The focus of Zhao and Yan on the engineers caused their current troubles in the use of engineers. Qin established the engineers on the advice of Shangwen. The full name of the engineer is the engineer.

The emergence of engineers is mainly aimed at the increasingly prominent problems in wars, especially the engineering and construction problems after the emergence of heavy weapons such as artillery among the firearms. For example, they are building fortifications such as fortifications, machine gun bunkers, trenches and other field fortifications. At the same time, they are also responsible for building bridges and highways. It can be said. When the Qin State popularized muskets. It has already begun to take into account the engineering problems of heavy weapons in the future. It has to be said that Shangwen attaches great importance to the issue of logistics assurance.

At this point. Shang Wen made Qin go ahead of all countries. The guns, infantry, artillery and artillery, which were subsequently developed by various countries, became their priority for construction. There is a lot of contempt for the engineers, they think. Engineers are optional, but all countries follow the model of Qin, so they also established the engineers with a kind of improvised attitude. As a result, one can imagine what kind of status the engineer's status will become.

In the absence of engineers. The Zhao Jun and the Yan Kingdom's Prince Army moved slowly. Although they seemed slow at first, the overall speed was still faster than Qi Jun. And they didn't expend much effort. You know, they are mobile by rail. It is much higher than Qi Jun who still relies on two legs. Moreover, railway transportation has ensured that they have sufficient logistics supplies. at this point. Qi Jun couldn't catch up anyway.

From the perspective of logistics supplies. The Qi army is already at the end of the battle. However, the Allied forces headed by the Qin Army are slowly increasing their strength. The strong and the weak will revolve all at once.

All parties are speeding up and increasing reinforcements. But Han Jun encountered a little episode.

"You are all the citizens of my great Wei country. Now my great Wei country is attacked by that little South Korea. The people of my great Wei country should serve for Wei country." A hair fell apart. The gorgeously dressed man stood on the old chariot and shouted loudly. He also held an ancient bronze sword in his hand.

"I'm Wei Gong. As a descendant of the Great Wei Kingdom, I must defend the supreme glory of the Great Wei Kingdom with my blood." The man wore his hair and gorgeous clothes. The man named Wei Gong holding an ancient bronze sword in his hand is a declining nobleman in the Wei Kingdom, and his fief happens to be in Chen. For the benefit of the family. Also in order to defend the interests on which one's life depends. He decided to disperse his wealth and organize family soldiers. Against the new South Korean army.

"They all took up their weapons and killed the Koreans with me." Wei Gong shouted loudly. And his family, private soldiers are distributing weapons. But their weapon is not a musket. But there are still spears, bronze ge, bronze halberd, and all kinds of old weapons.

And those who came to participate in the private arming of this noble organization. All were forced to participate because of their livelihood, or the slave of this nobleman. Their clothes are in tatters. Others came barefoot to participate in private armed forces.

Very few armors were distributed. Nobles generally store a certain amount of armor, but armor is not for these people. In ancient times, ordinary infantry were temporarily served by those who had nothing. Only those who fight in a chariot are eligible to wear armor.

This nobleman is still well-known in the local area. At the very least, he can organize a temporary armed force of more than three thousand people. This arm of more than 3,000 people does not have neat clothing, and the banner is also made temporarily. Everything seemed so unbeatable.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." A group of Korean infantrymen was walking on the road. They are going all out to the cities of Chendi. The next step is to control various local cities and towns. At last. Only this place can be truly included in South Korea's control territory.

The South Korean army did exactly this. Every city occupied by the new Korean army. It was Wei Guoren who voluntarily surrendered to the new South Korean army. Because they know. They are simply not the hands of these well-equipped enemy forces.

Of course. There are also those who don't know how, they even put up a formation to openly compete with the new South Korean army. Ever since, the Korean New Army was not polite, and the Korean New Army blasted with cannons. The infantry was approaching slowly and had not fired yet. The Wei Jun on the opposite side immediately dispersed. The cavalry took the opportunity to attack. Killed an opponent on his back. Since that happened. Wei Jun never organized a decent resistance anymore.

The South Korean infantrymen marched easily. They watched the rifle advancing very leisurely. In their view. The war is over. Wei Guo didn't know how to fight at all. If not there is a clear command above. They can't wait to hit the main beam.

And the soldiers also have such a high morale to continue to move forward.

"Da da da." At this moment. Two new Korean cavalry scout cavalry quickly traverse the entire infantry brigade.

The scout cavalry is always at the forefront of the brigade. They will usually be scattered outside the 30-mile radius in front of the team. This distance is sufficient to provide the army with a safe combat response time.

"It seems that someone wants to challenge the muskets in our hands." A veteran of the South Korean New Army spit out and said with contempt for Wei Jun.

"Come on. I'm going to cut their belly with a bayonet in my hand." said a Korean New Army soldier.

"Stop advancing. Stop advancing." Soon, the cavalry sent the order.

"Each battalion takes companies as a unit and enters a state of combat." The herald began to convey the above orders.

"Wow." Soon. The soldiers of the Korean New Army lined up. They entered the battle formation where they practiced many times in advance.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." The snare drum was beaten hurriedly at this time.

The artillery got out of the car nervously and pushed their artillery into position. The battle will begin soon.

"Wow." The soldiers of the Korean New Army lined up neatly and stepped into the position.

"Stand at attention." The officer at the front of the row on the left shouted loudly.

"Wow." There was a neat noise. The soldiers of the new South Korean army stopped advancing.

And on the commanding heights nearby. The commander of the new South Korean army led their staff to check the situation of the other side.

A Korean colonel wearing an eagle emblem on his shoulder looked at the situation on the opposite side with a telescope.

Under the mist not far away, the outline of a city appeared. And not far away. It was overwhelmed by the black, that is, the armed forces of the Wei Gong organization were approaching them.

"Hehe." The colonel smiled slightly. He thinks that the opposite is simply a group of beggars.

The ragged army is advancing towards the new South Korean army. Compared with the neatly dressed new Korean army. The Wei State Provisional Armed Forces are a group of beggars. A group of beggars are going to fight the regular army. It's like an egg hitting a rock.

The colonel thought so.

The dress of both sides can be compared at once. The Wei State Provisional Armed Forces on the opposite side marched towards this side under the banner they had just finished. The soldiers of the Korean New Army here have a clear-cut stand. The military uniform was shiny. The bayonet gave out bursts of cold light.

From the perspective of the Wei State Provisional Armed Forces. The new South Korean army on the opposite side is definitely a tough army. In their heads. The opponent introduced and suppressed the Wei State Provisional Armed Forces in terms of momentum.

"Go forward. All go forward." Wei Gong shouted loudly while standing on the chariot with the bronze sword in his hand. His hair is still tangled. But at this time, he had a delicate armor on his body. The infantry next to his chariot did not have such armor to protect themselves.

"This group of **** Wei people is just looking for death. Order the artillery. Bombard them." The colonel took the binoculars and watched Wei Jun keep advancing and ordered.

"The artillery fired." The officer on the side conveyed the order.

"Boom boom. Boom boom." Immediately, the new South Korean army began shelling.

"Wow." The shells quickly shot through the air with a sharp sound into the advancing Wei State Provisional Armed Forces. Their weapons required them to enter the combat position within a distance of 300 steps. At this time, they were still two miles away from the new South Korean army. Such a combat attack distance greatly exceeded their imagination.

"Boom." The shell soon landed and exploded.

"Ah." The shell exploded in the Wei army. A large group of people were hit and fell to the ground. Their limbs were beaten. Some people’s heads and chests were blown apart by the explosion. All kinds of flesh and blood limbs are scattered all over the ground.

"Ah." A temporary armed soldier of the State of Wei vomited on the spot.

Too cruel.

"Damn it." Wei Gong first showed a surprised expression at the new weapons of the new Korean army. Subsequently. He felt angry.

"Go forward. Go forward. Kill all the Koreans." Wei Gong, who is already in a crazy state, has no reason. Such a long attack distance would be subject to the fierce bombardment of the opponent's artillery, and it had not yet reached the front. One's own people will lose more than half.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery of the new South Korean army was still firing.

"Swish. Swish." The cannonball passed sharply in the air. In the open space where the Wei army was advancing, there were constant explosions in the Wei army's team. But Wei Jun still moved forward. Those doorgoers regarded death as home. But those slaves didn't realize it. They don't need to die like this.

"Ah." A scream. A solid shell bounced from the Wei army. The head of a Wei Jun was smashed off by the huge iron ball. The soldier's blood on the side splashed all over his face. And the soldier took a look. The body of the soldier without a head immediately felt broken.

"Ah." The soldier collapsed suddenly.

The soldier called out loudly, threw away his weapon and ran back. He ran. Disrupted the entire formation. And this mess. Wei Junjun's heart was shaken, and his morale dropped a lot. Some people also took the opportunity to escape. they know. The opponent is too strong. They attacked. It is tantamount to looking for death.

"Kill. Kill those who ran away." The people who saw themselves were in chaos. Wei Gong shouted immediately.

"Arrows." Then the pros and cons on the side ordered the crossbowmen holding the crossbows to shoot at the Wei army soldiers who were trying to escape.

"Swish swish swish." The archer quickly released his arrow backwards.

"Ah." Several Wei Jun soldiers who fled were shot and killed at once.

"Go on." Wei Gong shouted loudly. His eyes were fixed on the rows of red formations of the Korean New Army, and he wanted to kill those Koreans who were wearing red clothes.

"Those Wei people." The colonel saw through his telescope.

"Aren't they afraid of death?" the colonel asked.

"They may not be afraid of death, but we can send them to death." said the staff officer on the side.

At this time, the colonel put down the telescope in his hand and looked back at the talking staff officer.

A young and energetic lieutenant officer.

"You are right," the colonel said back. He smiled at the lieutenant. Expressed agreement with this view. He likes young officers. Because he is only a little over thirty. He likes young people, because young people have an aggressive and aggressive spirit. He likes this spirit.

"Then let our infantry show them some color." The colonel continued.

"Order the infantry to advance two hundred steps. Prepare for three rounds of shooting." The colonel said at this time.

\"Go forward." The lieutenant then delivered the order.

"Boom boom boom boom." Immediately the platoons of the new South Korean army were connected to the order, and they began to advance towards their goal.

"Prepare. Go ahead." The officer ordered from his team.

"Dudududu. Dongdongdongdongdong." The snare drum beats rhythmically. The soldiers marched on the drum tune.

"Wow." The army lined up and sent forward.

From the perspective of Wei Jun. On the opposite side, like a red mountain, rows of red waves hit them. That kind of aura, like their color, has taken the initiative on the battlefield.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery was still shooting. The infantrymen are slowly approaching Wei Jun. Both sides are moving forward. When Wei Jun was advancing, many people fell down and couldn't stand up. And South Korea's new army. Keeping their formation will not disperse.

"Go forward." The officer kept shouting loudly. The soldier at the top of the platoon held the "Han" flag. Then move slowly. They must continue to maintain this fighting state. Various military flags are in a distinct position in the team. If the banner does not fall, then the entire army will not fall.

"Stand at attention." When the fighting distance between the two sides was close to about a hundred paces. The soldiers of the Korean New Army stopped advancing.

"Raise the gun." The officer gave the order loudly. And drew out his command knife. Start to command.

The Wei Jun on the opposite side had already launched their crazy offensive at this time.

"Charge." Wei Gong, who was standing on the chariot, shouted loudly, waving the sword in his hand.

"Kill." The men rushed towards the soldiers of the South Korean New Army insane.

The soldiers of the Korean New Army maintained their gun-holding methods. They waited for the next step.

"Aim." The officer gave the next order at this time.

"Kacha, Kacha." This time. All the soldiers raised their guns level. In the process of leveling. The soldiers opened the fire door. Entering the firing state is a very critical action. Without this action, the gun cannot be fired.

The soldiers have entered the aiming state. In the front row of South Korea, soldiers shoot in a kneeling position. The next two rows of soldiers put their guns into the aiming state.

"Kill." The soldiers of the Wei Army madly took their various weapons into a charge state.

"Swish swish." The crossbowman holding the bow and arrow randomly let go of the only arrow in his hand. Arrow shooting is a technical job, if there is no certain training. It is very difficult for crossbowmen to shoot me accurately. This hastily organized army simply cannot have well-trained crossbowmen involved.

The arrows flying to the sky fluttered wildly.

"Ah." Some soldiers of the Korean New Army who were entering the aiming state were unfortunately hit by arrows and fell to the ground. Some of these soldiers were shot at the critical point, and others were injured. They wailed in pain, but the soldiers of the Korean New Army were still aiming calmly and did not pay any attention to the soldiers on the side. This is the result of training. Only training can bring soldiers into a state of selflessness in combat.

"Kill." The charging Wei Army soldiers will soon be close to the shooting range of the soldiers of the Korean New Army.

Fifty steps. This distance is the effective killing distance of the front-mounted rifled gun.

"Shooting." At this time, the officer raised the command knife high. Falling down fiercely. Then the officer shouted loudly.

"Bang bang bang bang." Gunshots sounded intensively. A burst of gunpowder smoke covered the soldiers of the Korean New Army who were shooting.

"Ah." Wei Jun was charging forward. The soldiers only saw something like lightning in the front row, followed by a burst of crackling noise. then. They were hit by a bullet coming head-on.

The bullet hit a Wei army soldier in the chest. The soldier fell after a scream. But even more soldiers of the Wei Army were hit by the flying bullets before they knew what was going on. Then fell.

After a round of shooting. A large number of Wei Jun's advancing team fell down. This distance is just within the firing range of the musket. In addition, the caliber of the bullet is very large. The killing effect is amazing.

"Kill." The advancing soldier of the Wei army stepped on his companion's body and continued on. The chariot ran directly over the corpse and the wounded soldiers. Some tanks were hit and overturned, unable to continue fighting.

"Kill." The soldiers of Wei Jun continued to charge.

"Aim. Shoot." The second round of shooting began. The officer again waved the command knife and commanded loudly.

"Bang bang bang bang." This shot was emitted through the gunpowder smoke from the first round of shooting just now, under the cover of the smoke. The gunpowder light from the barrel of the gun was like lightning in a dark cloud. Spray out.

"Ah." Another group of soldiers from the Wei Army died tragically under the shooting of soldiers from the Korean New Army.

"Shooting." Immediately afterwards, the new South Korean army officer issued the final round. The third round of shooting began.

"Bang bang bang bang." The bullet flew out.

"Swish." A high bullet flew over. Hit the chest of the declining nobleman. The exquisite armor looks very delicate, but the exquisite armor can't resist the bullets that fly. The bullet hit the nobleman's chest directly. The nobleman standing on the chariot fell backward. The recoil of the bullet is still great. The bronze sword in his hand also slowly slipped from his hand. Fell off the chariot.

"Boom." A clear metallic sound. The bronze sword fell into the battlefield.

"Let it go." The artillery on the commanding heights kicked the Wei army fiercely.

"Swish." The shell shot sharply through the air. Then fall below.

"Boom." The solid iron ball hit Wei Jun directly, and a lot of Wei Jun was knocked to the ground. Limbs smashed by iron balls. And all kinds of cruel corpses are piled up together. A large number of soldiers fell to the ground.

"Run." Originally. Wei Jun, who was still on the charge, was killed because of the death of the coach and the huge deterrent effect of artillery. The Wei army was defeated at once.

"Charge." Seeing Wei Jun's defeat, Han Jun didn't plan to let go.

The officer ordered the South Korean soldiers with bayonets to launch an immediate charge.

"Charge." The Korean New Army soldier with his bayonet rushed out immediately.

"Kill." One just came out. Morale is extremely high. And the other one is that the coach can hardly control the army situation. At this moment, he entered a state of chaos. The double morale suddenly created such a huge gap.

"Kill." The high morale of the South Korean New Army soldiers quickly caught up with the Wei Army soldiers who fled. They pierced the opponent's back with the bayonet-mounted rifle.

"Puff." A new South Korean soldier pierced the opponent's back with the bayonet on his rifle mercilessly, and the bayonet directly pierced the opponent's chest.

"Puff." Then the Korean New Army soldier drew the bayonet fiercely. Then chase his next goal.

However, the soldiers of the Wei Army did not have any resistance at all, and the same situation as the regular Wei Army troops was staged again. The difference is that they will leave their backs to the bayonets of their enemies. The soldiers of the Korean New Army will slay their opponents with bayonets.

"I just said that the people of Wei are not like that, not at all like the **** of Wei Wu." The colonel said while riding on a horse, holding a telescope. He watched his soldiers assassin the soldiers of the Wei army with the bayonet in their hands. I feel very happy. Because his army once again won the war.

"Their soldiers are still holding that kind of weapon. This is the age of firearms. If I had a machine gun, I would not send infantrymen to assassinate them one by one. On the contrary, I would shoot them one by one with machine guns. "The colonel said at this time.

The staff officers behind him all showed joy. They thought the colonel's joke was reasonable.

"Okay. Let's accept this city." The colonel said and left. The artillery stopped firing at this time. The infantry entered a state of pursuit. The cavalry also began to seek victory. Wei's last organized resistance in Chendi was thus easily dismantled by the new South Korean army.

Contest in different eras and different levels of weapons. It will suffer a big loss after all. Wei Guo, who was not enterprising, finally tasted the bitter fruit. Now they want to swallow this bitter fruit by themselves. This is what they asked for themselves. Wei, who wanted to rise the most, became the first country to suffer.

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