The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 69: Long Journey

One month passes in the blink of an eye.

Inside the stone plate, Lin Bai sat cross-legged next to a deep pool, quietly looking at the reflection.

According to the Water Element Questioning Heart Technique, to practice this technique, you need to use water as a mirror, avoid distracting thoughts in your mind, and then discern the four directions clearly.

Whether it is counting things or counting people, there is something mysterious about them all.

But if you want to achieve something, you have to improve your cultivation level. If the cultivation level is too low, it will be difficult to even estimate the whereabouts of mortals.

Lin Bai gathered the mist into water and reflected himself. This Water Element Questioning Heart Technique actually made a little progress, but only a little.

On the contrary, it can keep the mind at peace all the time, and the ability to calculate has not increased much.

Lin Bai tried to figure out where Xiu Xiu was, but it was of no use. The water pool did not move at all, and there were no ripples at all.

As for others, Lin Bai went out of his way to figure out Niu Er. However, because he had too little contact with Niu Er and did not do much matchmaking, he had nothing to gain. He only had a vague feeling that it was unlucky.

His cultivation level is still too low, and he has not yet mastered the art of deduction.

According to Song Qing, the art of deduction is too difficult, and you have to at least gain a little bit in the later stages of Qi training, or even enter the foundation building.

Opening his eyes, Lin Bai looked at Pei Ning who was standing by.

She has entered Taoism and practiced Ruyi Jingxin Jue.

Peining has five spiritual abilities, is smart and decisive, and has perseverance in her actions. It is not difficult for her to enter the Tao.

But he is a little older. According to Song and Zhang, it is best to enter Taoism at the age of twelve or thirteen.

This age group is just the right time to get rid of childishness without being naive, so it is the best opportunity to enter the Tao.

That was the case with Song Qing. He was extremely talented and had six spiritual apertures. He was able to build a foundation at the age of seventeen, so he could be called a genius.

"Let's go?" Peining asked Lin Bai.

The two have been practicing here for a month, and their spiritual energy has become increasingly thinner.

It's not that Lin Bai is fishing for nothing, but that the spiritual energy of this place cannot withstand the demands of the two young people day and night.

It is impossible to find a similar place. Firstly, it is difficult to find; secondly, even if you find it, you can only practice for more than a month at most.

As the two people's cultivation level improved, even a month would not be enough.

Song and Zhang also said that the level of this spiritual land is too low, which is indeed not conducive to cultivation.

The two of them had no choice but to go to sea.

Naturally, you are not going to Jinliu Island to die, but there are several small islands between Jinliu Island and Guling Islands.

Song and Zhang both mentioned these small islands. They couldn't collude in their confession, so it was true.

Although those small islands are not big, they are a place for cultivation, which is better than spending time here.

"It's time to go." Lin Bai smiled at her.

"Why are you laughing? Are you happy to see your old sweetheart?" Peining said.

"..." Lin Bai was speechless. Sister Pei mentioned her old sweetheart every day, as if she was her sweetheart.

Looking up, Zhang Han and Song Qing were a hundred steps apart, each warming himself by the fire.

The two of them didn't do anything bad this month, and they were very obedient. The deadwood cicada really does not kill, but Song and Zhang look a bit old and immortal.

However, it was colder in the mountains after all. The two old gentlemen still ate meat and wild vegetables every day, just like savages in the mountains. They begged Lin Bai every day to go down the mountain and enjoy the blessings.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning were kind people after all. They couldn't kill them for the time being, so they could only take them out of the mountain.

The two discussed it for a while and then made a decision. He also cut a crutch for Song Zhang, and the four of them found their way down the mountain.

It was very inconvenient to travel with the elderly. Although Lin Bai and Pei Ning respected the elderly, they would never help them. They just kept asking questions every day, which tired the two old gentlemen.

Song and Zhang were not stupid either. They slowly figured out Lin Pei's temperament. They knew that Pei Ning hated the immortal master because of Zhang Yuanshan's incident, so they never said anything to Pei Ning and only complained to Lin Bai every day. endlessly.

Lin Bai was also willing to listen to their complaints, just listen.

After walking on the mountain road for more than ten days, the four of them arrived at Taoist Tomb Village. After letting Muramasa cook the meal, Pei Ning specially asked Li Huozi to come over and ask him if he had been bullied.

Lin Bai was kind and asked two strong men from the village to give Song Zhang a bath and rub his back.

After resting here for two days, Lin Bai bought a donkey cart.

"The two old immortal masters used to wield swords in the air with such ease and carelessness. Now sitting on this donkey cart in the countryside, do you feel like you are in another world?" Lin Bai asked with a smile while driving the donkey.

Song and Zhang were originally in a very happy mood, but after hearing these words, their faces looked sad, and the eyes on their old faces turned red.

A group of four people headed to Huaxi County, but within two days of walking, they saw disaster militiamen on the road.

Along the way, there were volunteers, victims of disasters, and robbers. It seemed like a world away from last year.

It took another half a month to arrive at the gate of Beicheng, Huaxi County.

There is actually a market here, but there are far fewer people there, and most of them are white on their bodies, presumably because there is a funeral in the family.

Many people recognized Lin Bai, but few said hello.

The king's flag had been changed here long ago, and the gatekeepers tied yellow cloth on their foreheads. When they saw Lin Bai's donkey cart, they stretched out their spears to stop it.

"Who are you? Where did you come from? Where are you going?" asked the guard guard.

Faced with these three questions, before Lin Bai could think of how to respond, he saw someone running from the city.

The man was fourteen or fifteen years old. He also had a yellow cloth on his forehead. His face was still young but had a look of vicissitudes of life. He was Brother Yun.

"Brother Zhang! This is my friend, no need to ask!" Brother Yun stepped forward and smiled at the guard guard.

The soldier looked at Lin Bai and the other four people again, then nodded and said, "Since we are acquaintances of you, let's go in!"

Brother Yun thanked the soldier, helped Lin Bai lead the donkey cart, and entered the city together.

Lin Bai smiled and asked: "Brother Yun, why did you become a volunteer?"

"I can't survive anymore, what can I do?" Brother Yun sighed, "The rebel army attacked the city for more than ten days, and our parents were starving to death, so I secretly went out and led the way, and then the city was broken. He also had a mixed background." After saying that, he hugged Pei Ning and said, "Pei Qingtian is fine."

Brother Yun was born in Beicheng, and people in Beicheng were always grateful for Pei Ning's appointment as a government official.

Peining only nodded slightly and didn't say much.

"What's going on in the city?" Lin Bai asked again.

"Alas, the head of the county magistrate was hung on the top of Nancheng City, and the county magistrate's wife climbed up to the third boss of our rebel army. It was Niu Er who led the way." Brother Yun said this with a smile on his face, " The powerful surnames in Nancheng were all killed, and the women were given to the meritorious ones! We can also recite poems and write lyrics! I don’t want that marriage!”

"Congratulations then." Lin Bai smiled and said, "I just didn't expect Niu Er to become more and more prestigious."

"Shit!" Brother Yun was even more happy, "A few days ago, Niu Er had a fight with a mangy face and got his neck wiped!"

Lin Bai nodded and said to himself that I had a premonition that Niu Er was unlucky, so he should be here.

"Who are these two old men?" Brother Yun looked at Song and Zhang on the donkey cart.

Song Qing and Zhang Han closed their eyes and didn't look at Brother Yun at all. Although they are useless, they are still used to making fun of each other in front of the common people.

"I went out to play and met two wise old men, so I invited them back to worship them." Lin Bai told the truth, looked at Song and Zhang, and shouted, "Why don't you two say hello to Commander Yun?"

Song Qing and Zhang Han quickly opened their eyes, sat on the donkey cart and raised their hands to Brother Yun, saying: "Commander Yun is well."

Brother Yun returned the gift with a smile and said, "I don't dare to be a gift to these two wise old men."

After chatting for a while, Lin Bai drove the donkey cart home.

There are fewer people walking on the street, and everyone has funeral couplets in front of their doors. Those who knew Lin Bai only slightly raised their hands, but no one came forward to talk.

When I got home, the old jujube trees in the yard were lush and green, with leaves falling all over the ground. It was very desolate and lonely.

When I went to Baicaotang again, I found that it had been burned down, leaving only ruins and ruins, no longer what it used to be.

No one came to see a doctor or ask for a child. Mr. Bai and Xiuxiu's rooms were also burned down, as if no one had ever lived in them.

Lin Bai looked at it for a while and then started cleaning. Pei Ning didn't go to help, and Song Qing and Zhang Han pretended not to know, just closed their eyes and fell asleep on the donkey cart.

After cleaning up, Lin Bai tidied up a broken table and set up a stall for consultation.

When the people in Beicheng saw it, they didn't feel surprised. They didn't know about Lin Bai and the immortal master, and they just thought that Lin Bai had gone to hide in trouble.

Now seeing Lin Bai setting up a stall again, patients gathered here.

Lin Bai didn't have much herbal medicine at hand, so he could only grind the rejuvenation pills given by the two immortal masters into powder, mix them with water and let the patients drink them.

With the entrance of this kind of spiritual creature, some minor ailments can be cured by medicine. If there was an old man who was exhausted and weak, Lin Bai would use his spiritual power to warm his internal organs and use up some of his manpower. It's just that there are too many people in this class, and Lin Bai spends a lot of money.

Pei Ning wanted to help, but was stopped by Lin Bai. "I am a healer, you are not."

Two days later, Ren Qiaoyun came over specifically to take a look.

She knew that Lin Bai was being followed by the immortal master, but she didn't expect that Lin Bai survived and showed up in Huaxi County.

Ren Qiaoyun stared for a long time, then stared at the two wise old men behind Lin Bai, and finally exclaimed, not daring to show up again.

After seven days of this, Lin Bai closed the stall.

This morning, Lin Bai drove the donkey cart towards Nancheng.

After leaving the city and coming to the dock, Lin Bai asked to buy a awning boat.

"When will you come back?" Brother Yun came to see him off. He was still wearing a yellow cloth on his forehead and holding a spear in his hand. His face was a little confused.

"I don't know either." Lin Bai threw him a small porcelain bottle and said, "Now that you have entered the military camp, your sword will be blind in the future. This is the medicine I prepared. If you are seriously injured, you can take a pill. Remember, Wait at least five days before taking the second pill, otherwise you will definitely hurt yourself. "

When Brother Yun heard this, he immediately stood up straight, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Lin Zhuanlun, you are better at messing around than me. You also studied medicine decently, and you even deceived Pei Qingtian. Now you want to Come on, do you have anything to teach me?”

Lin Bai thought for a while, dipped some water by the Huaxi River, and then flicked it to Brother Yun's forehead.

Use water as a mirror to illuminate everything. Lin Bai's heart moved, as if he saw something. However, the cultivation level is still too shallow to see clearly.

Nowadays, attacks are happening all over the place, and Brother Yun is among them, and his fate has long been at stake. only……

"Your blessed place is in the east." Lin Bai said with a smile.

Brother Yun was stunned and scratched his head in confusion.

When Song Qing and Zhang Han saw this scene, they both looked at Lin Bai with doubts in their eyes.

Lin Bai said no more and invited the two old men to board the awning boat while Pei Ning held up the pole.

He waved his hand to Brother Chao Yun and set off.

In the afternoon, it merged into the Lihua River from the Huaxi River.

The river flows slowly, the reeds are in full bloom, and the sound of swords and soldiers is occasionally heard.

In the afternoon, peach blossoms bloomed on the shore. Looking over from a distance, I saw someone setting up an incense table, as if they were making sworn vows.

One day further on, we saw General Jia with a sad look on his face, kneeling on the shore and stationed his spear. "You can't conquer those who deserve to be conquered, and you can't kill those who deserve to be killed. Only a dozen or so people joined the army..."

The sound became thinner and no human voice was heard.

After walking forward for a few days, the reeds gradually disappeared and there was no more killing. There are more and more flower boats on the river, and a group of orioles are singing and dancing.

The light of swords and shadows dimmed, and the sound of drums and horns flew away.

"Brother Lin, where are we going?" Song Qing asked while fishing with a fishing rod in his hand, quite like a fisherman on the river.

"Of course I will send you two back to Yunxia Sect." Lin Bai said as he shook the lottery: "As the saying goes, it is better to resolve a feud than to create one. I am here to apologize, and I believe that Master Qu will be able to let bygones be bygones."

"Thank you." Song Qing and Zhang Han clasped their hands, but they didn't believe it at all.

The river was vast, and the water and sky were one color. Pei Ning stood at the stern, holding the sword in his hand, and looked towards the direction he came from.

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