The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 282 Risking Life

Walking across the snowfield, we see spring again.

It becomes more and more difficult as they go up. Lin Bai and Mu Zhen originally agreed to act separately, but now they can only go hand in hand.

Tiny drops of blood continued to seep out of Mu Zhen's body, but she couldn't stop it.

Lin Bai seemed to be slightly better than her, but in fact he was also very uncomfortable. Endless blades of destruction are scurrying around in the body, wandering among the flesh and bones, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, and like thousands of needles piercing the heart.

The pain is bearable, but the sword's intention is not only destroying the body, but also the consciousness and will are gradually wearing away.

Lin Bai was holding a wooden stick and looked at the back of his hand. Although there were no blood beads yet, there were slight cracks.

It is really difficult to be in the mountains, with heavy objects pressing down on you outside and swords looming inside.

However, although the road ahead is unknown, fortunately there are no pursuers behind, and his teammates are still capable of fighting.

Ever since he met Sister Zhen, Lin Bai had never seen her in such a mess. Even when she was confused on the bed, she still had some dignity. But now her skirt had many holes, her face was stained with blood and mud, and she couldn't even brush her face to clean herself. Neither want to.

"How much can you believe her words?" Mu Zhen grabbed Lin Bai's sleeve and asked breathlessly.

Bi Huanqiu reminded him just now, saying that he wanted to be careful with Yin Yan.

"When a person is about to die, his words are also good." Lin Bai believed Bi Huanqiu's words, but after all, it was an away game. Although Li Wusheng and Mo Yingcheng had mentioned it, he only knew a few details about them.

The leader, Ying Wangtian, is the direct descendant of Taoist Lihuo, the master of Jiuzhe Mountain. He possesses secret powers and has an arrogant and deep nature.

He Bingde was not from a high background and did not have a Nascent Soul Master, but he had always been close to Ying Wangtian.

Needless to say, Du Changying, after Nascent Soul Du Jueming, was not an easy person.

As for Yin Yan, he has no Nascent Soul to rely on. He usually does not show off the landscape and is a amiable person. He has a keen eye and is good at identifying things.

Among these people, the most outstanding one this time was actually Yin Yan.

Now that Bi Huanqiu has asked to be wary of Yin Yan, he must be really hiding his secrets.

"Yin Yan hides his secrets, and you and I hide our secrets too." Mu Zhen blinked leisurely.

"In short, be careful." Lin Bai helped Mu Zhen, squeezed her hand, and said, "If you have a back-up, use it quickly, but don't hide it."

Lin Bai knew that she must have a lot of good things in her hands, and he only hoped that Sister Zhen would show off her power.

The two murmured for a while and then moved on.

Not long after walking, blood stains were seen again. There were many scattered blood spots and several bloody footprints. The surrounding trees were broken and the rocks collapsed.

Mu Zhen stepped forward to observe carefully and made a judgment, "At least it is the blood of two people. There was a big battle here, and it was not a fight, but it was over in a breath or two. It was either a sneak attack or a combination of strength. Far better."

Lin Bai agreed with Sister Zhen's conclusion. Those who could reach this point were probably exhausted and all they had to do was work hard.

Under such circumstances, the fierce fighting may not be able to suppress the sword intention in the body, so even the battlefield is too lazy to clean up and cover up.

But since he succeeded with one blow, the one with such strength should be Ying Wangtian.

According to what Li Wusheng said, He Bingde was good at defense and defense, and his strength was comparable to that of Du Changying. Yin Yan rarely showed his ability, but a person who specialized in appraisals would not be good at killing no matter what he thought.

However, nothing is certain. Someone may show his superiority, or it may be just a layout.

The two of them were more careful, walking and walking, Lin Bai holding a gourd in his arms and holding a wooden stick in his hand.

Mu Zhen didn't look like a lady at all. She used her hand to wipe the blood on her face and gasped through gritted teeth.

The two of them walked forward slowly, about a hundred feet away, when they heard shouts and shouts in front of them.

"Senior Brother Yin has always been a kind person, but he turns out to be so majestic." Ying Wangtian sneered.

"Junior brother Ying is a good person among men, but he didn't expect me to fight for the opportunity, so he blocked the road. The road is ahead, and even the clay figures have some blood." Yin Yan said with a trembling voice.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen looked at each other without saying a word, their eyes clearly saying: Let's fight!

"Senior Brother Ying, Senior Brother Yin, why are we so tense? We are all descendants of Jiuding Mountain. Even if we have the opportunity, we should not lose our harmony." He Bingde actually spoke to persuade.

"You ambush me and hurt me, but you persuade me not to hurt me?" Yin Yan sneered.

"I know what you are capable of!" Ying Wangtian was very impatient, "How can you be the first to pass the trial? How can you persist until now? Whose guidance did you get, and what is the purpose? "

"Senior Brother Ying, do you really want to kill me?" Yin Yan said in a very low voice.

But Ying Wangtian didn't answer.

"You two, please give me a helping hand!" Yin Yan shouted towards Lin Mu and the others.

The body of the golden elixir, even if it is troubled internally and externally, is so close, it cannot be hidden from others.

Lin Bai glanced at Mu Zhen and stepped forward, but Mu Zhen stayed where he was.

Climb a hundred feet and you will see a platform. Trees fell, rocks collapsed, and everything was in a mess.

Yin Yan was covered in blood and was sitting in front of a tree stump, breathing heavily.

There was another person beside him, also covered in blood, with broken limbs and exposed internal organs. He was clearly Du Changying.

Du Changying was still alive and looked at Lin Bai with squinted eyes, with an unknown expression on his blood-stained face.

Not far away there was a man holding a sword, his face was extremely pale, and he was breathing heavily. It was Ying Wangtian.

This person came to such a situation, but his skin was not damaged. I don't know if it was due to the power of body tempering or the secret method.

He Bingde was sitting on the ground, his clothes were torn, his face was stained with blood, and he was holding an khaki flagpole on the ground.

"Senior Brother Ying, Senior Brother He, Senior Brother Yin, Senior Brother Du." Lin Bai was a decent man, and he did not forget to salute even when the situation was tense.

No one returned the greeting, and no one spoke.

Lin Bai was also very tired, so he simply sat down cross-legged, holding the gourd in front of him, took a big sip of wine, and silently weighed the strengths of all parties.

This place was only a hundred feet away from the top of the mountain, and the burden on his body was even heavier, and the stagnant sword intent in his body could no longer be suppressed.

Lin Bai knew very well that he had the power of the 12th Hunyuan Revolution, but there were hidden wounds in his body, and it was difficult to even take a step under the heavy burden, so the big guy must be even more uncomfortable.

Moreover, these four people had clearly fought hard, and except for Ying Wangtian, everyone was injured, and it seemed that the injuries were not serious.

Although Lin Bai wanted to make money as a fisherman, he did not dare to underestimate this group of people.

The people who can come here are all people with special skills. They may have some magic weapons and secret skills in their hands, so they need to deal with them carefully.

Of course, Lin Bai felt that he had a great chance of winning by joining forces with Sister Zhen.

"The road is ahead, why bother to fight and kill?" Lin Bai saw that no one was taking action, so he acted as a peacemaker.

"I don't kill people, but someone did it first." Yin Yan sneered.

"What kind of good intentions do you have?" Ying Wangtian took out a pill and swallowed it, blood slowly oozing out from the face of his arm.

He couldn't bear the destruction of the sword.

"Alas." Lin Bai sighed, "We will climb the mountain with blood and pave the road. Now it is only a hundred feet away from the top of the mountain, why do you have to fight to the death? Climb to the top and look far away, open your mind, and think about it when you arrive, you can smile and forget your grudges. Okay. Why don’t we all take a break and go together.”

"He is the least damaged, he is hurting us!" He Bingde suddenly said.

"..." Lin Bai just pretended not to hear, and did not try to help anyone. He just looked at Yin Yan and asked, "Senior Brother Yin, what happened to you? Who made the first move?"

Yin Yan also took the elixir, and did not forget to stuff one into Du Changying, saying: "I chased at the end, and met Junior Sister Bi first. She did not practice physical education, was the most damaged, and was abandoned. Later, I met Junior Sister Bi again. Junior Brother Du, I am walking hand in hand with him, but I don’t want to be attacked by Junior Brother Ying and Junior Brother He.”

Lin Bai looked at Ying Wangtian like a law enforcement monk.

Ying Wangtian sat down cross-legged, with Heng Jian on his knees, and looked at Lin Bai, saying: "Junior Brother Zhuan Lun is the one who really showed his prowess, helping Li Wu Sheng escape the trial, and coming here without any injuries. It’s really amazing.”

He didn't say anything about the sneak attack, but talked about other things.

"Senior brother, you are so grateful." Lin Bai didn't panic at all. He knew that these people were injured several times more seriously than him, but it was difficult to recover for a while in this place. Even with the help of pills, it could only delay the injury.

"Where did Junior Brother get his body training method? How can he survive until now?" Ying Wangtian asked again.

Others also looked over with interest, even Du Changying, who only had half his life left, looked a little brighter.

"To tell you the truth, senior brother, although I am a casual cultivator, I have been supported by Patriarch Gu of Qiaoshan. Later, the head of Qiaoshan's general affairs died, and I worked hard to pursue the enemy. The Supreme Patriarch of Qiaoshan gave me the method of body tempering to my ancestor. "

Lin Bai looked around at everyone and said, "Senior brothers, do you know the name of Ancestor Xiang?"

"Senior Xiang Wuhui is only one step away from reaching the sky." Ying Wangtian frowned slightly, with a look of fascination, "Even Master, he has great admiration for senior when he mentions Xiang Wuhui. Although I have more Nascent Souls in Jiuzhe Mountain than Qiaoshan, But when it comes to the depth of Taoism and the height of realm, no one can compare to Senior Xiang Wuhui.”

"Your Majesty is too humble." Lin Bai took another sip of wine and said, "Ancestor Xiang once discussed Taoism with Ancestor Gu. I was fortunate enough to serve beside him. I listened to his words and learned Taoism carefully from Taoist Lihuo. Dharma is unfathomable and has the potential to become a god.”

Ying Wangtian nodded slightly.

"I heard that Senior Xiang Wuhui also received the inheritance from Taoist Master Wuxiang." He Bingde suddenly laughed softly, "This place is also left by Taoist Master Wuxiang. I wonder if those who get the opportunity will be able to compete with Xiang Wuhui in the future."

"We monks are cultivating our bodies and minds for the road to immortality. The fight is in the end." Lin Bai stood and spoke without pain in his back.

"Then don't take action later." He Bingde said immediately.

"..." Lin Bai pretended not to hear and only looked at Ying Wangtian.

"It's because of my poor eyesight that I realized that Brother Zhuanlun is a dragon and a phoenix." Ying Wangtian squinted his eyes, pressed the sword on his knee, and said: "If you don't take action, follow me up the mountain. If there is a treasure, I will take it first, and you Followed by Mu Zhen.”

He made a condition.

"Senior Brother Ying, how ridiculous!" Mu Zhen also walked up at this moment, her hairdress was torn and dirty, her face was bleeding, and she blinked her dark eyes, "The opportunity is ahead, and the virtuous will get it."

Ying Wangtian stared at Mu Zhen for a while, and then asked: "You are the junior Wood Demon, and Wood Demon once helped the family teacher. This time you come here, the favor is over. But..."

His face suddenly became fierce, blood burst out from his seven orifices, and his eyes were like torches, "I am good at hearing. You and Lin Zhuanlun thought you were secretive when communicating with each other, but you didn't want to be completely heard by me! Whore! Are you trying to kill me? I have no intention of killing you?"

As he spoke, Ying Wangtian slapped the ground with his palm, causing the rocks to crack in an instant, and then he stood up.

As if he had changed into a different person, Ying Wangtian's face was dripping with blood, but he was no longer pale. His aura surged throughout his body. He held a sword in his left hand and a jade seal in his right hand.

Lin Bai and Mu Zhen looked at each other and thought that the one who could come here was really not easy to get along with. They were really conspiring loudly.

He Bingde used the flagpole to support himself and stood up, standing behind Ying Wangtian with gloomy eyes.

Yin Yan turned over two golden marbles in his hand, his face wary.

Du Changying was seriously injured and this battle had nothing to do with him. Seeing that the situation was not good at this moment, he crawled away, his entrails were leaking out, but he couldn't hold back and kept silent.

"I will protect you! I just hope you will remember our friendship and ask Senior Du to accept me as his disciple after you go out!" Yin Yan grabbed Du Changying and put him behind him.

"Brother Yin, you are so kind..." Du Changying squeezed out a few words and burst into tears.

Lin Bai still sat cross-legged, and did not get up, just pressed the gourd in front of him.

After a long time of forming the elixir, the flying knife has been recast, and Lin Bai is always looking forward to trying the blade.

"Look, he was provoked by me and he has the heart to fight for his life again. This time he used the secret method again, but the burden is still there, and the knife intention has not gone, he must seek a quick victory. If he can't win quickly, how many times can the secret method be used again?" Mu Zhen forced a smile, holding the jade bottle in his hand, and kicked Lin Bai, "You hold the front."

"..." Lin Bai felt that Sister Zhen was not very reliable at this moment. Although she had a lot of things in her hands, she also had the problems of a child from a high family!

Lin Bai couldn't help but think of Sister Pei. If he had brought Sister Pei with him this time, she probably wouldn't have said so much nonsense and would have opened the sword box and rushed in!

The mountain wind blew, and the blood rose.

Ying Wangtian seemed to be unrestrained by the rules of this place and undestroyed by the sword intent. He held the sword in his hand and strode forward.

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