The laurel trees were tall and their crowns were huge. Under the cool shade and fragrance of flowers, a group of people were making a lot of noise.

Especially Sun Yuqing, who didn't look like a cultivator, actually took out some candies to share, saying that his senior brother was having a hard time, and families with beautiful girls could come to recruit him as a son-in-law. Seeing Wang Qiukai's unfriendly face, Sun Yuqing didn't dare to say anything more, but pulled Lin Bai and Pei Ning, asking everyone to come to the bridal chamber to make trouble at night.

Lin Bai saw clearly that Sun Yuqing was just like this, and it was not a disguise. I think it was because he had lived a carefree life since he was a child and was loved by his teachers and relatives that he developed this temperament.

Previously, I thought that the old ancestor Juexin surrounded and destroyed the great power of Huashen, and his disciples and descendants should be different. Later, I learned that the disciple Xiangli under the seat of Wuxiang Daozhu was practicing in seclusion in Zhongzhou. Lin Bai guessed that the people who hunted Wuxiang Daozhu should also be from Zhongzhou. I thought that Zhongzhou was extremely vicious, but when I saw Sun Yuqing, I realized that I was wrong.

The will of a high-ranking cultivator might be unshakable, but the lower-rank disciples below don't have so many thoughts, and they are all the same, just like he treats his apprentice as his daughter, and Zhou Wuji treats Wang Sun as an old father.

After a while of quarreling, Tu Mianxing led everyone to the east.

After leaving the laurel crown, there was a small fenced courtyard.

The courtyard was clean and tidy, with an old persimmon tree, and chickens and rabbits in bamboo cages under the tree, a total of nine heads and twenty feet.

An old man with a white beard was leaning on a crutch, standing outside the fence gate, holding a bunch of green grass in one hand, and looking at Lin Bai and others with a smile.

This person's age is unknown, and his old age is obvious. At first glance, you can tell that he is an ordinary person.

"Village elder, the distinguished guest is here." Tu Mianxing stepped forward and took the green grass from the old man's arms.

Lin Bai and others did not dare to look down on him, and stepped forward to bow.

I just asked about it. The so-called village elders are actually similar to the village chief. They are respected people here. If there is anything in the village, they will come here to judge.

Because there are not many people in the village, and the gap between the rich and the poor is not big, there are generally no big conflicts. Stealing chickens is a big deal, and stealing people's wives is even bigger.

"Dear guests." The village elder pushed open the fence door with his crutches and invited everyone in.

The rabbit man called a few old women and new wives to go to the backyard to kill chickens and ducks and prepare meals. He also asked a few children to bring bamboo stools and sit under the persimmon tree in the yard.

The villagers who followed did not leave. Some looked outside the fence yard, and some came into the yard. The naughty children climbed up the persimmon tree. Yue Qingqing even carried the rabbit in one hand and picked green persimmons with the other hand and stuffed them into the rabbit's mouth.

Under the persimmon tree, the village elder and Lin Bai and four others sat in front of the bamboo cage.

There were chickens and rabbits in the bamboo cage. Sun Yuqing grabbed a handful of grass to feed the rabbits, but unfortunately they didn't eat it. Sun Yuqing also took out a peach. The rabbit simply drooped its ears and fell asleep on a hen.

The rest of the villagers didn't sit down, even the rabbit stood.

Lin Bai and others had a lot of questions since they entered the village, such as where the villagers came from and who the rabbit god was.

But most of the villagers here can't read, and they can't even figure out the origin of the village. Some say it's three or four hundred years old, and some say it's thousands of years old. But they know how many acres of land they have at home.

"I am the village elder of Niujia Village, and my name is Tupujiao." Although the village elder is old, he speaks clearly and is obviously not confused. He asked politely: "May I ask the names of the four distinguished guests?"

Sun Yuqing immediately said them one by one.

"Are you four from outside?" Tupujiao asked.

"That's right." Sun Yuqing replied.

"What are you doing here?" Tupujiao asked again.

"..." Sun Yuqing was stunned by the question. She originally followed her master to gain knowledge, but she also wanted to seek opportunities. However, after arriving here, she found that it was just an ordinary village. Except for the osmanthus tree, everything else was ordinary. She didn't know where to ask.

"We came here for leisure." Seeing that Sun Yuqing and Qu Ruyi were both fools, Lin Bai took over the conversation and asked, "Excuse me, old man, how many years has Niujia Village lived here? How did they move here? Are there any documents such as manuscripts circulating?"

Tu fluttered his feet and waved his hands, and Tu Mianxing hurried to the house, took out a thick book, and handed it to Lin Bai to read.

Lin Bai took it, licked his fingers and turned the pages, looking like a pedant.

But after a closer look, he found that there was no important thing recorded in this broken book. Most of them were small things like whether the harvest was good or bad this year, and the Yue family lost chickens, and the Tu family stole people. However, there was a record every year, which family was on duty to cut the osmanthus.

After giving the book to Sun Yuqing, Lin Bai said, "Why don't you tell me yourself, old man?"

Tu Pu Jiao was not vague and started talking immediately.

However, Tu Pu Jiao actually couldn't figure out how long he had been here. He only said that his ancestors woke up here after a sleep.

The so-called Niujia Village was actually named randomly by the ancestors when they saw cows here.

After that, Yuetu and Ershi multiplied and reclaimed land here, working from sunrise to sunset. The villagers also wanted to go out, but every time they walked more than a hundred miles, they turned back like ghosts.

After a hundred years, there were only a dozen families, but the number of people exceeded a thousand. But slowly the villagers found that whenever a baby was born in the village, an old man died.

It seemed that there was a will of heaven between drinking and eating. Because of this, the new people in the village did not dare to have sex, and the old people died in the back mountain.

Later, someone accidentally came here and taught the method of fish soaking sheep intestines, and then they settled down. But after all, there were more deaths than births, so whoever had a child in the village had to draw lots first.

A hundred years later, a man came and planted a laurel tree. The man's appearance was no longer clear, and we didn't even know whether he was a man or a woman, and there was no record of him in the annals.

"The old god said he was bullied by our ancestors, so he planted a cassia tree. If it fell down after cutting it down, he would let us out. But the tree grew up immediately after cutting it with an axe, and it kept growing year after year. , Now we don’t know how high it is. We went to the mountain outside the village to look, but we couldn’t see it.” Tutu fluttered his feet and spread his hands, looking helpless.

"What did your ancestors do?" Sun Yuqing asked curiously.

"I make a living by fishing and hunting, and I only live by farming when I come here." Rabbit said.

"..." Sun Yuqing didn't say anything, and only said in his voice: "Were Taoist masters caught by them before they started to take action? Taoist masters, how can they be so vengeful? They say that the rabbit is anxious..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Qiuqie put his hand on Sun Yuqing's head.

"What else did the old immortal say?" Lin Bai didn't know whether the person who planted the tree was a Taoist master, but there must be a reason for this arrangement.

"Yes." Tutu said, "The old god also said that I should wait here to pick up the right person."

What is a destined person? These words were futile, but Lin Bai and Pei Ning couldn't help but look at each other. The flirty fox also played this trick back then, saying that they wanted to choose someone they liked, and finally chose Xiuxiu.

In fact, whether there is a destiny or not depends entirely on the fox's mouth. In critical situations, you can still get along with the fox. Xiuxiu and Fox took two different paths, but they complement each other and will be easier to follow in the future.

So what kind of person should the Taoist find a compatible partner?

Lin Bai couldn't figure it out either, so he just asked, "I guess many people have been here, right?"

"People come every one or two hundred years, but they always fail." Tutu sighed, making the surrounding villagers also sigh.

"Grandpa Rabbit, I am the one who is destined, but you don't believe it!" Yue Qingqing, who was lying on the trunk of the tree, said loudly.

No one paid any attention to her, so Wang Qiuche asked curiously: "How do the people who come decide they are destined? How do they leave?"

"Climb the osmanthus tree and leave." Rabbit pointed to the huge osmanthus tree in the distance, and said: "As for whether there is a fate or not, it is Master Rabbit who has the final say."

Finally, let’s talk about Lord Rabbit!

"Where did Mr. Rabbit come from? Where is he?" Sun Yuqing asked hurriedly.

"Master Rabbit was left behind by the old god, but he is not a human being." Rabbit looked in front of him, and all the villagers also looked over.

What you see is the bamboo cage in front of everyone. There were chickens and rabbits among them, most of them were dozing off.

" this Lord Rabbit?" Sun Yuqing didn't see anything mysterious about this rabbit at all, but he still believed it.

"Exactly. In our village, who will be born early and who will be born later, it is all decided by Master Rabbit!" Rabbit grabbed a handful of grass with his feet, raised his head and said, "Qingqing, didn't you say you were destined? ? You’re not young anymore, come and try it!”

Na Yue Qingqing jumped down from the persimmon tree with the rabbit ears in her arms and squatted in front of the bamboo cage.

"Come." Rabbit held a bunch of grass in his hands, "Let's see what Master Rabbit says."

"It turns out that yarrow is used for divination! I have learned it before!" Sun Yuqing suddenly said: "Take fifty roots and remove one, which is the number of Dayan! The rest are held in the left and right hands respectively. In this way, again so!"

She made gestures as if she was good at calculation, completely ignoring Wang Qiuqie's eyes.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Tupujiao looked at Sun Yuqing like a fool, and only took out a stick of grass and handed it to Yue Qingqing.

Then Yue Qingqing took the grass and stuffed it into the bamboo cage. The gray rabbit took two bites, chewed it a few times, and then shook his head. Apparently the moon was not green enough. (End of chapter)

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