The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 281 Seeking the Way

The further you go up, the more amazing the mountains become.

When you are in the mountains, forests and rocks, the clouds and mist beckon you. As spring comes and autumn comes, the four seasons change. Climbing the mountains is like chasing time.

The more the destructive intention is in the body, the effect of the Zimu Jade Pendant is better than nothing. I can only feel thousands of fine needles wandering around the flesh and blood, viscera, and adhering to the muscles and bones.

It feels like thousands of ants are eating your heart, and the texture and flesh seem to be falling off bit by bit.

When walking on a rugged mountain road, you will feel that your body will turn into a puddle of meat at any moment.

And the feeling of bearing weight is even worse. Every time you climb one foot, you feel like you are bearing another weight. It is as if the mountain is pressing to the top.

Lin Bai diligently practiced the method of Hunyuan Body Tempering. He had already completed twelve rounds before forming the elixir, and now he saw even more benefits.

It's just that there are more and more sword intents destroying all directions, and the power of the five elements can't be eliminated at a speed that can keep up.

However, although the feeling of bearing the weight is getting bigger and bigger, my body can still bear it.

At this time, the apricot blossoms are lightly raining, which is the time of spring.

Mu Zhen was in front and Lin Bai was behind, each moving forward vigilantly.

Lin Bai felt a stronger sense of auspiciousness in his heart and pointed to the top of the mountain.

However, there is also a sense of misfortune, as if something extremely difficult and difficult is about to happen.

"This mountain climbing is indeed like a test, testing the mind, endurance and body."

"But what exactly exists on the top of the mountain? Is it left by Taoist Wuxiang? Or something else?"

"Where does the evil come from?"

Lin Bai kept thinking and kept moving forward.

At this time, stepping on the rocks is already one step at a time.

Lin Bai picked up an apricot blossom and spent the spring scene. Crossing a trickling stream, he saw a green summer scene.

Mu Zhen sat cross-legged on a bluestone, sweat dripping on her face and panting slightly.

This place is probably more than a thousand feet away from the top of the mountain, and even Sister Zhen, who is diligently practicing the body tempering method, is having a hard time.

"The cicadas are noisy and Lin Yujing is quiet." Lin Bai came to sit in front of her. "When I hear the cicadas, I think of Huaxi County and the dead wood cicadas of the senior wood demon."

"No one is watching you here." Mu Zhen understood immediately, "The mountains are vast and there are many roads. Ying Wangtian and the others have long since disappeared. Moreover, they were devastated by the sword and were burdened with the mountains. It was even more difficult to find them. We don’t know if they are ahead of us or behind.”

Lin Bai didn't say much, he just took out two wine cups and poured out monkey wine.

The two had a drink and discussed the way forward.

Although many plans have been made, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

The further up you go, the heavier your body becomes and the more severe the damage caused by the sword's intent.

That's not all. Although the destructive intention that permeates the world here is just a chance of the power of the sword light, the destructive intention in it is really fierce. It not only invades the body, but also affects everything with spiritual energy.

The robe he was wearing was already getting damaged, and the mother-in-law jade pendant given by Sister Zhen was gradually losing its luster.

Even the storage ring seems to be slowly sealed. Although it can still be accessed, it is much more difficult for one's own spiritual consciousness to connect with it.

"The power of that sword light seems to be able to cut through the long river of time and split thousands of miles of galaxies. And the trace of great power that escaped when I was banned can also push me to death step by step, without even leaving any magical artifacts."

Lin Bai had been practicing flying swords for a long time, and he understood the burning stillness of earthly fire, imitating the purity of Chen Tianren, but compared with that sword, it was nothing like a firefly compared to the scorching sun.

The more deeply one suffers from it and the more one understands its power, the more willing one becomes to worship it.

Filling the bowl with wine again, Lin Bai flicked the gourd.

The gourd remains unchanged, as if it has always been the same. It feels heavy in the hand, but seems much lighter.

Lin Baiwen has been cultivating the gourd for a long time. Although it has not yet become the magic weapon of life, he can already use it as he wishes.

Feeling it carefully, I found that there was nothing abnormal about the gourd. Instead, it was somewhat vigorous, as if it was about to move.

"This sword was thrown out with all my strength, how could it be so easy?" Mu Zhen looked at the gourd in Lin Bai's hand and whispered: "This mysterious gourd comes from Taoist Wuxiang. It is very mysterious. Could it be that you saved it... "

She nodded to the sky and said with a smile: "Want to put that knife in?"

"Master Wuxiang Taoist still needs a lot of energy to subdue this sword. How can he do it with this gourd alone?"

Lin Bai was very humble, but continued: "However, the sword that created the world and cut off all things has been suppressed. Now it is just a little bit of great power that has escaped. After countless years, the great road of heaven and earth is like a mill, and it has been polished long ago. Only a little bit of power left.”

"So, you took it in? Even a little bit." There was a smile on Mu Zhen's slightly pale face.

"No." Lin Bai shook his head.

Gourds can not only hide objects, but can also contain more mysterious objects, such as the power of thunder from thunder tribulations in the past.

The space in it was huge, and Lin Bai didn't fully understand the use of the gourd, but he thought that since the thunder calamity could be included, the endless destructive sword intent in this place would be a good idea.

Anyway, it’s not completely included in it. It’s great to get just a little bit.

However, Lin Bai had tried it just now, but he didn't know whether it was because of his lack of realm or lack of control over the gourd, but it just didn't work.

"What method did you use to collect it?" Mu Zhen asked curiously.

"The spiritual consciousness pulls it, covers it, and then uses the mysterious gourd as the heaven and earth to incorporate it." Lin Bai said.

"Xuanhu is not a storage ring, and it shouldn't be like your broken ship." Mu Zhen is a true disciple of a high sect and has extremely broad knowledge. She pointed to the mountain and said with a smile: "For us, this sword is close to In the Tao. However, since it was broken by the Taoist Wuxiang, it can be seen that it is far away from the 'Tao'."

"Sister Zhen, what do you mean?" Lin Bai understood somewhat.

"That's right, we just need to imitate the method used by the Taoist Wuxiang to suppress this knife. At that time, the knife was first moved in direction, and then washed away by the long river of time, so its power was reduced by half, and then the mountain fell, and it was suppressed." Mu Zhen was very confident and said with a smile: "You practiced the method of the dead wood cicada, and I have the magic of escape. Then, using the gourd as a mountain, isn't it imitating the method of the Taoist Wuxiang?"

"Sister Zhen is really a god!" Seeing that Sister Zhen didn't realize that he practiced the escape method, Lin Bai immediately praised her.

"Okay, stop praising her." Mu Zhen stood up, put his hands on the awning and looked up, "Let's discuss more on the way, so as not to return empty-handed after entering the treasure mountain."

"That's right!" Lin Bai also quickly got up.

"I see that the method of tempering your body is very wonderful, and you don't feel tired at all, and the sword will in your body is rarely damaged." Mu Zhen raised his hands and said with a smile: "Lin Zhuanlun, carry me for a while."

"..." Lin Bai was stunned. He didn't expect Sister Zhen to make such a shameless request.

"Why? Don't want to?" Mu Zhen winked playfully, "You used to be on top, but now you don't want to do it when I was on top last time?"

"Sister Zhen, it's not like you haven't been on top before." Lin Bai presented facts and reasoned.

"You were lying down at that time, and now I want to see you standing." Mu Zhen smiled.

Lin Bai had no temper, "The road is in front of us, don't joke..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Zhen leaned close to Lin Bai's ear and whispered.

"The road is in front of us, we should work together!"

Lin Bai's tone became generous, and he left the two wine glasses and filled them with wine. When Mo Li and the others arrived here, they understood his meaning.

Seeing Lin Bai agreed, Mu Zhen jumped up happily, put her face against his neck, and blew air into Lin Bai's ear with a giggle.

He was about to call her a witch, but in an instant, Lin Bai felt that the mountains and rivers were on his back, and it seemed to be more than ten times heavier than before.

He walked forward slowly, each step heavier than the last, and he felt like he was carrying the world on his back.

Lin Bai understood that even if Sister Zhen had been forming a pill for a long time, practiced the method of tempering the body diligently, and carried objects on her body, she would never be so heavy.

"Even if you carry me, I still feel extremely heavy." Mu Zhen sighed.

"This is the rule here." Lin Bai gritted his teeth and said.

"It's just that the rules between you and me are not big enough. Otherwise, what does this mean?" Mu Zhen smiled.

"It's your turn to carry me." After walking nine steps, Lin Bai put Sister Zhen down and spoke righteously.

"..." Mu Zhen was stunned for a moment, then smiled disdainfully, "You come!"

Lin Bai took over, Mu Zhen walked three steps, then fell to the ground.

"I never thought it would be so difficult." Mu Zhen lost his temper, looked at Lin Bai, and said, "You walked nine steps, and you really deserve the name of the wheel."

Lin Bai didn't know what the two had to do, but he didn't argue.

The two talked for a while, then walked forward.

Summer is gone and autumn is here, and there is a bleakness. There are cicadas wailing among the withered yellow leaves, full of loneliness.

The sword intent in the body is more stagnates, and the body is heavier. Mu Zhen's face is still pale, but it seems that he can still hold on.

Lin Bai only feels that his blood is surging, and a trace of destruction is like a needle piercing a knife. The power of the five elements is difficult to form a mixed force, and the sword intent is wearing out more slowly.

The burden is getting heavier, and it is difficult to lift his legs and take a step. It is probably very difficult to mobilize spiritual power to fly in the air.

The range of spiritual awareness is smaller. If they encounter an enemy, it is estimated that both sides will have a hard time fighting.

The previous plan may have to be changed again. It is not easy to ambush here.

As for the formation, we can use the terrain and the rules here. But I am afraid that it will take too long, and the formation flags and formation plates will also be depleted of spiritual energy, making it difficult to use.

After walking for a while, Mu Zhen's breathing became heavier, and there was a trace of blood oozing out of his arms and face.

The two robes have lost their spiritual energy and are mostly damaged.

Lin Bai changed into a secular Taoist robe. Mu Zhen did not shy away and took off his clothes directly and changed into a long skirt.

Looking at the shape, it seems that I have seen similar ones in Huaxi County, but I have never seen Sister Zhen wearing it.

But Lin Bai didn't understand. Why is she wearing a skirt when she is obviously climbing the mountain?

He lifted the skirt and took a look inside. There was even embroidery on the inner skirt.

Xiuxiu didn't have so many tricks! Lin Bai pouted and thought that Sister Zhen was also not doing her job properly.

Seeing Lin Bai peeping at her rudely, Mu Zhen wiped off the tiny blood beads on her face, turned around, and said with a smile: "I made it myself, is it still useful?"

"I am already moved. If I were not in a dangerous place, I would have used the sky as my bed and the ground as my blanket." Lin Bai said casually.

Sure enough, Mu Zhen was much happier after hearing this.

The two continued to move forward, and saw traces of dragging on the path, with bloodstains on it.

Following the bloodstains, they saw a man lying on the ground under the autumn leaves and on the gravel. His clothes were gone, his hair was disheveled, and his body was covered with blood. He was still digging the ground with his hands and climbing forward.

The man's hands were already white bones, and the blood was thick where his body passed, covering the rocks and dead leaves.

Judging from the man's scars, it should be the sharp gravel in the mountains that made the injury worse.

Even if the golden elixir body has not practiced the body method, it is not so fragile. It must be that there are too many sword intentions in the body, which have broken out of the body and damaged the muscles and bones.

"It's Bi Huanqiu!" Lin Bai saw that the person was thin and definitely not a man, so he made a judgment.

Mu Zhen nodded slightly, but did not say anything.

Lin Bai looked around and saw no warning of good or bad luck. Knowing that it was not an ambush, he took a deep breath and walked forward slowly.

"Senior Sister Bi." When he came to Bi Huanqiu, he saw that her chin had been worn out and the bones were white, her face was covered with blood, her hands were still forward, and only her eyes were still somewhat clear.

Lin Bai helped her up and saw that her internal organs were exposed in her abdomen.

After holding her in his arms, Lin Bai was about to take out the elixir and stuff it into her mouth when Mu Zhen stopped her.

"Your Jade Dew Pill is not good." Mu Zhen took out a porcelain bottle, poured out a golden pill, and then shook his head slightly, "The potency of the medicine has been reduced a lot."

As he spoke, he put it into Bi Huanqiu's mouth.

After Bi Huanqiu swallowed the elixir, his spirit was shaken, and there was actually a smile on his bloody face.

"Thank you both." Bi Huanqiu gasped for air and wanted to reach out to wipe the blood on his face, but he seemed unable to do so.

Lin Bai reached out and brushed his face, and saw that the blood was gone, but there were countless tiny wounds on his face, and blood oozed out.

"Don't waste precious elixirs." Bi Huanqiu said when he saw Lin Bai spraying medicine on her wounds.

"Elixirs are of course valuable, but they are not as valuable as Senior Sister's devotion to the Tao." Lin Bai ignored her, brushed off the blood and dirt from her body, crushed the pills and applied them externally.

Bi Huanqiu smiled, then raised his head with great effort to look at the road ahead.

"Where are Senior Brother Ying and the others?" Lin Bai asked.

"Let's go." Bi Huanqiu replied.

"How long have they been gone? How are they doing?" Lin Bai asked again.

"It's been three hours, or more." Bi Huanqiu gasped, blood coming from his mouth, and said: "The road is difficult, and they are not much better than me."

Speaking of this, she leaned in Lin Bai's arms, looked at Mu Zhen, then looked at Lin Bai, and said: "You two seem to still have some strength left. I wish you to reach the top."

This is to urge the two of them to go ahead.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen looked at each other with admiration in their hearts. It was really rare for this person to still not forget the desire to seek the truth in such a difficult situation, and not to slow down the pace of the two of them.

After putting it down, she lay on the ground again and continued to reach forward, like an ant with its limbs cut off.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen stopped and watched her move forward.

But a quarter of an hour passed, and Bi Huanqiu still didn't crawl out thirty feet away.

"Why are you doing this? The mountain is high and the road is far away. You have no possibility of climbing to the top. If you hurt people in such a vain way, it is not worth the loss. If you lose your life again, it will not be worth it." Mu Zhen walked over and stopped. ,Sighed.

"How can we retreat in fear of difficulties when the way lies?" Bi Huanqiu smiled, stretched out his skeletal hand, grabbed the rocks and dead trees, and moved forward little by little.

There is no autumn scenery ahead, it is already a vast expanse of white snow.

Bi Huanqiu gritted his teeth and moved forward. His white-bone palm finally caught the snow, and it was immediately dyed blood red.

The place where autumn and winter meet, with yellow leaves and white snow.

The place where Bi Huanqiu walked dragged out a long bloody road, winding and steep, like the road to immortality.

Lin Bai took a step forward when he saw the virtuous people thinking about him. Mu Zhen wiped off the blood drops on his face and moved forward firmly.

Crossing the fallen leaves, stepping on the snow. Mu Zhen trembled slightly, the stagnant sword intent in her body seemed to be unable to be suppressed, and the weight on her back made her muscles creak.

Continuing forward, Lin Bai passed by Bi Huanqiu, but was grabbed by the ankle.

The bones were white and the flesh and blood were blurred. Bi Huanqiu lay on the ground and raised his head with difficulty, "Be careful with Yin Yan."

After speaking, she let go of her hand and continued to move forward, her eyes firm.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen looked at each other, said nothing more, crossed Bi Huanqiu, and continued forward, leaving only a trail of blood behind them.

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