Nationality immediately collapsed, and it is obviously impossible for us to win over our opponents to suppress each other. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible. Under such a situation, the best course of action is to: We do nothing, because doing this will not produce more coping changes." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang said. He knew that Han Shu had finally calmed down now. Because after calming down, South Korea can avoid a bigger crisis. In the current situation, they need peace, not war. A peaceful environment will bring greater investment opportunities. Under such circumstances, South Korea can be more advantageous. War is not what they need most, and South Korea needs It is stability, and only a stable situation can make South Korea become stable. The increase in military expenditure will inevitably reduce the use of fiscal funds, which will cause greater troubles for the next development of the economy.

"I already know such a thing deeply. Next, what South Korea needs is stability, not a larger-scale war and conflict again." Han Shu said.

Island of malta. Yang Jia and Zhao Hai have landed on the island of Malta. There are a lot of loot on the island, more than 5,000 of them, more than 1,000 female officials, and more properties, warehouses, shops, etc., these They are all important things that they have accepted by occupation, but because of the participation of merchants’ armed forces, the military’s revenue has decreased a lot. This makes Yang Jia very unhappy, because if it were not for the military behind, it would be impossible for those damned merchants to take down the island of Malta. That is their luck, but the problem is that the other party would not give it to themselves. This makes them feel very annoyed. Because they have preemptively occupied many warehouses and robbed most of the gold and silver.

"Oh, our luck is still much worse." Zhao Hai said helplessly with the telegram just received in his hand.

"What's the matter?" Yang Jia asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple, the king, it's dead. It's not the right time for our battle report." Zhao Hai said helplessly.

"Here." Yang Jia felt very unlucky and helpless when he heard the news. Originally such a big victory should have dominated the headlines. At least he should be a hero, but it is a pity that he Such a hero is destined to be buried. Why, the reason is very simple, because their king died. They have no way to solve such a thing. but now.

"We also feel very helpless, but this is King Zhao. We, we have no choice." Zhao Hai said helplessly. He wanted to register his name in the Navy Department’s credit book, but as a result, their victory came too late.

Yang Jia was too, he was suffering in his heart and couldn't tell. He felt that God was always joking with him. Under such a situation, such a thing would happen. Sometimes, he really couldn't believe it.

"Forget it, something like this has already happened. We still want to drive better." Zhao Hai said. In this regard, we can only accept this. This is a fact.

Hannibal, within the Carthage Expeditionary Army, was stationed outside the range of their artillery, and the number of the Loma army was about 10,000. They monitored the military operations of the Carthaginians. People feel very annoyed.

"What's the matter?" Hannibal entered Levy's command camp. He saw some officers crying. He didn't know what was going on.

"Our lord, died." Li Wei said gravely.

Hannibal Hai still didn't understand, because Chinese was extensive and profound, and many words needed a deep understanding to explain clearly.

"Oh. That's it, it's dead." Li Wei saw Hannibal, who was unknown, and pulled him out of here.

"Oh. It turned out to be like this. I thought that something major happened to you. If that's the case, our affairs would be troublesome. What I want to know is, under such circumstances, do you have any specific ideas? What Hannibal wanted to ask was, what should they do now, there are Roma chasing soldiers behind, which makes it difficult for them to carry out military operations in many cases. Under such circumstances, they will inevitably face various extremes. In a difficult situation, under such circumstances, they must find a solution.

"We are unable to provide more military support for the time being. Under such a situation, I think you understand that the situation of many Zhao people will mostly come to a halt. It seems impossible to get help from the government. You know, this kind of That's the situation." Li Wei told the other party helplessly about this kind of thing. Seeing that they knew, this thing had too great an impact on Zhao Guo.

"Yes, but our current situation is not very good, we can only deal with it back and forth." The other party said.

"I understand this, we can only do this. By the way. Another big thing we have together is that our navy has occupied your island of Malta, and they will build a large supply center there. Under such circumstances, your supply situation, as well as the navy, will be even more unfavorable." Li Wei said.

"Oh my God." Hannibal felt so shocked when he heard the news. He didn't know whether the Zhao State officer had the confidence to help them continue to solve the military offensive of the Roma, but what he knew was that the impact on them would be very, very large. Because this kind of influence will cause them great losses.

More than that. They also lost an important supply base, the island of Malta, where Carthage's merchant ships could transit here, but after the loss, they would have nothing and nothing. For them, this is simply a huge disaster.

"Yes, in such a situation, it is very unfavorable to you, but we can't do anything. We are the army, they are the navy, and the navy is not under the jurisdiction of the army. In addition, when encountering such a thing, the Department of the Army and the Navy The Ministry will inevitably fall into a great state of stagnation. It is really difficult for us to deal with such things, but we must get some trophies. Maybe we can find a way from loving a few people, Koreans, and they will meet some of our special needs. , This is our best way at the moment." Li Wei told the other party the news and said sorry again.

Hannibal can only accept such a result. What else can he say? Many things are beyond his scope.

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