"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. The artillery of the new South Korean army was aimed at the chariot unit of the Wei army.

The solid shells roared out all of a sudden.

"Huhu." "Huhu." The horses on Wei Jun's chariot made waves of fear. They were terrified by the howling and harsh sound of the Korean New Army's artillery shells. And the most frightening thing is that they watched solid shells fly over. And it's flying towards them.

The artillery of the new South Korean army adopts the later models of the Qin army equipped with front-mounted artillery, and these models have a relatively complete aiming system. And there is rifling inside. In addition, the new South Korean Army attaches great importance to artillery, and their artillery maintains artillery more stringent than the Qin Army’s maintenance of artillery. So the accuracy of their shells will be greatly improved.

"Woo." A loud noise came.

"Hula." Wei Jun's chariot was instantly smashed by the Korean New Army's shells.

Wei Jun in the carriage had no time to jump out of the carriage. It was smashed by the shells of the new South Korean army. Everywhere was beaten by the broken limbs. The shell directly smashed the head of a horse in front and hit the chariot. No one in the car was spared.

"Hahaha. The first hit." The South Korean new army colonel was excited to see. He saw through the telescope that Wei Jun's chariot was smashed.

The colonel of the Korean New Army looked at the artillery masterpiece with excitement. The Korean New Army has always used the Qin Army as the standard. When they formulated their own military regulations, they were more stringent than the Qin Army in some places. Therefore, although the number of the new South Korean army is not very large, they are even higher than the Qin army in terms of equipment, technology and quality.

"Our enemy will pay a heavy price for his actions." The lieutenant colonel said.

"I don't know if they are smart enough. If it were me, I would choose to retreat at this time. At the very least, my own loss is not too great." said the colonel.

And on the opposite side. General Wei Jun felt a sense of fear in his heart. This sense of fear is a kind of fear of reality in my heart. This fear comes from the display of the weapons of the new South Korean army.

"General, do we retreat to avoid fighting with the Korean army," said an officer who looked like a lieutenant.

"No. We can defeat the enemy." General Wei Jun said. In fact, the general had no confidence when he said this. The general himself did not believe in himself and was able to lead an army to defeat the new South Korean army.

The lieutenant on the side already felt that this battle was very unfavorable for them. Reality has made his eyes believe that they must not beat their opponents. The general's performance made him believe that this war was very unfavorable to them.

"Next, what shall we do, General." the lieutenant asked.

"What to do? The attack, we can't go on like this." At present, Wei Jun is still a thousand steps away from the new South Korean army, and at this distance, they do not have any weapons to reach the new South Korean army. On the contrary, the new South Korean army relied on the superiority of the artillery to continuously launch attacks on the Wei army. In this way, Wei Jun was in a passive range of being beaten. In this way, Wei Jun would be in a range of extreme passive beatings.

"Let's launch an offensive." The general could only say so seeing that the situation could not be changed.

"But, General, we are launching an offensive at this time. It is really unfavorable for us. And the distance is too long, our soldiers wear heavy armor." The lieutenant said.

The Wei Kingdom was able to rise up and become a big country in the early Warring States period. Nothing is more powerful than Wei Wushu. Wei Wuzu selected strictly. And well-equipped, especially protection, and the advantage of attack is very big. Wei Wuzu is actually a kind of heavy infantry. But this is relatively speaking, because now their opposing army is light infantry, but their weapons are higher than theirs for a generation. Even heavy infantry like Wei Wuzu can hardly withstand a sharp blow from a musket.

"I know this. The physical strength of the soldiers is very limited, even if they are close to it, it is difficult to have the strength to continue fighting." The general said directly.

"But we do not launch an offensive. It is difficult for us to change the current situation." said the general.

At this time, the lieutenant on the side stopped speaking, and the facts were the same. Wei Jun had to advance at least six hundred steps before he could barely launch an offensive. But what happened at this distance, who knows. No one knows what will happen. Faced with the artillery offensive of the new South Korean army. It is very likely that he has been defeated before reaching the offensive distance. From the very beginning of the battle, Wei Jun was forced into a passive beating situation.

"Order the chariot to launch an attack. The Ge soldiers in the center immediately launched an attack." General Wei Jun issued an order. He made some compromises to their orders. That is, some specific changes have been made. He just sent a part of the force to launch an attack. It is hoped that launching a small-scale offensive will harass the deployment of the new South Korean army and artillery strikes.

"Here." The lieutenant on the side was ordered to convey the order immediately.

"Wei Jun is still advancing. Interesting. It seems that they have to let us fight hard." The colonel pitifully watched Wei Jun continue to fall under the bombardment of his own running shells.

"Let it go." The artillery officer of the New South Korean Army shouted. The shells roared out. The shells that flew out directly hit the Wei Jun formation, which was advancing and approaching.

"Ah." The Wei Jun who was hit fell to the ground, unable to do anything while lying on the ground. The wounded wailed in pain. This sound made the Wei Jun soldiers passing by feel a wave of fear.

The heavy armor draped on their bodies didn't play any role at all. The shrapnel splashed out of those shells easily penetrated the heavy armor, and then entered the human body. If the shrapnel is big enough, some of Wei Jun's limbs will be cut off directly. The war is very cruel to them.

"Chariot. Go ahead." An order was suddenly conveyed.

The chariots who were ordered reacted quickly.

"Drive, pop." The driver who was driving the chariot quickly shook the rein in his hand to make the chariot run. A horse will not be so afraid only when it runs.

"Come on." The infantry behind with Ge was also ordered at this time. They are the infantry following the chariot, unlike the heavy infantry that advances slowly. They are light infantry, but they still have some heavy armor on them, but they don't have a lot of heavy armor. This is mainly because these infantrymen are fighting alongside the chariot. In other words, they are infantrymen following chariots. And they all have a certain number of people.

In this typical tank assault, the infantry follows the strategy of expanding the results. This method of tactics has become very fashionable in the Spring and Autumn Period. And every battle starts like this. But the Warring States period all started with large-scale field battles. And it is often possible to mobilize the entire country's soldiers into combat. In other words, the country needs to use national power to ensure that the war is won. However, elite troops like Wei Jun are not suitable for this kind of national recruitment. And the early training costs are too high. As a result, the elite troops are consumed with the battle. Can't keep up with the speed of frontline consumption. This caused Wei Jun to lose severely once. It represents a serious decline in military strength. Moreover, they are also very lacking in tactical innovation. Their combat style still carries the pure frontal assault tactics of the Spring and Autumn Period. The lack of innovation in such an army made it impossible for Wei Jun to stay strong for a long time. After two wars with Qi. Because of the loss of a large number of elite troops, the strength of the Wei State fell sharply, and then the Qin Army launched another near-destructive blow to the Wei Army in the rear. This made Wei quickly lose his strong and prosperous situation in the early Warring States period. And since then it has been devastated.

Now, Wei Jun's tactics are still the old tactics they used before, and they haven't made any innovations. Thus. It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of this unit will not have much lethality.

"Kill." Amidst the shouts of killing. Wei Jun rushed out about 400 people to kill the new South Korean army.

"Wei Jun has new moves." The lieutenant colonel said with a telescope.

"En." The colonel just nodded.

"Order our rifles to start formation. Enter the firing state. The reserve artillery launches a devastating blow to the attacking enemy." said the colonel.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded. Then waved to the people below to convey the order.

"Let it go." The order was quickly communicated. After aiming, the reserve artillery made a devastating blow to the approaching Wei army.

"Attention everyone. Enter the shooting state." The officer shouted loudly.

"Kneeling in the front row and shooting." The platoon leader of each platoon shouted loudly.

"Wow." All the first platoon of infantry knelt on one knee and entered a kneeling position.

"Everyone, get ready," the officer shouted.

"Prepare." The platoon leader shouted.

"Prepare." All the soldiers opened the fire doors of their flintlocks. at this time. The officer gave no further orders. They need to wait. And the soldiers can keep this posture quietly.

"Kill." Wei Jun rushed towards the new South Korean army frantically.

"Boom." The explosion sounded continuously, but Wei Jun was moving fast, and they could use the speed advantage to avoid the attack of the shells. Even so, someone was shot and fell. Because the infantry has a large attack area. On the contrary, the tank is very difficult to hit because of its fast movement.

"Order, the infantry prepare to shoot." The colonel looked at Wei Jun in the telescope. They are constantly getting closer to their front. The distance was getting closer and closer, but the infantry behind them was far behind because of the chariot evading the shells.

"What's wrong with our tank. How can we leave the infantry behind." General Wei Jun himself didn't understand why this happened. He really didn't understand why the chariot soldiers would do this.

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