The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1147 I want to go to your house

Beisanban is an old logging area in Yong'an. As the mountain corridor from the northwest fork to Erdingzi Mountain, the highest mountain in Yong'an, Beisanban is a gentle mountain, which is what Dawei people call Mangang.

This kind of slow hill is the most suitable for snowboarding downhill. The three of Zhao Jun came down from the top of the hill and walked very fast all the way.

The journey was not without trouble. Halfway through, Zhao Weipeng thought the larch pole in his hand was heavy, so Zhao Jun asked him to throw away one and only used one to ski.

Facing an uphill slope at this time, there was no way to slide up. The three of them could only walk on the snow on their skis, which slowed down their speed.

While walking, Zhao Jun pointed to the woods in front and said to Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng: "Uncle, little brother, are you looking at that forest? We will enter the forest in a while, so we must be more careful."

"Yes!" As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, Jie Chen continued: "Don't come in when you are in the woods!"

In the past few months when Jie Chen joined the Zhao family class, he not only accumulated rich experience in fighting sieges, but also increased his reading volume with the Li family. He could read the little book in a day.

"Yo!" Zhao Weipeng couldn't help but praise after hearing Xie Chen's idioms: "Xiao Jie is quite educated. Have you finished high school?"

His question amused Zhao Jun and Jie Chen. Let alone high school, Jie Chen had never even seen a junior high school textbook.

"Uncle, little brother." After talking and laughing, Zhao Jun pointed to the forest in front again and said to the two of them seriously: "The three of us can't separate when we enter the forest. We have to be careful, that big bear is domineering I can’t tell you where to put the cat behind it.”

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Jiechen and Zhao Weipeng agreed. Jiechen knew how powerful the blind bear was. Although Zhao Weipeng had never hunted a bear, he also knew that this brown bear had killed three people.

As the three of them arrived at the outskirts of the woods, they heard a splashing sound, and another mountain bird was startled in the woods.

Zhao Jun raised his hand to stop the two of them. At this time, he was a little confused. It seemed that the brown bear was nesting in the forest again. But an injured bear will easily lose its footing, especially during the day. According to common sense, it will never lie down again.

"There's something wrong with this bully bear." Zhao Jun shook his head slightly and judged: "It should be pretty rattled by that injury."

Gagu is a Northeastern dialect that has a derogatory meaning when describing people and a strange and alternative meaning when describing things.

Zhao Jun once again warned Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng to be careful, and then the three of them held guns in their hands, with Zhao Jun in front, Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng in the back, and the three entered the woods in a "pin" shape.

This forest is not an artificial forest or a secondary forest, but a virgin forest. However, there are many bright spots in the primeval forest at the foot of the mountain. This is because there is no abundant grass under the big trees.

In this primitive forest, except for the big trees, there are all small trees growing under the big trees.

Resting on branches and branches, Zhao Jun faintly saw a big guy moving in the woods ahead.

It's just that the black shadow passed by, and Zhao Jun had no chance to shoot it.

Zhao Jun stopped and took aim with his gun, but he could no longer grasp the target.

Zhao Jun made a gesture and led Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng to speed up. It should be said or not, but Zhao Weipeng had quite the energy. At this critical moment, the big fat man did not cry out about pain or tiredness, but followed Zhao Jun closely with his gun in hand.

At the same time, a brown bear emerged from the north of the forest and walked through the snow toward the mountains to the north.

The big brown bear walks through the snow, with its head and back exposed, and almost all of its body and limbs in the snow.

The big brown bear looked back as he walked. He had smelled some strange smell when he was lying down in the forest just now.

Bears have the most sensitive sense of smell. They can smell human odors and classify them into smoke, oily sludge, etc.

I don’t know why, but the big brown bear felt danger when it smelled human scent, so it got up and left without hesitation.

But as they walked out of the woods, the mountain wind blew the scent of Zhao Jun and the three people in front of the big brown bear.

It smelled that the three men were chasing after it, and immediately turned around and changed its route.

I saw the big brown bear making a half circle on the hillside, and then the whole bear crawled in the snow.

The lying big brown bear twisted its buttocks and felt a sharp pain in its anus. That day, it sat the hedgehog that had gotten into the chrysanthemum to death. Although the hedgehog died, its thorns were pierced into the inner wall of the brown bear's large intestine.

Those thorns also carried some hedgehog skin and flesh, which caused a lot of trouble to the big brown bear.

The big brown bear felt uncomfortable when walking, so he kept twisting his butt or squeezing his anus hard from the back seat. Although some of the hedgehog's flesh and blood was squeezed out, the chrysanthemum meridians continued to bulge and rub, causing inflammation.

Later, the big brown bear rubbed its butt against the legs and trunk of the tree. As it tossed and turned repeatedly, not only did the chrysanthemum not heal, but it actually oozed pus and bleeding.

All blind bears have rough skin and thick flesh, but that place is different. No matter how cruel a creature is, they can't stand the pain of anal pain. It's just like a person suffering from hemorrhoids.

The big brown bear was in great pain, and under the backlog of anger, he chose to release the pain in his heart by attacking people.

At this time, it was lying in the snow, waiting to attack Zhao Jun and others.

After passing through the forest, Zhao Jun did not rush forward, but raised his head and looked forward.

The forest in front is even sparser, with only a few small trees, because this area experienced selective felling the year before last.

With the growth in the past two years, many tree branches have grown on the original tree stumps.

These tree branches were almost as thick as the wrist, and they were in clusters and piles, blocking Zhao Jun's sight.

Zhao Jun knew that the more this happened, the more careful he had to be.

He walked in front himself, leaving Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng four or five meters behind him, and the three of them advanced slowly with their spears in hand.

At this time, the big brown bear was lying in the snow, with its mouth slightly open, revealing its sharp canine teeth. It secretly looked at the three Zhao Juns, and its limbs huddled in the snow moved slightly, ready to attack.

The big brown bear was lying in front of Zhao Jun on the right, and there were two trees blocking it, so Zhao Jun couldn't see the big brown bear even with his gun.

When Zhao Jun was still 24 or 25 meters away from the big brown bear, he was looking around with his gun, and heard a "hum".

The mountain wind was howling, and the bear was roaring.

The branches and twigs around were rustling, and the roar of the bear exploded like thunder above the three people's heads.

In an instant, the scalps of the three Zhao Juns exploded and their faces were numb.

This is a normal physiological reaction, and it has nothing to do with how much hunting experience they have.

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen were better, but Zhao Weipeng was stunned on the spot. Seeing the sky darken, Zhao Weipeng screamed.

The brown bear jumped out of the snow and took advantage of the force to spin into the air.

It jumped three or four meters and spun five or six meters. When the bear fell, it was only sixteen or seventeen meters away from Zhao Jun.

The huge body of the brown bear rose and fell, rolling up the snow like smoke, confusing people's eyes.

"Bang!" Zhao Jun didn't see the sudden change clearly, but he saw a black shadow rising and falling. Zhao Jun turned the muzzle of his gun and shot directly at the landing point of the black shadow.

"Don't panic!" Zhao Jun fired a shot and shouted loudly. He was afraid that Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng would make mistakes in a hurry. At this time, the three people were wearing skis, and it was difficult to run.

But the gun fired a breath, and Zhao Jun shouted, and his breath was instantly chaotic. Before Zhao Jun could adjust his breathing, the snow exploded, and the snow was blown towards Zhao Jun by the wind, and the big brown bear rushed to Zhao Jun.


With a gunshot, the big brown bear burst into blood, and the bear fell headfirst on the snow, and the surrounding snow was instantly dyed red.

At this time, Jie Chen opened the hanging barrel gun and stuffed the bullet in his palm into the chamber.

With the help of Jie Chen, Zhao Jun held his breath and fired three shots in a row as he saw the brown bear emerge from the snow.

As the brown bear jumped up, two shots hit its abdomen and one shot hit its leg.

The brown bear fell on the snow and tried to pounce on Zhao Jun again with its limbs. But just at this moment, Zhao Jun was about to shoot at the brown bear's head when he heard a burst of gunfire.

"Da da da da..."

Zhao Jun: "..."

Jie Chen: "..."

After a series of gunshots, the brown bear lay motionless in the snow, its back was riddled with bullets.

"Nephew! Nephew!" Zhao Weipeng, who had put the safety on his gun, gestured with Zhao Jun and shouted, "Killed! Killed!"

Zhao Jun pulled the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and shot the brown bear twice in the head, and hurriedly called Jie Chen, "Brother, open it quickly!"

Jie Chen also put the safety on his gun, and then went with Zhao Jun to turn the brown bear upside down.

Looking at the tattered chest of the big brown bear, Zhao Jun hurriedly drew his knife to open the bear.

At this time, Zhao Weipeng took out the camera from his bag, and he stood behind Zhao Jun to take pictures of the brown bear's death.

Although Zhao Jun and Jie Chen both shot the bear, the bear eventually died under Zhao Weipeng's gun.

The bear's chest was cut open by the knife, and the chest was in a mess, and the bear's intestines were broken. Fortunately, the bear had no food in its stomach in winter, otherwise it would be more troublesome to clean up.

At this time, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen could not care about anything else. Jie Chen held the broken liver with his hand, and Zhao Jun hurriedly took off the bear gall.

There were two holes in the bear gall, and the bile that flowed out was absorbed by the liver, leaving only about one-third.

"Hurry up, little brother, I have a rope in my pocket." Zhao Jun pinched the broken part of the bear gall and urged Jie Chen, and Jie Chen hurriedly pulled Zhao Jun's pocket. At this time, Zhao Weipeng came over and asked, "Nephew, is this the bear gall?"

"Yes." Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Weipeng with a bitter face and said, "Uncle, you lost a thousand yuan with those shots."

"Ah?" Zhao Weipeng was shocked when he heard this. Although he was rich, a thousand yuan was not a small amount.

"Your gallbladder is broken, and all the bile is gone." Xie Chen took out a cloth bag and a string from Zhao Jun's pocket, and then said to Zhao Weipeng: "It's all the bile that's dried and sold for money."

"Oh, tsk!" Zhao Weipeng felt sorry for it. He smacked his lips and said to Zhao Jun and Xie Chen: "It's okay. I'll make up for the difference."

"Uncle, that's not necessary." Zhao Jun said hurriedly: "You just came up the mountain and don't know about these things. We are a mountain fortune. If we can get it, we can get it. If we can't, forget it."

The big boss has that attitude of compensation, which is very kind. Zhao Jun can't let Zhao Weipeng make up for it.

"Let's talk about it later." Zhao Weipeng is a generous person. Seeing Zhao Jun's generosity, Zhao Weipeng waved his fat hand and said: "Uncle will definitely not let you lose."

As he said, Zhao Weipeng gave the camera to Zhao Jun and said: "Come, take two photos for uncle."

Zhao Jun and Xie Chen posed for the bear in a few poses and cooperated with Zhao Weipeng to take pictures as a souvenir.

Taking advantage of the bloodstains on the snow and other backgrounds, Zhao Weipeng took more than ten photos in a row. He put away the camera with satisfaction and asked Zhao Jun: "Let's go back?"

"Oh!" Zhao Jun looked at the brown bear's body and said to Jie Chen: "Brother, what should we do?"

"What should we do?" Jie Chen was a little confused and said: "Brother Jun, you ask me?"

Zhao Jun turned to Zhao Weipeng and said: "Uncle, we can't throw this meat away, we have to take it back."

"Oh my God!" Zhao Weipeng wanted to give up when he heard what Zhao Jun said.

This is human nature. We are energetic when hunting, but we worry when we get it.

"Brother, take the rope!" Zhao Jun said to Jie Chen: "Let's pull it back, go down the fork road at this end of the forest, and think of a way to get to the firewood transport road."

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Jie Chen took out the rope from his shoulder bag. Zhao Jun took the opportunity to draw a cake for Zhao Weipeng and said: "Uncle, please bring this blind bear back and ask the cafeteria to stew a bear paw for you to chew on."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun continued to seduce: "Braised bear paws, you can't eat them even if you have all the money in the city."

When Jie Chen heard this, he knew that Zhao Jun wanted to trick Zhao Weipeng into helping pull the bear, so he immediately slipped aside and said, "Yes, Uncle Zhao, cut some fat meat and fry it for pancakes. I tell you, the bear is blind." The pancake baked with oil is fragrant and still soft.”

"You two, please stop fooling me." Zhao Weipeng smiled and took out Shilin cigarettes, took out two cigarettes and gave one to Jie Chen. Then he did not rush to light the cigarette, but turned to Zhao Jun and said, "My nephew."

"Hey, uncle." Seeing Zhao Weipeng calling him, Zhao Jun quickly agreed, and then heard Zhao Weipeng say: "I'm a little tired of the food in the cafeteria these two days."

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was startled and asked casually: "Uncle, is the food in the cafeteria not good?"

Boss Zhao had only been here for a few days, so he couldn't possibly get tired of it, so Zhao Jun thought he was a picky eater and disliked the poor food in the cafeteria.

"What..." At this time, Boss Zhao looked a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong, uncle?" Zhao Jun said, "Is the food in the cafeteria unpalatable?"

These ministers struck matches and came to light Zhao Weipeng's cigarette. After Zhao Weipeng took a puff of the cigarette, he said to Zhao Jun: "It's quite delicious, but..."

Halfway through his words, Zhao Weipeng stopped again, and Zhao Jun said in confusion: "Uncle, if you have anything to do, just tell me. We have been getting along very well these two days, and you are a guest (qiě) when you come. If you want to eat or drink anything, just say it. If we don’t have the conditions, I’ll go down to the city and buy it for you.”

"Nephew, that's not necessary." Zhao Weipeng grabbed Zhao Jun and said, "If you say this, I won't be polite to you."

"Then look..." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Uncle, just tell me what you need."

Zhao Weipeng first smiled at Zhao Jun, and then said: "They all said that your food is very good."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned. He didn't react for a while. At this time, Zhao Weipeng said a little embarrassedly: "I also lived in poverty when I was a child, and I am not picky about food. But every day, Secretary Zhou and I, It’s not interesting for the two of us to eat together.”

Hearing what he said, Zhao Jun Kaba, Kaba remained silent, and then heard Zhao Weipeng continue: "I heard from Lao Huang that there are several families in your village eating at your house, and your house is busy every day."

Zhao Jun: "..."

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