The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1211: Zhao's Dog Gang Hunts Bear Tyrant Hua Niu Meets Siberian Tiger Alone

When the tiger was eating meat, the Zhao family's gang had moved the 1.677-meter rotten fallen wood to the southeast corner of the barn.

The rotten wood was not too heavy. One branch was tilted to the southeast corner, with dry branches stuffed underneath, and then bark and hay were used to guide it. Amidst the crackling sound, the rotten wood whirred.

The flames shot up as high as a person, and Zhao Weipeng walked to the door of the warehouse holding a bundle of firecrackers.

There are ten firecrackers in a bundle, tied with a fine hemp rope. Zhao Weipeng squatted to the east, opened the rope buckle, dispersed the firecrackers, picked up one, lit it, and threw it into the hole.

In rural areas, if the kang or stove is burned for a long time, the chimney will be blocked by ashes. At this time, you have to clear the chimney, and one of the methods is to use two kicks to collapse.

A person stands on the roof, holding two kicking legs hanging above the mouth of the chimney. After lighting the two kicking legs, as soon as the person lets go, the two kicking legs will fall into the chimney.

After the first sound of the two kicks, the upward momentum will send the second kick out of the chimney. When the chimney comes out, a second sound will be heard.

The moment it collapsed, the eaves of the house trembled.

Throwing two kicks into the stone warehouse is different from throwing them into the chimney. Throwing it into a stone barn is a waste of time. After throwing it in, the kicker may or may not come out.

Three meters inward from the barn door, a brown bear was sleeping soundly in the cave.

Previously, Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu swore that black blind people lived here, but they were brown bears.

It's just that this brown bear is not big, weighing about 430 kilograms, and can't weigh much more than the heavier black bear. Coupled with the heavy snow, the footprints appear small.

Therefore, not only Xing and Li did not see it, but Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang also did not see it.

This brown bear came here on a camel. Originally, it wanted to go further to the high mountains in the south, but the roar of a beast on the south mountain forced it back.

So, the brown bear found a cabin in the stone pond area to sleep.

Just two days after sleeping, Xing Zhiyong and Li Hu followed its footprints and came over, but they were not sure of killing this barn.

And today, the Zhao family's gang is here, and so is Erkiji!

The firecracker was thrown in by Zhao Weipeng and stopped nearly two and a half meters from the entrance of the cave.


The second kick exploded, and it exploded in the hole, which was no longer the same thing as outside.

The brown bear suddenly woke up, his eyes full of fear.

Coincidentally, these two kicks were heading towards the entrance of the cave, and collapsed out of the cave at the second sound.


A puff of black smoke burst out from the barn door, and paper scraps flew into the air. At this moment, the cave was shaking.

The brown bear in the cave was terrified and wanted to go out of the cave in a panic.

At this time, Zhao Weipeng quickly lit the second firecracker and threw it into the hole.

The brown bear was about to charge out when the second kick came towards him.


The two kicks exploded in front of the brown bear, causing the brown bear to duck aside in shock.

This time, the second kick went straight to the brown bear's head.


"Hang..." The brown bear let out a shrill roar. It had rough skin and thick flesh, and two kicking legs were tied around its body. Even if they were set on fire together, they wouldn't be able to be harmed by the explosion.

But the second blast of the firecracker wiped the brown bear's eyes. It wasn't like he was bleeding or blind, but the brown bear only felt a burning pain in his left eye.

The brown bear couldn't stand it anymore and rushed out of the cave roaring.

When it screamed, Zhao Weipeng at the entrance of the cave became confused.

The roar of the beast is breathtaking.

As the bear roared, Zhao Weipeng's back outside the cave felt cold, his scalp was numb, and his fat face felt like an electric shock.

It's not that Boss Zhao is cowardly, this is a physiological reaction, and the old mountain dog also reacts the same way when he hears the bear roar.

Zhao Weipeng was stunned at the chaos.

Fortunately, Wang Qiang came with him. Although Wang Qiang's scalp was numb and his face was electric, he was not affected. He stepped forward and snatched the firecracker from Zhao Weipeng's hand, threw it to the ground, and pulled Zhao Weipeng back.

After a tug, Wang Qiang shouted, "Let's go!"

"Ah!" Zhao Weipeng came to his senses, twisted his huge body and ran after Wang Qiang.

Thirty meters away, Zhao Jun was waiting with guns drawn.

Just as Wang Qiang and Zhao Weipeng ran out, the brown bear roared out of the barn. It has poor eyesight but an extremely sensitive sense of smell.

After leaving Xiongcangzi, the brown bear headed straight to the southwest. At this time, Wang Qiang shouted to Zhao Weipeng, and the two of them went left and right according to the original plan.

At this time, Zhao Weipeng had come to his senses, turned around and ran to the left.

The two of them separated, revealing the brown bear at the back.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Zhao Jun fired three shots in a row. When the second shot was fired, the brown bear fell. The bullet in the third shot missed, and Zhao Jun took advantage of the opportunity to close the gun.

At this time, Jie Zhong and Jie Chen, who were outside Shitang, let go of the hunting dogs one by one.

According to Zhao Jun's instructions, the first one to be released was the green tiger, followed by Erhei, White Dragon, Black Tiger, Green Dragon, Black Dragon...

The order of releasing the dogs is not based on the combat effectiveness of the hunting dogs, but based on the experience of the hunting dogs.

Listening to the sound of gunshots, the hunting dogs roared and rushed into the stone pond area like arrows.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two more gunshots, and Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang each shot the brown bear. At this time, the brown bear was swaying on the ground and was called a cricket in Northeastern dialect.

This proved that the brown bear was not dead, but at this time neither Zhao Jun nor Wang Qiang dared to pass.

At this time, the brown bear is lying on the ground, and the target exposed to the muzzle is not as good as when it is standing, which is not conducive to shooting. If you want to replenish your shot, you have to move closer, but you are afraid that the brown bear will burst out and hurt someone.

After all, the battlefield was chosen here because there was no obstruction in this direction. This is good for shooting, but when attacked by a brown bear, there is no place to hide.

When one of them fights the bear in close combat, the other dares not shoot.

But this is not difficult for the Zhao family gang, don’t they still have hunting dogs?

At a distance of about 100 meters, the twelve dogs arrived in an instant. Within a short distance, the green tiger did not fall behind.

Guided by the gunshots just now, the hunting dogs went straight for the brown bear.

In the blink of an eye, the brown bear was surrounded by the hunting dogs.

"Hum..." Suddenly, a bear roar exploded, and the big bear paw slapped the green tiger on the head.

The battle-hardened old dog pulled away to dodge, and the surrounding hunting dogs scattered instantly.

At this time, neither Zhao Jun nor Wang Qiang fired again. The hunting dogs were running in the stone pond belt just now, and the gunshots could serve as a guide. If there were more gunshots at this time, the hunting dogs would have nailed the brown bear to death!

Therefore, every shot that follows is crucial. If the bear cannot be killed, the bear will hurt the dog!

As the dog gang retreated, the brown bear turned over and stood up, and blood spurted from its left ribs, but the brown bear rushed out instantly.

Unlike tigers and leopards, bears can leap and pounce for several meters. Bears can only leap and pounce for three to five meters, so hunters call this a spin.

The brown bear spun and spun for three meters, rushing towards Heilong, Xiaohua, and Heiniuniu.

"Ahhh..." The little bitches were frightened and ducked with their tails between their legs.

The brown bear missed its pounce, and when its four paws landed on the ground, Heihu, Erhei, Bailong, Dahua, and Erhua attacked it from behind.

The hunting dogs bit the brown bear's butt and thighs, and the brown bear rose up with a "grunt" sound, and its two big paws alternately grabbed the hunting dogs behind it.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


The brown bear grabbed the hunting dogs, but when it stood upright like a human, it gave the hunters the best opportunity to shoot.

Four gunshots were heard, three by Zhao Jun and one by Wang Qiang.

The gunshots caused the brown bear to fall, and the hunting dogs pounced on the brown bear fearlessly. They pounced on the bear and bit the brown bear fiercely.

The brown bear did not move and let the dogs bite it, but at this time, Zhao Jun and Wang Qiang still did not relax their vigilance. The uncle and nephew split into two groups and approached the brown bear carefully.

Seeing their master coming, the hunting dogs bit even more frantically.

There were too many dogs, and Zhao Jun did not dare to shoot randomly even when he got close. But he saw through the gun that the brown bear's head was blown up, white and red in a mess, so he put down the muzzle and turned off the safety.

"Uncle, uncle." Zhao Jun called Wang Qiang and Zhao Weipeng, saying: "It's knocked off!"

"Hurry up and open it!" Wang Qiang urged: "Hurry up and see if the gallbladder is broken."

At this time, the two brothers Xie Zhong and Xie Chen also came. Zhao Jun dispersed the hunting dogs, and Xie Chen drew a knife from his waist and went forward to open the brown bear.

Zhao Jun's shot damaged the brown bear's liver, but fortunately the bear's gallbladder was not broken. Xie Chen skillfully took off the bear's gallbladder and handed it to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun took out a string and a cloth bag from his pocket, tied up the bear gall and put it into the bag.

At this time, Jie Chen asked, "Brother Jun, are you feeding the dogs?"

"Hey!" Zhao Jun waved his hand and said, "Feed it freely!"

There were many dogs, so everyone worked together to cut meat from the bear's stomach to feed the dogs. There were many people and enough meat, so the hunting dogs ate freely.

But when it was halfway through eating, Qing Lao Hu's body shook, and he no longer looked at the meat that Zhao Jun handed to it, but turned his head to look south.

At the same time, Qing Long also behaved in this way. While chewing the meat, Hei Hu also glanced to the south, but he did not stop chewing.

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Jun only looked at Qing Lao Hu and Qing Long's actions and shouted, "Stop feeding!"

Hearing his shout, everyone stopped cutting meat and feeding the dogs.

"Where's Hua Niuniu, little brother?" Zhao Jun looked around and felt something was wrong, so he looked at Jie Chen and asked.

"I let it go." Xie Chen was startled, then said: "Then it was scattered together a while ago!"

The northwest wind blew southeast, and Zhao Jun and his men could not hear it, but a few dogs heard the faint barking of dogs.

"Ah! Ah!"

Qing Lao Hu suddenly turned around and went south.

Seeing Qing Lao Hu move, Qing Long followed immediately. As Qing Long left, Hei Long quickly followed and shouted at the same time.

When Hei Long shouted, the hunting dogs set off one after another.

"Don't fucking stuff it!" Seeing Hei Hu move, Zhao Jun didn't think much at first, but who knew that this dog was not going out with his companions, but ran over to pick up the meat left by Qing Long.

Zhao Jun directly kicked Hei Hu on the butt, and Hei Hu ran out with a "wow".

"Uncle, hurry up!" Zhao Jun took off his gun and called Wang Qiang to follow him. As for the three people, follow slowly.

This hill is connected to the South Mountain by a hill branch. On that day, the brown bear wanted to run to the higher South Mountain along this hill branch, but was frightened by the roar of the Siberian tiger, so he set up camp in the stone pond.

The Siberian tiger, which was hunting today, smelled some familiar smells. Wild animals have short-term memory and long-term memory. The Siberian tiger has memories of these smells, but not deeply.

However, the Siberian tiger vaguely remembered that the owners of these smells were not very friendly to itself. So the Siberian tiger set out to the north to sweep away its enemies.

But halfway through, the Siberian tiger heard the sound of firecrackers and gunshots.

In comparison, the Siberian tiger is more afraid of gunshots. Because a month ago, such a sound took away its tail and one ear.

The Siberian tiger stopped in front of the hill branch after hearing the gunshots. It did not roar in protest, but it did not leave.

It did not protest because it was afraid. It did not leave because of the dignity of the beast king.

Of course, it was mainly because it did not smell the smell of oily fried dough twists, otherwise the Siberian tiger would definitely turn around and run away.

The Siberian tiger stood on a guard post, looking down at the Nanshan Mountain, and suddenly opened its mouth and let out a low growl.

At this time, a small flower dog appeared in the sight of the Siberian tiger.

Hua Niuniu shook her little tail and ran over happily.

When Zhao Jun was in Lingnan, the old man of the Shao family gave him a cloth bag, which contained tiger teeth and tiger claws.

Zhao Jun had only shown these things once before. That was before the first snow in Yong'an, the mother of the little black bear gave birth to a cub outside Xinleng Field, and then lay there and didn't leave, disturbing the nearby trappers with her roar.

Zhao Jun brought the tiger teeth and scared away the mother black bear with the smell of the king of beasts.

Later, the big yellow dog died under the claws of the Siberian tiger. From then on, Zhao Jun fiddled with tiger teeth and tiger claws when he had nothing to do.

At first, when these things were shown, the dogs in the east and west courtyards howled. But gradually, the hunting dogs became familiar with them.

Then, Zhao Jun changed to tiger bones.

The tiger bones came from this Siberian tiger.

On that day, Zhao Youcai shot off the tiger's ear and cut off the tiger's tail with one shot. The Zhao army took out the tail bones of the Northeast tiger one by one.

The smell of tiger bones is similar to the smell of biscuits after they are damp. People in the Northeast call it the smell of hala, while people in the industry call the smell of tiger bones dry and fishy.

And the smell is extremely strong. The smell of freshly picked tiger bones is so strong that it chokes people.

Tiger teeth and tiger claws do not have such a strong smell as tiger bones.

When the strong smell of tiger bones came out, the dogs of the Zhao family were all furious. But with half a month of training, the hunting dogs gradually got used to the smell.

Hua Niuniu is familiar with the smell of Northeast tigers, and she is not afraid of this big guy. When the Northeast tiger saw Hua Niuniu for the first time, it was stunned.

The creatures in this mountain, even if the big cannon eggs and the bear tyrant look at themselves, either retreat or fight.

And the roe deer, deer and the like, run as far as they can. But this little thing in front of him ran towards him happily.

People have their own language, and animals have their own language.

Although the pronunciations of dog language and tiger language are different, the Siberian tiger heard friendliness and joy in Hua Niuniu's barking.

This Siberian tiger has seen dogs more than once. It has not only fought against the Zhao family's dog gang, but also destroyed the Song Dong family's dog gang.

When those dogs saw it, their barking was filled with fear or fighting spirit. This was the first time that the Siberian tiger had seen a dog that Hua Niuniu barked like that.

And the key point is that the Siberian tiger did not have any killing intention towards Hua Niuniu.

"Ah! Ah!" Hua Niuniu ran in front of the Siberian tiger and stuck to it directly.

The Siberian tiger dodged backwards, and Hua Niuniu circled around the Siberian tiger directly.

This turn made the Siberian tiger even more confused.

But the Siberian tiger still did not make any aggressive moves. It turned over and jumped onto the big bluestone and lay down, and then Hua Niuniu also jumped onto the big bluestone.

This big bluestone is big but not high, otherwise Hua Niuniu's short legs would not be able to get up.

After climbing onto the big bluestone, Hua Niuniu stretched out her mouth to the Siberian tiger. The Siberian tiger raised its front paw and pushed Hua Niuniu away without showing its claws.

The Siberian tiger did not use much force, but it also pushed Hua Niuniu off the big bluestone.

"Ah! Ah!" Hua Niuniu, who fell to the ground, cried twice, and then jumped onto the big bluestone again.

Next, Hua Niuniu circled the Siberian tiger in a limited space.

The Siberian tiger continued to paw at Hua Niuniu, and the tiger and the dog started playing.

When Hua Niuniu went from the left side of the Siberian tiger to the right side, the Siberian tiger turned its head around, and it suddenly stood up from the big bluestone.

At this time, there were twelve dogs surrounding the big bluestone!

This is not fantasy, Hua Niuniu's dog was like that.

As for the part about dogs surrounding the Siberian tiger, I wrote it based on what I saw and heard on the Russian side, but on the Russian side, it was Siberian wolves surrounding the tiger.

At that time, I didn't know why, the tiger lay there and didn't move, and let the wolves do it.

The description of tiger bones is also true. The old generation also gave a recipe, using jujube, wolfberry, angelica, astragalus, rock sugar, and ginseng to soak in strong liquor. After drinking it, you won’t feel cold even if you run shirtless outside in the coldest days of winter in Northeast China.

Rock sugar must be added to the liquor, 3 taels of white sugar for 10 jin of liquor, otherwise the smell of tiger bones will be too strong.

This liquor can be used externally after it is soaked, and it is especially good for treating rheumatism.

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