The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 34: Lighting up (Please read on)

There is quite some order outside the North City.

Many victims were holding bowls and receiving porridge at the porridge shed. Those who had already eaten were in groups of three or five, and they didn’t know what they were talking about.

Several policemen were patrolling back and forth with whips in hand to prevent any fights.

Toilet sheds have been erected on both sides of the road, and there are people dedicated to collecting feces.

People from the Cao Gang in Nancheng are recruiting Lifu, and there are also old servants from rich families who come to buy servants and maids of suitable age.

"Why do they have grass stuck in their heads?" Xiu Xiu tugged at the hem of Lin Bai's clothes and asked curiously.

"Selling one's head by inserting a bid means voluntarily selling oneself to others as a slave."

Lin Bai thought for a while and then added: "This kind of thing usually happens in times of famine and war. A straw is sold cheaply, and most of them are children; two straws are mostly sold by middle-aged men, which are a little more expensive, and they can do something good. "Three-gen-cao is a person who has a skill, such as reading and teaching, or singing and dancing."

Xiu Xiu was stunned and asked: "No one cares about them?"

"I don't care about what should be taken care of, but I take care of what shouldn't be taken care of." Lin Bai sighed and did not continue.

Xiuxiu didn't say anything, she just held Lin Bai's sleeve tightly.

Not far away, a policeman came up to meet him.

The policeman's surname was Xing. He had a long face and was full of smiles. He said, "Doctor Lin, your noble lord has given instructions that you and Dr. Bai are coming for a consultation. Let us arrange a good place."

This is because of Doctor Bai and Xiuxiu.

"I'd like to ask Xing to lead the way." Lin Bai bowed his hand.

"Please." Mr. Xing held the knife on his waist and was very polite.

Coming to a shaded shed, Lin Bai put down the medicine box, and Xiu Xiu sat next to him, like a brother and sister.

Mr. Xing said a few more words, then went out and shouted: "The miracle doctor is here! Anyone with a running fever will come to see the doctor! Those who can't poop will also come! And you! He who is coughing, come here quickly!" And those who were whipped just now for grabbing food! Come here! Get in line, and whoever jumps in line will be whipped!”

Lin Bai and Xiu Xiu looked at each other in the shed.

"The first time I saw a doctor soliciting customers, I saw an aunt on the roadside asking if I could sleep..."

Before Xiuxiu finished speaking, Lin Bai pinched her face and said viciously: "Mr. Bai should give me a light punishment! I'll go back and copy all the medical books!"

Xiuxiu mumbled and didn't dare to say anything more.

After a while, the victims came to see a doctor.

Lin Bai showed to men and children, and Xiu Xiu attended to sick women. Some victims who had nothing to do helped boil medicine and boil water.

When they rested at noon, they drank some water and ate some of the pancakes they had brought with them in the morning. The girl Xiuxiu didn't feel bitter, but relished it.

Lin Bai glanced at the black cicada on the tree outside the shed, but ignored it and just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The stone plate is just like yesterday.

"Original destiny... alchemy theory... these are still levels that I can't access at the moment."

"What is so special about my destiny? Is the mist also a part of my destiny, or is it specifically designed to protect me?"

"The mist blocked Sister Zhen's peek... How could I open a path for her?"

Lin Bai looked around, his heart moved, and the fog immediately rolled endlessly.

Then a small crack suddenly appeared in the surrounding fog, first as wide as a finger, and then as big as a fist.

Beyond the mist was a vast expanse of space, and there seemed to be stars, but they couldn't be seen clearly.

Soon, the mist closed and returned to its previous appearance.

"It's true..."

Lin Bai touched his chin and thought to himself, it wouldn't be impossible if he let her take a look. If she has other thoughts, she can isolate them immediately.

As for the request... Lin Bai had no intention of taking the opportunity to make a request. In other words, even if you want something, you can't use this as a threat.

We all slept together, and we talked frankly about it. Is there anything we shouldn't mention next to the pillow?

Opening his eyes, Lin Bai saw Xiu Xiu staring at him with big dark eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" Xiuxiu asked.

"I was thinking that you are so cute and cute, and I don't know who you will marry when you grow up." Lin Bai pinched her face.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'll find it myself." Xiuxiu pushed Lin Bai's hand away, half of her face was red, and she didn't forget to add, "Unlike you, you don't even understand how to save money to marry a wife!"

Lin Bai was too lazy to pay attention to her.

"I think the sister surnamed Pei is pretty good. I met her later and helped you match her up?" Xiu Xiu said with concern.

"She is not your sister, she is your uncle, you can call her aunt." Lin Bai scolded, "Also, if you talk to me in front of her in the future, we will break off our friendship!"

"What's the reason?" Xiuxiu curled her lips again, with a look of understanding on her face, "Oh, I understand, you are so afraid of her. I've seen it a long time ago. You have weak hair and are afraid of your wife."

Lin Bai knew that if he kept talking to this chatty talker, she would be able to talk to him forever, so he simply shut up and stopped answering no matter what she said.

After noon, there was a sudden commotion outside.

Lin Bai immediately got up and went to look outside. After making inquiries, he found out that something had happened in the city.

It turned out that Sister Pei Ning and Pei led the Qinglong Gang to directly wipe out two wealthy families in Huaxi County, the same ones from the Nine Surnames yesterday.

The two surnames resisted fiercely and gathered slaves to guard the courtyard. In the end, Pei Ning only let the Qinglong Gang go out and forced them to death.

Once the battle was over, hundreds of people from those two surnames died. The Qinglong Gang has only over two hundred people left since Ren Biao's death, and only fifty or sixty people died this time.

"Driving tigers and swallowing wolves? That's not right. In the eyes of Sister Pei, I guess the Qinglong Gang and those two surnames are not tigers and wolves..."

"It seems that Sister Pei is focused on administration and doesn't have to worry about me, an outlaw."

"Or is there another plan, to make me relax my vigilance by attacking in the east? No, the best way to deceive the enemy is to keep silent if she doesn't cause trouble..."

"Obviously, what he did was bloody, but it was the best for the people."

Lin Bai respected her more and more, but still felt that it was better to stay away from her.

In the evening, Lin Bai took Xiuxiu back to the city.

After sending her back to the hospital, Lin Bai returned to Mu Zhen's home.

The moon was high in the sky, and the two of them talked at night.

"Sister Zhen, where are you from?" Lin Bai asked.

Mu Zhen looked at Lin Bai, frowned slightly, and asked with displeasure, "If I don't tell you, will you stop moving?"

"How dare I?" Lin Bai immediately gave up.

Another night.

It was getting daylight, and Lin Bai went out to the hospital.

Before I even warmed my butt, news came out on the street.

It is said that the county's lord has issued an explicit order to be promoted to the director of the hall to put an end to the unjust cases in Huaxi County.

It is true that the sun is coming out in the west.

After noon, Lin Bai heard someone say again that the person who was interrogating the case was not the county magistrate, but the girl in black who had made a name for herself in Huaxi County in the past two days.

Moreover, the girl in black does not accept bribes and only acts according to the rules. She is fair and obeys everyone.

Also, those who dissatisfied have been killed by her long ago.

"Sister Pei, what are you doing? Black clothes and blue sky?"

Lin Bai didn't dare to ask, nor did he dare to look. He could only listen to the gossip of people on the street.

Another day passed, and the time limit requested by Mu Zhen was getting closer and closer.

On this day, Lin Bai didn't leave the hospital until very late.

I went back to my home first, looked at the jujube trees, and thought it was almost time to pick them. It’s just that it rained a lot this year and it’s not very sweet.

And the black cicada was still lying on the tree trunk, screaming.

Lin Bai flushed himself with water, changed into clean clothes, and went to Mu Zhen's house.

There was an oil lamp burning in the room, and Mu Zhen was doing needlework under the candlelight.

Holding an embroidery hoop and a thimble on her finger, she really looked like an embroiderer.

"What are you doing?" Lin Bai sat opposite her.

"Make handkerchiefs. I have learned a lot of skills in the past few years, and I will never be hungry when I go out." Mu Zhen smiled.

"Sister Zhen, did you personally receive the pair of cloth shoes you gave me?" Lin Bai asked again.

"Stitch by stitch, do it yourself." Mu Zhen turned her head to look at Lin Bai, with a slight smile on her face, and said: "When I gave you the cloth shoes, you looked like that, even if I asked you to kill someone, you wouldn't say anything What’s wrong? You put the shoes away specially when you took them home, so you didn’t want to wear them, right?”

"Yes." Lin Bai nodded heavily, and then said with a smile: "So, I have worn them hard these days, and I don't feel any pain at all. They are all stretched."

"What you'd better say is cloth shoes." Mu Zhen put down the embroidery hoop and took off the thimble.

"I was talking about cloth shoes. What do you think I was talking about?" Lin Bai asked seriously.

Mu Zhen took the needle and picked the lantern, and said with a smile: "I won't talk nonsense with you, let's get started."

The candlelight flickered a few times, then returned to its original position, reflecting the two of them on the wall.

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