The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1119 Gousheng, you want to rob too?

After a day of hard work, Black Tiger and Qinglong were really hungry.

It's no wonder that the hunting dog ate half full at home before going up the mountain. Unlike Zhao Youcai, who made a dozen sticky bean buns at a meal and drank sugar water and milk powder.

At this time, the hunting dogs didn't care that Zhao Youcai was shooting a gun not far away. They scrambled to tear up the roe deer meat.

It stands to reason that the roe deer can fly on the snow. In snowy weather, dogs cannot chase away roe deer. But there are two dogs in the Zhao family dog ​​gang, one is the black tiger and the other is the yellow dragon.

Chasing the big roe deer today, Black Tiger and Huanglong came to attack the door with a double ghost attack, and then the hunting dogs got to eat the meat.

At this time, under the ditch and pond on the back of the mountain, Zhao Jun and others were holding torches and searching for Zhao Youcai along the mountain.

But they were on the south side of the mountain, and Zhao Youcai was on the north slope of the mountain, just across the mountain. Zhao Youcai fired a gun, and Zhao Jun and the others could not hear it.

"This day!" Zhao Jun secretly hated his father for showing off.

"Great nephew." At this time, Wang Qiang came to Zhao Jun and asked in a low voice: "How many bullets does your dad carry?"

"He has enough bullets." Zhao Jun said: "In the morning, he put two packs in his shoulder bag and had ten rounds in the gun."

At this point, Zhao Jun curled his lips and continued: "He said he wanted to do something big."

Wang Qiang also curled his lips when he heard this, is he still going to have a big fight like this? He's done it to himself.

But fortunately, Zhao Youcai brought a lot of bullets. One pack of bullets is twenty-five rounds, and two packs are fifty rounds. Plus the ten rounds in the gun, there are a total of sixty rounds. With Zhao Youcai's skills, can he do a big job? Let’s not mention the field for now, but self-protection should be no problem.

"No, uncle." Zhao Jun frowned and said, "He has enough bullets and there are dogs around him. As long as he doesn't touch the big paws, he will be fine. But what am I worried about? He hasn't eaten all day."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun looked back at Chen Jinyong and Chen Jinjun who were walking behind. These two boys' father had offended Zhao Jun and asked Zhao Jun to be thrown into the mountains by Chen Xueyi. Chen Xueyi almost starved to death that night, but survived by eating horse dung eggs.

"Tsk! Alas!" Wang Qiang also sighed. After hearing what Zhao Jun said, he was also a little worried about Zhao Youcai.

But at this time, there were few people and few dogs, and there were some things that Huang Gui and Chen Dalai couldn't say, so Wang Qiang could only say it.

"Grand nephew, I can't follow you like this." Wang Qiang glanced behind him and said, "After a day of hard work, I'm so hungry that I can't even walk."

Zhao Jun closed his eyes, sighed softly, turned around and waved everyone to go outside the ditch.

"Brother!" Huang Gui stepped forward and asked, "Aren't you looking for your father?"

To be honest, from running around in the morning to now, Huang Gui's legs can no longer keep up, but he doesn't want to care about Zhao Youcai but also cares about Zhao Jun's face.

Not only Huang Gui is like this, but everyone else is like this too. We are all human beings, who is not tired? Who is not hungry?

The key is to run around in the ice and snow, with a lot of activity, your body will sweat. There are no autumn clothes or trousers these days, just vests and trousers worn over cotton-padded jackets and trousers.

When the body sweats for a long time, the heat seeps into the cotton jacket and cotton trousers, and when exposed to the cold air outside, the outer layer of the cotton jacket and cotton trousers freezes hard.

For example, Zhao Jun and the others wandered around in the mountains for a day. When they got home, they couldn't take off their cotton pants by themselves, so someone had to help pull them down from the ankles.

The cotton pants that were pulled down were so hard that they could stand upright.

Therefore, now everyone is not only tired and hungry, but their cotton-padded clothes and pants are so hard that it makes them uncomfortable to move around.

"Brother, go back and have a meal first." Zhao Jun raised his head and looked up the mountain and said, "After dinner, you stay home, and we will come find him when we are done."

"Then we will all come." Huang Gui said, and then everyone walked through the ditch and pond out of the mountain field, and walked another four or five miles along the way before getting into the car.

I don't know if there is telepathy. When Zhao Jun and the others left in the car, Zhao Youcai felt uneasy in the mountains. He raised his gun and fired two more shots.

After the gunfire fell, Zhao Youcai waited for a while, but when he heard no response to the gunshot, Zhao Youcai felt cold and muttered: "You little kid, you don't care about your father."

At this time, Zhao Boutou felt a little regretful. He was also a little scared. In desperation, Zhao Youcai called Erhei.

"Er Hei! Er Hei!" Zhao Youcai's shout spread out. Er Hei, who was fighting for meat with Bailong and the others, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhao Youcai.

After confirming that it was Zhao Youcai's voice, Erhei didn't even eat the meat, got up and went to find Zhao Youcai.

The Dog Gang was more than 200 meters away from Zhao Youcai, and Erhei arrived soon.

Zhao Youcai was overjoyed when he heard the news, and went to see Erhei who was really his. Zhao Youcai was so excited that he casually inserted his gun in the snow, and then hugged Erhei who was rushing toward him.

"Er Hei!" Zhao Youcai hugged Er Hei tightly as if he was seeing a relative, but Er Hei already had his claws on Zhao Youcai's shoulders and stretched out his tongue to lick Zhao Youcai's face.

Being licked by Er Hei, Zhao Youcai smelled the smell of blood. When he looked carefully at Er Hei's face covered with blood, he knew that the Dog Gang had captured their prey.

Zhao Youcai immediately became energetic. After comforting Er Hei, he held a gun in one hand and a torch in the other and followed Er Hei's path.

Seeing Zhao Youcai getting up, Erhei hurriedly ran back because he wasn't full yet.

Zhao Youcai quickened his pace, and within five minutes of walking, he saw by the firelight the scene of hunting dogs eating roe deer.

Zhao Youcai hurried over, drove the dog away, and snatched the remaining roe deer meat. At this time, the roe deer had been almost eaten by the dogs, and there was almost no meat left on the body, leaving only the neck and head.

But the hunting dogs felt that they were not full, and there was still meat to eat on the wreckage. They were about to chew it clean, when Zhao Youcai came.

As early as when Heilong and Heihu tore open the crotch of the roe deer, the bloody smell attracted several old crows. They landed on the tree and waited for the dog to eat its fill so that they could come down and eat the dog's leftovers.

In the distance, a yellow fox hid in a tree hole. It had a keen sense of smell and could smell the bloody smell two miles away. But it couldn't fly and was afraid of being chased by the dog, so it only dared to hide far away.

But as long as the dog ate its fill and left, the yellow fox would rush to pick up the dog's leftovers.

But whether it was the old crow or the yellow fox, their wish to have a full meal could not be realized.

Zhao Youcai robbed the dog's leftovers, but he couldn't eat raw meat, so he had to make a fire now.

Zhao Youcai had a fire, so he cut a pine torch before it got dark and then used birch bark to light it.

But the problem now was that he had to gather some dry branches to build a fire before he could roast the meat.

If he had to gather branches, what would happen to the roe deer? Throw it on the ground, the dogs will grab it; hang it on the tree, and there are old crows on the tree.

Zhao Youcai was very decisive. He stuck the torch into the snow beside his feet, stepped on the ribs of the roe deer, and then Zhao Youcai raised his gun and shot at the tree.

"Bang!" A poor old crow was smashed to pieces by the 7.62mm bullet, and the rest of the old crows screamed and flew away.

Before, Zhao Youcai fired repeatedly not far away, which also alarmed these old crows, but they would come back after flying and finding no danger. But now it's different. This guy not only robbed the remaining dogs, but also killed competitors. It's so cruel.

After scaring away the old crows with one shot, Zhao Youcai hung the remains of the roe deer on the tree, and then raised the torch to collect branches everywhere.

Zhao Youcai left, Erhei followed, but the other hunting dogs sat under the tree, looking up and looking eagerly.

"Ah! Ah!" Suddenly, the black tiger turned around and barked at Zhao Youcai twice, expressing his dissatisfaction with Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai didn't care about anything at this time. He couldn't get out of the mountain without filling his stomach.

Zhao Youcai brought a bunch of dry branches over and threw them under the tree, then continued to collect firewood.

The branches burned quickly, so Zhao Youcai had to find a way to break off a few big branches so that they could bear more fire.

Seeing Zhao Youcai leave, the black tiger trotted to the pile of branches, raised one of its hind legs, and dripped a few drops of liquid from its crotch.

This is not because the black tiger has a problem with the prostate, but because it has been running around in the mountains for a day, leaving its urine everywhere as a mark. It had urinated clean before, but now it can only squeeze out a few drops.

The black tiger raised its hind legs, and the white dragon came over. It stretched its head to sniff the place where the black tiger urinated, then turned around, and it also raised its hind legs, spitting out a small stream of water.

The white dragon has more inventory than the black tiger, but not much more. Before Bailong put down his hind legs, Huanglong came over. This dog was even more ruthless and put his head directly to Bailong's crotch to sniff. Fortunately, Bailong didn't have much in stock, otherwise he would have to sneer at him.

After Bailong left, Huanglong also turned around and raised his legs to urinate. It didn't have the idea of ​​retaliating against Zhao Youcai, but it just wanted to use its own smell to cover up the smell of Heihu and Bailong, so that it could psychologically mark this mountain as its own territory.

After Huanglong left, Qinglong came with Heilong and Xiaohua. Qinglong and Heilong grew up together. Although Xiaoheilong was a female dog, she learned to raise her legs to urinate like a male dog, and she urinated on the firewood. Xiaohua, who was also a female dog, urinated without raising her legs. She squatted next to the firewood and urinated. She didn't urinate on the firewood, but on the ground.

At this time, Zhao Youcai came back with a bundle of dry branches. He was not facing the wind, so he could not smell the urine, but Erhei could smell it. He saw Erhei trotting to the pile of firewood in front, and the moment he raised his leg, Zhao Youcai screamed.

"Erhei, come here!" Zhao Youcai shouted, and Erhei really listened to him, put down his legs and ran to Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai threw the firewood down, and then walked away with the torch. As soon as he left, Heihu ran to the second pile of firewood, raised his legs and stayed by the firewood for a long time, and only squeezed out five drops of urine in total.

But the smell of Heihu's urine attracted other dogs to follow suit. Zhao Youcai took the torch away. It was pitch black here, and Zhao Youcai could not see what was happening here.

Zhao Youcai brought firewood for the third time, and the six dogs continued to urinate there.

When Zhao Youcai came back for the fourth time, he pulled a wind-blown branch, which was big enough to burn, and Zhao Youcai started a pile of firewood, and then he used a bayonet to cut branches to make sticks.

After the skewers were ready, Zhao Youcai pulled the roe deer down from the tree. When the roe deer landed, the hunting dogs swarmed over, pulling the roe deer's hooves and skin, trying to snatch food from Zhao Youcai.

"Get out of the way! Go! I'm going to beat you up!" Zhao Youcai shouted repeatedly, and finally drove the hunting dogs away.

Then, he used a bayonet to pick open the skin on the roe deer's neck, and with great effort cut off pieces of meat to put on the skewer.

The fire was very strong and the pieces of meat were turning. Although there was no seasoning, Zhao Youcai couldn't help but pursed his lips when he smelled the aroma of meat.

He was really hungry!

After eating two pieces of roasted roe deer meat, Zhao Youcai's eyes lit up, and then he stood up and drove away the dogs nearby who were thinking about the barbecue, and walked over to pick up the second armful of firewood.

Throwing the firewood into the fire, the dry branches crackled, and Zhao Youcai continued to roast and eat.

The dry branches burned quickly, and Zhao Youcai brought the first armful of firewood again. There wasn't much dog urine on the firewood just now, but there was a lot of dog urine on this one.

At this moment, the dog urine on the firewood froze, and as the fire burned the branches, the dog urine spread in the flames and gave off a foul smell.

"What's that smell?" Zhao Youcai frowned and looked at Erhei, asking, "It was dark and I didn't see it just now. Was it you who peed?"

Erhei looked at Zhao Youcai blankly, and then the smell hit his nostrils. Zhao Youcai frowned, but he knew that he couldn't care much at this moment and could only continue to grill and eat.

"Tsk!" When the piece of meat entered his mouth, Zhao Youcai felt that the barbecue was no longer fragrant, as if the meat had an unpleasant smell.

There was a lot of meat on the roe deer's neck, and it was still alive, but not much could be removed with a bayonet. Zhao Youcaiqiang ate half full, but his body recovered some strength. He grabbed the snow and stuffed it into his mouth. After smoking two more cigarettes, he stood up and announced to the hunting dogs that were chewing the remains of the roe deer: "Today is not a good day. I will lead you to have a good fight tomorrow. Let you have a good time." Have a meal.”

Hearing Zhao Youcai's words, the black tiger, which was holding the roe deer's hind leg bone, raised its head and looked at Zhao Youcai sideways with the whites of its eyes.

Zhao Youcai didn't know that the black tiger rolled his eyes at it, so he just went over and snatched the remains of the roe deer, then hung it on the tree and said, "This is gone, what else are you chewing on?"

After saying that, Zhao Youcai turned around, clasped his hands together, and said silently to the tree where the roe deer was hanging: "The mountain god always bless me, Zhao Youcai, in safety. Come up tomorrow and knock the cannon eggs."

Zhao Youcai also became superstitious after going to Laotunzi with Zhao Jun to carry ginseng. But superstition is superstition. People respect the mountain by disemboweling the prey, then take out the lantern and hang it on the tree. People and dogs respect the mountain before eating it.

It would be better for Zhao Youcai. After the dogs have eaten, people will eat. After people have eaten, they will respect the mountains. If there really was a mountain god, let alone bless his eggs, he would have to send several eggs to choose for him.

After chatting with the mountain god, Finance Minister Zhao You was angry, waved his big hand forward, and said: "Let's go home!"

Zhao Youcai really wasn't walking blindly. There was a mountain stream going down, and he would definitely be able to get out of the mountain if he followed the water all the way.

This is the experience of mountain runners. Walking this way can prevent you from turning (zhuàn) and avoid walking up and down the mountain.

In this way, Zhao Youcai and his dog walked along the water for more than two miles. Suddenly, a scream came from the forest above.


Zhao Youcai knew that this was the cry of a roe deer. The cry of a roe deer in the forest at night was quite penetrating.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." After the roe deer barked, it was the black tiger that barked, and the black tiger kept barking and ran up.

It doesn't matter if the black tiger ran away, the key is that its barking attracts the dogs, and the hunting dogs are seen leaving Zhao Youcai and running straight to the post.

Zhao Youcai was not a tough guy, he was tired after playing the piano for a day. But now that the dogs are out, he can’t help but chase them away.

But with this expulsion, Zhao completely lost his temper...

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