The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 20 Bloody Wedding Banquet

It got dark very early today.

The dark clouds were hanging low, but there was no wind. The sky was very stuffy, and even the cicadas were chirping weakly.

After leaving Baicaotang, Lin Bai passed by Mu Zhen's steamed bun shop.

The door was closed, and there was no light. The two minions were guarding in the distance, constantly slapping their bodies, as if to drive away mosquitoes.

Lin Bai ignored them and went straight home.

After waiting for an hour, he changed into coarse cloth clothes, put on a bamboo hat, put on a straw raincoat, and went out with a mask.

The street was pitch black, with only a few pedestrians, and Lin Bai avoided them all.

He walked out of the alley and onto the street, heading southwest.

He walked cautiously all the way, stopping and starting, and came to the outside of Ren Biao's manor.

Although the manor was built in the poor North City, it occupies a very large area, with rockery and ponds, carved beams and painted buildings, and is extremely luxurious.

Every brick and tile here is a place of entertainment built by Ren Biao with the blood and sweat of the people of North City after years of plundering.

Lin Bai looked at the gate of the manor from afar. There were red lanterns on the other side, and guests came to celebrate the birthday in an endless stream.

Ren Biao stood at the door to welcome the guests, his face flushed.

This is not the place to fight. First, it is too far away; second, there are too many people. It is not that he is afraid of accidental injury, but that he is afraid that he will miss the target, which makes Ren Biao alert.

Although he can go forward and kill, he has to be steady in case there are masters in the manor.

This is not cowardly.

Lin Bai observed for a while, then left carefully again, preparing to go to another place to inquire.

It is always right to be cautious.

Sure enough, after a circle around the manor, there were seventeen secret guards outside the manor alone.

This is not a worry. Lin Bai carefully avoided them and came to the gate of the manor again to continue observing the guests.

The people who came to celebrate the birthday were all dressed in brocade and gorgeous clothes, but their status should not be high, because Ren Biao, who greeted the guests, just bowed, without much respect.

After a while, a carriage arrived. Before the people got off, Ren Biao immediately trotted to meet them, bent his waist, and showed his charming manner.

"Elder Tong?" Lin Bai frowned and thought.

However, it was not the case. A middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes got off the carriage. Everyone at the door saluted and called him the county magistrate.

At this moment, the wind suddenly blew, and there was another lightning in the sky.

Ren Biao bent down and led the county magistrate into the manor, and no longer cared about the guests who came later.

After a while, the rain became heavy, and the ground was stirred up by the smell of mud.

Lin Bai pressed his hat and came to a wall. First, he listened quietly to the movement inside, then jumped up with luck and climbed up the wall.

The manor was hung with big red lanterns, and people came and went. Although the rain continued, it could not hide the festive mood.

A stage was set up in the open space in front of the hall, and a play was being performed in the rain.

Because it was a thunderstorm, Lin Bai did not dare to hide in the tree, but just lay on the wall, silently waiting for an opportunity.

After a long time, the rain became heavier and the thunder roared non-stop.

Lin Bai was soaked in the rain, and the scene brought back his emotions, and he sighed in his heart:

"Was it a heavy rain last night, and I waded through the river; or was it a light rain with apricot blossoms, and I walked on a muddy path?"

Seeing the prosperous manor, and the dilapidated houses in the distance were clearly visible during the lightning, Lin Bai sighed again:

"Was the place I arrived at yesterday a prosperous place with many doors and houses, or a simple and unspeakable small house?"

Hearing the singing and dancing of the orioles and swallows in the manor, noisy and festive, Lin Bai sighed again:

"I don't know if it was a light singing and telling a story yesterday; or a chattering and making a lot of noise."

Lin Bai thought for a while, and only remembered that he ran all the way last night, and seemed to have forgotten all the details. The more he thought about it, the more itchy he felt, and he just hoped to wait until this matter was over before going to Mu Zhen for advice.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Lin Bai focused his attention.

The brightest place in the hall, where the crowd gathered, was where Ren Biao's mother was.

In the corridor outside, there were many minions drinking and gambling.

Nothing unusual.

When the hour of Hai began, the guests gradually left.

After waiting for another half an hour, the rain still did not stop, and the county magistrate also left. Ren Biao personally held an umbrella to see him off, which was very respectful.

Lin Bai was just waiting for the dog county magistrate to leave! The county magistrate had a steady pace and a great capacity for alcohol. It was obvious that he had internal strength. Lin Bai did not want to fight two people at once.

After waiting quietly for a quarter of an hour, Ren Biao came back.

Lin Bai came down from the wall and practiced Wuji Gong, and the coldness on his body disappeared.

The flying knife in his sleeve fell into his hand, and he silently counted the distance.

"It's raining, two hundred steps may not be possible..." Lin Bai poured strength into his arm, and the flying knife was like lightning, breaking through the rain curtain!

Ren Biao had a smile on his face and was talking to his followers. Suddenly, he heard the sound of breaking wind and immediately became alert and dodged.

But the flying knife arrived in the blink of an eye, heading for his heart, and Ren Biao was unable to dodge and was hit on the left shoulder.

Ren Biao had really been on the edge of a knife for many years, and he didn't even look at the wound. He directly grabbed the henchman who was holding an umbrella for him, protected him in front of him, and shouted to the direction where the flying knife came from: "Which friend is here? Why don't you show up?"

With this shout, before the henchman behind Ren Biao could react, he saw a black shadow coming from a distance.

The man was wearing a bamboo hat, a straw raincoat, holding a knife, and running very fast, like thunder, and was a hundred steps away in a blink of an eye.

Ren Biao was very sure that he was no match for this man.

"Come on! Come on!"

Although Ren Biao was drenched by the rain, he still felt his throat dry. He didn't know when he had provoked such a vicious man, who actually came to his door on his birthday.

Just as he was looking for an opportunity to escape, he saw a cold star flying out of the assassin's hand.

This time the flying knife was faster than before. Under the light of the big red lantern, the flying knife had a blood-red color, like a blood line in the pouring rain.

Ren Biao knew that he could not escape anymore, so he held the man holding the umbrella in front of him to serve as a human shield.

In a flash, the flying knife arrived. It pierced through the meat shield like a rotten wood, and pierced Ren Biao's palm, which then removed the power of the flying knife.

Ren Biao was frightened and felt a piercing pain in his palm. He looked up and saw that the assassin was holding a hatchet, breaking the stone slabs with his feet, stirring up the rain, and was already ten steps away.

"Good man! If you have something to say..."

Before he finished begging for mercy, he saw the assassin leap up, raised his knife and pressed it diagonally, with a momentum like splitting mountains and seas.

Ren Biao turned around and wanted to escape, but it was too late. The hatchet entered his neck, like a hot knife into oil, and slanted down.

A thunder fell, the light was dazzling, and Ren Biao was broken into two pieces, and the raindrops fell, all blood red.

The assassin did not stop at all, did not use the flying knife, but only took the hatchet and went forward, and immediately six or seven more people were killed.

The people of the Qinglong Gang finally came to their senses and came forward to besiege the assassin.

The assassin was very calm and only sought the nearest person to fight. He did not have any profound sword skills, but his hands and feet were very fast. He danced with a sword like a fire dancing with a silver snake, and immediately a pool of blood was swirling.

In just a cup of tea, many people with broken arms and short hands were lying on the ground. The rest of the gang members did not dare to move forward anyway.

Lin Bai also stopped, holding the hatchet upside down, pressed down his bamboo hat, and looked around.

The people of the Qinglong Gang met the eyes of the demon lord and hurriedly retreated again. No one dared to move forward.

It was almost time to leave. Lin Bai looked at the mutilated corpses on the ground and felt very satisfied.

But today he used two flying knives and had not picked them up yet... Lin Bai did not want to cause more trouble. Anyway, he could not find himself by following the flying knives, so he did not pick them up.

Without hesitation, he climbed the wall on the original road and went to the northern wall.

In the dark rainy night, Lin Bai circled around to make sure that no one was following him, and then circled around again before returning home with extreme caution.

He changed his soaked clothes and threw them into the washing basin.

He washed himself with water and dried his hair. He poured himself a cup of cold tea and sat down without lighting the oil lamp, thinking about his shortcomings today.

After more than half an hour, there was a knock on the door.

It sounded like a drum being hammered, but it suppressed the sound of the rain.

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