The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 70: Revelation and Alchemy

We traveled south along the Lihua River for several days, then abandoned the boat and changed horses, turning west.

After more than ten days of bumpy ride, we saw the blue sky.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning saw the boundless sea, and they felt relaxed and refreshed, full of fighting spirit.

Since they started practicing, they have felt more and more the nourishment of heaven and earth, and the infinite taste of wonderful transformation.

The beauty of practice really makes people indulge in it.

On the other hand, Song Qing and Zhang Han looked much uglier. Although they did not deduct food and drink on the road, the two wise men could not bear the fatigue of the boat and car.

They saw the vast sea and tried to look at the endless place. They were speechless, and they didn't know whether they were missing their hometown or had other thoughts.

Especially Song Qing, his white hair was messy, and he used his one arm to build a awning, and tears were reflected in his turbid eyes.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning were cautious, and they didn't rush to set off. Instead, they went to ask the fishermen on the beach.

After asking, I learned that some local fishermen got lost when they went out to sea, and they had indeed seen a small island thousands of miles away. The fishermen called it the Broken Stone Island, which is a group of small islands, with more than a dozen large and small ones, and the largest one is only a few hundred feet in radius.

The location of this Broken Stone Island is exactly a triangle with the Golden Turtle Island and the main mountain of the Green Sheep Sect, which is relatively safe. Because if the monks from the Golden Turtle Island come, they must go directly to the Green Sheep Sect and not pass through the Broken Stone Island.

"Are you looking for immortals? Listen to my advice, go home and hug your wife! People like you will never hear back once you enter the sea, and most of them will be overturned by the waves and fed to the fish. Almost ten years ago, a group of people bought a boat, and encountered wind and waves not long after entering the sea, and many boat boards floated back. I heard that there was a couple among those people who had just given birth to a child not long ago. Tsk tsk tsk."

An old fisherman in his fifties or sixties, with a vicissitudes of life on his face, warned Lin Bai and Pei Ning about life experience.

"Those who went out to sea died?" Lin Bai asked.

"How can they survive in the vast ocean? Even if they can land on the gravel island, there is no water there. How many days can they survive by eating fish every day?" The old fisherman shook his head and sighed while adding grass to his pipe.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning looked at each other and said nothing.

"You two are dressed well, so you must be a young couple from a wealthy family, right?" The old fisherman sighed, "At least have a child before going, you have to leave your roots behind, right?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Song Zhang next to him and continued, "Are these two old gentlemen going too? Their hair is whiter than the belly of a fish, and the wrinkles on their faces can hide several kilograms of sand. When the boat is bumpy, they may..." At this point, the old fisherman looked at Lin Bai and asked, "Why are the two old gentlemen staring at me? It's like I owe them eight hundred taels of silver! What did I say wrong?"

"They are mentally ill, don't mind, we won't go out to sea." Lin Bai smiled, explained casually, gave him another ingot of silver, and sent him away.

In the next two days, Lin Bai and Pei Ning were not in a hurry to set off, but instead went shopping on the shore.

There were countless kinds of food, as well as clothes, tables and chairs, and even pens and ink.

There were three storage rings for Song and Zhang, plus Qi Zhen's. Lin Bai wore two, and Pei Ning took one. This storage ring is really a wonderful thing, which can hold a lot of things, but you can't put living things in it.

After making preparations for going to sea, Lin Bai saw that Song and Zhang were both miserable, so he felt guilty.

Lin Bai was born into a family of straw sandals weaving, and he was a kind person. He was particular about what he did. He thought that the two old gentlemen couldn't practice, and wouldn't they go crazy if they stayed on the island every day?

So he bought more than a dozen fishing rods and some books for them to entertain themselves.

Of course, the books were not romantic books, nor were they strange stories, but the words of saints, which specifically taught people to establish themselves and establish virtues.

Seeing this, Song and Zhang immediately complained and begged. They had already figured out the styles of Lin Bai and Pei Ning and knew that Pei Ning must not be provoked, but Lin Bai had a good temper and could listen to complaints.

After listening to them for a long time, Lin Bai was almost soft-hearted, but when he thought of their character, he hardened his heart and politely refused. "I'm doing this for your own good."

After packing up, the four of them set out to the sea.

This time, they didn't buy a special ship. Song Qing had a flying boat called the Purple Bamboo Boat.

Lin Bai heard from Zhang Han that this thing was not cheap and he really couldn't afford it without some family background. Because Qigong cultivators can't fly swords, they use this thing to travel.

The Purple Bamboo Boat is the size of a small boat in the mortal world, more than ten feet long, and can carry three or four people.

It is also simple to use. Just put the spirit stone into the mechanism. You can also use your own spiritual power, but ordinary Qigong cultivators can't hold on for long. If you are building a foundation, you don't need this thing.

Song Qing patiently explained to Lin Bai how to use it, fearing that something might go wrong.

The speed of the purple bamboo boat was not fast, about two hundred miles in an hour.

And they did not dare to fly too low, for fear that some evil beasts would pounce from the sea. After two days of swaying and traveling day and night, they finally arrived at the Gravel Island.

The Gravel Island was really like a pile of gravel, with a small island of a hundred feet in the middle, and the highest point was no more than ten feet high, with many seabirds and turtles perched on it.

There were more than a dozen small islands scattered around the main island. The smallest one could barely stand a person, and the larger ones were only a few feet in radius.

The spiritual energy here was more abundant than that of Tianlang Mountain, but it was also average. Moreover, the spiritual energy contained water, and it was dispersed tightly, so it could barely be used.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning were both very stable. These days, they had heard a lot of stories about the outside world from Song and Zhang, and knew that there were both good places and bloodthirsty people over there, so they wanted to cultivate here until they established their foundation before leaving.

Pei Ning and I carefully looked around and saw no poisonous insects, so we practiced with peace of mind.

Lin Bai was kindhearted after all, and couldn't bear to see Song and Zhang exposed to the wind and sun, so he cut down a lot of rocks and let them build their own houses.

He divided them into small islands a hundred feet apart, gave them food, and reminded them to be frugal. He took out books to entertain them, and then Lin Bai closed his eyes to practice.

A month passed quickly, and Lin Bai finally reached the third level of Qi training.

Because he and Pei Ning lived on the same island, the two shared the spiritual energy of this place equally, so Lin Bai slowed down the speed of the mist absorbing spiritual energy.

Pei Ning had not yet reached the second level of Qi training. Although she had good qualifications, the spiritual energy here was a little thin after all.

According to what Song and Zhang said, usually those who build their foundation in five or six years can be called geniuses, and this is a good chance for the golden elixir. But if you build your foundation after you are over forty, it will be difficult to go on in the future.

As for people over sixty, their qi and blood are declining, and it is extremely difficult to build a foundation.

Lin Bai is not fast, but because of the stone plate, it seems faster.

However, Lin Bai also noticed that the spiritual energy here has been gradually thinning. And the spiritual energy he needs is increasing.

If he wants to go up in the future, he is afraid that it will be slower and slower.

"The road ahead is still on the other side of the sea..."

Lin Bai opened his eyes and slowly circulated the spiritual power around his body, feeling extremely calm.

In the past, learning martial arts was mainly based on "calmness". Now Ruyi Jingxin Jue and Shuixiang Wenxin Jue also have the effect of calming the mind. Anyway, it is difficult to have waves in the heart.

After practicing Qi at the third level, there was not much improvement. Lin Bai tried a few techniques taught by Song Qing, which had no lethality, but were OK for playing with Xiuxiu.

Summoning Song and Zhang, they hurried forward to bow and congratulate Lin Bai on his progress.

But their expressions were very bitter, and their old faces seemed to have aged ten years.

"Every day, we are exposed to the wind and sun, eating dry food and dried meat. Occasionally, we catch fish, but we don't know how to cook... It's hard!" Zhang Han's beard and hair were messy, like a fisherman.

Song Qing also sighed and said, "Brother Lin, you two are practicing here, why do you have to bring two of us along? Why not find a place to live, put us on the shore, and have someone take care of us?"

"That's right!" Zhang Han immediately joined in, sat next to Lin Bai, and said earnestly, "Find me a concubine with a warm bed, I have nothing else to ask for."

"..." Lin Bai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I brought you two with me so that I can take care of you nearby, how can I leave?"

Song and Zhang kept begging, but Lin Bai was so hard-hearted that he just refused.

Seeing that Lin Bai couldn't be persuaded, Song Qing gave up and asked, "Brother Lin, are you planning to practice here until you build your foundation before leaving?"

"Of course." Lin Bai smiled, "You two said that there are so many cultivators in the outside world, and if I don't even have a foundation, I dare not go far away."

"No, no, you are wrong." Song Qing shook his head immediately.

"It's really not possible." Zhang Han also followed.

Seeing that they were not acting, Lin Bai chased Zhang Han away and asked Song Qing alone.

These days, Lin Bai also realized that although Song and Zhang were both building a foundation, and Zhang Han was older, in terms of knowledge, Zhang Han was far inferior to Song Qing.

"Please help me, Brother Song." Lin Bai asked.

Song Qing did not hesitate, opened his mouth with blisters, and began to talk.

"First, the spiritual energy is too thin. After you two have reached the middle stage of Qi training, you will need more spiritual energy, and this place can't support your practice at all."

"Second, if you want to build a foundation, you need spiritual energy to fill your body. If it is too thin, you can't attract spiritual energy at all. Even if you attract it, the spiritual energy is insufficient, and the foundation will inevitably fail."

Song Qing talked for a long time, and Lin Bai believed it in his heart, so he asked him about the method of building a foundation.

"Before building a foundation, the guidance of the heart is the so-called foundation-building opportunity. With this revelation, you can build a foundation in one fell swoop." Song Qing seemed to be reminiscing about the past.

Lin Bai didn't dare to believe it completely, so he asked Zhang Han again.

However, Zhang Han said something similar to Song Qing.

According to them, when the Qi Refining Period is about to be completed, there will be a sense in the heart, which will guide a certain direction. This is the revelation.

The revelation is mysterious. It may be to experience something, or to see a certain scenery; it may be to eat a meal and sleep, or it may be to face a fight.

In short, there are many ways, different for everyone, and unpredictable.

If you pass the revelation smoothly, you will feel it in your heart again, and this is the best time to build the foundation.

There is only one revelation. If you don't seize the opportunity of the revelation after the revelation comes, then the foundation will naturally fail.

Of course, the road to building the foundation is not cut off. You can also find another place to forcibly attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fill your body, and then build the foundation in one fell swoop.

However, this method is much more dangerous, and only two out of ten people can succeed. And if you are not careful, you may die, or your origin may be damaged.

Lin Bai thought for a while, then came to Song Qing and asked, "What does the alchemy theory say?"

Song Qing frowned for a long time and asked, "Brother Lin, what is your relationship with the Taoist Master Mu Yao?"

He had asked Lin Bai many times before, but Lin Bai didn't know anything. He learned a lot of knowledge about cultivation from Song Zhang, so how could he answer him?

So Lin Bai smiled and said nothing every time, pretending to be deep.

"You don't need to know." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"You and Miss Pei know nothing about cultivation. You don't even know the foundation-building revelation, but you know the alchemy theory." Song Qing sighed and asked, "Is the foundation-building cultivator in Jiuyin Mountain going to form an elixir?"

Lin Bai smiled but said nothing.

Song Qing stared at Lin Bai and asked: "Actually, you don't know who the Wood Demon Master is, right? That talisman was given to you by the man from Jiuyin Mountain, and he didn't even tell you how to trigger it or what effect it had. Otherwise, you and Pei Ning would not be willing to fight to the death that day."

This man's brain really worked. Lin Bai stepped forward and put his arms around Song Qing's shoulders, saying, "Brother, you really have a sharp eye."

Song Qing took the opportunity to ask: "How did you meet that person from Jiuyin Mountain? What's the purpose of that person coming here?"

Lin Bai smiled and said: "She came here to play, and happened to hear my name as a runner, so she tried my abilities. Seeing that I did have some skills, she chatted with me. But later she thought I was stupid. , the qualifications are not good, just leave me."

"If she doesn't want to care about you, how can she give you a talisman to protect yourself? Do you think the talisman is just something sold on the street?" Song Qing shook his head after hearing this, obviously not believing it. "That is the natal talisman of the Wood Demon Master. It is different from ordinary talismans. It requires the use of the natal energy, a lot of energy and blood, and even a life span to make it."

"Don't worry about these details." Lin Bai smiled and patted him on the shoulder, asking: "What exactly is alchemy theory?"

"Alchemy..." Song Qing still shook his head and said: "Before coming here, Master once told me to let me see more of the world, whether it's suffering in the world or the running rivers, to prepare for the Alchemy Theory. In fact, I haven't yet Touching the edge of the alchemy..."

When he said this, he kept sighing and continued: "Master said that the alchemy theory is also mysterious and mysterious. It cannot be explained clearly, but it is extremely important and is related to the path of the great road. If the alchemy theory is made to suit itself, then Yuanying has hope; if the alchemy theory is If you do it erratically, you may not be able to survive the Jindan Thunder Tribulation, let alone the Nascent Soul."

Lin Bai thought silently for a while, and then asked: "Since foundation building requires enlightenment, and the golden elixir must prepare the elixir theory... what about the Nascent Soul?"

"You, you, you..." Song Qing stayed for a while, with wrinkles on his face, "You still want to realize the Nascent Soul?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Bai said with a smile.

"Lin Zhuan...Brother," Song Qing shook his head, with a disdainful smile on his old face, "I know you are smart and decisive in dealing with problems, and you have perseverance, but Nascent Soul is not just these things. There are difficulties and dangers. , beyond what you and I can imagine.”

"Then what can I do?" Lin Bai spread his hands and smiled bitterly, "I was lying low and childish, wishing I could give my master a hundred rings, just asking her to keep Xiuxiu by my side. But there is nothing I can do, she won't listen. If you want to kill me with ordinary words, let alone being unreasonable, I can only go up and hope that the master will listen to my words in the future."

Song Qing was silent, only sighing quietly.

Lin Bai didn't say anything and looked at the waves in the distance.

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