The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 33 Purpose

There were no lights in the room, and it was a little quiet for a while.

The silver moonlight shines from the window to the bed, like frost.

Mu Zhen was still lying on her side, supporting her chin with one hand, looking at Lin Bai like a child.

Lin Bai leaned on the pillow and looked at her.

After a long time, Lin Bai said: "Sister Zhen, can we be honest with each other now?"

Mu Zhen blinked and smiled slightly in the darkness, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"Sister Zhen, didn't you see the night before when I lost my mind?" Lin Bai asked tentatively.

Mu Zhen shook her head slightly, "It's foggy."

really! The fog blocked her observation, as evidenced by the wisp of purple.

"What do you mean?" Lin Bai pretended not to understand.

"I wanted to go in and have a look, but it was blocked by the fog." Mu Zhen said.

"Is this important to you?" Lin Bai asked.

"It's about alchemy, it's about the great road." Mu Zhen said words that Lin Bai didn't understand.

"Alchemy..." Lin Bai didn't quite understand.

"This has something to do with personal experience and perception. I don't even understand..." Mu Zhen looked at Lin Bai and paused slightly, "Just like Dr. Bai, he saves lives and heals the wounded, regardless of whether the patient is good or evil. It seems rigid, but he He is also very knowledgeable on weekdays... You can think of this as his 'Elixir Theory'." She put it in a way that Lin Bai could understand.

Lin Bai understood it, but seemed not to understand it. He only vaguely felt that this was related to the most fundamental part of a person.

"Does it have anything to do with me that you make your own alchemy theory?" Lin Bai was puzzled, "Is sleeping with me a way for you to seek out the alchemy theory?"

"..." Mu Zhen blushed a little, "I thought it was true before, but later I found out it wasn't."

"Then why did you still sleep with me later?" Lin Bai asked curiously, wondering if you also discovered the fun? It shows that your Taoist heart is not strong.

"Practice doesn't require breaking up love, so what does that mean? As far as I'm concerned, just being bitten by a dog on the long road can be regarded as sharpening one's worldly mind." Mu Zhen's tone became calmer again.

Lin Bai only felt that Sister Zhen was too good at talking...

"Then are you sure it's... the thing behind the mist?" Lin Bai changed the question, still questioning.

"You don't understand. This is the intuition of the asking heart." Mu Zhen's words were vague.

Didn't you say it was intuition when you slept with me? Haha, woman.

"Can others find me like you can?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Bai asked an important question.

"No. I found you only after a ray of guidance from my ancestor." Mu Zhen's words were vague.

Lin Bai felt relieved. Now that his strength was low, if anyone who entered the Tao could find out that he was special, then he would stop playing around.

"How good is your ancestor's ability?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

"See what you're afraid of." Sister Zhen smiled meaningfully, "There are not many people in this world who are better than her."

"Have you ever used other methods to detect it? Into a dream state or something..." Lin Bai asked again.

"You have a special destiny, and ordinary means cannot break through the mist. At least, I can't." Mu Zhen replied.

"My destiny?" Lin Bai encountered another point of knowledge.

"There are thousands of destinies, and they are never the same." Mu Zhen smiled, "No one can take it away, and it will disappear after death."

This seemed to ensure that she was not coveting it, but just looking at it. There was no danger because she couldn't take it away.

Lin Bai thought a lot at the same time. Since Mu Zhen wanted to have a glimpse of her own destiny before she could come up with that elixir theory...then my destiny is so special?

Lin Bai couldn't be sure whether his destiny was special, but he was indeed special. Perhaps, this is what makes me special.

If you think about it more carefully, the stone plate exists in another time, and the mist can condense into objects...

This seems to be some kind of use of "time" and "space".

Lin Bai still couldn't figure it out for the time being. His vision was too low and his knowledge was too shallow.

Looking at Mu Zhen's look, she obviously didn't want to say more.

Lin Bai was silent, secretly thinking about whether to agree or not. Although she couldn't feel the malice, she was blind, but she understood everything.

"Then...should I consider it?" Lin Bai tentatively asked.

"Three days." Mu Zhen said.

"Are you too hasty?" Lin Bai was surprised.

"I also want to take it slow, but isn't this a rift?" Mu Zhen smiled.

How can we sleep together even if we break up? Lin Bai said: "What if I swear to death and refuse to obey?"

"Then I'll kill you." Mu Zhen propped up her cheek with one hand and flicked Lin Bai's forehead with the other, saying: "Didn't I just say that there are thousands of destinies, and they are never the same. When people die, their destinies will disappear. If you die, your destiny will disappear again. If it comes to another person, I’ll just look for it.”

"It would be too troublesome to search again." Lin Bai decided to give in.

"Indeed." Mu Zhen smiled.

"Sister Zhen, why didn't you use force on me before?" Lin Bai asked.

"That's so boring." Mu Zhen laughed.

Is it interesting to co-author now? Lin Bai was speechless.

For a long time, neither of them spoke. It's just that being on the couch makes the atmosphere somewhat wrong.

"Sister Zhen, it's still early, can I still sleep?" Lin Bai knew he couldn't resist, so he broke the jar and threw it.

Mu Zhen looked at him for a while and then turned away.

"Sister Zhen, will you be pregnant with my child?" After a while, Lin Bai asked again.

"It's almost impossible. Besides, I've already used my spiritual power... You talk so much nonsense!" Mu Zhen seemed embarrassed.

Wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

"Not until the night after tomorrow at the latest. If it's late, we won't wait."

Before leaving the house, Mu Zhen reminded.

"Then can I still come and sleep in these two days?" Lin Bai asked shamelessly.

Mu Zhen was stunned for a moment and taught him a lesson: "You used to practice diligently day and night, and look at you now! How can you succeed if you indulge in sex like this?"

"Let alone the second brother, it seems that you are pure and unrestrained. I don't know who is more entangled." Lin Bai retorted.

Mu Zhen frowned.

Lin Bai didn't dare to say anything else, picked up the medicine box and went out immediately.

It was almost autumn, and the weather was cooler in the morning, but it was still hot at noon.

When I arrived at the clinic, I heard Doctor Bai coughing.

Xiuxiu was boiling medicine beside her, with her little face turned away, very worried.

"It's an old problem, it's okay." Doctor Bai saw Lin Bai's worried look and just waved his hand, and didn't ask about last night.

Lin Bai knew that it was useless to persuade him, so he thought of taking on more things to make Doctor Bai feel more relaxed.

"Pack some cough and fever medicine, as well as children's cough and asthma and women's medicine, and we will go outside the city later." Doctor Bai instructed.

"I can go alone." Lin Bai was worried about Doctor Bai's health.

"That's right! He can go alone, grandpa, don't go!" Xiuxiu also hurriedly joined in.

"No, no, there must be someone to help." Doctor Bai smiled kindly and said, "Then let Xiuxiu go too, she likes to treat patients. It's convenient for you two, a man and a woman."

Lin Bai knew it was difficult to change Doctor Bai's mind, so he could only accept it.

"Then don't work too hard in the clinic, close the door and go to sleep if you can't." Xiuxiu reminded.

"How can a clinic be closed in broad daylight? Even on festivals, the door cannot be opened." Doctor Bai shook his head and smiled.

After Xiuxiu boiled the medicine, she stared at Doctor Bai and drank it, and then she felt relieved.

Lin Bai carried the medicine box, Xiuxiu followed behind, and the two walked towards the north gate together.

After walking for a while, they saw someone selling candied haws, and Lin Bai bought another one for Xiuxiu.

"You just need someone to take care of you, so you spend money recklessly. If you can't save money, you can't get married, if you can't get married, you can't have children, if you don't have children, no one will take care of you in your old age, if no one takes care of you in your old age, don't come to me to ask for help." Xiuxiu looked like she had seen through life.

"Candied haws can't stop you from eating, right? Don't eat them!" Lin Bai was so angry that he slapped her on the head.

"Eat, eat, eat! I won't say anything to you." Xiuxiu said hurriedly.

"Xiuxiu, have you ever thought about what you will do when you grow up?" Lin Bai thought of Doctor Bai's body and couldn't help but feel sorry for Xiuxiu.

"Isn't it simple? Make money, save money, get married, manage money, have children, wait for the children to get married, and manage the family's money." Xiuxiu held the candied haws in one hand, stretched out the other hand, and counted one finger when she said something.

A very traditional girl, except that she loves to manage money.

Lin Bai covered his forehead and asked helplessly: "I mean, don't you want to do something? Do you want to be a doctor, or something else?"

"Yes." Xiuxiu tilted her head and looked at Lin Bai, and asked: "I will be the owner of a clinic, a female doctor, and treat patients and save lives like grandpa. Of course, I must be in charge of the money."

Lin Bai couldn't help laughing, nodded, and said: "Then I will help you in the future. Don't think I'm stupid, and don't deduct my wages."

"I never deduct... As long as you work hard, why would I deduct your wages? Do you think I'm a bad person?" Xiuxiu ate a candied haws seriously and solemnly.

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