The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1148 Recalling the Past and Missing Family

Zhao Jun did not expect that Boss Zhao would make such a request, but he did not refuse.

The visitor is a guest, not to mention that although Zhao Weipeng did not get along with Zhao Jun for a long time, his behavior was recognized by Zhao Jun.

As Zhao Jun agreed, Zhao Weipeng, Zhao Jun, and Jie Chen dragged the brown bear down the mountain.

I saw a fat man with a hemp rope on his shoulders and his hands tightly holding one end of the hemp rope. His fat body leaned forward and the fat on his face was tight.

The other end of the hemp rope was tied to the brown bear's leg. As Zhao Jun shouted his slogan, the three of them worked together to drag the big brown bear through the snow.

When we got down to the foot of the mountain, it was already past twelve o'clock at noon. There were still seven or eight miles to go to meet up with Wang Qiang, Huang Gui and others. Zhao Weipeng sat panting on the brown bear's waist, saying that he was not going forward. gone.

"Nephew, I can't survive." Zhao Weipeng said to Zhao Jun with a sad face, "My stomach is growling."

"Little brother." Zhao Jun asked Xie Chen, "Do you have any dry food in your pocket?"

"Yes!" Jie Chen agreed first, and then asked, "Brother Jun, shall we eat?"

"I'm not hungry. I'm going to find my uncle and the others." Zhao Jun raised his hand in the direction where he was coming, and then said to Jie Chen: "You make a fire and have a meal with Uncle Zhao."

"Hey!" Jie Chen said, "Brother Jun, please slow down."

Zhao Jun nodded and said to Zhao Weipeng: "Uncle, I'm going to find their sledge. You and I will have a rest here and we'll have something to eat in the evening."

"Well, then go ahead." Zhao Weipeng waved his fat hands and said, "We'll wait for you here."

"That's okay." Zhao Jun responded to Zhao Weipeng, then looked at Jie Chen and said, "Brother, be more careful."

"Nephew, don't worry." Before Jie Chen could speak, Zhao Weipeng took up Zhao Jun's conversation. He confidently took the submachine gun next to him and said, "Your uncle is here, are you afraid?" What?"

It's okay if he didn't say that. When he said that, Zhao Jun immediately thought of Zhang Yuanmin. When he thought of Zhang Yuanmin, Zhao Jun's heart suddenly lifted.

Zhao Jun thought for a moment, then took off his gun from his shoulder, raised his gun and fired three shots in the air, in order to scare away the nearby wild animals.

After three shots, Zhao Junguan put his gun on his back and warned Zhao Weipeng and Jie Chen again before he set off to join Wang Qiang and others.

After Zhao Jun left, Zhao Weipeng patted the brown bear that was sitting down, and then shouted at the top of his lungs: "Take a nap!"

"Uncle Zhao." Hearing Zhao Weipeng's call, Jie Chen didn't even bother to pick up firewood and ran over and asked, "What's going on?"

"Huh?" Zhao Weipeng asked Xie Chen, "Can I peel off this bearskin and make it into a coat?"

"No." Jie Chen shook his head and smiled: "Uncle Zhao. This thing is so heavy that you won't be able to wear it after you finish it."

At this point, Jie Chen paused for a moment and said, "Let's make a mattress. It will be warm if you put it on a bearskin mattress."

When Zhao Weipeng heard this, he said: "I still want to make a coat that looks good even if I can't wear it."

"That's counterintuitive." Jie Chen glanced at the bear as he spoke, and then said with a bitter smile: "Uncle, how can this blind bear make clothes if you ask him to do that?"

That blind man's chest and back were beaten like a sieve by Zhao Weipeng, and his clothes were full of holes.

"You don't understand this." Zhao Weipeng said with a smile: "The bullet holes are all traces of battle, which are witnesses of my bravery."

When Jie Chen heard this, he twitched the corner of his mouth, clicked, clicked, and kept his eyes silent. He turned around and continued to collect firewood.

A few minutes later, Jiechen came back with the firewood. After throwing the firewood on the ground, Jiechen grabbed the shoulder bag next to him and took out a flour bag.

Inside the flour bag was a three-layer gauze bag. When he saw the dry food that Jie Chen took out from the gauze bag, Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up and he asked, "Vegetable basket?"

Huang Gui, Jiang Weifeng and the Chen brothers are living in the newly bought house of Jie's family these days. They don't come to Zhao's house for dinner in the morning and go directly to the Jiang family next door to hang out with the old lady, Xie Sun and others.

When she came back from Zhao's house last night, Liu Lanying handed out a pot of corn noodles, Xie Sun chopped four sauerkraut, and steamed three pots of sauerkraut baskets this morning.

The Zhao family's gang has grown rapidly in the past few days, and the consumption of large pancakes has also increased a lot. The only one kilogram left by the Zhao family is not enough for Zhao Jun and others to go up the mountain today, so Liu Lanying packed a dozen pickled vegetable baskets for Jie Chen.

Zhao Weipeng's hometown is Huludao. When he was a child, he often made this when he was eating from the food supply. But then the conditions at home got better and better, and Zhao Weipeng never touched corn noodles again.

Twenty or thirty years later, there are always people who advocate that eating whole grains is healthier. But for a person of Zhao Weipeng's age, he ate so much cornmeal noodles when he was a child that he hated it.

But the sauerkraut basket that suddenly appeared today instantly brought back memories of Zhao Weipeng's childhood.

"Uncle." Jie Chen said to Zhao Weipeng, "Let's just have a bite."

"Okay, okay." Zhao Weipeng nodded repeatedly and watched Jie Chen string up the vegetable basket with tree branches. Zhao Weipeng looked straight at the vegetable basket that Jie Chen had planted on the snow, with a smile on his face unconsciously.

"Xiao Qian'er, my parents are working outside, and I follow my mother in the countryside." Zhao Weipeng seemed to mutter to himself, but Jie Chen heard clearly and only heard him say: "I am happy to eat stuffed buns. But what kind of stuff could anyone have at home? The old lady would make this for me in the winter. The pickled cabbage and corn noodles were all available at home, but the old lady also had the same stuffing inside. Just put a lot of oil in it; what she eats is nothing but sauerkraut.”

"We also have oil here." Jie Chen said straightforwardly: "It's still full of oil."

Zhao Weipeng twitched the corner of his mouth. Is that what he lacks? What he lacks is the old man who gave him the vegetable basket back then.

Strings of vegetable baskets were placed around the fire. Jie Chen told Zhao Weipeng to think about turning the dry food while he continued to collect firewood.

After spending the whole morning at home, the vegetable basket was frozen. I inserted it far away from the fire and slowly roasted it to defrost.

Zhao Weipeng rubbed his hands together and then spread them out in front of the fire to keep warm.

When Jiechen came back with firewood again, he threw the firewood aside, and then said to Zhao Weipeng: "Uncle Zhao, get up first."

"Huh?" Zhao Weipeng stood up subconsciously, and Gu Chen took one of the brown bear's arms and pulled it to expose its chest.

Jie Chen took out his knife, cut off a small piece of fat from the brown bear's chest, pierced it with the tip of the knife and roasted it by the fire.

Once the fatty meat is grilled, the fat will come out quickly. Jie Chen smeared bear oil on the vegetable basket, and Zhao Weipeng nodded repeatedly.

Although dry corn flour is a coarse grain, it tastes better after being fried and roasted than baked or fried steamed bun slices.

After Jiechen and Zhao Weipeng were full, Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang and a group of people came over on foot.

The road where Jie Chen and Zhao Weipeng were located was a trafficable firewood road. Jiefang Automobile and Dongfanghong tractors could travel on it, and sledges would be no problem.

But the horse smelled the scent of a brown bear from a distance and stopped moving forward without saying anything.

Horses are different from cows. If you force the horse to come, it will easily hair the horse.

We had no choice but to stop the sledge far away, tie the horse to a tree, and then everyone came over to drag the bear.

The bear got closer and closer to the horse, and the horse roared and pulled at the reins tied to the tree.

On the way back from the sledge, we first arrived at the 129 Lingchang. According to the agreement between Zhao Jun and Wang Fenghai, Zhao Jun found the inspector Ma Liang.

"Oh my god!" Ma Liang said in surprise when he saw Zhao Jun for the first time: "I thought I wouldn't be able to see you until the end of the Gregorian calendar."

Zhao Jun laughed, secretly pulled Ma Liang over and said, "Whenever it's convenient, I can find half a meter more wood for that Wang's head."

"Okay, that's easy." Ma Liang agreed, and then asked: "Did you beat that blind bear to death?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Jun nodded with a smile and said, "Shall I cut a piece of meat for you?"

"That's great!" Ma Liang followed Zhao Jun out with a smile. Seeing Ma Liang chatting and laughing with Zhao Jun, Wang Fenghai hurriedly came over, nodded to Ma Liang and said: "Ma technician."

The position of the inspector is not big, but the power is not small, especially in front of these bosses and arbitrators.

Ma Liang glanced at Wang Fenghai, nodded and said, "Technician Zhao told me, I will remember this."

"Hey, hey!" Wang Fenghai was very happy. He rubbed his hands and stood aside, watching Zhao Jun cut Ma Liang's flesh.

Zhao Jun has never been stingy. He removed seven or eight kilograms of fat meat from the brown bear, and cut the inside of the brown bear's thigh to remove about three kilograms of lean meat.

This ten kilograms of fat and lean meat was given to Ma Liang, and Zhao Jun cut off about five kilograms of fat meat and gave it to Wang Fenghai.

After Wang Fenghai thanked Zhao Jun, he and his brother continued to drive the sledge to send Zhao Jun and his party down the mountain.

After descending from the mountain, the brown bears were loaded into the vehicle. Zhao Jun drove the jeep and Jie Chen drove the Jiefang, all the way to Yong'an Forest Farm.

After arriving at Yong'an Forest Farm, they stopped the car in front of the office building. Zhao Jun and Zhao Weipeng went to Zhou Chunming's office to hand in their tasks, while Zhou Dakui ran to the security team to find his colleagues.

Arriving at Zhou Chunming's office, Zhao Jun knocked on the door twice, and soon Yu Quanjin came to open the door. When he saw it was Zhao Jun and Zhao Weipeng, he quickly invited them into the room.

"Zhao Jun!" Seeing Zhao Jun, Zhou Chunming immediately stood up and asked him, "How are you doing?"

"He was beaten to death!" Before Zhao Jun could say anything, Zhao Weipeng answered first: "I beat him to death!"

"Huh?" Zhou Chunming and Yu Quanjin were stunned, and they looked at Zhao Weipeng in disbelief.

"What are you looking at me like?" Although Zhao Weipeng is also a fun-loving person, he has been in business for many years and is quite good at observing people's emotions. It felt like Zhou and Yu had something wrong in their eyes, and Zhao Weipeng was a little unhappy.

"Boss Zhao, I..." Zhou Chunming was a little confused and quickly changed the subject and asked: "Have you eaten yet?"

"We've finished eating." Zhao Weipeng waved his fat hand and said, "Secretary Zhou, I have to call Lao Chu."

"Hit, hit!" Hearing this, Zhou Chunming hurriedly picked up the phone. After connecting to the forestry line, Zhou Chunming took the time to turn around and said to Zhao Weipeng: "Bureau Chu called me this morning and asked you to come back to him. Telephone."

As soon as Zhou Chunming finished speaking, Chu Anmin's voice came from the other side of the microphone. Zhou Chunming gave the microphone to Zhao Weipeng, and saw Zhao Weipeng dancing and shouting: "Old Chu, that big brown bear that bites people to death, Xiong Ba, let me Beat him to death!"

After Zhao Weipeng finished speaking, he paused for a moment. It must have been Chu Anmin on the other side of the phone who said something. Zhao Weipeng blushed instantly and shouted: "No! It's not bragging! Look! Why don't you believe me when I say it?" ?”

Not to mention that he didn't believe it anymore, even Zhou Chunming didn't believe it. He came over and winked at Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun smiled and nodded: "Boss Zhao added the gun."

"He was really beaten to death?" Zhou Chunming asked Zhao Jun again, and Zhao Jun said: "He was really beaten to death, and now he is lying downstairs."

"Then I'll go down." After Zhou Chunming finished speaking, he walked to the sofa, picked up the cotton monkey sleeve and put it on himself. Then he walked to his desk, opened the drawer and took out a wad of money.

Fifty pieces of unity, this is the bonus promised to bear hunters by the forest farm.

Seeing Zhou Chunming walking towards Zhao Jun with the money, Zhao Weipeng shouted to the other end of the phone: "If you don't believe it, pull J8 down!"

After saying that, Zhao Weipeng put down the phone with a bang.

"Hey! Huh?" Chu Anmin was anxious on the other end of the phone. Before he could urge Zhao Weipeng to investigate quickly, the call was hung up.

But when Chu Anmin called again, no one answered Zhou Chunming's side.

Zhou Chunming and Yu Quanjin followed Zhao Jun and Zhao Weipeng downstairs to see the brown bear. When they arrived downstairs, a group of security guards had already arrived.

Although Liu Jinyong, the leader of the security team, went home, his colleagues were avenged, and all the security guards present came.

Zhou Chunming came over to take a look and saw the ferocious death of the big brown bear. He couldn't help but be startled and subconsciously said: "How many shots did it take?"

Zhao Jun and the others smiled, but no one said anything. At this time, Zhao Weipeng was a little eager to try.

"Um..." At this time, one of the security guards walked out. This man had gray hair on his temples and looked very young.

His name is Bao Xinguo, and he is a veteran guard of the forest farm. However, his legs and feet are not as flexible as when he was young. In addition, he is approaching retirement. He only gave up the position of deputy team leader to Hong Yuntao last year.

"Brother Bao." Zhou Chunming was very polite to Bao Xinguo and asked, "What do your security team say?"

"Secretary Zhou, our team leader Liu stayed up here for three days and three nights and just came down this morning." Bao Xinguo first explained for Liu Jinyong, and then said: "Our security team has nothing to say, except to thank Zhao Jun."

With that said, Bao Xinguo turned to Zhao Jun and bowed slightly, and all the guards followed Bao Xinguo and saluted Zhao Jun one after another.

Zhao Jun hurriedly gave way, then held Bao Xinguo's arm from the side and said sincerely: "Uncle Bao, we are all colleagues, so we should do what we should do."

Bao Xinguo smiled at Zhao Jun, gently pushed away the hand holding his arm, then cupped his fists and said to Wang Qiang and others: "Thank you, everyone!"

Others didn't know Bao Xinguo, but Wang Qiang did. He clasped his fists and returned the salute to Bao Xinguo: "Brother, we all live in the village, so you're welcome."

As he spoke, Wang Qiang waved his hand to the side, pointed at Huang Gui and said, "These are not outsiders either."

After hearing this, Bao Xinguo smiled and nodded to everyone, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Xiao Zhao, Uncle Bao also wants to ask you something."

"Uncle Bao, we men don't say begging." Zhao Jun said hurriedly: "Whatever happens, just say it."

"Give us that blind bear's head..." Before Bao Xinguo could finish his words, someone next to him shouted: "No!"

"Huh?" Bao Xinguo looked up and saw an unfamiliar fat man, and couldn't help but frowned.

"Brother." Zhao Weipeng is not unreasonable. He didn't steal Zhao Jun's limelight just now, but now he cupped his fists at Bao Xinguo and said, "This blind bear can't give you his head now."

Bao Xinguo was a little confused. Bear heads were inferior to wild boar heads and roe deer heads. No one would eat bear heads at all.

"Hurry!" After telling Bao Xinguo, Zhao Weipeng waved to Zhao Jun and urged him.

Zhao Jun curled his lips helplessly, but without any delay, he took out the camera from his shoulder bag.

Looking at Zhao Weipeng again, he turned around and stretched out his hand to Zhou Chunming, saying: "Secretary Zhou, give me the bonus."

"Ah..." Zhou Chunming put the money in Zhao Weipeng's hand blankly, and then saw Zhao Weipeng holding the money and climbing into the back of the Jiefang vehicle.

Under the watchers of twenty or thirty people, Zhao Weipeng lay on the brown bear, holding the bear's head with his left hand and holding the prize in his right hand, asking Zhao Jun to record this moment for him.

Sorry, brothers, the update is finished. I woke up from the cold at around three o'clock in the morning. After it was finished, I sat in front of the stove pit until around five o'clock, looking for a car and running down the mountain.

Returned to Shanxia Village at around 10 o'clock, will update as usual tonight

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