The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 269 Magical Weapon

Sister Zhen was really hungry.

Maybe it was because she had been hungry for a long time, so she had to eat until she was full, and she forgot the principle of yin and yang harmony, which is not a principle for health preservation.

Lin Bai had made great progress in tempering his body, so he could show his strengths, which made Sister Zhen quite satisfied.

"Water will cause trouble if it is full, and so will people. You must not indulge in it." Sister Zhen combed her hair and sighed, "Pei Ning's progress is inferior to yours, because he only knows how to practice and lacks harmony."

Lin Bai didn't understand whether she was bragging or she thought Sister Pei didn't know how to eat well, so he just nodded.

"At least Pei Ning knows what to eat and what not to eat."

The two were sitting around the low table, chatting, and heard a lazy voice beside them.

Looking down, the fox was actually under the low table.

Mu Zhen had put on his clothes, and he was not flustered, let alone blushing.

Lin Bai rubbed his head. He had known for a long time that foxes were not human, but he didn't expect that they would really come back.

"Fairy, how can you, a Yuanying, do such a peeping behavior?" Lin Bai was very angry. He had asked in the night, but the fox came to disturb him again, which gave him a headache.

"I was watching openly." The fox jumped out, glanced at the two people, and then fixed on Lin Bai, saying unhappily: "Your disciple asked me to pass on a message. I left in a hurry during the day and forgot it. She said she missed you very much and asked when you would come home."

"..." Lin Bai didn't believe such nonsense, but he had no way to deal with the fox.

"You have more tricks than Pei Ning!" The fox laughed twice, and seeing that Mu Zhen still didn't say a word, it happily turned into green light and fled out of the house.

After the fox left, Mu Zhen closed her eyes calmly, without joy or anger.

After a while, she took out a piece of incense and lit it, and then took out a copper bowl.

Pointing at the copper bowl, a purple light flashed, and then enveloped the two of them.

"Does she often bully you like this?" Mu Zhen acted like an elder sister.

Seeing her unfriendly expression, Lin Bai quickly nodded in grievance.

"How many women has she seen you sleeping with?" Mu Zhen asked again.

"..." Lin Bai was stunned for a moment, and said, "This..."

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it." Mu Zhen raised her hand and clenched one hand into a fist, "Tell me about her from beginning to end. What is her origin, and what kind of magical power has she shown."

Is she going to fight back? Lin Bai has always been a good person, and he would try to smooth things over if he could, so he said, "The fairy has a humorous temperament. Although she likes to play tricks on people, she is not bad."

"Today on the Sword Mountain, I don't like her!" Mu Zhen was very calm, "Relying on her ability, she behaves without scruples. If I don't let her learn a lesson, won't I be bullied by her again when I meet her in the future?"

Lin Bai agreed with Sister Zhen's words very much, and he had wanted to teach the fox a lesson in his heart, but he couldn't beat her.

Seeing that Sister Zhen had no intention of harming him, he quickly told her all about the fox.

From being enlightened by Li Xinghe, to being adopted by the Yang family, to the three sects fighting for it, and even the affairs of Gu Jiuzhong and Yang Shaoan, he told her everything.

"The world has suffered from Li Chenyu for a long time!" Lin Bai sighed.

"He is just a nominal disciple of Li Xinghe, and he has learned some tricks."

Mu Zhen knocked on the table with one hand, held a strand of hair with the other hand, and murmured, "I will find a male fox later."

This is to give someone a taste of his own medicine, Lin Bai quickly said: "Sister Zhen, if you need help, please tell me!"

Mu Zhen nodded heavily.

For a while, the candlelight in the room was dim, and the two of them felt like they were in cahoots and sympathized with each other.

"If she wants to see, let her see enough!" Mu Zhen removed the incense sticks, put away the copper bowl, and even brushed off the clothes he had just put on.

Lin Bai was stunned, thinking, after all the trouble, I still have to do the work?

After tossing around until dawn, Lin Bai finally asked about the magic weapon.

Perhaps because she was served comfortably, Mu Zhen really knew everything.

She was originally a descendant of a master, and her vision and knowledge were extraordinary. She had been in the elixir stage for a long time, so she immediately coaxed Lin Bai.

Magic weapons need to be nurtured by the spirit consciousness and connected with the body. They are generally used by Jindan realm cultivators. If it is a foundation-building cultivator, it is difficult to control and consumes a lot of power. Only 20% to 30% of the power is used, or even cannot be used at all.

If divided by use, there are magic weapons that focus on attack, defense, and both attack and defense. Some are even more useful, or they are used to confuse people's minds, or they are designed to break formations, or they are used as a pair.

The more magic weapons, the better, but most Jindan realm cultivators can only sacrifice one natal magic weapon.

The natal magic weapon needs to be nurtured by the spirit consciousness, and then it is linked with the natal, so that it can be sacrificed and refined. It can be stored in the sea of ​​consciousness and used at will.

However, refining the magic weapon of one's own destiny is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. If the magic weapon is similar to one's own destiny, or if they are compatible with each other, it will be much easier.

It's just that it's hard to find something similar to one's own destiny. As long as it is compatible with oneself, it's considered the best.

The spiritual materials needed to refine magic weapons are different, and there are main and subordinate divisions. Generally speaking, spiritual mines and spiritual materials are supplemented, and demon pills are the main ones. As for the power of the magic, it depends on the grade of the materials and demon pills.

The demon pills have different properties. When they are refined with other tools, they also need various materials to balance yin and yang. It is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the spiritual stones are very expensive. Therefore, it is not easy to refine magic weapons. Ordinary golden pills are at most two or three pieces, and the appearance may not be good.

Another kind of magic weapon is a natural thing, such as natural materials and treasures. It is extremely magical in itself, so there is no need to add unnecessary things. Just refine it and connect the destiny.

According to the grade of the spiritual materials used to refine the magic weapon, the power and function of the magic weapon are different, and there are also grades.

The gourd in Lin Bai's hand was born from heaven and earth, so there was no need for any extra effort. It only needed to be nurtured with spiritual consciousness.

"This gourd is of extremely high grade, and I can't even see through it. You should refine it early, blend it with yourself, and return it to the sea of ​​consciousness." Mu Zhen held the gourd in his hand and looked at it for a long time before returning it to Lin Bai.

"In the past, the thunder tribulation seemed to be able to accommodate the heaven and the earth. It actually contained a lot of the thunder tribulation, and it seemed that the thunder tribulation was moved to other places." Lin Bai held the gourd and sighed: "I still haven't figured out this thing yet. What else can you do?"

"There must be something magical if the Wuxiang hand is planted." Mu Zhen was very sure, "The two avenues of the Wuxiang Taoist run parallel. This gourd has two colors, black and white, forming the symbol of yin and yang. It must be in line with what the Wuxiang Taoist has learned."

"That's it." Lin Bai actually had already guessed in his heart. This time he asked Sister Zhen just to let her show off her skills and then let her guard down, so he moved forward again and asked curiously: "Sister Zhen, What is your natal magic weapon? What level is it?"

Lin Bai tried to peek into Sister Zhen's life when she was confused and infatuated, but he only saw a wave of water, which was obviously blocked by something on her body.

From what Lin Bai thought, Sister Zhen's family was rich and she must have a lot of good things in her hands. If she could get a few of them, her hard work would be considered in vain.

"Purple Sky Vase." Mu Zhen turned over his hand and took out a jade vase. It was purple in color with plum blossoms on it. It had a dense brilliance. It seemed invisible and ethereal up close.

Lin Bai was about to take a closer look, but Mu Zhen immediately turned over his hand and took it back with a smile on his face.

"Sister Zhen, I just formed the elixir, and Patriarch Gu didn't pass on any treasure to me..." Lin Bai sighed.

"Gu Qingshui is searching." Mu Zhen nodded.

"I was thinking about it. I will be going out soon, and I don't know what to do." Lin Bai shook his head and sighed.

"Who says it's not?" Mu Zhen responded.

Lin Bai looked at her appearance and knew that it would be difficult to get anything from her hands, so he put down his pitiful expression and took out the colorless jade cicada given by the wood demon.

"What is the use of this thing?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

Lin Bai had already explored this object before coming here, and found that it had no mystery or magical power. There was a soul imprint in it, which should be some kind of key or used to identify one's identity.

"It's for identity purposes." Mu Zhen took it and glanced at it, "to show that you have him as a guarantee."

"What's the use?" Lin Bai was filled with excitement, thinking that he was related to a Nascent Soul again.

"It's of no use." Mu Zhen smiled, threw the colorless jade cicada back into Lin Bai's hand, and said with a smile: "At least it's of no use here. If one day, you go west, you may meet someone who knows the goods. Or, you might encounter someone walking outside the door."

She then warned: "If there is a person walking in the door holding this object, it will be felt within a hundred miles."

As she spoke, she took out a purple jade pendant, and the colorless jade cicada in Lin Bai's hand trembled slightly.

"If your disciples have evil intentions, wouldn't this thing bring trouble?" Lin Bai was chained by Aunt Gu, so he was very wary of such things.

"That's not the case." Mu Zhen was very sure, "There are no more than ten people who can sense Yuchan. They are all people he values ​​and trusts."

Speaking of this, Mu Zhen smiled, waved her catkin lightly, and held Lin Bai's chin with one finger, "Maybe it will be useful to you in the future."

Lin Bai was relieved. But...looking at Sister Zhen's appearance, I'm afraid she won't be able to leave for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, among the women he had experienced, Sister Zhen was the longest and asked for the most. Lin Bai gritted his teeth and faced the difficulties.

After finishing his work, it was dark again, so Lin Bai returned to Daishan.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, they saw Min Hengbo and Pei Ning discussing swords by themselves. Lin Bai stepped forward to listen.

"The most important thing in sword cultivation is the state of mind. You should treat people as swords and swords as people. If you indulge in adultery, you will inevitably lose your state of mind." Min Hengbo thought that Lin Bai came to Pei Ning to practice double cultivation, so he reminded him.

"Sister, that's right." Lin Bai bowed and sat down.

The sound of wind on the top of the mountain reminded Lin Bai of the top of the mountain in the Wordless Secret Realm.

At that time, Cai Lu had white hair, and he didn't know how Lu Qingyin and He Wenwen Yao were doing now.

The three of them discussed sword cultivation at night, and Lin Bai interrupted from time to time, which made Min Hengbo very dissatisfied.

At dawn, Lin Bai took Peining to Wenjian Mountain.

"How is Dugu Yan?" Peining asked with a smile.

"..." Lin Bai put on a helpless look, "She is Chen Tianren's beloved disciple. Don't bully her too much."

"You always accept anyone who comes, no matter what your temperament is, as long as you are beautiful. Duguyan has an excellent appearance. I have won the opportunity for you, so don't make any mistakes." Pei Ning said.

"I have rejected her, and she will never ask you to compete with you for no reason in the future," Lin Bai said.

"You are a gentleman." Pei Ning nodded, and suddenly asked: "In the past, when we fled to Jinli Island, Senior Mu Zhen took action to save your life and mine. Have you been repaying your kindness these days?"

"..." Lin Bai was speechless.

"How does it feel to visit your old place again?" Peining asked again.

"It's just being coerced." Lin Bai said.

"Haha." Peining sneered.

When they came to Wenjian Mountain, Shen Qiyun was still guarding the mountain, and the two sides met with each other.

"When will Qu Ruyi come back? She said she wanted to have a drink with me, but no one came back." Shen Qiyun was very affectionate and went up to hold Pei Ning's sleeve.

"She has always had a restless temper. It's hard for her to stay in one place for a long time. She might only come back when she gets tired of being outside." Pei Ning smiled.

"Fairy Shen Yu has gone to look for Huang Ruhua. I hope she can bring Qu Ruyi back." Shen Qiyun sighed.

The two chatted a few more words, all about Qu Ruyi. It seemed that she and Qu Ruyi were indeed on good terms. Then Shen Qiyun took Lin Pei to the top of the mountain. There were already six or seven people under the locust tree, both men and women, all of whom were in the foundation-building realm, sitting around and chatting.

Seeing the arrival of the golden elixir, everyone stood up and saluted.

Lin Bai said a few nonsense words about the glory of the treasure land, then left Pei Ning behind and went to find Mo Yingcheng.

Chen Tianren rarely took care of the affairs within the sect, and it was always done through consultation between the three Jindan elders in the sect.

As Chen Tianren's first disciple, Mo Yingcheng participated in it and was regarded as the representative leader. Moreover, he, the great disciple, was required to travel between sects and to maintain the place.

"I begged Master to divide the work and don't let me work hard alone. But Master said that the second junior brother was obsessed with alchemy and didn't know how to deal with people; the third junior sister didn't know how to deal with things and could only compete with swords; the fourth junior brother was trapped by love and damaged his head by practicing swordsmanship. The other three The position is just a foundation, and the level is too low to convince the crowd and cannot suppress others. "

In the side hall of Daoyin Sect's main hall, Mo Yingcheng pulled Lin Bai and sighed, "Master said that I am the boss, so I should take care of myself. But since I tied the pill, I didn't calm down to practice, and it was delayed a lot. "

This was pitiful to say, but Lin Bai knew that he had been forming the elixir for more than fifty years, and now he was at the fourth level of the elixir, which took about ten years to reach a level, which was already faster than many people.

Just deal with the affairs of the house and travel from time to time. This kind of people actually had the nerve to complain, so Lin Bai felt that Gu Jiuzhong should be asked to talk to him!

"I have made arrangements. We will go to Wenjian Mountain to hold a Taoist meeting in five days. We will not avoid the juniors at that time. Please also ask you and Junior Sister Mu not to hide your secrets and teach them well."

Seeing Lin Bai nodding in agreement, Mo Yingcheng breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice: "Junior sister Mu is not easy to get along with. Senior Wood Demon looks at you differently. With this relationship, you can invite more people."

Lin Bai thought for a while, if he went to find Sister Zhen again, he would probably be asked for more.

"I'll quit as soon as I get some sleep." Lin Bai thought about the delicious food and agreed.

The two chatted for a while, and then Lin Bai took out a broken bow boat and said, "Brother Mo, are there any colleagues in the sect who are good at refining and making weapons? This thing is somewhat damaged, and I would like to ask the experts in the sect to help repair it."

Mo Yingcheng took it and looked at it carefully for a while, "Why are there thunder patterns? Is there a hint of annihilation?"

"This was given by a virtuous elder in the past. I used it to deal with thunder disasters, and then it was damaged." Lin Bai said.

"So that's it." Mo Yingcheng put it away immediately and said: "Junior sister Dugu's family has a golden elixir ancestor who is the best at refining weapons. The flying sword used by the master in the golden elixir realm was made with him. With so much experience, few people can definitely repair it for you, but if you want it to be the same as before, there is no guarantee.”

Lin Bai was naturally extremely grateful.

The two chatted for a few more words, and then went together to find Dugu Yan's ancestor.

"Is this something from Lu Haike?" The old man's white beard had a few scattered strands, but his white eyebrows were extremely plump and had fallen down to his dry cheeks.

This person's name is Dugu Hao, he is more than 400 years old, and he is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation. The Dugu family is also quite powerful in the Daoyin Sect, and they have been friends with Chen Tianren before he became powerful. The family has been making weapons for generations.

"Senior is well-informed and has a keen eye!" Lin Bai admired him very much.

After hearing this, Mo Yingcheng couldn't help but remember what Lin Bai said just now that this thing was a gift from a virtuous elder!

That Lu Haike was obviously surrounded and killed by Xiang Wuhui and others, and Gu Qingshui put in a lot of effort!

"Oh, I have met senior Lu Haike. I was Zhuji at that time, and he had been pregnant for many years." Dugu Hao hunched over in memory, "The Tao Yin Sect didn't exist at that time, and wars broke out here, so I I went on a long trip and met a disciple from Jiuyin Mountain by chance. I matched her last name. At that time, the sky was blue and the sea was clear, and we were wandering on the beach. I talked about the way of refining weapons, and she talked about the dual cultivation. wonderful……"

Lin Bai and Mo Yingcheng looked at each other and held their foreheads.

As people get older, they tend to become nostalgic.

"Her ancestor was Senior Lu Haike, and he said he had seen this thing." Dugu Hao held the broken boat and sighed: "I heard that Ping'er died a few years ago. I regret not seeing her again."

Pinger? Deer eat apple? Can this be involved? Lin Bai didn't dare to say anything, and didn't want him to come to repair the ship.

"Remember!" Dugu Hao suddenly sprouted his beard and hair, glaring at Lin Mo and the other two, "The Jiuyin Mountain Witch is the most vicious. I treat her sincerely. I thought she wouldn't mind me being older and not from a big family, but she In the name of dual cultivation, you are absorbing my origin! If not, how can I stop at the middle stage?"

"..." Lin Bai and Mo Yingcheng looked at each other and thought that there was indeed a knife behind the word "sex"!

The old man scolded Jiuyin Mountain for a while, and then he remembered the business, "Don't worry, I will definitely fix it for you!"

Lin Bai thanked him again and again, thinking that if he could repair the broken ship, he would ask him to help him make some flying knives.

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