There is a Qin State Airport in the south of Qin State Yandu. The location of this airport is very partial. Coupled with the rapid advancement of the Qi army, the reconnaissance is not careful. In fact, the Qi army has been unable to carry out careful reconnaissance activities. Due to logistical reasons, their cavalry mobility range was greatly affected. As a result, the Qin State Airport was not discovered by the Qi people.

The Qin Army can therefore continue to use this airport. Complete the fire support mission to the besieged Qin army. The Qin Army's assistance to this airport is also gradually increasing, especially the various aircraft that are constantly being tuned in, which are strengthening the aviation combat capability of this airport.

"Be careful. This thing is fragile. Be careful to handle it." A lieutenant said carefully to the soldiers.

"What is this?" a sergeant asked.

"This is confidential. I only know. This thing comes from Guanzhong," the lieutenant said.

"Take that thing to Airship No. 13. Hurry up. We have to get this thing done before nine o'clock." The lieutenant said anxiously.

"You don't need to be so anxious," the sergeant said.

"This is the order from above. I can't help it." The lieutenant said embarrassedly.

"Well, brothers, work harder and get this thing to the airship." The sergeant said, waving his arms and directing his men to work quickly.

And all the people in the base of Qin State are busy. This is six o'clock in the morning. The first wave of aviation planes needs to be filled with fuel and then mounted bombs to perform bombing missions. After taking off at eight o'clock. Will return at ten o'clock. And during this period. The airship will take off at nine o'clock. They will reach their goal by noon. Finish the bombing. And in the middle, the second wave of planes will take off. The plane will return at two o'clock in the afternoon. And an hour later, the airship will return. The bombing mission of one day was basically completed.

The ground crews in the base are quite busy, and their eating time is very tight. And this time for work and rest has been going on for about half a month. All the ground crew felt it overwhelming. However, the order given by the General Staff of the State of Qin is still to maintain this bombing momentum.

"Boom." A captain of the Celestial Army with a ship cap knocked on the door of the base's highest command lieutenant colonel.

"Come in." The lieutenant colonel said, looking at the file from behind his desk.

"Sir. Look for me." The captain's hat is the eagle emblem of the Qin Kingdom's Heavenly Army. And his armband is painted with an airship. There was also a bomb whizzing down below the airship. Explain that he is a bomber airship pilot.

"Yes. I'm looking for you. Captain Mengqi." The lieutenant colonel put down the documents in his hand and said. He glanced at the captain in front of him by the way. The captain wore a delicate uniform. His flying boots are shiny. His hair was also smeared with oil. Under the light, it shone brightly. But the whole person looks very delicate, with a kind of unique ability of the heavenly army. arrogant. The lieutenant colonel appreciated this very much.

However, the captain's red eyes did not escape the lieutenant colonel. The lieutenant colonel is a little worried about this.

"Will you not sleep?" the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Yes. The people under me only have six hours of sleep a day. But the daily flight missions are full. They can fall asleep while performing missions. Such a thing has never happened before. I I don't know what the people above think. But our people are really tired." Captain Mengqi said to the lieutenant colonel.

"I understand this. I understand it very well." The lieutenant colonel nodded. The situation reported by Captain Mengqi. It does exist. Aerial bombing for half a month, the actual effect. The lieutenant colonel was very clear. The lieutenant colonel is of technical background. He knew that based on the current bombing power of Qin State. It will not have much effect at all. Even the bombing planes of the entire Qin State were transferred. Nor can it form a huge bombing effect. In this regard, he believes that the above use of the bombing force of the heavenly forces is a waste. Qin's high-level military officers have not yet found a correct method of how to use air combat power.

Qin's pilots have been fighting for half a month, and the intensity is very high. Especially those airplane pilots, his mother needs to fly twice a day. The huge roar of the engine makes the pilot who often shakes head overwhelmed. Not only that, they have to concentrate on fighting. Coupled with the cold in the air. It's winter again. Physical exertion is great. Many pilots are already in a state of fatigue. The consequence of fatigue is that many pilots have contracted typhoid fever. But the order he got was to maintain this bombardment posture. The order was issued by King Qin himself. For the order issued by the supreme commander of the State of Qin. The Qin Heavenly Army can only continue to execute.

"But you have to know that this is an order issued by King Qin himself, and we cannot change it. But I will find a way to reduce the number of flights and airships. Let the children take a good rest. We can only continue to fight if we have enough energy." The school patted the captain on the shoulder and said.

"Talk about business." The lieutenant colonel then changed the subject.

"Captain Mengqi is among our pilots, the fastest to learn. The fastest to accept new things." The lieutenant colonel praised.

"Yes, sir." Mengqi nodded and admitted without hesitation. Mengqi comes from the side branch of Montessori. Most of the Mongolian clan are involved in the military. Therefore, as long as it is about warfare, the Montessori people learn very fast.

"I don't know, do you know about a kind of radio technology?" the lieutenant colonel asked at this time.

"I know, this thing, I know. I know this thing too well." Meng Qi said excitedly.

"You don't need wires, that thing can transmit telegram text. I heard that it is very magical. I haven't read it, but I know the principle of that thing. Especially that kind of signal tube inside. That thing is very precious." The signal tube is a diode. Qin Guo applied the most advanced diode technology to the radio. And only military ones can be used. Because diodes can greatly reduce the size of radio equipment. Because the radio equipment used before is relatively large. It is so big that it can only be used on trains, ships, and airships. Aircraft can only be used with diode radios. But that cost is too high. The Qin military cannot afford such an expensive aircraft.

"Yes. It's this thing." The lieutenant colonel took out a delicate box made of a mixture of wood and iron from a drawer of the table. The box is very delicate.

"Pop." The lieutenant colonel opened the box. The box is also lined with expensive sponge. The captain looked at the box in surprise.

"This is the diode." The lieutenant colonel took out the diode. A thing like a test tube of a chemical agent.

"Let me see." The captain went to connect the diode with both hands.

The lieutenant colonel carefully handed him the diode.

"This is the most important thing in radio equipment. The people above want us to restore contact with the besieged Qin army as soon as possible. We can't set up a telegraph line. So we can only use radio equipment." said the lieutenant colonel. The lieutenant of Mongolia looked at the diode intently. This kind of thing is too precious. He knows the price of this thing, this thing is more expensive than gold sold in Qin. Even if you have gold, you may not be able to buy this thing.

Radio technology is a completely new field in Qin. All scientific achievements in this field have been monopolized and absorbed by the Qin military for research purposes. Therefore, it is impossible to see this kind of thing on civilian equipment.

"The iron box outside is radio equipment. That thing, I need you to drive your airship. It landed securely on the position of the besieged Qin army. Then you hold the diode, and the equipment landed. You install it. Understand?" The lieutenant colonel looked at Captain Mengqi without blinking.

"Yes, sir, promise to complete the task." Captain Mengqi said, holding the diode in both hands.

"Very good." Looked at Captain Mengqi with confidence. The lieutenant colonel was very happy.

"You are the best of all pilots. I believe in your abilities." The lieutenant colonel patted Captain Mengqi on the shoulder and said.

"Okay. Captain. Go ahead. Go get ready." The lieutenant colonel said, looking at the captain.

"Yes. Sir." The captain saluted the lieutenant colonel. Then exit the lieutenant colonel's office.

"Huh." The lieutenant colonel watched Captain Mengqi leave, and he exhaled heavily. he knows. The task this time is very difficult. Especially when driving the airship to land directly above the position. You know, those **** Qi people have machine guns. And some of them were double-mounted machine guns, and those machine guns had already shot down a plane from Qin State. The airship must keep a motionless posture and fall. Such a situation. It really worried him too much.

The huge body of the airship, coupled with its slow speed. As long as the people of Qi are not stupid, or are not scared, they will definitely react. As long as the gun is fired, the artillery will be fired all at once. When I think about it, I feel terrible. The lieutenant colonel thinks that this kind of task is to let his men go to death.

The task of restoring contact is important. He also knew very well that after resuming contact, he could help them adjust the bombing. Getting in touch can increase morale. However, all this requires one's own people to take risks. The lieutenant colonel looked at the airship outside the window seriously.

"Everything is ready." The ground crew checked everything on the airship.

"Captain, what is on your chest." a lieutenant asked.

"Secret. The most expensive thing in the world." The captain said with a smile.

"Really? I want to see," the lieutenant said.

"No. This won't work. Only then will be seen." The captain said solemnly.

"Okay. Be sure to let me see when the time comes." The lieutenant said.

"Definitely. I not only let you see. I also let you touch." The captain said with a smile.

"That's great," the lieutenant said with a smile. Said the two boarded the airship. Started their journey.

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