The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1188: After a long journey, you may think there is no way out, but a new village is revealed

In Yongan Forest District, the Zhao Family Gang is definitely the best hunting group.

Although the Zhao Family Gang is involved in a wide range of businesses, they do all the money-making jobs in the forest district. But in general, they still prefer hunting.

Moreover, Zhao Jun and his gang are mostly making a fortune in ginseng farming. No one knows how many ginseng sticks they have lifted and how many goods they have sold in a year.

For so many years, the Pang Family Gang has been a well-known ginseng gang in the forest district. Blind Pang is the leader of the Pang Family Ginseng Gang and the head of the old Pang family.

Now, Zhao Jun was shocked to hear Xing San say that the old knife seller Song Anlu is the father of Blind Pang.

Everyone in Yongan knows that Blind Pang’s father Pang Sanyan is the former leader of the Pang Family Gang. And Zhao Jun also knows that Pang Sanyan’s skills were all passed down from Shao Yunjin, an old soldier of the Anti-Japanese League.

When Xing San and the Shao Family Gang had a quarrel, it was thanks to the Pang family that they made peace.

Later, when Xing San told Zhao Jun about this experience, he also mentioned Pang Sanyan and Pang Xiazi, father and son. It hadn't been long, so how could Pang Xiazi have a different father?

However, Zhao Jun quickly realized it. Considering Pang Xiazi's age, he must have been born before the liberation of Northeast China. In those days, adoption, fostering, picking up children, and ganging up were all common.

Sure enough, Xing San explained to Zhao Jun, saying, "Song Anlu used to be a bandit, and he lived in Lao Niugou."

"Laoniugou?" Zhao Jun interrupted Xing San and asked, "Isn't he from Wang Guafu's group?"

"No." Xing San shook his head and said, "He is from Xu Da Niuzi's group. There were more than ten of them living in Lao Niugou, and they had a row of shacks."

"Ah..." At this time, Zhao Jun also realized that when Shao Yunjin told him about the past, he mentioned that Song Anlu was not among their group who survived.

"His wife couldn't stop bleeding after giving birth that year. Unlike now, there were only ten households in our village, and there were no decent doctors. Just like that, his wife died." Xing San continued to say to Zhao Jun: "How can he support a child?

After that, Xu Da Niuzi wanted to lead people down the mountain to fight those damn Japanese devils. Song Anlu was worried about what to do with the child, and then he met Pang Sanyanzi.

They knew each other, and when Pang Sanyanzi heard about this situation, he wanted the child. Pang Sanyan and his wife As for the child, it's not anyone's fault. Anyway, there is no child. How can Pang Sanyanzi be happy to have a little boy?

Just like that, Song Anlu gave the child to him. I don't know what Pang Sanyanzi did when he went back, but he raised the child anyway. "

"Ah, then this child is Pang Xiazi?" Zhao Jun asked, Xing San nodded and said, "Yes, later when Song Anlu came back, he moved to Xiaohong River, not far from the old Pang family's village."

After all, they are father and son, regardless of whether the surname is Pang or Song, the blood is inseparable. Perhaps it was by chance that Song Anlu learned that the money that Wang Daba Zhang funded the widow Wang to buy arms was still in the mountains, and he told his own son Pang Xiazi about it. Only then did the Pang family move into the city ten years later and buy buildings one by one.

After 1996, although the house price was not as high as that of ten or twenty years later, a one-bedroom apartment would cost at least 20,000 or 30,000 yuan?

How much money did the Pang family have to buy a building?

There are treasures in Laodzi, but they are limited. There are only two seedlings of the sixth-grade Ye Dingtian on a hillside. Zhao Jun has already found one seedling this year. The remaining ginseng in Laodzi is not enough to support the expenses of the Pang family.

Therefore, Zhao Jun is almost certain that the Pang family got rich because they found the gold that his grandfather donated to the Anti-Japanese United Army.

But it is useless to confirm this. After all, the clues are broken, and we still don’t know where to find the gold.

"Hmm?" Zhao Jun suddenly thought of something and asked Xing San hurriedly, "Uncle, old Xu Pao said that he went into the mountains that year and saw that... Song Anlu was in your shack."

"This old dead Deng, his memory is really good." Xing San muttered and cursed Xu Changlin, then said to Zhao Jun, "I was there the other day... You went to that shack, I was in Liutiaogouzi at that time..."

"Liutiaogouzi?" Zhao Jun's eyes widened instantly after hearing Xing San's words, and hurriedly asked, "Uncle, which forest squad is Liutiaogouzi now?"

"How should I know?" Xing San said, "I only know Liutiaogouzi, I don't know which big squads you are talking about."

Zhao Jun vaguely remembered that he heard Hu Dahai talking about it in his previous life, as if Liutiaogouzi was in the 63rd forest squad, which was where Zhao Jun went down to hunt tigers with ground guns and explosives before.

And the 63rd forest squad went over two mountains to the west, and it was the door frame of Widow Wang.

"Uncle." Zhao Jun felt a layer of fog dissipating in front of him, and hurriedly asked Xing San: "Is the willow ditch close to the door frame of Widow Wang?"

"Ah!" Xing San nodded subconsciously, and then the old man glared and asked Zhao Jun: "Are you looking for something?"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhao Jun was shocked, unable to hide his surprise, and stared at Xing San blankly.

"Ah?" Seeing Zhao Jun's expression, Xing San asked casually: "Really?"

Zhao Jun pursed his lips and told Xing San about the Wang family's treasure.

Since the old man asked, Zhao Jun did not hide it from him. First, the old man was tight-lipped, and second, Zhao Jun knew that if he told Xing San, Xing San would help him.

After all, he dared to hand over the King of Ginseng to Zhao Jun, and the current value of the King of Ginseng was probably not lower than the value of the Wang family's treasure.

Sure enough, Xing San grabbed Zhao Jun after hearing this, and then the old man looked cautiously at the door. Although the shack door was closed, Xing San still leaned into Zhao Jun's ear and said, "Boy! Those things are in Widow Wang's cellar."

"In the cellar?" Zhao Jun was stunned, and his whole heart instantly went cold.

The cellar of Zhao Jun's family is in the yard, but in most houses these days, the cellar is in the outer room, next to the stove.

This was the case at the old lady's house. When the old lady gave Zhao Jun ginseng, she asked him to go down to the cellar in the outhouse.

There is a cellar inside the Widow King's door frame, which is the former site of the Widow King's shack. But now, there is only a hole left there.

Is it digging another hole in the hole?

If this was the case, the treasure must have been taken away by Song Anlu long ago. After all, how big is a cellar? You can definitely find it if you dig three feet into the ground.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was silent, Xing San didn't know what he was thinking, but he still explained: "That year, was it 1972? Or was it 73? I forgot, anyway, Song Anlu came to my shack unexpectedly. I asked What's he doing here? That old guy said he's here to get the knife."

Saying that, Xing San reached out and took out his knife from under the kang table.

Normally, the knives given out by credit card holders are kitchen knives and sickles used by ordinary people at home.

But this Song Anlu, the knives he borrowed on credit were all bloody. The knives given to Xu Changlin and Xing San were sharp knives for disemboweling and carving meat.

Especially Xing San's knife has stabbed many people.

"You said, isn't he just kidding?" Xing San said to Zhao Jun: "How many people are there in the mountains? They even came to the mountains to get knives on credit! Besides, he gave me this knife in 1956. Then I I was afraid that he was hiding some evil intentions, so I gave him more than a kilogram of wine, which was too much for him.

After I asked him about it, he said he came up to look for something. It is said that the Widow Wang died and left a lot of money behind, which she hid in Beard Tou’s treasure cellar..."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun hurriedly stopped Xing San and asked, "Third uncle, what is the treasure cellar?"

"You don't even know what a treasure cellar is?" They are planted all over the ravines, and they make a lot of money from selling them that year.

It's definitely not possible to store these things in a shack. The bearded head has a whole cellar by himself, and all valuable things are stored there. "

"Ah..." Zhao Jun's eyes lit up. The reality is different from the movies and TV shows. In the movies and TV shows, the bandits' dens and villages have gathering halls, where they eat meat and drink from big bowls...

According to incomplete statistics, there used to be more than fifty groups of beards, large and small, on the tops of hundreds of hills in the Yong'an Forest District. These people all live in shacks, and there are also beds in the shacks.

For gatherings and discussions, everyone would sit around the kang table, fry sauerkraut and drink two cups of wine. The scene was not as big as Wang Meilan's banquet.

As Xing San said, if Huzi made money or got something good, Huzi would definitely hide it all.

But where can I hide it?

There is no such thing as a cave or treasure house. We can only dig a hole in the mountain and bury it.

This is what Xing San calls the treasure cellar.

"Third uncle." Zhao Jun felt that there was a bright future at this time, and quickly asked Xing San: "Did Song Anlu find him later?"

"No..." Xing San shook his head and said, "For the next two or three years, he went up every year. When did he come back? He also led Blind Pang to my shack."

"Ah..." Zhao Jun closed his eyes and thought to himself. From the available information, we know that Song Anlu has been looking for the Wang family's treasure since 1972.

Fifteen years have passed, but Zhao Jun guessed that Song Anlu, Pang Xiazi and his son had not found the Wang family's treasure.

There is basis for Zhao Jun's speculation, and his basis is that "the poor suddenly become rich".

This is not to belittle anyone. If a person suddenly makes a fortune, his expansion cannot be restrained. Just like Internet celebrities twenty or thirty years later, after making money, they can buy luxury cars and villas, but few know how to save money.

Zhao Jun speculated that this was also the case for the Pang family who came to the city to buy a building ten years ago.

After Zhao Jun was reborn, he didn't bother with anything, he just brought up these close family members. But even so, he indirectly changed the fate of some people. People like Jiang Hua, Tao Dasheng, and Li Daguai, who did not die violently in their previous lives, have now left this world early.

So even in his previous life, the Pang family got rich ten years later, but things might change now.

He couldn't wait any longer, and when he thought of so much gold, Zhao Jun couldn't hold himself back.

"Boy." Xing San warned Zhao Jun at this time: "Don't tell anyone else about this matter. You are such a down-to-earth kid. How can you talk about such a big matter?"

"Third uncle, I told you." Zhao Jun waved his fingers and whispered to Xing San: "Now you, me, my mother, and my uncle, the four of us know, and my father didn't let him know so much."

"Really? That's okay." After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Xing Sanyi smiled and said: "Boy, it's not convenient for you to be surrounded by people today. Why don't you go over there and I'll help you find them. "

Speaking of this, Xing San patted Zhao Jun's wrist twice and said: "Don't worry, the third uncle has been found, and they are all yours."

"You don't want anything else." Zhao Jun said: "Third uncle, I know you can give it to me if you find it. But you are too old? You damn Lenghantian, don't run around."

"It's okay, I..." Xing San wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun said, "Third uncle, Song Anlu and Blind Pang have been looking for it for so many years but haven't found it. I think there is a reason for this thing."

"That's right." Xing San nodded and said, "If one person hides something, ten people can't find it."

"Is that right?" Zhao Jun echoed, "Hu Tou dug the treasure cellar, he must not be doing it randomly, and it will definitely not work if he just forcefully finds it."

"Then what should we do?" Xing San said, "Boy, you can't let others take your wealth."

"So, Third uncle." Zhao Jun thought for a while and said to Xing San, "Wait a few days, when my guests leave, I will come to the mountain to find you, and then we will go over there. Search and search to see if we can find anything?"

"Okay!" Xing San nodded heavily. He was about to continue talking when he heard someone outside the door shouting, "Brother! Brother!"

Here comes Jie Zhong!

Xing San, who was interrupted, frowned and his face was full of displeasure.

Zhao Jun patted the back of Xing San's hand holding the knife twice, then stood up and walked to the door, opened the door and greeted: "Brother, how are you these days?"

"Everything is fine." Xie Zhong smiled: "The money for last month has been settled, and everyone is very happy."

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, and stepped aside to let Xie Zhong and Xie Chen enter the shack.

"Hey? Xiaochen." When Xie Chen passed by him, Zhao Jun asked Xie Chen: "Uncle Zhao is still watching the fun in the back?"

"Yeah." Xie Chen smiled: "He hasn't seen Gui Leng, so he is watching there."

"Ouch." At this time, Xie Zhong saw Xing San sitting on the edge of the kang with a knife, and hurriedly asked: "Uncle, what are you doing with the knife?"

"Ah..." Xing San casually stuffed the knife into the pile of quilts behind him, turned his hand and pointed at Zhao Jun, saying: "Show me my knife, it's made of shell skin."

Xie Zhong smiled when he heard this, sat down on the edge of the kang, and said to Zhao Jun: "I just heard Xiaochen say that you are going to catch pigs Ah?"

"Yes, that's right." Zhao Jun nodded and said, "I promised to catch wild boars for them, so now I'm bringing dogs out, right?"

"Well..." Jie Zhong pointed to the right and said, "My little 44th forest squad, the 8th unit, came to help with the pigs two days ago. They were scared away by the tree planting. I heard them say that the pigs ran to what place on the opposite side?"

"The top of the tree." Xing San answered, then pointed to the west and said to Zhao Jun, "There are oak trees over there. They must have gone to eat acorns."

"It should be." Zhao Jun smiled. This time, they even found the wild boar. They will start working when they get there.

"Brother." At this time, Xie Zhong asked Zhao Jun, "How is Zhang Yuanmin?"

When Xie Zhong said this, Xing San tilted his head and glanced at him, thinking, "Why are you talking about something else?"

"I saw that he recovered well last time." Zhao Jun said, "But his ribs are broken, and he needs to be taken care of for a while. Now the doctor won't let him leave the hospital."

"Oh!" Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Xie Zhong sighed and said, "Okay, I'll go down to see him when he comes back."

As Xie Zhong was talking, he saw Xing San kicking the edge of the kang and moving himself into the kang. Then the old man pulled over a long flat pine box, opened it, took out two cloth bags and handed them to Zhao Jun.

"What's this?" Zhao Jun asked, and Xing San stuffed it into Zhao Jun's hand and said, "Black blind man's guts, we have two of them."

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