The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1118 Youcai is missing

There are needle-pole bushes in the ditch and pond, and wild boars push and hunting dogs pass through the gaps, which makes Zhao Youcai difficult.

Today, he brought a group of "men". Zhao Baotou didn't even put on a knife. At this moment, Zhao Youcai could only push away the bayonet on the semi-automatic gun and the various branches blocking his way in the ditch and pond.

With a "swish", Zhao Youcai's face changed, and his face turned to the right. The white coat on his right shoulder was torn by the branches, and the cotton jacket inside was also torn.

"This is TM!" Zhao Youcai muttered and cursed, thinking that he would be scolded when he went home.

Going up the mountain is like working, wearing a set of tattered clothes. If it is not dirty to a certain extent, you don't need to wash it. If it is torn, you just sew it.

But Zhao Youcai hasn't been to the mountain for many years, and there is no clothes for him to go up the mountain at home. In the recent few times he went up the mountain, Zhao Youcai wore the clothes he wore when he cooked in the cafeteria.

Zhao Youcai said he would not work today, saying that Da Pao Luan had a sharp nose, and that his clothes smelled of cooking fumes, which must have scared Da Pao Luan away.

Wang Meilan said to him, but he did not listen, and insisted on wearing a new cotton-padded jacket, and then put on a white coat that he wore for a night out.

Zhao Youcai said that if he wore it this way, he would not get the cotton-padded jacket dirty. Unexpectedly, the cotton-padded jacket was not dirty, but it was scratched.

Zhao Youcai could imagine that he would definitely be scolded when he returned home. But at this point, Zhao Youcai did not think too much, and walked out along the ditch, vowing to kill the big wild boar king.

At the same time, the Zhao army was walking down the hillside with a large force. At this time, Chen Dalai and the Zheng brothers had caught up, and when the group of ten people were about to go down the ditch, they kept looking at the opposite hill.

They also thought that Zhao Youcai had chased the wild boar with his dogs to the opposite post, but at this moment, a voice came from the opposite mountain: "Is it Xiaojun?"

The two sides were about a hundred meters apart, and Zhao Jun shouted directly: "Is it me? Is it Uncle Zhang?"

Zhao Jun heard that it was Zhang Life's voice.

"It's me!" Zhang Life replied: "I heard the dogs barking, and I thought it was you."

"Ask your dad if he went over." At this time, Wang Qiang pulled Zhao Jun from the side, and Zhao Jun hurriedly shouted to the opposite side: "Uncle Zhang, did you see my dad?"

"No, your dad didn't come up." Zhang Life shouted: "I heard the dogs barking and went to the east!"

"Oh my God!" Zhao Jun heard this, clicked his eyes twice, and secretly groaned in his heart.

He also knew that Zhao Youcai and his dogs were chasing the big wild boar king weighing more than 900 kilograms. It would be difficult for his seven dogs to stop such a big wild boar.

Everyone went down to the bottom of the ditch pond, and after meeting up with Zhang Life, they headed east. It was difficult for Zhao Youcai and his army to cross the ditch. Fortunately, they all had knives, and Jie Chen even took a small hatchet to clear the way.

After finally crossing the ditch, Zhao Jun saw that the footprints left by the wild boar and the dog on the ditch were heading south, so they walked south along the road.

After walking 180 meters south, everyone was a little confused. The firewood transport road was smooth due to the passing of cars and sleds, and no footprints could be seen on it. So along the way, the group kept looking at the mountains on both sides, fearing that the wild boar, the dog and Zhao Youcai would change their route to go up the mountain.

After walking another 200 meters, Zhao Jun called everyone and said to Wang Qiang: "Uncle, you and Xiaochen go back and drive the car over."

"Oh!" Wang Qiang sighed and said to Zhao Jun: "Okay, if you go up the mountain from that side, you can cut a tree and put it across the road to leave a mark for us."

"Okay!" Zhao Jun nodded in agreement, and then everyone split into two groups.

Before setting off again, Zhao Jun deliberately fired two shots into the sky, but this time he did not wait for Zhao Youcai's response.

The nine people were divided into two teams, walking forward along the sides of the road, looking up the hillsides on both sides.

In order to avoid accidents caused by the slippery road for transporting firewood and the slipping of cars and sleds, road maintenance workers would throw soil up on some sections of the road.

Zhao Jun and his companions walked two miles and saw messy dog ​​footprints on the sand before a downhill slope. Huang Gui frowned and said, "Oh my God, how could they have come so far?"

The crowd continued to chase along the road, and after chasing for more than three miles, they encountered a large area of ​​sand. But there were no dog footprints on this sand.

Zhao Jun turned around blankly, looked at the vast mountains on both sides, blinked his eyes twice, and asked Jiang Weifeng beside him: "Did you see a dog or something going up the mountain?"

Jiang Weifeng shook his head, and the people next to him also shook their heads.

"Oh my!" At this time, Huang Gui said, "Could it have stepped on the fallen tree to get up?"

"It's unprepared!" Zhao Jun was startled, and then asked everyone to go back.

When we came here just now, there was a fallen tree on the west side of the road. Someone must have left the tree on the side of the road while pulling a rope. Huang Gui suspected that the wild boar stepped on the fallen tree to get up the mountain, and Zhao Youcai and the dog chased after it.

They all stepped on the fallen tree and left no footprints nearby.

Everyone went back and tossed around in front of the fallen tree. Zhao Jun raised his gun and fired four shots into the air, but Zhao Youcai did not respond.

"Brother!" Huang Gui called Zhao Jun and said to him, "It's already this time, can we get something to eat?"

At this point, Huang Gui was still a little embarrassed and frowned, saying, "Brother, I'm so hungry, my front and back are slumped."

It's not Huang Gui's fault that he's hungry. It's already afternoon, and it's almost two o'clock. He has been trekking through the mountains and ridges and walking in the snow. He is tired and hungry.

"Brother, it's my fault!" Zhao Jun admitted his mistake and said, "It's already this time, let's eat something quickly, and then chase my dad after that."

As he said that, Zhao Jun pointed to the fallen tree in front of him and said, "It's just right for us to sit on it... Oh my God!"

Halfway through his words, Zhao Jun remembered that the big pancakes he brought from home before leaving in the morning were all carried by Jie Chen. This kid went to drive with Wang Qiang, and Zhao Jun had no dry food on him at this time.

Fortunately, Chen Dalai, the Zheng brothers, and Zhang Lifu all had dry food on them. Although there was not much, everyone sat together to share it. They all had a bite first, and Wang Qiang and Jie Chen would catch up with them in a while.

Sure enough, the dry food here was almost finished, and Jie Chen drove the car over. When leaving home today, Wang Meilan brought five or six pounds of big pancakes, and everyone tore and chewed them.

At this time, Jie Chen suddenly asked: "My uncle Zhao has no dry food in his pocket, right?"

Zhao Jun's mouth twitched. Of course, he knew that his father had no dry food, but Zhao Jun had no choice. After chasing him so hard and not catching up, who could Zhao Youcai blame for his hunger?

“Bang! Bang!”

At this time, Zhao Baotou really didn’t feel hungry. He aimed his gun at the big wild boar king that had run into the woods, and fired two shots along the buttocks!

There was no way, two legs couldn’t outrun four legs. When Zhao Youcai arrived, the big wild boar king also broke out of the encirclement of seven dogs and ran away.

After passing through Zigoutangzi, Zhao Youcai chased all the way forward. On the firewood transport road, Zhao Youcai couldn’t see any dog ​​footprints. He followed the dog barking all the way.

The Zhao family’s dog gang was in high spirits, mainly because they hadn’t eaten meat that day. They chased after the big cannon egg relentlessly. Although they couldn’t keep it, they harassed it all the way and finally surrounded the big wild boar king again on this flat land.

The big wild boar king couldn’t bear it at this time, but it wasn’t tired. As the saying goes, a big body is strong, but the big wild boar king didn’t have eggs, and he couldn’t circle in this season, so he had a lot of strength but nowhere to use it.

The key problem is that it was startled out of its nest by the dogs, and there was a pee in its bladder.

It's just like a person, it must be uncomfortable to run while holding pee. It's not easy for this big cannon egg to cross mountains and ridges, and it is here to fight with the Zhao family's dog gang. It wants to kill these dogs and then pee happily.

But unexpectedly, these seven dogs fought with it for more than half an hour. In the battle, each dog was pecked by the big wild boar king. But such a big cannon egg, with fangs shaped like a crescent moon, is far less lethal than the pick-and-chop.

These seven dogs have armor on their bodies, and it didn't matter if they were pecked out and fell on the snow. They fought with the wild boar until Zhao Youcai arrived.

Coincidentally, when Zhao Youcai arrived here, he happened to meet the big wild boar king admitting his defeat. He knew that he couldn't kill these dogs, so he broke through the siege and fled.

Once he ran away, Zhao Youcai's chance was gone. Only aiming at the wild boar's buttocks, Zhao Baotou still fired two shots.

It stands to reason that the hunting dogs should rush out when the gunshots sound. But at this moment, the seven hunting dogs turned around and ran to Zhao Youcai after taking two steps.

The seven dogs fought with the wild boar for half an hour, and the snow on this slope was flattened. At this time, the dogs sat on the ground, opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues, panting "Haa, haa".

Zhao Youcai felt distressed when he saw the hunting dogs like this. And Zhao Youcai was tired after running around until now.

He found a tree stump to sit down and rest. Wherever he went, the hunting dogs came over and sat around Zhao Youcai, even Heihu and Huanglong who had ideas about Zhao Youcai were no exception.

Zhao Youcai took out Shilin cigarettes from his pocket. After smoking a cigarette, Zhao Youcai suddenly realized that he was hungry.

Not only hungry, but also thirsty. But thirst is easy to solve, just grab a handful of snow and stuff it into your mouth.

"Okay, let's go back." Zhao Youcai gave up at this time. He had no choice but to give up. If he continued to chase, it would be dark. In the deep mountains and old forests, it would be impossible to shoot after dark.

Seeing Zhao Youcai get up, the hunting dogs got up and followed him. Now if he turned back, he could meet Zhao Jun and others who were looking for him after walking three or four miles.

But at this moment, a roe deer suddenly jumped out of the forest where the big wild boar king disappeared.

"Woof woof woof..."

"Ao ao ao..."

The barking of dogs suddenly sounded, which scared Zhao Youcai. When he looked back again, all seven dogs ran into the forest.

"What the hell?" Zhao Youcai turned around and staggered forward to chase. No matter how tired he was, he couldn't ignore the dogs.

This chase lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that the winter solstice was approaching, the days were getting shorter and shorter. It was dark in the mountains at only four o'clock.

Zhao Youcai sat on a fallen tree with a hungry stomach and raised his gun to the sky and fired a shot.

He was so tired and hungry from chasing the dogs that he could not walk any more.

But at the bottom of the steep cliff 400 meters to the north of him, seven dogs of the Zhao family's dog gang were tearing a large roe deer apart.

The roe deer's chest had been hollowed out by the dogs, and the hunting dogs were tearing the skin on the inside of the roe deer's front and hind legs, fighting over the meat.

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