The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 21: The benevolent heart of a doctor (please read on)

Who is it?

Lin Bai picked up the flying knife and frowned in thought.

I have been very careful, how did they find me? And so quickly?

The road was full of water, it was impossible to find it by footprints! I slipped two corners and didn't find any pursuers. Could it be that the other party invited a fairy to find the trace?

Or is it Elder Tong who came? No, if it was Elder Tong, he would definitely not knock on the door, just knock on me!

Who is that? Could it be that Sister Zhen wants to give birth again... No, she can't knock on the door so desperately.

Lin Bai held the flying knife and left the house.

Across the gate of the yard, Lin Bai heard that there were three people outside, their breath was disordered, and they were not diligent in practicing internal skills.

"Who is it? Are you going to sleep in the middle of the night?" Lin Bai touched his hair and made sure it was dry, and then he spoke impatiently.

"Open the door quickly, brother, open the door quickly!" Niu Er's voice came from outside the yard, sounding extremely tired.

"Brother Niuzi?" Lin Bai did not open the door, but said: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? I'm not going to perform wheel spinning for the old lady now!"

"Spin, what are you spinning? Something happened, something happened in the hall..." Niu Er was out of breath, "Doctor Bai has gone, let me call you!"

So he asked me to save people?

"..." Lin Bai scratched his head, just thinking it was outrageous.

But when he thought about it, this... this was very reasonable!

If you are injured, you have to find a doctor?

Do you want to go? Of course you have to go!

Although those people were killed and injured by yourself, one thing is one thing.

As a doctor, you need to have the heart to save the world and save people, and you can't refuse to save people just because you injured them.

Even if it is pouring rain and it is the middle of the night, you have to go to the door to see the wounded. This is the duty of a doctor.

When Lin Bai opened the door, he saw Niu Er with disheveled hair and two followers, all panting like drowned rats.

Obviously, the three of them came here in the rain.

"Brother Niuzi, what happened? What happened?" Lin Bai asked with concern.

"Don't, don't ask." Niu Er was still breathing hard, "Come with me, to the hall..."

"It's late at night and it's still raining..." Lin Bai frowned, hesitant, and tried hard to grasp, "The travel expenses for the medical consultation should be higher."

"You, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll make you... make you live to get the money but not live to spend it!" Niu Er's chest rose and fell, pointing at Lin Bai, his eyes flashing fiercely.

"Brother Niuzi, look at you, why are you angry? Can't I go?" Lin Bai quickly agreed, and said, "I'll change my clothes." After saying that, he turned around and walked into the house.

Niu Er wanted to stop him, but he just stretched out his hand and couldn't make a sound in his throat.

Soon, Lin Bai came out, changed into unwashed dirty clothes, and wore straw sandals.

After locking the door, Lin Bai followed Niu Er and others and walked to Ren Biao's manor together.

The rain had lightened up a lot by now. Lin Bai wore a bamboo hat but no raincoat. Niu Er and the other three were standing in the rain without anything.

"Brother Niu, what happened?" Lin Bai asked.

Niu Er shook his head and said nothing. His eyes were slightly dull, as if he had recalled something.

Half an hour later, the four of them came to the gate of the manor panting.

The lanterns were still hanging high, bright red, and the festive mood was not reduced at all.

It was almost midnight, and the rain had stopped. There was only the dripping sound under the eaves.

The wind was very cold, blowing up bursts of bloody smell. Indistinctly, the sound of a woman crying could be heard.

Niu Er led Lin Bai inside, and as soon as they entered the yard, they were greeted by the smell of blood.

An old woman was crying loudly in the main hall, and another beautiful woman was whispering to comfort her.

In the side room to the east, there were cries of pain, and it was obvious that there was a wounded person inside.

The county magistrate stood on the steps with his hands behind his back, frowning and silent. There were also many constables scattered around, their clothes soaked.

The mutilated bodies on the ground had not been cleaned up yet, and in the bloodstains diluted by the rain, there stood only a young man in gray.

The man had a long sword on his waist, and his temperament was very unique, as if he was looking for something.

And he held something in his hand, which was Lin Bai's flying knife.

Lin Bai only took a glance at him and felt that this man should be in the same group with Elder Tong.

Retracting his gaze, Lin Bai did not dare to look any more. Some people with superb strength are extremely sensitive to people's gazes. Lin Bai did not know their strength and did not intend to provoke them.

After all, he was here to save the dying and heal the wounded.

"Brother Niuzi, who did it? It's simply, simply... crazy!" Lin Bai clenched his fists in anger.

Niu Er shook his head, his face ugly.

Bypassing the mess, Niu Er took Lin Bai to the east wing room.

"Are you here? Come on, I'll take a break." Doctor Bai smiled with relief when he saw Lin Bai, but his face was pale and his clothes were wet.

"Mr. Bai." Lin Bai took off his bamboo hat, went forward to help Doctor Bai sit down, and poured him a cup of hot water.

There were more than a dozen wounded in the room, all with knife wounds, some with cut palms, and some with broken ribs.

These people had been caught in the rain, some had white wounds, and some had red faces, obviously with a high fever.

No more than half of these people would survive, Lin Bai immediately came to a conclusion.

"Alas, who is it that is so cruel?" After checking several wounded people, Lin Bai shook his head and sighed, with compassion on his face.

"Don't sigh, hurry up and save people!" Niu Er couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly urged Lin Bai.

"Okay." Lin Bai stopped pretending, opened the medicine box brought by Doctor Bai, and started to get busy.

After a while, a beautiful woman suddenly broke in and said anxiously: "Where is the doctor? Come here quickly! My mother has fainted!"

"I'll go!" Lin Bai immediately asked for help, then looked at Dr. Bai and said, "Mr. Bai, you rest first, I'll go take a look!"

Doctor Bai's face was still pale and he warned: "It's probably a convulsion caused by grief, it's okay."

The beautiful woman glanced at Lin Bai and walked out. Niu Er quickly pulled Lin Bai to follow.

Arriving at the main hall, there was an unconscious old woman leaning on a large carved chair.

Lin Bai stepped forward to feel his pulse, and after a long time, he said: "It is indeed a convulsion caused by grief, nothing serious. Madam, you can prepare some ginseng soup first, and ask the old lady to drink it after she wakes up."

When the beautiful woman heard this, she just nodded and said nothing. She just knelt down in front of the old woman with tears on her face.

It can be seen that she, like Ren Biao, is extremely filial.

After a while, the old woman suddenly opened her eyes, but then her tears started to flow, and she wailed: "Master Tao, why don't you open your eyes? My son worships every temple and does good deeds. Why does he suffer?" What happened?"

Lin Bai looked on and understood the old woman's grief:

It was supposed to be a joyous day for a birthday, but something bad happened and ended up like a white-haired man sending a black-haired man away. He was separated from his beloved son because Ren Biao was split open.

After all, Lin Bai was soft-hearted, adhering to the benevolence of a doctor, and comforted: "Old madam, please forgive me and take good care of your body. Brother Biao was split in half, this man cannot die..."

Before she finished speaking, the old woman started sobbing.

The beautiful woman glared at Lin Bai fiercely, grabbed Lin Bai's sleeve and walked out, saying angrily: "Shut up if you don't know how to speak!"

Lin Bai also felt aggrieved and whispered: "I am thinking of trying to persuade the old lady..."

"Get out, get out!" The beautiful woman was very impatient and stared at Niu Er, "Where did you find the stupid doctor? Go to Nancheng and invite Dr. Xi!"

Niu Er hurriedly responded.

Lin Bai also left quickly and returned to the side room to continue treating the injured.

After two hours of busy work, at Yin Shi, the work was finally over.

As for whether these people can survive, it only depends on fate.

As a doctor, Lin Bai had done his best.

As a murderer, Lin Bai also retained some strength.

After packing up, Lin Bai wanted to ask for medical expenses, but was stopped by Doctor Bai.

"It has rained a lot this year, and the north is hit by drought again. I heard from the medicine dealer that some victims are coming here."

Doctor Bai looked tired and his eyes were full of worry, "Why is this world like this?"

At this time, it was almost dawn, the smell of blood lingered, and the young man in gray clothes was nowhere to be found.

The rain had stopped long ago and it was extremely cold.

The stars dimmed, and the wind whistled in the distance, like a whimper.

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