The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1155 The one who beat the bull is called Zhao Jun?

When the two brothers Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng ran away, Lin Weilong and Lin Weihu, who came down from the wood, saw their big blue cow dead under the tree, and the two brothers burst into tears.

"Brother!" Lin Weihu grinned and cried, asking Lin Weilong: "What should I do?"

The two brothers are not locals. They live in Chang'an Commune in Hengdaohezi. They plant in spring, harvest in autumn, and have no work in winter, so they come to Yong'an to deal with traps.

This is the first year for the two brothers to do this job. In order to be able to deal with traps, the two brothers asked the secretary of the commune to come forward to guarantee, so that they could raise money to buy cattle.

They have only worked for a few days? The cow was beaten to death. Even the toughest man can't bear it.

"Don't howl!" Lin Weilong wiped his tears fiercely, waved to his brother and said: "Go find Uncle Tang!"

"Hey!" Lin Weihu cried and ran in the direction where the sound of the chainsaw came from. But before he ran two steps, Lin Weihu fell on the snow, but he gritted his teeth and got up and continued to run.

In the northwest, three generations of grandparents and grandchildren sat side by side on a fallen tree and smoked. The family's surname was Tang, and the old man in the middle was "Uncle Tang" in Lin Weilong's mouth, and he was also Tang Xiaomin, the head of the 27th forest team.

He also had another identity, the secretary of Chang'an Commune. During the busy farming season, he led the members to grow grain, raise poultry and livestock; during the slack season, he led the members to Yong'an to make money by trading traps.

Fan Tiangui, who provided information to Zhao Jun before, was hired by Tang Xiaomin to go up the mountain to heat the kang.

Fan Tiangui and Tang Xiaomin met through Fan Zhisheng, the forestry manager of the forest farm.

China has been a society of favors for five thousand years. All the heads who can wrap wood in Yong'an Forest District have acquaintances in the forest farm.

Tang Xiaomin and Fan Zhisheng are old relatives of the village, and the mothers of the two families are sisters. Tang Xiaomin came to Yong'an to wrap the farm because of Fan Zhisheng's relationship.

Two years ago, when Tang Xiaomin first came to Yong'an to manage the lee field, he brought an old couple from his hometown. The old lady cooked in the lee field, and the old man heated the kang.

But this year the old man was paralyzed, and the old lady took care of him at home. Tang Xiaomin had no choice but to let his wife cook, but he was still short of a stove burner.

Then, Fan Zhisheng introduced Fan Tiangui, who lived with him in Yongli Village.

When the Lin brothers found that the cow was dead, Tang Xiaomin had just cut down the tree with his son and grandson.

Then, the grandfather and the three sat on the fallen tree and smoked. They wanted to cut branches and make wood after they finished smoking this bag of cigarettes, and try to finish making wood before dark. In this way, the Lin brothers can drive the sled to pull wood tomorrow.

As soon as the grandfather and the three finished smoking, they saw Lin Weihu running over.

Seeing Lin Weihu's face flushed and his hat tilted from running, Tang Xiaomin's son Tang Fuxiang hurriedly stood up and asked, "What's wrong, Erhu?"

"Brother!" Lin Weihu saw the three people from the Tang family and saw his backer. He cried to Tang Fuxiang first, and then said to Tang Xiaomin, "Uncle, my cow is dead!"

"What?" The old man got up from the fallen tree, took a few steps towards Lin Weihu, and asked, "The cow is dead? Why did the cow die?"

When the Lin family bought the big blue cow, it was Tang Xiaomin who came forward to guarantee the money for lifting. Lifting money is different from borrowing money. Borrowing money may not require interest, but lifting money must have interest, and the interest is not small.

The Lin brothers spent a total of 950 yuan to buy the cow, of which 500 yuan was for lifting. At that time, the borrowers and lenders agreed to a 2% interest rate and a repayment of 16 months. In this way, the Lin brothers can pay back the money for lifting with interest in two winters, and then there will be a cow left at home.

But less than two months after the work, the big blue ox was shot dead. Tang Xiaomin knew that if the matter could not be properly resolved, the families of Lin Weilong and Lin Weihu would be ruined.

So the three members of the Tang family left their tools behind and followed Lin Weihu to the scene of the incident. After meeting up with Lin Weilong, Tang Xiaomin stepped forward and saw the bullet holes on both sides of the ox's body. He frowned and said, "This was shot by a semi-automatic gun!"

Then, Tang Xiaomin frowned and looked at the Lin brothers, and asked, "Dalong, Erhu, did you see anyone?"

"No, Uncle Tang." Lin Weilong said with a sad face, "Before that bastard shot, my brother was putting wood on the top of the house. I thought he was hunting, but who... I thought he hit our cow."

"Stop pissing." Tang Xiaomin said to Lin Weilong: "It's happened, we should solve it. Well... one of you two brothers will go up and take care of the guy for us three grandpas, and then you can untie the old cow and drag the cow to the shed."

While Tang Xiaomin was talking, his son Tang Fuxiang came back to report: "Dad, I saw footprints heading to the poplar forest."

"Go, chase!" Tang Xiaomin gave an order and called his son and grandson to chase the cow butcher along the footprints.

The three grandpas followed the footprints to the sled road where Zhao Youcai and Zhao Weipeng had encountered the sled owner before. The sled went back and forth on this sled road, and the snow was flattened. Tang Xiaomin couldn't see anything, so he took his children and grandchildren to chase down along the road.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the three grandpas of the Tang family looked at the deserted road and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Dad." Tang Fuxiang said to Tang Xiaomin, "We can't chase them like this. Let's go back to Lengchang and find two sleds."

"Let's go!" This sentence reminded the dreamer. Tang Xiaomin waved to the east and ran to Lengchang with his children and grandchildren. But they didn't know that the two bastards had already run away in a jeep, and they couldn't catch up with the car even if they drove the sled.

The three of them didn't run a few steps before they saw an old man carrying a shoulder pole in front of them, with water hanging on both ends of the shoulder pole.

The old man carrying the shoulder pole was none other than Fan Tiangui. At this time, more than an hour had passed since he provided information to Zhao Jun. During this period, Fan Tiangui went back and forth between Lengchang and the mountain stream several times, carrying water with a shoulder pole again and again.

Fan Tiangui was very experienced. He put the pole on his shoulders without using his hands. Then he put his hands in his sleeves and walked rhythmically. The pole trembled on him, and the two feeders swayed slightly, but No water was ever spilled.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling him from behind. Fan Tiangui took his hands out of his sleeves and held them in front and back. When the person turned around, the pole and two feeders also turned.

"Ah, boss." Seeing that it was Tang Xiaomin, Fan Tiangui hurriedly greeted him and said, "Why did you guys come down just now?"

"Old Fan." Tang Xiaomin panted and ran to Fan Tiangui and asked, "Where did you get here?"

"Put it on the west side." Fan Tiangui said, "Have I gone to fetch water?"

Tang Xiaomin turned around and glanced to the west, then turned back and asked Fan Tiangui, "Did you see whoever you were watching come down the mountain just now?"

"No." Fan Tiangui shook his head and said, "Who didn't I look at this time?"

After answering Tang Xiaomin's words, Fan Tiangui asked: "What's wrong, head."

"Damn it!" Tang Xiaomin cursed and said, "Whoever put it on the mountain to kill the cattle of the two brothers from the old Lin family, then ran away."

"He was beaten to death by a cow." Fan Tiangui's eyes widened and he murmured: "Oh my god, who is this person?"

"It's for hunting." Tang Fuxiang answered subconsciously, and then saw Fan Tiangui startled and clicking his eyes several times.

"Old Fan." Tang Xiaomin saw the clue and asked hurriedly: "Who are you looking at when you are fetching water back and forth this afternoon?"

"Um..." Fan Tiangui hesitated and asked again: "Can you tell what kind of gun was used to hit the head?"

"I went over and took a look. It was a 7.62 bullet." Tang Xiaomin stared at Fan Tiangui's face and said, "It's either semi-automatic or with a tube or casing."

After hearing what Tang Xiaomin said, Fan Tiangui took a long breath, but said nothing.

"Old Fan." Tang Xiaomin has been the commune secretary for more than 20 years. Who hasn't seen him?

Seeing Fan Tiangui like this, Tang Xiaomin said to him sincerely: "We met through Zhisheng. Although we have only known each other for a short time, how do you think I treat you?"

"Then what else are you talking about?" Fan Tiangui smiled bitterly and said, "Hold your head, but I don't know what to say."

"Brother." Tang Xiaomin said again: "You also know Lin Weilong and Lin Weihu, and you also know the conditions of their families. How difficult is that?"

"Tsk!" Fan Tiangui curled his lips and said, "Turn your head, I will... look at someone around one o'clock."

As soon as Fan Tiangui finished speaking, Tang Fuxiang asked: "Who is it, Uncle Fan?"

Fan Tiangui glanced at Tang Fuxiang, then looked at Tang Xiaomin and said, "But I just saw him carrying a gun, and none of us watched him beat the cow."

"Brother." Tang Xiaomin asked again: "I understand what you mean, just tell me, who is this person?"

"Well..." Fan Tiangui still hesitated, and said to Tang Xiaomin: "Head, if we have anything to say, I can tell you who I'm looking at. But I can't give you a testimony."

When Fan Tiangui said "testify", he meant to testify. After hearing what he said, Tang Xiaomin immediately responded: "Okay, you can tell me, I promise you."

"I was fetching water in front of me, and I came out of the ditch to look at someone." Fan Tiangui said: "His name is Zhao Jun. He is a technician at our forest farm. He and Han Delin, who is checking the ruler for us, all know him..."

Before Fan Tiangui finished speaking, Tang Yunwei, Tang Xiaomin's grandson, interrupted: "He is a technician, so why doesn't he go to work?"

"Shut up." Tang Xiaomin shouted back at Tang Yunwei, then raised his hand to gesture to Fan Tiangui and said, "Go, let me take over the burden from you, Master Fan?"

"No, no need." Fan Tiangui said no, but his body honestly gave the burden to Tang Yunwei.

Tang Xiaomin then put his hand on Fan Tiangui's arm, and the two old men walked to the shelter. Tang Xiaomin took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave it to Fan Tiangui.

Fan Tiangui took a breath of cigarette and said: "This kid is not big. He is only in his twenties this year. He usually goes to the mountains to hunt. After that, the leader of their inspection team did not let him go to work, so he was asked to prepare specimens or something."

"Ah..." Tang Xiaomin asked: "Then what kind of gun did he use?"

"Semi-automatic." Fan Tiangui said: "I looked at him today and he was carrying a semi-automatic."

People at this time knew guns even if they didn't recognize anyone else.

"After you separated from him, where did he go?" Tang Xiaomin asked again, and Fan Tiangui said: "Didn't our little number 7 come to help the pigs two days ago? I told him where the pigs went. , he ran over there."

"That's right." Tang Xiaomin twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You were watching him around one o'clock. When it was over, he went out and beat Lin Dalong and his gang to death."

"Boss!" After hearing what Tang Xiaomin said, Fan Tiangui's expression changed and he said, "We didn't catch this on the spot. We can't talk nonsense!"

"Then what nonsense are you talking about?" Tang Xiaomin asked back: "Isn't this obvious?"

As soon as Tang Xiaomin said this, Fan Tiangui took a deep breath of cigarette but said nothing. In fact, he also doubted Zhao Jun because the time was too coincidental. But Fan Tiangui didn't dare to get involved. He just wanted to pick it out for himself.

"Where does he live?" Tang Xiaomin asked about the address of Zhao Jun's home. Fan Tiangui said: "He lives in Yong'an Tun..."

At this point, Fan Tiangui paused for a moment before continuing: "Boss, this person is not easy to mess with. We didn't catch him on the spot. If he doesn't admit it, you really have no choice."

"I haven't made a move yet?" Tang Xiaomin said, "I'll harness the sled in a moment, go down the mountain, and find Zhisheng to see if I can manage him."

"Hehe..." Fan Tiangui took a deep puff of his cigarette, and as he threw the cigarette butt into the snow, Fan Tiangui laughed, "Director Fan really can't manage him."

"Huh?" Tang Xiaomin was stunned when he heard this, and said in surprise, "Isn't he just a technician? I'm risking my reputation..."

"Don't risk it." Fan Tiangui stopped Tang Xiaomin and laughed, "He is a technician, his brother-in-law is the head of the logistics team, and his brother-in-law's father is the secretary and director of the farm."

Tang Xiaomin : "..."

Tang Xiaomin was silent. After he finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, he sighed and said, "Okay, brother, let's go back."

"Boss." Fan Tiangui was also nosy and asked, "What should we do if the cow is killed?"

"I'll go down the mountain." Tang Xiaomin said firmly, "I'll go find Zhisheng and tell him about this. The two brothers of the old Lin family are in great difficulty. Most of the money for buying the cow is from carrying. If the cow dies like this, both of their families will have no life."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiaomin looked at Fan Tiangui and said, "I can't just ignore it."

After saying that, Tang Xiaomin strode towards the Lengchang. Seeing his back as he left, Fan Tiangui smacked his lips and had more respect for Tang Xiaomin in his heart.

But this was not something he could participate in. Fan Tiangui could only follow Tang Xiaomin to the Lengchang.

When Tang Xiaomin returned to the Lengchang, he asked the households that were responsible for transporting wood to borrow animals and sleds.

They all came from Chang'an Commune and were very united. When they heard that the cow of the Lin brothers was shot dead, someone drove a sled up the mountain to help Lin Weilong and Lin Weihu pull the dead cow down.

"Old Fan, you stay in the field and watch." Tang Xiaomin said to Fan Tiangui: "After they get the cow back, they will gut it first. If it doesn't work, just put it outside to freeze. As for the water, no one can move it, don't you understand?"

"Boss, I understand." Fan Tiangui responded, and then heard Tang Xiaomin asked: "That man is Zhao Jun, right?"

"Yes." After Fan Tiangui finished speaking, he saw Tang Xiaomin calling Tang Fuxiang and said: "Son, drive the horse down the mountain with your father."

Just when the Tang father and son were about to go down the mountain to find Fan Zhisheng to complain about Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen had already pulled the roe deer home.

Zhao Jun didn't chase the pigs at all. Zhao Youcai knew that he couldn't catch up, so how could Zhao Jun not know?

But he didn't tell Fan Tiangui that he didn't chase her, in order to resist the old man's good intentions. After separating from Fan Tiangui, Zhao Jun wandered on the slope, and after meeting up with Jie Chen, the two dragged each other down the mountain and went home, but Fan Tiangui didn't know.

As soon as he got home, Zhao Jun felt something was wrong, so he asked Wang Meilan, "Mom, where are my dad and my uncle Zhao?"

"Who knows what they did?" Wang Meilan threw the spoon into the basin in a bad mood and said, "They said they were going out for a walk, but they haven't come back yet after three o'clock!"

As she said that, Wang Meilan lifted the lid of the big basin, revealing the blanched bear paw inside, and said to Zhao Jun, "Your dad said he would come back to stew the bear paw?"

At this time, Zhao Youcai sat in the co-pilot of the jeep with a gloomy face, and Zhao Weipeng, who was driving, also had a serious look on his fat face, stepping on the accelerator all the way down the mountain.

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