The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1154: The two Zhaos shoot the big blue bull

When Zhao Jun was talking to Fan Tiangui at the bottom of the slope, Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng were walking on the hillside behind.

"Did you see it, brother?" Zhao Youcai raised his hand and pointed to the small hillside opposite, and said to Zhao Weipeng: "That small hill, this side faces the sun, we call it Xiaoyang face."

"Ah..." Zhao Weipeng stretched his neck to look at the opposite hill, remembering Zhao Youcai's words in his heart. But at this moment, a "rustling" sound came from behind the two of them, which was the sound of people or animals scratching against tree branches.

The two turned around at the same time, but Zhao Youcai reacted quickly. He grabbed Zhao Weipeng's arm with one hand and pressed Zhao Weipeng's back with the other hand, pressing him to bend over.

"What..." Zhao Weipeng just opened his mouth when he saw Zhao Youcai shaking his head at him. Then he saw Zhao Youcai raising his hand and pointing his index finger upwards twice, saying: "Roe deer! Roe deer!"

"Huh?" Zhao Weipeng was startled, raised his head and looked around twice, then turned back and whispered to Zhao Youcai: "Where is it?"

Zhao Youcai did not speak, but raised his hand to the upper right of Zhao Weipeng. Zhao Weipeng looked in the direction Zhao Youcai pointed, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and he took off the 56-type semi-automatic rifle from his shoulder.

"Brother." Zhao Weipeng lowered his voice and whispered to Zhao Youcai: "I'll shoot."

Zhao Youcai nodded and gave the opportunity to Zhao Weipeng.

Zhao Weipeng raised the gun to his face, aimed at a roe deer and fired immediately.


When the gunshot rang out, the three roe deer all looked up.

If it was a wild boar, it would have run away long ago. But the curiosity of roe deer is so strong that when the bullets don't hit them, they will not run away after hearing the sound, but will look around to see what happened.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Zhao Weipeng pulled the trigger continuously, and the bullets shot at the roe deer.

The three roe deer scattered and ran away. When Zhao Youcai picked up the gun, the three roe deer had disappeared.

"Brother..." Zhao Youcai put down his gun, frowned at Zhao Weipeng, and asked, "What kind of shooting skills are you?"

As he said that, Zhao Youcai pointed his hand upwards and said unhappily, "You didn't even hit a hair of the roe deer."

Zhao Weipeng's fat face flushed, and he muttered, "This gun is not easy for me to use, it's not as good as the 56 submachine gun."

"This thing..." Zhao Youcai curled his lips helplessly, but he didn't say anything, just raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side, saying, "Let's go, brother, let's go and beat those pigs."

"Hey!" Zhao Weipeng agreed, half-slung the 56 over his shoulder, and then heard Zhao Youcai say to him, "Brother, what should I watch this time? I'll yawn first."

"Hey!" Although Zhao Weipeng was reluctant, who made him lose the chain.

At this time, they and the Zhao army were in the south and north of the mountain, one in the middle of the mountain, and there was a mountain peak in the middle, so the Zhao army didn't hear the gunshots.

Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng set out on the road. They crossed the ditch and went to the opposite post. As soon as they got to the post, they saw the hillside was full of wild boar hoof prints. It was really as Pan Qinghong said. The snow on the hillside was almost flattened by the wild boars.

Zhao Youcai was in front with a gun, and Zhao Weipeng was panting behind. When they reached the middle of the mountain, they heard the sound of a sled in the east.

"Brother, let's ask someone." Zhao Youcai was in a hurry today. It was already 1:30. If he dawdled for a while, it would be dark. Zhao Youcai, who was anxious to make a quick decision, wanted to ask someone.

Zhao Youcai walked quickly and ran to the east sled road in a few steps. Then he saw a man driving a cow sled coming down from above.

"Brother!" Zhao Youcai waved to the man and said, "Are you the one who is inverting the trap?"

"Ah! What's the matter?" The man asked Zhao Youcai with a Shandong accent.

"Then why did you go down with an empty sled?" Zhao Youcai asked curiously, and then he heard the man say, "Damn it, my sled is broken."

At this time, Zhao Weipeng came over panting and joined Zhao Youcai.

Just then, Zhao Youcai took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave one to Zhao Weipeng and the householder.

Seeing that Zhao Youcai gave Shilin, the householder pursed his lips. He was reluctant to smoke such a good cigarette, but seeing that Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng had both lit their cigarettes, and Zhao Youcai even held up a match to light his cigarette, the householder wanted to refuse but was embarrassed.

"Brother." After lighting a cigarette for the trapper, Zhao Youcai asked him, "You are setting traps here. Have you seen a bunch of wild boars?"

"Wild boars?" The trapper pointed to the high mountain in the west and said, "Today they set off fireworks, and the pigs are running away."

Hearing what the trapper said, Zhao Youcai exhaled a puff of smoke and frowned and asked, "Why are they setting off fireworks?"

"There are a bunch of wild boars, and there are big ones among them." The trapper said, "All of us who go up to the mountain to work are scared. We will go back and tell the leader. The leader is afraid that the wild boars will be picked up by someone, so he will set off fireworks."

"Oh!" Zhao Youcai sighed in annoyance and said, "If the pigs are frightened, there is no telling how long they will run away. We can't catch up with them today, so we have run for nothing, right?"

The West Mountain is a big hill, and it is hard to say how many miles away. It will be dark in an hour, and Zhao Youcai and his friends ran out secretly, so it will be too late to chase them.

"Hey, big brother." The Taohu smoked the Shilin cigarette for nothing. He provided information to Zhao Youcai and said, "There is a nest of big deer nearby. Do you want to hunt them?"

"Big deer?" Zhao Youcai was slightly startled, and then asked, "Big ones?"

"Yes, big red deer." The Taohu said, "There are three in total. The big male deer must weigh 600 to 700 kilograms. The big hoof prints on the snow look like the hoof prints of an old cow."

"Ah..." Zhao Youcai shook his head and said, "No fight, we brothers came out late today and will be anxious to go home soon."

"Don't worry." The tenant was also enthusiastic and said to Zhao Youcai, "I'll teach you how to fight. You can fight when you get there."

"Haha..." Zhao Youcai smiled and said in surprise: "You taught me?"

"Ah!" The banker pointed to the right and said, "Brother, just leave it like this. If you don't go far, follow the stubble to the northwest. If you walk less than two miles, you can see a poplar forest. Then The deer are placed in the poplar forest, and they eat the bark of the poplar trees every day."

"Yes." Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "Big guys eat poplar bark in winter, but those things have good ears, so it's hard for us to fight."

"Brother, listen to me." The client said, "As soon as you go over, the three deer will run up, but there are trees on top, so the deer will have to turn its head when it hears the sound of the chainsaw. After that, it is there As soon as the east and west posts ran away, wouldn't you have fired your gun? "

"Ouch!" Zhao Youcai looked up and down at the apartment, put away his previous contempt, and said, "Brother, are you an expert?"

"What kind of expert are you?" The tenant smiled and waved his hands and said, "I heard what our leader said. He used to hunt in his hometown, and he always said that if he had a gun in his hand, he would have given it to these three people. The deer was killed."

"I'm getting an advantage this time." Zhao Youcai smiled when he heard this. Seeing the tenant throw the butt of the cigarette into the snow, Zhao Youcai took out another cigarette and handed it to the tenant.

"No, no." The tenant waved his hands repeatedly and said, "This cigarette is quite expensive. Brother, you can keep it and smoke it yourself."

"It's okay, brother." Zhao Youcai put the cigarette on the tenant's ear with his own hands and said with a smile: "It's fate that we met. If you don't smoke this cigarette now, keep it for later."

"Hey!" The tenant nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you, brother!"

Zhao Youcai smiled and waved his hand to the tenant, and led Zhao Weipeng along the slopes and around the mountain as the tenant pointed.

"Brother." Zhao Weipeng followed Zhao Youcai and said, "Why don't we go back and then come out to hunt the big wild boar tomorrow? If not, it's too late for us to go back and it's time for my sister-in-law to ask."

That's what Zhao Weipeng said, but in fact he didn't want to leave. In his mind, deer are not considered ferocious beasts, and hunting deer is nothing to brag about.

Zhao Youcai glanced at Zhao Weipeng. He had heard from Huang Gui and others who had gone up the mountain with Zhao Weipeng that the fat man would just leave the mountain alone.

It would have to be someone else, so Zhao Youcai used the money to seduce the other party, but Zhao Weipeng was not short of money.

So Zhao Youcai rolled his eyes and said: "Brother, after hunting down this deer, we will disembowel it and bury it in the snow. Then we won't have to worry about it. Tomorrow I will ask one of my brothers to drive a sledge up the mountain to pull it, and he will give it to the deer." Take them to the forest farm and sell them for money.”

At this point, Zhao Youcai looked at Zhao Weipeng's expression and saw that he frowned slightly. Zhao Youcai quickly changed his words and said, "Brother, I know you don't care about money, but there are good things in that big buck."

"What good stuff can there be?" Zhao Weipeng said, "I can eat venison, but it doesn't taste good even if it's smelly."

"No, brother." Zhao Youcai smiled and threw the back of his hand on Zhao Weipeng's arm and said, "That deer gun is a good thing!"

"Deer gun?" Zhao Weipeng's eyes lit up when he heard these two words.

"Ah!" Zhao Youcai nodded and said: "Brother, you have come all the way, and I don't have anything for you from a remote place in the mountains. What am I thinking about, the whole deer gun, and then I can get some mountain wolfberry, Take some wild Ganoderma lucidum and soak it in some sorghum wine before you leave."

Having said this, Zhao Youcai waved his hand and said, "You can drink it when you get back."

"Brother, you..." Zhao Weipeng was a little embarrassed and whispered: "Thank you, brother."

As he spoke, Zhao Weipeng quickened his pace.

The two took a side road and headed for the northwest hills. After walking two miles, they saw a poplar forest.

The two of them entered the poplar forest, and sure enough, the forest was full of deer hooves and shackles.

When Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng came out of the woods, they watched three big red deer walking up the hillside from a distance.

Zhao Weipeng took aim with his gun, but after taking aim for a moment, he put the gun down again. At this time, the man and the deer were nearly 200 meters apart, and there were trees in the middle, making it impossible to hit them.

"Brother, listen!" Zhao Youcai pointed to the upper left and said to Zhao Weipeng: "Listen over there, is there any movement of a chain saw?"

Zhao Weipeng listened carefully, and sure enough, there was a mountain wind carrying the sound of a chain saw coming down.

"Let's push it up." Zhao Youcai held the gun in one hand. As he walked up, he raised his hand and made a "┌" stroke in mid-air, and then said to Zhao Weipeng: "It's on the northwest corner, listen. The sound of chainsaws made me run eastward along the big hill. They just put me on top of it, and we were able to knock it down without any hesitation."

After listening to Zhao Youcai's words, Zhao Weipeng looked up and saw a post across the top. He nodded slightly, as if he understood.

Then the two of them walked all the way up. As they walked, Zhao Youcai spread knowledge about siege to Zhao Weipeng.

I heard Zhao Youcai say: "These big guys are eating and sleeping in the forest where we just came. They startled us, and we circled up. We have to go back to the poplar forest at night."

"Brother." Zhao Weipeng asked, "What are you doing with the trees up there? Even the deer can listen in the forest, so aren't they afraid?"

"It's used to it." Zhao Youcai said with a smile: "If you stay far away, it won't run away. But if you get close, it will definitely not work."

While the two were talking, there was a sparse forest in front of them. As they were walking through the forest, Zhao Weipeng grabbed Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai was so alert that when he stopped, he had already raised his gun.

Zhao Weipeng didn't say anything and only raised his finger to point to the upper right. Zhao Youcai looked intently and vaguely saw a big guy standing fifty meters away.

It's not far away, but there are trees blocking it, so you can only see the big guy through the trees.

Zhao Youcai observed with his gun, he could faintly see black, gray, and green. He couldn't see the details clearly, but he could tell that this guy was definitely not small.

Chasing the deer all the way, Zhao Youcai thought it was a deer.

Zhao Youcai leaned the handle of the gun on his shoulder, aimed at the big body between the two trees, and pulled the trigger.

Fifty meters away, a large green dog was tied to a tree, dragging a sledge behind it. At this time, on the horizontal post, two men were working together to use pinch hooks to slide down the wood.

Judging from their appearance, they must be brothers, and they also tied the big green bull underneath.

The road up there was difficult and the woods were dense, and the big green ox was still pulling the sledge, so the two brothers tied the ox down below, and then they followed the wood from top to bottom.

At this time, the big green cow was chewing the slivers protruding from the root of the tree, when suddenly a bullet was shot from its waist.

Almost at the same time, a bullet passed through the shoulder blade of the big green bull. The big green bull didn't even scream. He turned over and fell over. His whole body was shaking, his limbs were twitching, and he was vomiting blood.

"It's firing! It's firing!" Zhao Weipeng put down the gun and shouted to Zhao Youcai excitedly. Although Zhao Youcai didn't let him shoot, Boss Zhao couldn't hold back, and he was the one who shot the second bullet.

"Up!" Seeing that they were hunting prey, Zhao Youcai didn't care about anything else. With a wave of his hand, the two of them ran up one after another.

At this moment, the two gentlemen on the mountain paused, and one of them said: "Who shot?"

Another person said: "The mountains on their side are thick with livestock and there are a lot of hunters."

After saying that, the two brothers didn't care and continued to work hard.

Fifty meters, we'll be there soon.

When Zhao came to the "prey", he only glanced at it, and his whole body was still in a trance, still in a dream.

"Brother!" Zhao Weipeng arrived later and was stunned. He asked Zhao Youcai blankly, "What is this?"

How could he not know cows? He couldn't believe his eyes!

"It's over, brother!" Zhao Youcai still had experience. When he came to his senses, he said to Zhao Weipeng: "We will be beaten to death by others."

"Oh my God!" Zhao Weipeng raised his neck and looked around: "Who tied the cow here!"

"Stop arguing." Zhao Youcai grabbed Zhao Weipeng and said, "Run!"

"Hey!" Zhao Weipeng started to run up, causing Zhao Youcai to stumble.

"Don't run like that!" Zhao Youcai shouted: "You tiger, run back!"

At this time, Zhao Youcai didn't know that the two tenants were above, but he knew that the owner of the cow must not be below, because he and Zhao Weipeng came up from below.

Zhao Weipeng came to his senses after being shouted at by Zhao Youcai. He grabbed Zhao Youcai with his backhand and said, "Brother, we can't run away. Do we have to pay for other people's cattle?"

"Who said we won't compensate?" Zhao Youcai became anxious and shouted: "We can't compensate now. Let's go back now. I'll ask others to come back tomorrow after we finish."

"What's that for?" Zhao Weipeng couldn't figure it out, but Zhao Youcai said, "We went out to hunt and beat other people's cattle, why don't we complain?"

Boss Zhao is also a person who cares about face. At this time, Zhao Weipeng fell silent after hearing Zhao Youcai's words.

At this time, Zhao Youcai grabbed Zhao Weipeng and stopped him. He stomped his feet in anger and said, "Come on, brother, you will be dumping wood next year. If word of this spreads, how can you still mess around? People in this village are all slanderous. When the time comes, let's give it to you." You give me a nickname, bullslaughter..."

When he said the word "slaughter the cow", Zhao Youcai paused for a moment, and then he said in his heart: "You can't call me fat boy butcher the cow?"

"Fat boy who slaughters cows?" Zhao Weipeng stared at Zhao Youcai, his fat face turned pale, and murmured: "Then who has the nerve to live?"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

But no matter what, Zhao Weipeng was determined to run away this time, and the two brothers ran down the hillside.

After running to the poplar forest in one breath, Zhao Weipeng couldn't run anymore. After he stopped Zhao Youcai, he leaned against a tree and gasped for air.

Zhao Youcai stood aside and urged, "Brother, rest for a while, we still have to run."

"Haha..." I don't know why, but Zhao Weipeng suddenly became happy. In this deep mountain and old forest, he was like something that was lying on his body.

Thanks to Zhao Youcai's courage, he reached out and patted Zhao Weipeng on the back and asked, "Brother, how can you still be happy?"

Zhao Weipeng stood upright while holding the tree, smiled and said to Zhao Youcai: "Brother, I thought of something."

"What's going on?" Zhao Youcai asked.

"Hey, brother, tell me." Zhao Weipeng said with a smile: "If they want to call me Tu Niu Fatty, then what should they call you?"

Zhao Youcai: "..."

Brothers, I will continue writing now, and there will definitely be more updates tomorrow. I will finish writing about the cow slaughter tomorrow. I personally think this story is absolutely wonderful.

I guarantee that the plot development in the middle will be unexpected by everyone.

Recently, another brother was suffering from deep sorrow while reading the book. I said once the other day that I personally think the subtle plots and dialogues are very interesting. However, I am a junior high school student and my thinking is still old-fashioned. Maybe what I think and write is out of step with the times.

The plot of Zhao Youcai slaughtering the cow today and the last time he brought dogs to slaughter the cow are all real things that happened in our forest area.

Some people say that it is impossible for Zhao Youcai, an old gunner, to make such a mistake.

You are just imagining. When an old hunter goes hunting, it is just like going to work. The more experienced he is, the less careful he is. Or, those who drown are all good swimmers.

Whether it was then or now, hunting cattle and dogs is normal. I know a hunter who hunted with dogs. Within a month, his dogs killed three cattle. If I write like this, the readers will be even more annoyed.

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