The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 379 Fagui leaves

"I feed you every day and raise your son..." Yue Qingqing saw Master Rabbit shaking his head, her eyes immediately turned red, she sniffed and lifted the rabbit ears in her arms.

Seeing that this girl was so wronged, the villagers didn't come to persuade her. Instead, they laughed non-stop. Obviously, this kind of thing is seen often.

Sun Yuqing also smiled, and to add fuel to the fire, he pulled Yue Qingqing's ears and said, "If Lord Rabbit doesn't like you, that means the old god doesn't like you. Go home and hug the rabbit!"

Yue Qingqing was still young, so she couldn't bear this. She immediately threw the rabbit away and cried into a big face.

"If you want God to help you, you must first help yourself." Pei Ning is a kind man. He took out a phaseless stone, took Yue Qingqing's hand, put it in her palm, and said: "Although the opportunity is not yours, there is no need to belittle yourself. Misfortunes and blessings. Depending on each other, there may be another turning point.”

Yue Qingqing held the phaseless stone in one hand, wiped her tears with the other, and lifted her rabbit up again.

"For many years, we, the Yue Tu clan, have never had anyone who made Master Rabbit nod." Tu Tu sighed, looked at the four people, and said: "Four distinguished guests, please come."

At this moment, Lin Bai and the other four looked at each other, but were no longer in a hurry.

"Old sir, since you settled here, how many people have come here? Are there any records?" Lin Bai asked.

"That's too many. Anyway, most of them are just like you, very kind." Yue Pu started to do mental calculations with his fingers.

Can you not be kind? Those who come here are probably at the lowest level of the Golden Core Realm. They will definitely not care about ordinary people. Moreover, this is the former residence of the Taoist Master. You are here to meet the destined ones. No one dares to be too presumptuous.

Rabbit thought for a while, then took the book and turned it over, saying: "We have written records, only nine times. Anyway, there is nothing that can make Master Rabbit nod. When those people saw Master Rabbit shaking his head, some people changed their minds. Some of them still married and farmed here and lived with us, but they disappeared within a few years. Some of them had been harvesting Guangxi for decades without success, and they probably all disappeared. He left quietly by climbing the osmanthus tree."

Having said this, Tu pointed at the rabbit in Yue Qingqing's arms and said: "There is something even more surprising. I have personally taken care of Master Rabbit for decades and caught hares to breed them with. This Qingqing one has the blood of Master Rabbit." "

Tupujiao was enthusiastic and honest. He looked at Sun Yuqing and Pei Ning and said: "These two girls are like immortals. When I leave, I will take two back with you, so we can keep them for fun. We have them all in our family." "

"Thank you very much!" Sun Yuqing agreed with a smile.

Tupu held the grass in his hands and said with a smile: "The four of you, let's try it first and see if there is any fate. Maybe it can lead us out of here."

As soon as these words were said, the four of them remained silent and looked at each other. As the leader, Wang Qiuki stood up.

Lin Bai and the other three also stood up, and together with Wang Qiu, they bowed solemnly to the rabbit in the cage.

"Master, Senior Chengfengzi and others are nowhere to be found. They set off before us, and no one here saw them. They either went up along the osmanthus tree, or they weren't here at all." Wang Qiuki didn't take the grass and instead sent a message to discuss.

"It's possible." Lin Bai sent a message.

"Then what should we do now?" Sun Yuqing tilted his head, "This should be the one left by the Taoist master. He should be looking for someone who can help her or someone who can do things for her. We also saw it before we came here, the Five Yuan Ying We just opened the stone gate together. I'm afraid the person who came here before was also Yuanying. We just happened to meet each other, so we should cherish this opportunity! In my opinion, I came all the way from Zhongzhou, so I must be the one the Taoist Master is waiting for!"

Wang Qiuchi frowned and glanced at Sun Yuqing, but ignored him and took out a piece of grass and handed it into the bamboo cage.

Master Rabbit chewed it twice and shook his head.

"I'll do it!" Sun Yuqing looked very solemn as he took out a piece of grass, muttered something in his mouth, and carefully handed the grass in.

Lord Rabbit didn't even eat, he just shook his head, making all the villagers laugh. Yue Qingqing couldn't help but grin when she saw someone who was less liked by Master Rabbit than herself.

Sun Yuqing was at a loss and sat down on the ground.

Pei Ning took out a piece of grass, and Lord Rabbit took two bites and shook his head.

"When the sea is flowing, a hero shows his true colors. At this moment, it's time for me to take action!" Lin Bai grabbed a handful of grass and stuffed it into the cage.

The bamboo cage was not big, and for a while the roosters and hens were flapping around, and one hen was so frightened that she laid an egg. Lord Rabbit was covered in chicken feathers, glared at Lin Bai, then nibbled on a little grass, and then vomited it all out, feeling extremely disgusted.

This was expected, Lin Bai had no sense of good or bad luck.

Since then, all four have been wiped out.

"Alas." Tutu sighed, and all the villagers stopped laughing.

Tu Fuxing took out the pen and ink, Tu Pu took it with his feet, and jotted down two random strokes on the journal, and that was it.

"Stop saying anything, let's eat." Tu Pujiao didn't wait for the ink to dry, he closed the book directly and invited people to eat.

After all, the people here are simple and honest. Although they make a living by farming, they don't lack much food. Chicken, duck, and fish were immediately served, but there was no rabbit meat.

When Tu Pujiao found out that Lin Pei wanted to win laurels and give them away, he took out the sweet-scented osmanthus wine that he had collected for many years, and also took out the book of records and made a special note.

Lin Bai and others could not refuse, so they ate and drank under the persimmon tree. The villagers didn't leave either. They watched the four people eating and drinking, and circled around as if they were watching something strange.

After eating, these villagers were really free and came to Lin Pei's room to make a fuss for a while and let Lin Pei talk about the outside world.

Seeing that people were very curious, Lin Bai could only pick up some stories about weaving mats and selling shoes.

People dispersed at midnight, and Lin Pei and Wang Sun sat together again.

The four of them chatted for a while, but couldn't come up with anything useful, so they went out to investigate together.

But after walking around the room and even digging up other people's graves, I didn't see anything unusual.

However, if you travel hundreds of miles away, there will be obstacles. As for the traces of Chengfengzi and others, not even the slightest trace could be found.

"Only the osmanthus tree is gone." Wang Qiu said.

The four of them came to the osmanthus tree in the middle of the village and studied it carefully for a while, but they couldn't see anything different about the osmanthus tree.

Seeing this, Wang Qiuke took out an ax and lightly chopped it on the osmanthus tree, but the osmanthus tree grew immediately.

"This is nothing. Spiritual plants such as the Immortal Tree and Ten Thousand Years Vine can also heal very quickly. But they cannot last long. As long as they grow faster than they can be cut, they can always be cut off." Wang Qiu said together.

"But the village elder said that someone had been cutting it down for decades, but it was of no use at all." Sun Yuqing said.

"We have to give it a try." Wang Qiuke started chopping with the axe. He kept chopping for an hour, but the osmanthus tree was completely fine.

"Back away, I'll use all my strength." Wang Qiuki finally tried harder.

Lin Bai and the others took more than ten steps back.

Wang Qiuke's aura rose, and the ax in his hand had a faint light. Then he swung the ax, and the man and the ax felt as if they were in harmony.

Both Lin and Pei had fought frequently. This attack seemed ordinary, but it was actually quite powerful.

However, this decisive blow of the ax only cut a small gap in the osmanthus tree, and then it grew again.

"How can we cut down osmanthus and cut down osmanthus? We are like earthworms shaking trees. How can we cut down osmanthus?" Wang Qiuqi held an ax in his hand, with a look of confusion on his face. "Obviously I can't see the mystery, but I am sure in my heart that I can cut down the osmanthus." This tree just won’t make it.”

"Senior Sister Sun said before that realm is vision. I am too far behind." Lin Bai said.

Wang Qiuke nodded in approval.

"Forget it! Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Sun Yuqing was not obsessed with anything, but was very optimistic, "Don't delay Brother Zhuanlun and Sister Pei Ning's good deeds!"

"Indeed." Wang Qiuxie smiled.

The four of them immediately returned to the village, looked at the bamboo cage under the persimmon tree for a while, played with the rabbits, and then dispersed. Wang and Sun each lived in one room, and Lin Pei lived in the same room.

"Idle time is idle." After entering the house and extinguishing the lights, Lin Bai saw that Pei Ning was ashamed, so he leaned up.

After setting up another formation to isolate the inside and outside, Lin Bai finally tasted the sweetness.

The two quarreled for a long time, and when they were happy, they talked about the matter again.

This time, I entered completely by mistake, without any preparation, so I didn’t care about gains or losses, but just wanted to get out safely.

When it gets dark, Tu Fuxing knocks on the door and calls for breakfast.

Breakfast consisted of farm porridge and soup. After a quick meal, three old women came to the door with several other women, saying they came to ask for advice on the crafts of weaving mats and selling shoes.

"Sister Pei is a pretty girl. Brother Zhuanlun has been working hard all night, hasn't he? Old lady, I have a tiger whip at home, and I specially cut a section for you!" She brought a gift, and she was very sincere.

"Go, go, go! There's something big going on! If Master Rabbit doesn't nod, he has to try cutting Gui again!" Rabbit Pujiao was rarely angry.

That Sun Yuqing was so shameless that he actually accepted the gift on behalf of Lin Pei and even said he thanked him on behalf of Brother Zhuan Lun.

After being noisy for a long time, the group came to the foot of the osmanthus tree.

The villagers also gathered together, and some people who had eaten late came to watch with their rice bowls in hand. It was more lively than going to the market.

"Axe, please!" Rabbit jumped on his feet to save Rabbit from taking off the ax on his back.

Lin Bai and the other four people took turns waving, but it was still the same as last night, without any effect.

After trying many times to no avail, some villagers came to give advice, saying that the position for cutting was wrong and that an auspicious day should be chosen.

"Alas." Tu Pujiao was obviously disappointed. He grabbed Lin Bai and said as if he was cheating, "Idle time is idle. Don't go back in a hurry. Go and teach those few people." Ladies, let’s weave mats! They have too few patterns!”

The cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked, that's probably it.

Although they could escape from this place by climbing the laurel tree, everyone was not in a hurry to leave and wanted to explore further.

Lin Bai was an honest man. Since he was in charge of the food, he simply invited Pei Ning to sit in the yard and compete with him on the skills of weaving mats and sandals.

Wang and Sun still didn't give up and went wandering around again.

After ten days of this, Lin Bai and others did not want to wait any longer and planned to leave.

I told Tu Pu Jiao and was told to leave the next day.

In the middle of the night, I heard people peeking outside the window from time to time, people whispering in the backyard, and the sound of sharpening knives. They also said things like "you tie your feet and I'll press your head."

Before dawn the next day, beef and mutton were put on the table.

Lin Bai and others had been abstinent for many years, but they couldn't bear the kindness of others.

"You must have magic skills from the gods, right?" Tupu grabbed Lin Bai by his feet, looked him over, and said, "If you stay in the room every night and stay energetic every day, you must be capable."

He pointed to the osmanthus tree not far away and said: "Some of the people who came here in the past also have Taoism, and some have never used it. We thought, those who come here to seek immortality and ask questions must have Taoism. "

Rabbit Pujiao was very emotional. He looked at the rabbit in the cage and said, "Before those people climbed up the laurel tree and left, they all said they would come to pick us up, but there was no news. We sent people to climb up to find us, but they couldn't climb a hundred meters. I can't get up to Zhangzhang. The osmanthus tree keeps being cut down and burned, so there's really nothing I can do."

"If there is a chance, we will come back." Sun Yuqing clenched his fists, looking like a righteous person.

After talking for a while, a group of villagers sent the four people to the laurel tree.

Because Sun Yuqing is popular, many children gave him gifts. Pei Ning had a cold face all day long, and it was hard to get close to him. Only Yue Qingqing gave him a braided bracelet.

The four of them stopped talking, Wang Qiuxie was in the front, Lin Bai was in the second, Pei Ning was in the second, and Sun Yuqing was in the last.

They did not use the flying method, but just jumped on the branches and went up little by little.

The four of them were all golden elixirs, and they did not need to rest. They went up all at once, and the more they felt the fragrance of osmanthus.

After a quarter of an hour, they looked down and could not see anyone anymore. There were clouds and mists covering them.

The higher they went, the more ethereal they felt, as if they were not on the osmanthus tree, but in a different world.

"Be careful!" With Wang Qiuxie's reminder, Lin Bai was about to stop, but he felt dazed.

For a moment, he could not see anything with his eyes. Although he had no sense of good or bad luck in his heart, Lin Bai still took a defensive posture.

At this moment, a familiar voice was heard: "Hahaha! Thank you, brother. I, Yun Chengfeng, have never said thank you in my life! I must thank you very much this time!" (End of this chapter)

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