The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1190: The hungry tiger pounces on its prey and wins a great victory

As the name suggests, the mountain is full of oak trees.

The fruit of the oak tree is called acorn, and its nutritional content is similar to that of corn. During the difficult years, many hooligans who fled from the border went up the mountain to pick this as their staple food.

There is a word called "extremely vicious and evil", and people are even more vicious when they are extremely hungry.

In those years, the animals in the mountains could not catch walnuts, acorns, hazelnuts, and pine nuts, and the blind bears and wild boars were all starving.

Later, after the difficult period, the debt owed to the so-called Big Brother was paid off, and food could be self-sufficient. Although it was difficult, it was not difficult to starve to death.

Especially in the Northeast, where products are abundant, Zhao Jun's family has fertile black soil, and people will not starve to death even if they open two acres of wasteland.

As a result, no one picked acorns, which fell from the trees in autumn and became one of the main food sources for wild boars in winter.

There are 23 wild boars in this group, big and small. They came all the way to the top of the oak hill. When they passed the small 44 forest class, they were seen by the workers who were cutting trees. The workers thought that the wild boars were scared away by the sound of logging, but they didn't know that the wild boars were heading for this precious land.

Since arriving at the oak hill, the wild boars have been digging snow in the mountains to find acorns. Yesterday, after eating, the wild boars found a nest facing the sun to live.

Wild animals are smart. They will find a suitable place to rest. Normally, in winter, the south is the sun, and the east and west are the sun. The so-called sun is that the east sees the sun in the morning and the west sees the sun in the afternoon.

The wild boars choose to rest on the east slope at night, which has the same effect as on the south slope. The sun can shine on them in the morning. When the sun turns to the west at noon, the wild boars should get up.

But this morning, it was just past nine o'clock, and the wild boars were forced to get up.

There is no way, a group of ferocious guys are coming!

Black Tiger, Erhei, and White Dragon were the leaders, and the second echelon was Green Dragon, Black Dragon, Flower Dragon, Yellow Dragon, and Little Flower, followed by Green Tiger, Black Girl, Big Flower, and Two Flowers.

Green Tiger's desire to kill the enemy has not diminished at all, but he did not go up the mountain in autumn, and his physical strength was not enough to keep up with his young companions.

As for Black Girl, Big Flower, and Two Flowers, their situation was similar to that of Green Tiger. They had also stayed at home for a long time, and they were not as good as before when they suddenly went up the mountain.

At this time, on the hillside, 23 wild boars, big and small, ran wildly towards Gangjianzi, and the pigs' hooves brought up the snow, and at a glance, the hillside seemed to be rolling with white fog.

"Go!" Seeing this, Zhao Jun immediately made a decision and called Wang Qiang, Jie Chen, and Zhao Weipeng to chase the hunting dogs.

"Nephew, don't you wait for the dogs to find a dead den?" Zhao Weipeng asked. After the last dog enclosure, Zhao Weipeng learned some knowledge and some terminology.

He remembered clearly that when the hunting dogs surrounded the wild boar, Zhao Jun told them not to rush to chase, and wait until the dogs pinned the wild boar, then it would not be too late for people to go over. But now Zhao Jun urged them to hurry up, which made Zhao Weipeng a little puzzled.

"Uncle, there are no big pigs here today!" Zhao Jun hurriedly explained to Zhao Weipeng: "Our dog goes up, as long as the wild boar stands, it can be taken down in one encounter!"

At this time of year, if there is a cannon egg in the pig herd, it will definitely protect the pig herd. With the male leading, other wild boars will also rise up to resist.

But now the dog rushed up, and the wild boar ran faster than the rabbit, so Zhao Jun guessed that there was no big pig here. Or it was also cowardly to have a cannon egg, and it was the first to take the lead and run, so the pig gang was like this.

No matter what the reason is, even though this group of wild boars are now in groups, as long as they cross the hilltop to the back slope, they will definitely be dispersed by the dog gang.

Rabbits go up the mountain, dogs go down the mountain.

As soon as the pig gang dispersed, the Zhao family dog ​​gang set their sights on the wild boar. Unless it was a very big wild boar, it basically could not escape.

It was not that Zhao Jun was arrogant, but that the dogs under his command were really competitive. Since he climbed over the top of the mountain, Hei Hu let out a roar and instantly surpassed Er Hei and Bai Long.

To describe it in the words of the storybook, it is: like an arrow from a string.

To use the local language, it is: like an arrow shot.

With Hei Hu taking the lead, the momentum of the dog gang soared instantly. Er Hei and Bai Long, the two gang dogs, normally would not shout continuously unless they rushed to the front of the prey.

But at this time, Er Hei and Bai Long shouted together, and at the same time accelerated their speed to chase the pigs.

The second echelon behind, Si Long and Xiao Hua had just climbed over the top of the hill, and the black tiger in front had already caught up with the pigs.

In the process of escaping, the piglets were in front and the big pigs were behind. This is not that the big pigs are protecting their cubs, but that the piglets run fast.

As Zhao Jun expected, there were no roosters among the wild boars, but there were quite a few female wild boars, including old sows and sows, there were about 16 or 17 of them.

Adult wild boars start mating around the Minor Snow of the 24 solar terms. The Minor Snow in 1987 was on November 23, and today is December 23.

A month has passed, and the roosters are almost done. Especially in this herd of pigs, with so many sows, how can the roosters bear it?

The roosters who can't bear it will leave the herd alone, usually hiding at the edge of the field to rest.

Think about it, when they were competing with other males for mating rights, they were all deadly, but now they have become weaklings.

The black tiger rushed into the herd, and the wild boars instantly exploded and scattered.

"Ah!" The black tiger jumped down from a high position while running, and pounced directly on the buttocks of a sow.

"Ah..." The wild boar screamed as it was attacked.

The black tiger put its two front paws on the pig's buttocks, exerted force on its waist, pulled its whole body up, and opened its mouth to bite the root of the wild boar's tail.

As the black tiger fell to the side, the female Ge Nian Shen, who weighed more than 150 kilograms, screamed and fell to the hillside with the black tiger.

The black tiger's pounce was like a large cat, a tiger or a lion, hunting.

When Black Tiger made a success, Erhei and Bailong worked together to catch an old sow. One of them was holding the pig's ears on the left and the other on the right. The female wild boar shook her head and swayed around. She led Erhei and Bailong in circles but couldn't break free.

Old sows are not as powerful as eggs. Generally speaking, sows under 200 kilograms and hard dogs over 100 kilograms can be taken alone. At this time, the two black and white dragons worked together, and the female wild boar couldn't break free at all.

At this time, Qinglong and the five dogs arrived. They divided into three groups. Qinglong and Heilong focused on an old sow.

The two dogs chased it down, and Qinglong intercepted it again and again. Seeing that it was blocking the way, the wild boar had to stand still.

Whenever the wild boar gets a foothold, the black dragon will take the opportunity to bite it on the butt, beating the female wild boar with no temper.

It's just that the green dragon and the black dragon haven't grown up yet, so they can't hold down the sow. But the green dragon and the black dragon had experienced battles, and the two dogs did not give up, chasing the wild boar and fighting and running away.

Hualong and Huanglong also focused on an old sow. During this period, Huanglong and Hualong came to knock on the door.

The female wild boar was frightened by the attack of the two dogs. Her feet slipped and she fell into the snow.

Hualong and Huanglong pounced on it and bit it. The female wild boar turned over and the old sow, which weighed more than 200 kilograms, raised her head. The Hualong who was biting her pig ear was instantly thrown into the air.

Hualong's mouth was harsh, and he was stunned but didn't let go. When he fell from mid-air, Hualong fell into the snow and was not seriously injured. He turned over and still held on to the boar's ear without letting go.

"Pah!" Seeing that Hualong was like this and still refused to let go, the female wild boar retaliated and slapped Hualong. Hualong screamed and was whipped away by the wild boar.

The female wild boar spun around suddenly, and Huanglong, who was hanging on her body and biting the back of the wild boar's neck, was thrown to the ground.

The female wild boar jumped up and ran away.

"Woof! Woof!" Hualong stood up from the snow and pounced fiercely.

After eating too much wild boar, Hualong believed that the wild boar was his food even if he was knocked down.

Hua Longchong and Huang Long were not far behind. Following Zhao Jun these days, Huang Long has become accustomed to his current life.

In the past, in the mountains, it was not called freedom, but sleeping in the open air. It was common to be hungry, full and hungry.

Looking at now, I can eat every meal every day. When I am not full, I have to keep my stomach and follow Zhao Jun up the mountain to eat meat.

The only exception was that time when he went hunting with Zhao Youcai, Huang Long led the dogs and overturned the old cow. Not only did he not get anything to eat, but he also received a slap from Zhao Youcai.

From then on, Huang Long was squeezed out by Zhao Youcai. Zhao Youcai would not lead Huang Long again when he went up the mountain.

But now Huanglong has grown into a qualified hunting dog, and he is quite capable of working.

Hualong and Huanglong chased the female wild boar, and Hualong was whipped away by the wild boar three times in a row. It was not until the fourth time that Hualong let go in advance to avoid the wild boar's blow. When the wild boar's blow missed, Hualong pounced and bit the pig's ear again.

This is hounds, they gain experience and grow in battle.

Hunting dogs are not afraid of injury, they are more afraid of failure than injury.

Especially the battle when he was injured and the first battle after recovering from injury, these two battles are crucial.

If he can successfully win this battle after recovering from injury, the pain of previous injuries will be forgotten by the hunting dog, and his confidence and fighting spirit will reach a higher level.

On the contrary, the hunting dog will become frustrated and lose confidence.

Hualong is lucky. It met a sow at this time. If the eggs were fired, Hualong might not be able to get up long ago.

While Hualong is accumulating experience, Xiaohua is chasing after a dead dragon. Xiaohua is not a dog at the head, it is chasing behind. When he catches up, he bites the calf of the wild boar.

The position of Xiaohua's lower mouth also made the pig angry. Although it didn't hurt much, if Xiaohua bit her calf, the wild boar had to stand up.

The wild boar is in pain and always comes back to trouble Xiaohua. But at this time, Xiaohua had already withdrawn from the wild boar's attack range. When the wild boar turns around and continues running, Xiaohua chases and bites again.

When there was a ball on the hillside, Green Tiger, Black Girl, Dahua and Erhua came.

The dogs barking in front of them were chaotic. Green Tiger and Black Girl obeyed their instincts and ran towards the place where the dogs were barking.

Dahua and Erhua followed Heiniu to help Hualong and Huanglong. With the help of the three of them, the 230-pound female wild boar was immobilized in an instant.

The green tiger who went to help Xiaohua was not so relaxed. This old dog was a head-on dog, outflanking and intercepting the wild boar and forcing it to stop. Then, it attracts the wild boar's attention from the front, and Xiaohua bites the pig's leg from behind.

When the wild boar turned around to bite the little flower, the green tiger found another opportunity to bite the wild boar's ear.

The old man and the young man cooperated and attacked in tandem. The effect was similar to that of the green dragon and the black dragon.

In this way, the weight of more than 160 pounds was trapped in the southeast corner by the green tiger and the small wreath.

When Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Jie Chen came down, the hillside was in a mess. Pigs and dogs were fighting, and the mountains were full of chaos.

"Hurry! Little brother, hurry up and get the rope!" Zhao Jun greeted, and Jie Chen shouted: "Brother Jun, I'll take it!"

"Go!" Zhao Jun held up the pig hook and went straight to the female wild boar held by the five dogs of Hualong. When he got behind the pig's butt, he saw the black girl biting the wild boar's left hind leg, so Zhao Jun moved the pig hook forward. , hook the hoof neck of the wild boar’s right hind leg.

Feeling a cold sensation on his legs, the wild boar whose head was held down by the hunting dogs let out a cry of surprise.

But the next second, the wild boar's hind legs were kicked back and he knelt directly in the snow.

Jie Chen stepped forward with the rope, knelt behind the wild boar, buckled the rope and put it around the wild boar's neck.

He put the wild boar's hoof on, Zhao Jun took off the pig-binding hook, and hooked the wild boar's left hoof neck. The wild boar screamed, and its buttocks sank down, and both hind legs knelt on the ground.

This time it was Wang Qiang's turn. He tied the pig leg with a rope, and then joined Jie Chen, and the wild boar's two hind legs were tied together.

Amid the wild boar's screams, Zhao Jun walked in front of the wild boar with the pig-binding hook.

In theory, people should not face the wild boar's head. Because at this time, the wild boar will look at people, and it will burst out all the potential in its body to attack people.

But the wild boar's two hind legs were tied together, and the back half of its body was lying on the snow. What else can it do? Even if it stared at Zhao Jun with anger, it couldn't cause any harm to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun frowned when he saw it in front. Hualong and Dahua each pulled a pig's ear, and Huanglong and Erhua each bit the wild boar and harassed it.

The four dogs worked together but failed to pin down the wild boar lying on the snow. Zhao Jun paused with the pig hook in his hand and said, "Nu! Nu!"

Since the attack on Zhao Jun, not only the wild boar was excited, but also the four dogs. However, they were excited, but still could not pin down the female wild boar.

At this time, Zhao Jun shouted to cheer, and the four dogs worked together. The wild boar knelt on the snow with its front legs bent, and opened its mouth to scream heartbreakingly.

"Brother Jun!" At this time, Jie Chen came with a rope and signaled Zhao Jun to hook the pig's legs.

But Zhao Jun did not do it, but said "go" to Jie Chen and Wang Qiang who followed him, and then he went straight to the place where Hei Hu caught the pig.

This is because Zhao Jun felt that Hualong be precise, the three dogs were a bit useless, so Zhao Jun left them there to fight with the wild boar for a while. Anyway, the wild boar would definitely not run away, so it was a good opportunity to train the dogs.

It's no wonder that Zhao Jun disliked those three dogs. Black Tiger knocked down a 150-pound Ge Nian Chen by himself and bit Ge Nian Chen until he lost his temper.

With its large body and the tiger's attack style, Ge Nian Chen really couldn't stand it.

Three Zhao Jun soldiers came over and tied the wild boar with a rope. Seeing that the three Zhao Jun soldiers tied up the wild boar, Black Tiger excitedly circled around the three and the wild boar it had captured, howling: "Ao Ao Ao..."

He was a hero and shouldn't be scolded, but Zhao Jun was annoyed by its noise. He pointed at the pig hook in his hand and shouted: "Don't yell!"

Black Tiger was stunned in place, his voice stopped abruptly, and then he rolled his eyes at Zhao Jun, then raised his head and made a series of calls: "Ao Ao Ao..."

After calling, before Zhao Jun could react, Black Tiger turned around and ran away.

"Fuck! What are you waiting for!" Zhao Jun hated it secretly, and used his hand to hook down one of Ge Nian Chen's front legs. Xie Chen hurriedly came forward with a rope.

Today, they came out to catch wild boars, so they brought short ropes from home.

This Ge Nian Chen was tied up and thrown in the snow. Zhao Jun, Xie Chen, and Wang Qiang hurried to the next place to help Er Hei and Bai Long catch the boar.

After the people tied up the boar, Er Hei and Bai Long still bit the wild boar that had no power to fight back.

This was the dog venting its emotions. Zhao Jun did not stop it, but called Xie Chen and Wang Qiang to help Qing Lao Hu and Xiao Hua.

"Brother Jun!" At this time, Xie Chen said to Zhao Jun: "There are only two ropes left."

No one expected that so many wild boars could be caught today. The ropes were really not many.

Zhao Jun looked back at Xie Chen and ran quickly to the place where Qing Lao Hu and Xiao Hua were shouting.

When they arrived at the place, Qing Lao Hu and Xiao Hua had not yet caught the wild boar. But Ge Nian Chen was also attacked from the front and back by two dogs. During the constant pursuit, the wild boar always moved within a certain range.

Zhao Jun took a look and saw that it was Ge Nian Chen, and immediately raised his hunting rifle. Just as the wild boar turned around to attack Xiao Hua on its hind legs, Zhao Jun was not in a hurry and waited patiently with his gun.

Just when the wild boar knew that it could not catch up and gave up the pursuit, it paused and heard a "bang".

The rope was not enough, just knock it to death and feed it to the dogs.

It was an oak tree.

I changed all the places where it was written as an oak tree.

The old sow had given birth to piglets, and Ge Nian Chen was sexually mature this year.

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