The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1191: Aid people discharged from hospital

The sound of gunshots still echoed in the mountains, and the next year Shen already fell to the ground wailing. The wild boar was kicking its limbs, really struggling to its death.

Hearing the gunshot, Green Tiger and Xiaohua pounced on the wild boar and bit it. In several other battlefields, the hunting dogs became ruthless. Even though some wild boars had their hooves tied and were unable to fight back, they were bitten inhumanely by the hunting dogs.

There's nothing you can do about it, hunting dogs recognize guns. As soon as the gunshot is fired, the hunting dog will try its best to tear the prey apart in response to its owner.

Zhao Jun put away his gun and scanned the hillside from a high position.

In addition to Hua Niuniu, there are also two dogs missing.

Green dragon, black dragon!

Zhao Jun listened with his ears pricked up, but at this time there was a chaos of barking dogs around, and Zhao Jun could not determine where the green dragon and the black dragon were.

But it's not up there, it must be down the slope.

Zhao Jun held the gun in his hand and walked quickly down the mountain. When he passed the battlefield where the black tiger was attacking the pig, the black tiger that was tearing the wild boar let out a "wu", turned its head and bit the wild boar's butt viciously.

The wild boar with its four hooves tied raised its head and let out a shrill cry, which stung Zhao Jun's eardrums.

"Fuck you!" Zhao Jun looked at Heihu, but saw Heihu's eyes evasive. Zhao Jun had reason to suspect that this guy was taking revenge on him.

But in today's battle, the dog gang won a complete victory. All the eleven dogs except Hua Niuniu bravely captured the enemy. At this time, Zhao Jun's beating of the black tiger would easily cause panic among the other hunting dogs.

Therefore, Zhao Jun just glanced at Black Tiger and continued walking down the mountain.

After walking seven or eight meters, Zhao Jun faintly heard movement below and hurriedly called Jie Chen to walk down the slope with him.

But not far away, Zhao Jun saw the green dragon and the black dragon running towards him.

"Ouch!" Zhao Jun was shocked when he came down the mountain, fearing that the two dogs would be injured.

The two dogs arrived in front of Zhao Jun almost at the same time. The black dragon quickly circled around Zhao Jun and made a chirping sound.

On the other hand, Qinglong sat at Zhao Jun's feet, panting with his mouth open, and looking down the mountain with squinted eyes.

The green dragon and the black dragon cooperated very well. One intercepted the ball head-on, and the other chased the wild boar and bit it on the butt. But they are both less than one year old and their bodies are not fully grown. The sow wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms wanted to leave, and there was no way they could stop her.

But Qinglong and Heilong still relied on their tenacious will to chase them all the way to the ditch and pond at the foot of the mountain. The wild boar ran away through the blind pond and finally got away from Qinglong and Heilong.

There's no way around it. Naoxiao Pond is full of needle bushes, and the green dragon and the black dragon are not as rough and thick as the wild boar. This is one of the reasons.

On the other hand, a wild boar is narrow in front and wide in back, like a drill, while a dog is widest at the shoulders, wide in front and narrow in back. Therefore, while wild boars are good at making trouble in blind ponds, dogs are much worse at it.

As for the black blind man and the cannon egg that weighed more than 500 kilograms, they were pushed all the way across Naoxiaotang.

Unable to catch up with the wild boar, Qinglong and Black Dragon both held their breath. Black Dragon is a little bitch. When she sees her master, she is like seeing her parents. She pounces in front of Zhao Jun and starts acting like a baby.

Qinglong is not good at expressing. When it is in a bad mood, it is more likely to sulk.

Zhao Jun hugged the black dragon and checked it. Seeing that the black dragon was not injured, he released it, and then reached out to hug the green dragon.

When Zhao Jun put his hand on Qinglong, Qinglong didn't move. After being held in Zhao Jun's arms, Qinglong made a small "hmm" sound from his mouth.

Zhao Jun smiled and stroked Qinglong's neck to encourage him. When he got Qinglong in his previous life, Qinglong was nearly four years old.

The adult Qinglong is full of arrogance. If the hunting goes wrong one day and fails to capture the prey. Then on the way home, other dogs will follow their master dejectedly, but Qinglong will still tirelessly continue to search for traces of prey on the way home.

If it really digs out its prey, it will lead to death.

This is very similar to the original Hua Xiao, who had a strong personality and was unwilling to admit defeat.

The green dragon is still young at the moment, but its strong and strong character has been revealed.

The failure just now made Qinglong angry with himself.

"Okay! Okay!" Zhao Jun repeatedly touched Qinglong's neck with his palms and comforted: "When you grow up, we will pinch the old sow or whatever."

Qinglong seemed to understand Zhao Jun's words. He poked his head out of Zhao Jun's arms and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

When Zhao Jun led Qinglong and Black Dragon back to the main battlefield of hunting dogs and wild boars, the hunting dogs had stopped biting the wild boars.

The dogs were also tired, and they lay around the wild boar one by one, panting with their mouths wide open and their tongues hanging out, but they would bite the wild boar from time to time.

"Little brother!" Zhao Jun pointed to the Hualong Five Dogs and said to Xie Chen: "Hurry up and tie up the pig with my uncle."

In order to train the Hualong Five Dogs, the wild boar they hunted only had its two hind legs tied up. But as Zhao Jun cheered and fired guns, the hunting dogs became more and more courageous to capture the enemy. The five Hualong dogs pressed the more than 200 kilograms of female wild boar into the snow and rubbed it repeatedly.

At this time, Wang Qiang came over with a pig hook. When he came to Zhao Jun, he raised his chin up the slope and said with a smile: "Just like that, why do you still need to raise a dog to fight?"

Zhao Jun looked in the direction directed by Wang Qiang and saw Zhao Weipeng coming down the mountain with Hua Niuniu in his arms.

The human body is huge and certainly inflexible.

Zhao Weipeng carefully tested every step he took when he went down the mountain, fearing that if his feet slipped, he would slip down.

And this old boy picked up Hua Niuniu who was rolling in the snow on the way, and carried Hua Niuniu all the way.

Today, the Zhao family's dogs led a siege and they had a great victory. They captured two female wild boars that weighed more than 200 kilograms, one weighed 156 kilograms and was killed the next year.

The only two who didn't contribute were not even able to clean up the battlefield.

"Oops?" Looking at the three wailing wild boars, Zhao Weipeng bent down and put Hua Niuniu down, and then excitedly picked up the camera from his neck.

Zhao Jun is a man who is loyal to his friends. Seeing this situation, he hurriedly stopped Wang Qiang who was about to attack the female wild boar.

"Uncle!" Then, Zhao Jun called Zhao Weipeng and said, "Give me the camera and catch the pig with the hook!"

"Hey! Hey!" Zhao Weipeng responded cheerfully. After handing the camera to Zhao Jun, he moved his fat body and ran towards Wang Qiang with great effort.

As Zhao Jun pressed the shutter, the scene of Boss Zhao capturing the wild boar with a hook was frozen on the film.

"Oops!" Seeing Wang Qiang and Jie Chen tying the wild boar's hooves together, Zhao Weipeng couldn't help but raise the pig-tying hook in front of his eyes to examine it.

"How are you, uncle?" Zhao Jun came over and asked him with a smile, "Is this thing easy to use?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Weipeng nodded heavily and said, "Lingdang's father is really talented."

"Hey!" Zhao Jun said with a smile: "My brother Zhang is quite serious."

"Yeah!" As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, Wang Qiang, who handed the rope to the minister, stood up and continued: "Without these two moments, I can't go to the hospital for myself."

Zhao Jun and Jie Chen laughed when they heard this, but Zhao Weipeng said to Zhao Jun seriously: "Nephew, Ling Dang's father is a talented person. You must protect him and not let others charge into the battle."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Weipeng's words made Zhao Jun, Wang Qiang, and Jie Chen jump up and down with joy.

"Uncle Peng, you have never seen my elder brother Zhang." Jie Chen smiled and said to Zhao Weipeng: "My elder brother Zhang is both civilized and military. My literary talent is Yong'an Xiao Zhuge, and my martial arts is Honghe Bing Wei Yan."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang laughed. At this time, Zhao Weipeng also heard that there was a story in it, and a smile appeared on his face.

The "Red River" that Xie Chen just mentioned is the Xiaohong River. Not long ago, Xing San mentioned this place to Zhao Jun. The name "Red River Disease Wei Yan" was given by Zhang Yuanmin to himself in order to rival Yong'an Xiao Zhuge.

"Ah sneeze!"

In the special ward converted into a special ward in the infirmary upstairs of the Forestry Hospital, Zhang Yuanmin sneezed, rubbed his nose and said, "No one is complaining about me anymore?"

Yang Yufeng, who was sitting on a small bench washing clothes on the ground at the end of the bed, glanced at him and said, "I'm from the countryside."

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin's eyes lit up and he said, "I've been hospitalized for such a long time, so the people in our village must not miss me?"

"I think, I have to talk about you every day." Yang Yufeng said angrily: "It's so easy to talk about that big tiger B without getting kicked by the black blind man."

Zhang Yuanmin: "..."

Practice makes perfect in everything. At first, Yang Yufeng came to accompany him, but she just scolded Zhang Yuanmin every day.

Recently, Yang Yufeng has evolved into sarcastic and sarcastic scoldings.

"What a bitch!" Suddenly, Zhang Yuanmin muttered: "You can't chew up your shit!"

This folk slang is used to describe saying something repeatedly. When Yang Yufeng heard this, she was furious, turned around and put her hand into Zhang Yuanmin's bed, and grabbed Zhang Yuanmin's soles.

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin was excited. If he hadn't been injured, he would have fluttered.

At this moment, the door was knocked twice. Then the door was pushed open, and Pei Yonglin in a white coat walked into the room.

"Hey, Dean Pei." Yang Yufeng wiped her hands and stood up, saying hello to Pei Yonglin.

Pei Yonglin nodded to Yang Yufeng, then looked at Zhang Yuanmin and said, "How are you today?"

"It's almost the same as yesterday." Zhang Yuanmin asked with a wry smile: "Dean Pei, when can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"Look at you..." Pei Yonglin said: "You can't even get off the ground, why are you in a hurry to be discharged from the hospital?"

"Isn't this worrying about the family?" Zhang Yuanmin said with a sad face: "My daughter... Dean Pei, you saw her last time, and the child has been staying at my brother's house."

After hearing Zhang Yuanmin's words, Pei Yonglin rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Dean Pei." At this time, Yang Yufeng walked up to Pei Yonglin and said, "I think my shopkeeper's day is all about injections. How about we go home and get them?"

"Oh!" Pei Yonglin sighed softly and said, "That's true. Is there a health center in your village?"

"Yes, yes." When she heard that there was a door open, Yang Yufeng responded quickly. After staying in the hospital for so many days, Yang Yufeng got angry.

"Okay, let the doctor from the health center come to give him an injection when the time comes." Pei Yonglin said, "He is just a nurse now. Go back and get a good injection, and then eat something good."

"Yeah!" Yang Yufeng nodded heavily and said, "That's no problem."

I ate in the canteen every day in the hospital and couldn't get anything good to eat. But it was different when I got home. There was delicious food every day.

"What..." Pei Yonglin waved his hand towards the door and said to Yang Yufeng: "Do I have to call your village? Let Zhao Jun pick you up tomorrow?"

"No need..." Yang Yufeng and Zhang Yuanmin looked at each other and murmured.

"No need?" Pei Yonglin was startled and said, "If he doesn't come, how can you go back?"

"Dean Pei." Yang Yufeng smiled and said, "I think your hospital has a car. How about we take that one back?"

"The Jeep can't pull it... huh?" Pei Yonglin reacted mid-sentence and said, "You mean an ambulance?"

"Ah!" Yang Yufeng nodded. She had not been in the hospital in vain these days. At least she had broadened her horizons.

These days, hospitals have ambulances, but they are converted from passenger cars. There are no medical facilities in the car, and there are no alarm lights on the car.

But even this simple ambulance is not for everyone. Because if you want to call an ambulance, you need a phone. Otherwise, it is better to carry the patient directly to the hospital than to run to the hospital to find an ambulance to pick up the patient.

"That won't work." Pei Yonglin waved his hand without thinking, "Your place is so far away, how can we send it?"

From the Forestry Hospital to Yong'an, it is more than 100 miles round trip. The director arranged the task, but the driver didn't go!

"Director Pei." Yang Yufeng lowered her voice and said to Pei Yonglin: "The gas money is ours, and the driver will not lose money after that."

Pei Yonglin looked at Yang Yufeng deeply and said: "The cost is quite high."

"I'm not afraid of it." Yang Yufeng said: "I won't bother my brother."


When Yang Yufeng packed up and prepared to leave the hospital, Zhao Jun and his team had just fed the dog. The pigs were gutted after being killed, and the pig kidneys were left, and the other internal organs were fed to the dogs.

There were twelve dogs in total, working and not working. Eating the internal organs alone was definitely not enough. Zhao Jun generously cut meat to feed the dogs, and all the dogs were well fed.

Zhao Weipeng couldn't do this kind of work. When he was watching the excitement, he saw Wang Qiang remove the wild boar's front leg, exposing a fist-sized scar behind the wild boar's elbow.

"Oh my God!" Zhao Weipeng was shocked and said, "Is this an injury from the past?"

"Yes!" Wang Qiang nodded and said, "It was not dug out by someone. It must have lost at least two pounds of meat."

"Then how did it get this injury?" Zhao Weipeng asked in surprise, "Can it heal by itself?"

"If it doesn't heal by itself, can it go down the mountain to find a doctor?" Wang Qiang asked with a smile, but Zhao Weipeng rolled his eyes at Wang Qiang and said, "I'm asking you, can wild boars find herbs by themselves?"

"That's unpredictable." Wang Qiang said, "Mountain animals are very sharp."

As he said this, Wang Qiang pointed to the scar of the wild boar and said, "When it is injured, it will find a ditch or mud pond to rub, which can heal the wound."

At this point, Wang Qiang looked at Zhao Jun and said, "I remember that my uncle Zhao always said that wild animals can heal themselves."

The uncle Zhao mentioned by Wang Qiang is Zhao Jun's grandfather. Zhao Jun continued, "Yes, the black bear bit the bomb and broke its mouth, so it went to the riverside and stuck its mouth into the water to pull it out."

At the beginning, Zhu Dashan asked Jiang Hua to play bombs and broke the black bear's mouth, and then the black bear went to the riverside to heal.

"Then don't eat herbs?" Zhao Weipeng was more curious about this, because he heard some people say that wild animals will find medicine to eat after being injured.

"Eat it too." Jie Chen said, "My dad used to say that the big guy specializes in eating immortal grass, and then the big guy's yang energy will be strong."

"Immortal grass?" Zhao Weipeng said in surprise, "The one from the Queen Mother of the West?"

At this time, Wang Qiang also looked at Jie Chen curiously.

"It's not that." Xie Chen said, "It's a kind of herb. The big guy likes to eat that stuff the most."

"What is it?" Wang Qiang said in surprise, "Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Uncle!" Zhao Jun interrupted, "We don't have it here, but there is on the other side of the mountain."

The land and water give birth to the creatures of the place.

The so-called immortal grass, also known as Aoaojiao, this herb is not available in the west of the mountain, but in the south of the mountain.

"Ah, that's what I said." Wang Qiang nodded slightly and said, "The big guy is full of yang energy, and the big male deer may have been tossed."

Hearing Wang Qiang's words, Zhao Weipeng muttered in a low voice: "I didn't kill the deer that day..."

"Huh?" Wang Qiang heard this and asked hurriedly: "Why did you go to hunt deer the other day?"

"Isn't that the other day?" Zhao Weipeng said casually: "I went to hunt deer, but was killed by the old cow."

"What happened that day?" Wang Qiang asked, and at this time Zhao Jun and Xie Chen also came over. They knew that the second Zhao slaughtered cattle, but no one knew why. Zhao Youcai had a sullen face all day long and no one dared to ask him anything.

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