The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4012: Not as good as pirates

Inside the Zhao Wang Palace. The memorial ceremony of King Zhao has ended, and the prostitute queen hurriedly came to the harem.

"This matter must not be done. People from Qin and Korean behave very strangely. Once the two participate in this matter, I, Zhao Guo, I am afraid it is not good." The prostitute queen said to a servant. She originally wanted to take the opportunity to give up. Dismissed Prime Minister Zhao Jia. But the special envoys of South Korea and Qin were by his side. This has exceeded the normal diplomatic etiquette range. This abnormality caused the prostitute queen to be alert. He felt that this matter was very abnormal, in order to avoid even worse things. Happened, decided to give up temporarily.

Next, the new king's enthronement ceremony. Zhao Jia can't leave yet. However, he still needs the support of Zhao Guo from another aspect, this support is the military. And Li Mu is the representative of the entire military.

"Old general. Please stay." Zhao Jia took the initiative to find Li Mu. Li Mu wanted to go back and rest. After all, there are too many rights and wrongs to stay here, and Li Mu doesn't want to be involved too much.

"The prime minister." Li Mu saluted. Zhao Jia returned the courtesy in a hurry.

"The old general is too salute. The old general, at this time, I still need the support of the old general." Zhao Jia no longer circled the circle, he knew that the more frank at this time, the more he could get Li Mu's support.

"The son does not need to be polite, as long as it is for the State of Zhao. Li Mu naturally supports it. Goodbye." Li Mu said with his hand. Then quietly get in the car and leave here. Zhao Jia didn’t know what Li Mu meant. Maybe he was neutral or on his side. But there is a prerequisite, that is, the stability of Zhao State. Once there is a big problem with the stability of Zhao State, Li Mu absolutely cannot allow this situation to continue to happen, because many things have exceeded their expectations, which poses a great threat to the Zhao State army. Li Mu knows very well that the Zhao State’s army can be stabilized to ensure the Zhao State’s stability. The security of the People’s Republic of China is due to the support of Zhao’s stable economy. If something bad happens, it is difficult for them to exist. This is an interdependent relationship. Therefore, Li Mu is only neutral at best. However, once the stability and security of Zhao State are threatened, he will participate mercilessly. After all, Li Mu is just a general, he is not. politician. In terms of politics, his ideas are still not stable enough.

Inside Li Mu's car.

"General, do we just remain neutral like this?" Li Zuoche asked worriedly. Goguryeo has nothing to do with him. Peace has come, and the 7th Infantry Division has become a fake designation. The reason is that Goguryeo has no extra financial resources to support more troops. They can only guarantee the strength of three infantry divisions and two artillery regiments at most. , They can't guarantee that it will continue. They are contacting buyers in the south for the excess equipment, and they hope to sell them to solve part of the problem of military expenditure. Under such circumstances, Li Zuoche has lost the meaning of staying there. He can only come back.

"Our principle is the security of the State of Zhao and economic stability. As long as this principle is not violated, we are neutral." Li Mu really does not want the army to participate in too many military operations. Zhao Guo entered a completely passive situation. He didn't want such a thing to happen.

"Well, I understand." Li Zuoche no longer smells more things, because he knows that no matter how many questions he asks, the same is true. This kind of thing can only be figured out for himself, not by explaining the situation solved. And he also tried his best to avoid such a situation from happening.

Inside Loma City.

Fabian's strategy began to play a role, but it was the Roma who first caused dissatisfaction.

"They said too fast. I want to know, what are they talking about? It seems to have something to do with bread." Li Fu and Scipio walked across the street and said. Loma’s business is beginning to fade, but one place has become extremely lively, and that is the bakery. The bread there is very satisfying, but unfortunately, the price of bread continues to rise, which makes it intolerable for the Loma people.

"They are cursing the Fabian dictator. They believe that bread should not be paid for with silver coins, but should be paid for with gold coins. In this way, all problems can be solved." Scipio said.

"My goodness, did the price of bread go up so fast?" Li Fu asked Scipio.

"Yes, very quickly, very quickly, Hannibal’s expeditionary force has destroyed many of our farms, a large number of Loma citizens, have been captured, they have become slaves, and our economic losses have become greater and greater. But Hannibal, this damned mess, has been unable to solve it. This situation will continue. We will never be able to solve this problem. This will cause us great losses." Scipio said worriedly. To.

"Citizens of Loma, citizens of Loma? We can't go on like this. This will do us a lot of disadvantage. We all know that our bread prices have risen. If this continues, we will all be hungry. When dealing with the **** Hannibal, we citizens of Loma will be starved to death first." Paulus stood on a high platform and gave a loud speech. This kind of speech is very characteristic of Loma. In fact, it is the same as Zhao Guo’s. Political propaganda also has a certain truth.

"Who is he?" Li Fu asked the middle-aged man curiously. It seems that he is very elegant and his voice is also very magnetic, which can attract a large number of Roma citizens to participate.

"Paulus, he is running for his next consul of Rome. I don't like him. I don't think there is a problem with his eloquence, but he is a man. There is a problem." Scipio said.

"What do you mean?" Li Fu asked curiously.

"This guy is too exaggerated. Many things are far from being as simple as we thought. His view is that we can buy more weapons from a few people to equip the Lockheed Martin Army. In this case, we will To be able to confront Hannibal’s expeditionary forces in weapons, they want to solve such a thing by simply purchasing weapons, which requires a lot of financial funds. How to solve this problem? He is propagating and actively getting it from the Bank of Korea More funds, next, buy more weapons. I really don’t know, can the mere equipment of weapons be able to solve such a problem? It’s just a joke, it’s impossible. The reason is because of thinking, one This kind of thinking change, they never understand this, it will cause their situation to become worse. I hate this kind of stupid idea, because this kind of idea will bring a more catastrophic situation, which is for us. In other words, it is an absolutely unfavorable situation. We cannot allow such a situation to happen. In the face of such a thing, what we can do is to complete military reforms as soon as possible instead of simply buying weapons." Scipio spoke seriously. Li Fu nodded.

It seems that Scipio has realized that military reform is no longer just a matter of weapons. The users of weapons are human beings. If people do not undergo greater changes in their thinking, their situation cannot be changed. In such a situation Under the circumstances, Paulus did not realize that his political propaganda was too inclined to the excitement of the people. For other things, he couldn't come up with a better choice. Because many things can't exceed such a situation. The military is empty. It is impossible to solve the problem at all by relying on pure political speculation. Only capable people like Fabian and Scipio can solve such a thing. This will be a great deal to them. Challenge. It is a pity that the Loma people are now in a state of absolute discomfort, they can't calm down at all, the reason is very simple. Their stomachs are simply not full, and the interests of many people have been seriously violated. Under such circumstances, no one can calm the Loma people.

"But there is good news. I want to tell you. No, it should be two things. The Zhao people have occupied the island of Malta. This shows that the Zhao people are very annoying to the Carthaginians. If the Carthaginians continue to take some radicals I believe that the people of Zhao will continue to teach the Carthaginians.” Li Fu said.

"At the same time, King Zhao died. He died. There is no way. In this kind of thing, if Carthage does any irrational behavior, it will cause a lot of trouble, because according to our tradition, the king died. During the subsequent mourning period, you cannot do such things. If you really do this, I believe that the Carthaginians will have a great impact. They will inevitably take extremely severe retaliatory measures. Such measures, The situation that will directly suppress them will completely plunge into a huge disaster." Li Fu said.

"It has nothing to do with us," Scipio said. Li Fu was surprised that Scipio would say such a thing.

"That is a good thing done by the people of Zhao Guo. It has nothing to do with us. Lockheed Martin should rely on himself, not others. That will only make the situation of Lockheed people worse."

Scipio said so. Li Fu nodded, it seems that the other party understands the principle of self-improvement.

In Hannibal's headquarters, Hannibal was also worried about one thing. That is the overreaction of the Carthaginians.

"If such a thing is really done, it will inevitably arouse the anger of the entire country of Zhao. Under such a situation, we should actively build a good relationship with the country of Zhao, rather than continue to have an affair. Carthage is and Loma. Human warfare, if we are at war with Zhao Guoren, our losses will become even greater. On the contrary, if we can meet some of Zhao's conditions and let Zhao Guoren be a great help to us, I believe things. On the contrary, there will be a turning point. After all, such a thing is still very beneficial to us, and it will greatly help us." Hannibal said.

"I agree with you, but the question is, will your government do this? Or the Senate, if the Senate disagrees, everything will be in vain. I believe them. To be honest, I don’t know. What kind of choices will they make? Because most of the choices made by your Senate are wrong, things that were originally illogical have happened. I can't explain a series of things logically. Yes." Li Wei said. Because the Carthage Senate can really play cards according to abnormal routines. In fact, this is caused by the economy of Carthage. On the one hand, it is the farming estate economy, and on the other hand, it is sea trade. Unable to reach a consensus opinion, forming the opposite opinion, in this case, the vacillating strategy naturally caused Carthage to have a major deviation in the key strategic choice. These major deviations have had a great impact on Carthage's important strategic decisions every time, and this impact cannot be stopped at all.

"I, I will convince them." Hannibal actually had no confidence in his heart to convince the Senate, because many of their decisions didn't know how they came out. In such a situation, a wrong decision will inevitably occur.

"Well, if there is another full-scale war, I really can't help you." Li Wei said.

Thebes. Whether they are Koreans or Zhao people, they are busy building ships. The smuggling business has greatly stimulated their enthusiasm, especially Zhao people. Although they have learned that King Zhao died, for them . This news did not affect their money. They didn’t have deep feelings for King Zhao. In addition, this is a colony, so only official related work can be done. For other Zhao country businessmen, they are very busy buying. Arms, transforming merchant ships into armed merchant ships. They plan routes and so on. As long as there are some things that can be done. They will all do it. After all, this is an important opportunity. This will greatly solve their current biggest difficulty.

"Damn, these **** businessmen, they are very busy." Yang Jia is arranging more soldiers, and at the same time, he is also sending some of the trophies to the people in the **** fleet command. It seems difficult to report the achievements of the war. Even if you report it, no one will deal with it, because you need to do things up and down. Yang Jia is very annoyed about this. And those businessmen are constantly making money and smuggling, and all of this is brought by him, Yang Jia, but they are making more and more, but their official fortunes have not started, which makes him very annoyed.

"Sometimes, I really want to quit. It's better to be a pirate and come quickly, eat what you want, drink what you want. Bastard." Yang Jia cursed.

"They can only be active for a while. We are better to consider the overall situation." Zhao Hai quickly persuaded.

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