The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 268 Departure

Seeing that there was no sense of good or bad luck in his heart, Lin Bai was relieved.

Following Mo Yingcheng down the mountain, he went not to the main hall of the mountain gate, but to Wenjian Mountain.

"Wenjian Mountain is the place where master attained enlightenment. The four seniors have been discussing the Tao there these days." Mo Yingcheng explained.

"Wen Jianshan has really been fascinated by it for a long time. I have long been... the four seniors?" Lin Bai was stunned for a moment.

"Fairy Shen Yu is here." Mo Yingcheng wiped the sweat from his forehead. Apparently he couldn't stand foxes either.

"How long have you been here?"

Lin Bai also wiped the sweat from his forehead and recalled that the fox once watched him and Sister Huanhuan in person. With such evil behavior in the past, he might have been exposed when he was messing around with Sister Zhen two days ago.

After a brief recollection, Lin Bai found that there was no difference at that time, so Lin Bai was just lucky.

"I don't know." Mo Yingcheng shook his head, "Fairy Shen Yu came and went without a trace, and I didn't dare to ask." He glanced at Lin Bai and asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid of her?"

"How is it possible? Fairy loves me very deeply, but I miss her too much." Lin Bai said reluctantly.

The two of them chatted and went west, and within fifty miles they saw a mountain with a thousand feet high.

The shape of the mountain is like a sharp sword piercing the earth, with green trees on it.

The two flew into the air and came to the top of the mountain. There is a platform here, which is full of swords. Most of them are rusty, or even broken swords. There are ordinary iron swords and jade swords.

There is a tall locust tree in the middle of the platform, with lush branches and branches covered with swords.

The strong wind on the top of the mountain was blowing the leaves, and many rusty swords were swinging back and forth in the wind.

"Senior Brother." A foundation-building female cultivator stood in front of the platform. When she saw Mo Yingcheng and Lin Bai arriving, she leaned down and saluted.

"This is my junior sister Shen Qiyun." Mo Yingcheng introduced with a smile, "This is Senior Gu's beloved junior Lin Zhuanlun."

Chen Tianren, the leader of Daoyin Sect, has seven disciples, four boys and three girls, Min Hengbo is the third, Duguyan is the eldest, and this girl should be the sixth.

"Senior Zhuan Lun." Shen Qiyun seemed like a normal person. He bowed politely and didn't say much.

Mo Yingcheng led Lin Bai forward and saw four people sitting under the locust tree. Chen Zhiyuan was in the middle, Wood Yao and Gu Qingshui were on the left and right, and Mu Zhen was kneeling under the San Yuan Ying.

The sword hanging on the locust tree jingled, and a green-skinned fox lay on the branch.

Looking into the distance, there is no cloud or fog in the blue sky.

Chen Tianren still had a smile on his face, like an ordinary old man; the wood demon seemed to be talking to the fox, quite familiar; Gu Qingshui had no expression on his face and was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Mo Yingcheng and Lin Bai saluted, and Chen Zhiyuan asked them to sit down with a smile.

There were no tables or chairs in the open space on the top of the mountain. Everyone was sitting cross-legged. Lin Mo and the two of them knelt down next to Mu Zhen in an orderly manner.

There is no good or evil in my heart, but the mountain breeze is strong, as if the troubles are blown away, and my heart is clear.

This place is indeed an excellent place for enlightenment, but Lin Bai didn't feel the slightest bit of sword power left, and he didn't know how Chen Tianren attained enlightenment here.

"Little Wheel," the fox jumped down from the locust tree and landed on Lin Bai's head. His tail immediately wrapped around his neck and said with a smile, "How can you thank me?"

What she said was to give the opportunity of the trial to Aunt Gu, and Aunt Gu supported Lin Bai, so she was indeed grateful to her.

"Fairy's great kindness, I will never forget it!" After doing this kind of thing a lot, and dealing with foxes a lot, Lin Bai immediately became respectful.

The fox chuckled twice, retracted its tail, and lay on Lin Bai's head.

"Little friend," the wood demon spoke in an erratic voice, looking at Lin Bai, and said, "I heard that you gained a lot from the Wordless Secret Realm and the Wuxiang Tomb. I wonder if you can tell me what you saw there. smell?"

Lin Bai had already told Aunt Gu and Fox about these two secret realms in detail. Although they were slightly concealed, they were generally good.

As for the wood demon who has a good relationship with the fox, he may have already inquired about it from the fox. He is asking again now to get the details.

"This junior has benefited from the relics in the crypt of my senior, and has long regarded my senior as a very beloved teacher in my heart." Lin Bai leaned over and said respectfully: "Since my senior has asked, this junior dare not hide anything."

"Brother Qingshan held the ceremony that day," Wood Demon nodded, pointed at Lin Bai, looked at Gu Qingshui, and said with a smile, "I felt familiar with him. It's just that we have been busy with things, and we have never been close to him."

"He is blessed." Gu Qingshui said calmly.

"There's no need for you, an old man, to get close to me. Aren't you taking care of your descendants?" The fox looked at Mu Zhen hehe.

Mu Zhen had been expressionless. After hearing this, she turned her head slightly to look at the fox on Lin Bai's head, smiled slightly, lowered her head and saluted the fox without saying much.

The fox waggled its tail and stopped making sarcastic remarks.

"Both of you are young and handsome men. You can move around more." Chen Zhiyuan stroked his beard and said with a smile, looking like an ordinary old man.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen didn't say anything, and didn't even dare to look at each other.

"Lin Zhuanlun, please tell me in detail." As Lin Bai's head, Gu Qingshui also spoke up appropriately.

"Yes." Lin Bai was very obedient and bowed again, and now he started talking about the wordless secret realm.

Because there are many people entering the Wordless Secret Realm, there is no secret in it. Li Xinghe's identity remains a mystery, the cup of tea the three of them drank failed to show any effect, and the stone tablet they finally got.

The matter of the stone tablet was naturally concealed, and the rest of the matter was told in detail.

The wood demon must have heard about the situation in the Wordless Secret Realm, but he didn't say anything.

"No matter the stars, rivers or pools, they are still and still, as if they are separated from time and space." Chen Tianren sighed, "All things are shining silently, what kind of magical power is that?"

The wood demon raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said: "With Brother Chen's talent, one day he will be able to use a sword and make everything quiet."

Chen Zhiyuan didn't speak, just shook his head.

"Senior, I once saw a butterfly hidden in a stone in the wordless secret realm. I wonder where the butterfly came from?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

I asked Aunt Gu and the fox this question, but Aunt Gu didn't know and the fox was vague.

"It's a colorful butterfly raised by Taoist Wuxiang. It can lead people into dreams and turn butterflies into bridges." The wood demon said.

As soon as these words came out, both Gu Qingshui and Hu Hu looked serious. Obviously, this was the first time they heard the news.

Lin Bai was also surprised in his heart. If it was according to what the wood demon said, the colorful butterfly seemed not to be the life-contracted spiritual beast of Taoist Wuxiang, but was merely raised by him.

"What realm is it?" Fox suddenly said.

"It should be the state of transformation into gods." The wood demon explained, but didn't mention it any more. He looked at Lin Bai and said, "What's the situation like in the Wuxiang Tomb?"

He stroked his beard and smiled, "I heard Fairy Shen Yu say that you refused to bend the song to become an armor in Wuxiang Tomb and killed Yue Fengshu. Is it true or false?"

Mu Zhen was finally moved. She turned her head slightly and glanced at Lin Bai.

Mo Yingcheng was also stunned for a moment. He knew that the head of the general affairs of the Qiaoshan Sect was dead, but he did not go to find out in detail. In the past, I didn’t pay much attention to Junior Brother Lin Zhuanlun, so I didn’t know there was such a thing. If this matter is true, it should be the foundation-building and golden-killing elixir at that time!

Thinking of this, Mo Yingcheng couldn't help but look at his master.

Chen Tianren stroked his beard and looked at Lin Bai happily.

"This..." Lin Bai didn't dare to lie, and replied in a low voice: "This junior fell into the Wuxiang Tomb. Lu Qingyin and Pei Ning came to help, and Yue Fengshu's beloved disciple rebelled, so we narrowly defeated him."

After scolding Lu Qingyin and He Wenyao in his heart, Lin Bai explained the situation in detail.

Gu Qingshui and Hu Hu had already heard Lin Bai talk about it, so they didn't have any reaction. This was the first time for Chen Zhiyuan and Wood Demon to listen, and both of them looked pensive.

No one spoke for a while, and the mountain wind blew the rusty old sword hanging on the locust tree, making it very dull.

"The earth has no boundaries, and the sky has no boundaries." The wood demon sighed, looked at Lin Bai, and said: "Since you have acquired the formless inheritance, the road ahead will inevitably be more difficult. However, the road is always at your feet. If you can walk through it, there will be a path. What a great achievement.”

As he spoke, he turned over his hand and took out a jade cicada. It's just that it's not the black jade cicada of yesteryear, but transparent and colorless.

"You and I are destined to give this thing to you." The colorless jade cicada landed gently in front of Lin Bai.

The fox has always been mean-spirited, and he was about to catch it with his tail, but when he touched it slightly, the green hair on his tail slowly turned white.

"Cheapskate!" The fox retracted its tail.

Lin Bai hurriedly took it and thanked him again and again.

"Brother Chen, Junior Sister Gu, Fairy." The wood demon looked into the distance and said, "It's a good meeting today, and we are very happy. We will meet again in the world one day, and we can have a drink and have a good time."

Gently waving his robe, the hanging sword jingled, and there was a subtle chirping of cicadas, the wood demon went westward.

Mu Zhen did not chase him, but glanced at Lin Bai.

Gu Qingshui also glanced at Lin Bai and said through a message: "Refining the magic weapon early, don't mess with others."

After the transmission, Gu Qingshui stood up and said, "The mountains are high and the water is long, but I hope the green water will flow forever."

Bowing slightly and saluting Chen Zhiyuan, Gu Qingshui transformed into green water and headed north.

The two Nascent Souls left immediately without any hesitation.

Chen Zhiyuan looked at the fox with a smile.

"I'm leaving too." The fox sighed, "My apprentice is nowhere to be found. The people in Jiuzhe Mountain won't betray me, but don't be betrayed. I have to look for him."

The fox's tail slapped Lin Bai's face.

"The fairy has just arrived and is leaving now?" Lin Bai looked reluctant to leave.

"It's not much fun to stay here." Fox said lazily, "Old Chen is boring, and the disciples are very dull. You have evil thoughts, and this girl doesn't seem to be easy to get along with." She tilted her head He glanced at Mu Zhen.

Mu Zhen smiled back and bowed her head.

"Old Chen, be careful with your children and don't let others deceive you." The fox's tail slapped Lin Bai's face, "He is the best at seducing women."

After provoking it, the fox jumped forward, transformed into green light, and headed west.

In the blink of an eye, the three Nascent Souls left, Mo Yingcheng also stood up, led Lin Bai and Mu Zhen to salute Chen Zhiyuan, and then walked down Wenjian Mountain together.

"Junior Sister Mu, Junior Brother Zhuanlun, you two might as well meditate in the mountain gate first, waiting for the secret realm to be opened." When they came to the foot of the mountain, Mo Yingcheng said with a smile, "If anything happens, you can come and find me."

"The scenery of Wenjian Mountain is excellent. I wonder when Pei Ning and I can go up there to study?" Lin Bai was thinking about Sister Pei.

"I also want to sit at Wenjian Mountain again." Mu Zhen laughed.

"I have told Junior Sister Qiyun to go find Pei Ning. Pei Ning can climb the mountain as much as she wants in the future." Mo Yingcheng said with a smile, then looked at Mu Zhen, "The top of the mountain is vast, Senior Sister can go wherever she wants."

Lin Bai immediately leaned over to thank him, and Mu Zhen also thanked him aloud.

Mo Yingcheng kept nagging for a long time, saying that he wanted to arrange a Taoist meeting, where Jin Dan would participate and exchange inspiration with each other.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen naturally responded.

After arguing for a long time, Mo Yingcheng let Lin Mu and the others leave.

When night fell, Lin Bai visited Lushan Mountain at night.

"Life is difficult. I am just one point behind Pei Ning, and I will be sold by her! Fortunately, Senior Zhuan Lun is not a womanizer." Dugu Yan was dancing with his sword in the courtyard, sighing with emotion.

"She has a strange destiny and is most suitable for dual cultivation. Don't you want her?" Mu Zhen asked Lin Bai in the room.

"In life, there are things to do and things not to do. She is dedicated to practicing swordsmanship, why should I force herself?" Lin Bai looked noble.

Mu Zhen smiled, but didn't say much.

"Sister Zhen, what is your magic weapon?" Lin Bai sincerely asked for advice, "Sister Zhen, you have seen the world, please give me some advice."

When Lin Bai wanted to refine the magic weapon, he also asked Aunt Gu and Fox for advice, but they both said that the gourd was the main one, and he explored the rest by himself without mentioning it further.

Lin Bai had just entered Jindan and was still a young boy, so naturally he wanted to find someone capable to ask more questions. But Mu Zhen is the most capable, whether in bed or out of bed.

"Have you ever asked for help like this?" Mu Zhen asked.

Lin Bai looked at the old man under the candlelight and found that this woman was more energetic than him.

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