Zhao Jun and his party entered the mountain, with Zhang Yuanmin leading the way. After walking for more than an hour, they saw footprints on the ground.

There were human footprints and dog footprints.

Keep walking forward, there are footprints in front of you along the way.

At this time, Zhao Jun felt something was wrong, and immediately pulled Zhang Yuanmin over and asked, "Brother, you told me that day that you, Lian Qiao, and Li Daguai discovered Xiongcangzi together."

"Yes." Zhang Yuanmin nodded and replied.

Zhao Jun asked again: "You also said that he also wants to find someone to kill Xiong Cangzi."

"Yeah..." Zhang Yuanmin was about to nod again, but suddenly he felt something was wrong. If someone got the better of him, it wouldn't matter if he killed the bear. He was afraid that they would take away the chain saw.

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun greeted and quickened his pace.

The three of them walked forward for more than ten minutes. The road in front of them forked and separated.

The three Zhao Jun men wanted to go left, but the footprints were all going to the right.

But even so, Zhao Jun was still worried because he knew that the two roads, one going left and one going right, merged again four or five miles away.

Although it was easier to walk on the left side, Zhao Jun didn't know how long those people in front had been walking. Zhao Jun was afraid that the chainsaw would be picked up by them.

So the three of them walked faster and faster, and after walking about five miles, they saw those footprints again.

But walking further, I saw those footprints going down the slope to the right into the ditch and pond.

"Aren't you going to the same place with us?" Zhao Jun thought of this and made Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin slow down.

As we walked further, we heard the barking of dogs and the neighing of an animal.

The three of them couldn't bear their curiosity. They stood on the post and looked down. They saw three people in the ditch and pond. They were climbing up the opposite slope.

On the opposite hillside, halfway up the mountain, there were six hunting dogs surrounding a beast.

This beast has a body shape like a horse, with two horns on its head that are divided into three branches. It has a dark brown body and a white band on its back.

"Big guy!" Zhang Yuanmin couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's not a big guy." Zhao Jun said, "That's a bastard."

"Ah, yes, yes!" Zhang Yuanmin acknowledged Zhao Jun's correction to him.

In fact, whether it is a big man or a crocodile, they are both the same animal, that is, the red deer.

However, the big man is talking about adult red deer, while Godanzi is referring to a red deer that is about two years old and weighs about three hundred kilograms.

This red deer has horns on its head, which means it is a male deer. An adult male red deer can grow to about 600 pounds, and the antlers of an adult male deer have six or eight prongs.

This red deer has only three prongs on its head and is not yet a teenager. At this time, it was surrounded by six dogs. The red deer rushed left and right, constantly trying to break out of the siege.

The six dogs that besieged it, three black, two yellow, and one flower, chased the red deer uphill. Two black dogs overtook the red deer while running and intercepted it.

At this time, a yellow dog rushed up from behind and bit the red deer on the buttocks.

The red deer had just been intercepted by two black dogs. At this time, it was attacked from behind. It raised its hind legs and the yellow dog suddenly stopped and dodged.

The red deer kicked the yellow dog back, but the other five dogs didn't give in at all and swarmed in from all sides.

Look at the red deer again, kicking on the ground with its hind legs, raising its front body, raising its two front legs high, and stepping down towards the two black dogs catching it.

The two black dogs moved to the left and right, and the red deer took the opportunity to move forward and rush out of the encirclement, trying to throw away all the dogs behind it.

But the yellow dog that had just been forced back by its kick suddenly jumped up and bit its short tail.

The red deer was in pain, neighed, and smacked its hind hooves again.

This hoof-knot firmly kicked the yellow dog, and the yellow dog was kicked away with a sound of "ouch".

Although the yellow dog was kicked away, it kept the red deer in place. The yellow dog's companions swarmed up, surrounded the red deer, and continuously attacked it.

They kept pounced on the red deer and took a bite. When the red deer was about to fight back, they quickly retreated.

Look at the red deer again, either lowering its head and raising its horns, kicking back with its front legs, or raising its front legs to step on them, walking up the slope while fighting.

Suddenly, the only spotted dog among the six dogs jumped up and bit the red deer on the calf. The red deer raised its leg and kicked the flower dog on the calf.

The flower dog screamed and was kicked not far away, but when he got up, one of his legs was already broken.

On the opposite slope, Zhao Jun and others were watching the excitement, but when they saw the red deer kicking the dog's legs off, Li Baoyu couldn't help but feel sorry for the dog, and muttered: "Why doesn't this man rush up?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "Maybe it was the wild boar that surrounded us."

After saying that, Zhao Jun pointed down at one of the three people and asked Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, is that Li Daguai?"

Zhang Yuanmin stretched his neck, looked at it, nodded and said, "Look, it's him."

Li Baoyu asked from the side: "Who are the other two people?"

Zhang Yuanmin looked at it again, but shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be from our village."

Zhao Jun saw one of them hunched over, like a hunchback, and thought of a person in his mind and said, "It seems there is a pot of Li Luo."

Don't tell me, what Zhao Jun said is really right. Among those three people, there really was a hunchback.

Moreover, what Zhao Jun said before was right. The three of them really thought that what their dogs were surrounding was a wild boar.

The day before yesterday, Li Daguai and Zhang Yuanmin's brother-in-law discovered the black blind warehouse together.

The next day, Zhang Yuanmin asked Chen Dalai to kill Heixiongcang, while Li Daguai went to Yongshengtun next door to find his uncle and brother Li Dong.

This Li Dong has good marksmanship and has three hunting dogs at home. Just because he was hunchbacked since he was a child, he was called Li Luo Guozi since he was a child.

Hearing Li Daguai say that he had discovered Xiong Cangzi, Li Dong hesitated for a while. He was also a little worried. Not only was he afraid that something would happen to him, after all, it was the Chinese New Year, and it would not be good even if the dog was hurt.

But the hunter is like this. He knows there is a Xiongcangzi but can't kill him, which makes him feel uncomfortable. So, Li Dong took Li Daguai with him to find his good friend Wei Lai.

This Wei Lai is also a hunter, and he also has three hunting dogs at home.

He and Li Dong have a very good relationship. They usually break up gangs and work alone, but when they encounter big guys, they will join forces and shoot down the whole family.

Both of them have guns and six dogs. If they join forces, they can use two guns to deal with a black bear.

So, three people went into the mountains this morning with six dogs.

They were not in a hurry along the way and walked forward slowly. However, midway, the dog suddenly descended from the hillside into the ditch.

"Is it a wild boar?" Wei Lai asked Li Dong casually.

"Probably." Li Dong replied casually and took the gun off his shoulder.

Wei Lai also held the gun in his hand and said, "Don't worry, we'll just arrive when the death nest is determined."

Although they came here to kill Xiongcangzi, they were not in a hurry. They would fight whatever they wanted along the way. It was the Chinese New Year anyway, so no matter what they were hunting, they could add food to it, so why not?

No matter if the dog surrounds and kills it now, after killing it, it is enough to kill the black bear in the end.

But little did they know that there were three red deer under the ditch and pond.

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