"Riflemen, go forward," a lieutenant shouted loudly. The officer drew out his own hand and held his own sword. The sabers of the new Korean army officers were all made of steel. Compared with Wei Jun, he is much more advanced. Korean officers are generally equipped with sabers. However, the length of the saber at this time generally exceeds the slender bronze sword made by Qin. The hardness of steel and the toughness of various alloy steels allowed Qin to manufacture various sabers with ease. But Qin itself rarely equipped with sabers. In Qin, the saber was downgraded to a symbol of etiquette. King Qin was wearing it at some important places. Similarly, the officers also wear them themselves. However, some young officers do not like this old-fashioned weapon, and they prefer to wear a hot weapon like a pistol. Some veteran generals will choose an old bronze sword as their ceremonial saber.

In South Korea, because the new South Korean army still has a considerable number of troops equipped with flintlocks. Soldiers can use flintlocks to fight with bayonets. The length of a rifle plus a bayonet is equivalent to the length of a spear.

And because the officer is equipped with a pistol, the pistol uses a revolver with bursts. But after the shooting. Still need to reload. The time for the second filling is very long. However, in actual combat, officers are often not given time to reload. It is necessary for the officer to use the same bayonet weapon as the soldier for defense before the second state. But the use of rifles by officers has the prestige of losing officers. In order to show the particularity of officers. Han Shu ordered the officers to be equipped with their own swords. In this way, the saber became a symbol of the officer. And the officers also have their own defensive weapons.

However, the officers of the State of Qin thought that this seemed a bit nondescript. The Qin officers believed that now that they have a pistol. There is no need to equip the saber as a cold weapon. Allotment is also a waste. However, the officers of the Korean New Army thought this was a recognition of the Queen of South Korea. It is also a military honor. They regard the saber as a qualification for commanding the army. Therefore, the Korean New Army did not give up the habit of wearing sabers.

"Prepare." The officer shouted loudly, holding a pistol in one hand and waving his saber in the other.

"Boom. Boom." The snare drum began to play a sonorous and powerful snare tune.

"Wow." There was a sound of rifle raising.

"Charge. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) The Wei Army chariots hoped to use a brutal frontal impact tactic to break the seemingly thin formation of the new South Korean army.

"Kill." The chariots rushed towards the front of the new South Korean army frantically.

The soldiers of the Korean New Army aimed their rifles at the positions where rows of tanks rushed over. They only need to pull the trigger to hit them all on the ground. The soldiers don't know how many tanks the Wei army has. In fact, the tanks are an assault force. The number of equipment is generally not large. Wei Jun only had 21 actual tanks. Only seventeen vehicles rushed over.

The chariot rushed over and aggressively. The dust that was raised looked very scary. Block the infantry behind. This makes the South Korean soldiers unable to see the situation behind. The earth trembled under the impact of the chariot. But the soldiers of the Korean New Army didn't see any fear on their faces, they just closed one eye. Open the other eye to aim.

They are waiting intently for a signal. An order. An order to fire and kill the advancing Wei army chariot.

The officer was expressionless and calmly watched the chariot rumblingly approaching.

At this time, the officer began to slowly raise the command saber in his hand.

"Mother, hurry up and give the order, my arms are sore." A Korean New Army soldier cursed in a low voice. Raising a gun and shooting is a chore for soldiers, because they don't like this kind of long-term shooting. And when shooting. You need to maintain this position for a while, until the bullet hits your barrel. This is one of the biggest shortcomings of flintlock shooting. Because flintlock requires a flint strike to produce sparks and ignite the propellant, this process requires soldiers to keep firing. In other words, the soldier needs to maintain the shooting position for one to two seconds, but after a certain period of time after raising the gun and shooting. The soldiers felt that raising a gun was a tiring job.

"Put." There was a loud shout. The officer shouted loudly, waving the saber in his hand.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." There was a sound of rifle shooting.

There was a dazzling spark from the muzzle of the rifle, and then a cloud of smoke spread.

"Ah. Hu Lilie." The horses and carriages wailed like a neigh. Then there was "walala" and the screams of the human body hitting the ground.

"Let it go." Another officer shouted. The Korean New Army soldiers in the second row pulled the trigger. Their bullets were quickly fired out of the barrel.

"Wow." After a burst of lightning and thunder shooting. Wei Jun's chariot once again made a crashing sound.

"Boom." Then there was the sound of the chariot behind hitting the chariot in front. The first shot of the new South Korean army had already knocked Wei Jun's attacking chariot to the ground. The chariot relies mainly on horses. And rely on four horses or two horses to move. The horses do not have any repetitions, even if they do. It is also difficult to withstand the impact of bullets. Even the initial speed of flintlock bullets is only more than two hundred meters per second. But this is enough to penetrate the horse's flesh. After letting the horse fall and losing its power. The tank will fall into an extremely unstable state. Then the carriage will suddenly stop. In this case, under the effect of inertia, Wei Jun's chariot will overturn directly. Buckle the upper soldier upside down on the ground. Or fall to the side where the horse is missing and roll over. It is difficult for soldiers to deal with this situation suddenly.

The tank has a strong assault, but its flexibility is very poor. This is very deadly for Wei Jun. Because the chariot behind suddenly saw that the chariot in front was difficult to turn suddenly. And deal with it. That's it, in the second round of shooting. In the Wei Army chariot behind, not only some of the chariot soldiers were hit by oncoming bullets. And, the worst part is that their tanks hit the tank directly in front of them heavily. The soldiers in the front chariot still didn't know what was going on. If they could barely survive, then the second impact pushed the first round of soldiers to the edge of danger again.

"Ah." A scream. A Wei Army chariot soldier was hit by the heavy weight of a vehicle that suddenly flew from behind, only after uttering a scream. All of a sudden, there was no movement. His body was knocked out ten steps away by the body of the tank. When I died, I didn't even know what happened.

"Two rounds of shooting are enough." The colonel said while looking at Wei Jun's chariot with his binoculars.

In fact, just as the colonel said, the two rounds of shooting by the new South Korean army have made the only 17 tanks of the Wei army lose their combat effectiveness. The Wei Army chariot soldiers were pressed under the chariot and could not get out. Many of them can't afford to be injured and it is difficult to continue fighting. The horses also kept neighing. Quite a few horses were shot. They can only neigh in vain and wait for death.

"All soldiers. Load bullets." The officer shouted. The soldiers of the new South Korean Army are already busy, and they need to bite off the wax paper of the bullet with their teeth. Then pour a little on the fire door. Then press the bullet into the barrel. Use cleaning rods for compaction. This is a cumbersome process that has to follow steps.

"Kill." Just when the soldiers of the Korean New Army were busy filling the bullets in their barrels. The soldiers of the Wei Army at the back rushed over with a long Ge.

"Kill," the soldier Wei Jun shouted loudly. They hope to embolden themselves in this way.

The staff officer of the lieutenant colonel who was observing the operation from a distance saw this situation and asked.

"Colonel, shall we let the soldiers shoot them now?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"No, we have to wait. Wait and see." The colonel refused.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel knew that the colonel had his own plans. Therefore, he did not directly intervene in the command. Express your thoughts.

"Come on." The soldiers of the Wei Army jumped over the wreckage of the Wei Army's chariot one by one.

Soon more and more soldiers of the Wei Army jumped over this line.

And just as the soldiers of the Wei Army jumped over the chariot one after another. The soldiers of the Korean New Army have completed the second loading of ammunition. The time for the second reloading of South Korean soldiers is relatively loose. Because they are specially trained to load bullets.

"Prepare," the officer shouted loudly.

"Wow!" The soldiers opened their fire door. Hold the gun in both hands and enter the state of raising the gun.

"Aim," the officer shouted loudly.

And this time. The soldiers of the Wei army are getting closer and closer to the new South Korean army. The officers' faces remained expressionless. They were not worried at all about Wei Jun's charge.

"Wow." The soldiers took up their rifles and took aim.

"Shoot." The officer shouted.

"Bang, bang, bang." A burst of lightning-like shooting sound came.

The thick fog after the gunpowder fired suddenly enveloped.

"Aim." The officer gave orders to the soldiers in the second row.

"Shoot." The officer shouted loudly. Screaming loudly, waving the saber in his hand.

"Boom." The sound of shooting came again.

But Wei Jun, who was trying his best to sprint, was hit again by a bullet fired by the new South Korean army. Many of them were shot in the chest. Those places are the key. As a result, many soldiers of the Wei army were shot to the ground.

"Ah." Even though the soldiers of the Wei Army have certain armors, these armors simply cannot withstand the relatively high-speed bullets. For them, these bullets are more fierce than arrows. cruel.

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