Zhao Youcai has been working in the forest farm for so many years. He can naturally understand things that Zhao Jun can understand.

Zhao Youcai knew that this was not just a chain saw, it was more related to his son-in-law's work and even his in-laws' status in the scene.

Therefore, this chainsaw must be returned!

But Zhao Youcai couldn't leave the house after all. Wang Meilan pulled him and persuaded him: "What's the point of going to him? Let's quickly discuss how to deal with it."

Zhao Jun also said: "Dad, don't worry, I will go up the mountain early tomorrow morning."

Zhao Youcai glanced at Zhao Jun, let out a sigh of relief, turned back to the house, sat on the kang, opened the lid of the teapot, and just picked up the teapot, but slammed it on the kang table.

Hearing a bang, Zhao Hong and Zhao Na who were playing next to them were startled. Wang Meilan hurriedly stepped forward and wiped the water splashed on the table with a rag, "What are you doing? Don't scare the children."

Zhao Youcai squinted his eyes and exhaled heavily through his nose. He was obviously very angry.

"Dad, calm down." Zhao Jun took the kettle and refilled it for Zhao Youcai.

Seeing how sensible Zhao Jun was, Zhao Youcai couldn't help but dissipate most of his anger, and asked: "What's the matter with the big crotch? Isn't it safe not to mention it?"

Zhao Jun told Zhao Youcai what Zhang Yuanmin said. After hearing this, Zhao Youcai sighed and became happy.

I have to say that this piece of aid to the people is really sad. It was obviously a safe and sound thing, but in the end something went wrong.

Suddenly, Zhao Youcai asked: "Where is the barn where he put it?"

Zhao Jun replied: "He said to send the 38th class to the south, near the hillock of 56th, on the second side of the mountain."

Zhao Youcai thought for a while and asked, "Linden Tree Cangzi?"

"Ah!" Zhao Jun responded.

Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "Then I know what's going on."

Under Zhao Jun's puzzled eyes, Zhao Youcai explained to him, "That's an old warehouse. I killed him there once more than twenty years ago."

"Ah! No wonder." Zhao Jun suddenly realized.

Although they have never seen some things with their own eyes, these experienced hunters can make a rough guess as long as they listen to them and analyze them.

When a black bear squats in a barn, he doesn't just squat in a tree hole.

First of all, the tree hole must face the sun.

Another thing is that this barn has never been killed by a hunter.

You know, although bears have poor eyesight, their sense of smell is extremely sensitive, ten times that of dogs.

If this bear barn had been killed and bear blood was splashed on it, then no bears would live in this tree hole in the next ten or twenty years.

Even if a bear passes by here and smells the residual smell of bear blood, he will stay away.

Moreover, this tree died for unknown reasons two years ago, and ants dug holes and built nests in it.

You know, bears are omnivores and they will eat anything. With such a big body, it even picks up ants and eats them.

But bears will stay away from trees that have died before, so they become a refuge for ants. The more ants multiply in the tree holes, the more they dig into the tree, the emptier it becomes.

In addition, after the tree died, it was weathered and rotted. The entire tree body was actually in bad condition. Only a thin layer was left on the trunk, but it was not visible from the outside.

More than twenty years later, the smell of bear blood gradually dissipated, and this winter, new residents were welcomed.

But both Zhao Youcai and Zhao Jun knew that only hunchbacked black bears could live in tree holes like this.

What is a hunchback?

It is a black bear that has gone into hibernation after winter, but is woken up for various reasons and walks out of the barn to wander around in the ice and snow.

This kind of bear is called a walking hunchback.

When hibernating in the tree hole, the bear's whole body is warm. When it comes out of the tree hole despite the cold, the bear's paws are still warm.

And when the warm bear paw touches the snow, it will turn the snow into ice, and the snow water will stick to the fur of the bear paw and freeze into ice.

The four bears had ice pimples on their paws, and their feet clicked when they walked. Plus, being cold and hungry, the bear needs to find a barn immediately.

So, this black bear got into the rotting tree barn.

When Chen Dalei shot the bullet through the wood and into the black bear, the bear suddenly became angry and bumped forward.

But he didn't expect that this collision would break the rotten tree.

So, what was originally a foolproof hunt ended like this.

"Son." Zhao Youcai asked Zhao Jun, "Are you going with Baoyu tomorrow?"


Zhao Youcai added: "You two must be careful. The black blind man can't walk very far if he is injured. He is probably hiding next to him, so he can easily hurt others."

"Okay, Dad, I understand."

"Get the dog." Wang Meilan interjected from the side. She understood a little bit and knew that if a dog was around, the dog would give the owner a warning in advance and would not let the owner get too close to the black bear.

Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "Hua Xiaoer and Da Qingshang haven't healed yet."

Wang Meilan asked again: "What about the newly bought white dog?"

Before Zhao Jun could say anything, Zhao Youcai said, "That dog can't do it. It's only been a few days since we got home. If we lead it up the mountain and then lose it, we have to search all over the mountain for it."

Dog, recognize its owner.

The white dog has just arrived at Zhao Jun's house from Wang Dalong's house, and has not yet become familiar with Zhao Jun's family. At this time, if we lead it to the mountain, we will not say whether it will help Zhao Jun.

The key is that the dog will easily run back, which will cause trouble.

Because Zhao Jun went up the mountain tomorrow not to hunt, but to find a chain saw.

The chainsaw was not found by then, and the dog ran away first. Should I look for the chain saw first or the dog first?

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Wang Meilan sighed again. She was quite worried about Zhao Jun. Originally, Zhao Jun was not allowed to go up the mountain before the Chinese New Year, and Zhao Jun was quite obedient, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly appear like this.

Zhao Youcai was not at ease and said to Zhao Jun: "You will also call Zhang Dacrotch up tomorrow. If something happens, ask him to come forward."

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I won't take him. I'm afraid he will cause trouble for me."

"Well, that's okay." Zhao Youcai thought for a while and then said: "You have to find the chain saw tomorrow and take it home directly instead of sending it to the venue.

This will take place during the Chinese New Year. Tomorrow, people from the Forestry Bureau will come to inspect the production. You can take it home first. I will get up early the day after tomorrow and return it. As long as the inspection is not delayed. "

"Ok, I know."

Zhao Youcai warned again: "But if you don't find it, you can come to the place immediately and tell me, and I will think of other ways."


Early the next morning, Zhao Jun got up at around six o'clock. He first went to Li Baoyu's house to greet him and asked him to prepare to go up the mountain with him. Then Zhao Jun went home for dinner.

After he finished eating, he dressed neatly, put his gun on his back and went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw Li Baoyu climbing over the wall.

The two brothers went out together. As soon as they left the village, Li Baoyu stretched his neck and looked forward, then pointed forward and asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, who do you think that is?"

Zhao Jun took a look and saw that the man was short and swaying. Who else could he be if he wasn't Zhang Yuanmin.

"Brother!" Zhao Jun thought for a while and called Zhang Yuanmin.

He guessed that Zhang Yuanmin was looking for the chain saw, but the black blind man might be hiding around, and he was afraid that Zhang Yuanmin would be attacked by the black blind man again.

Hearing someone shouting from behind, and being the only one around him, Zhang Yuanmin turned around to look.

Seeing that it was Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin suddenly became happy and trotted all the way to Zhao Jun, "Brother, just watch me today."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he suddenly felt uneasy.

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