The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 1212 The Beast King is defeated

This Siberian tiger has an impression of the Zhao family dog ​​gang, but not deeply.

But among the Zhao family dog ​​gang, Erhei, Bailong, Qinglong, Heilong, Xiaohua and Heihu were deeply impressed by the Siberian tiger.

Halfway through the run, Black Tiger and Black Dragon were silent, and all members of the Zhao Family Dog Gang were silent, running non-stop but not making a sound from their mouths.

At that time, the Siberian tiger's attention was attracted by Hua Niuniu, and when he turned around, he found that he had fallen into the encirclement.

The moment the Siberian tiger suddenly stood up, Hua Niuniu jumped under him, opened her mouth and bit the barbed tiger spear.

The Siberian tiger that was about to leap away paused, its eyes widened, and its body became stiff for a second.

"Woo..." The Siberian tiger had just opened its mouth after regaining consciousness, and when it was about to kill Hua Niuniu, it felt a weight behind it, and several forces combined in one place to pull it down the stone.

These forces cannot cause any harm to the Siberian tiger when dispersed, but when combined, they can pull the Siberian tiger back.

The Siberian tiger's two hind paws slipped under the bluestone. Hua Niuniu followed the tiger's crotch and slid down the bluestone. The little bitch fell down, biting the tiger gun and licking it downwards, straight into the barbs of the tiger gun. They all changed directions.

"Ouch..." The Siberian tiger let out a strange cry, and all its strength was released. The black tiger and other dogs completely pulled it off the bluestone.

It takes a lot of time to describe this process, but in reality, the process from Hua Niuniu taking out the tiger's crotch to the tiger being dragged off the big bluestone by Zhao's dog gang never takes more than five seconds.

The Siberian tiger's butt and hind legs were torn apart by Black Tiger, Erhei, Xiaohua, Dahua, and Erhua. If the tail was still there and the Siberian tiger swept over with its tail, it would sweep across the army and all five dogs would be injured. .

But Zhao Youcai shot off the tiger's ears and cut off the tiger's tail with one shot. The remaining tail of the Siberian tiger was only a long one and could not be shaken at all.

The Siberian tiger that was attacked from behind twisted its body, opened its bloody mouth and roared, while at the same time sweeping its front paws backward.

The sharp claws popped out of the tiger's paw, but when it twisted its body, the five black tiger dogs let go and retreated.

The Siberian tiger swept away the enemy with one claw and turned around to pounce. But when it fell from the big bluestone, the hunting dogs surrounding it in other directions rushed around the big bluestone.

When the tiger turned around, the white dragon rushed out, opened its mouth and bit the small half of the tiger's tail, then put its limbs on the ground, lowered its body and pulled it back.

Almost at the same time, the green tiger, green dragon, black dragon, yellow dragon, flower dragon, and black girl all gathered around.

"Aww..." The Siberian tiger roared and turned around. Bailong waited for the dogs to retreat but did not panic. As he retreated, he looked back. If he saw the Siberian tiger turning around, the hunting dogs would go for it.

The same goes for the Black Tiger and the Five Dogs. The Siberian Tiger turned around and ran towards the White Dragon and other dogs, while Black Tiger and Erhei turned around and ran straight towards the Siberian Tiger's butt.

At this time, the Siberian tiger jumped and ran south.

The two shots on Zhao's head were not fatal injuries. But the shot that broke the tiger's tail had a great impact on the Siberian tiger.

Not to mention that the tiger's three unique cuts can no longer be performed. The Siberian tiger without a tail could not control its balance when running or running at first. Coupled with the fact that there are many nerves in the tiger's tail, the Siberian tiger has been in a state of illness for more than a month, and its hunting success rate has dropped a lot. On weekdays, it can only attack cud-chewing red deer or wild boars that have not built their nests.

In just one and a half months, the adult male Siberian tiger that weighed more than 500 kilograms at its peak now weighs just over 400 kilograms.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

"Woof woof woof..."

Seeing the Siberian tiger escaping, the hunting dogs chased it directly, but the tiger was too fast and disappeared without a trace after a few moves.

But even so, the hunting dogs have not given up hunting the Siberian tiger. They chased for another two miles. Although there were still tiger paw prints on the snow in front of them, several big dogs could smell out that the Siberian tiger was already far away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang..."

At this time, gunshots continued to be heard from the direction they came from, and the hunting dogs that received the call from their owners started on their way back.

Zhao Jun was furious. He used tiger teeth and tiger bones to train his dogs. He wanted his hunting dogs not to be afraid when facing Siberian tigers and to be able to fight freely, instead of being timid before fighting and sacrificing their fighting power.

But unexpectedly, the hunting dogs who were familiar with the scent of the Siberian tiger regarded this beast king as an ordinary thing. The leading dogs even had a grudge against the Siberian tiger, so the two sides fought for several rounds.

At the moment, Zhao Jun didn't know that his dog had won a complete victory in this conflict. When he saw the tiger paw prints, his heart went cold. He didn't care about saving bullets and kept firing in the air.

Guns were fired in the distance, one to attract the dogs back, and the other to scare away the Siberian tigers.

"Grand nephew, stop fighting!" Wang Qiang, holding Hua Niuniu in his arms, pointed upward and called Zhao Jun, saying, "Do you think he's back?"

Zhao Jun put away his gun after hearing the sound and looked up. Twelve dogs ran all the way down Gangchazi, rolling up snow like smoke and dust as they ran.

"Yes! Yes!" Zhao Jun showed worry on his face and trotted towards him. He didn't know how many of his dogs would come back, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." The dog's voice came before the dog arrived.

The black tiger and the dog ran at the front, followed closely by Bailong and Erhei.

I have to say that bloodline is very important. Generally, large dogs run slowly, just like the Caucasus, no matter how fierce it is, it can't be used to enter the mountains and encircle it.

But there is no such thing about the string of Mengxi and the Northeastern Big Stupid Dog. Black Tiger already weighs more than 120 kilograms, but he runs like a swish.

"Ouch!" Running in front of Zhao Jun, Black Tiger jumped up and knocked Zhao Jun down directly.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Zhao Jun shook his hands and slapped him twice. Normally, Zhao Jun liked to play with these dogs.

But at this moment, Zhao Jun was worried about whether the other dogs could come back safely. Black Tiger suddenly did this. It would be strange if Zhao Jun didn't beat it.

"Woo..." Black Tiger whimpered and ran away with its tail between its legs. Then, Zhao Jun was surrounded by dogs.

"Get out of the way!" Zhao Jun checked one dog and pulled one dog, but every dog ​​wanted to get close to Zhao Jun.

Fortunately, at this time, Jie Zhong and Jie Chen came, and the four of them counted the dogs.

Including Hua Niuniu, who was held by Wang Qiang, there were thirteen dogs.

Then, Zhao Jun asked everyone to check whether the dogs were injured. After inspection, none of the thirteen dogs were injured.

At this time, Zhao Jun walked to the bluestone to observe the traces around. He could see that his hunting dogs had fought fiercely with the Siberian tiger here not long ago, but he couldn't see the situation of the battle.

But seeing that the hunting dogs were all intact and could chase so far, it should be that his own dogs won.

But the dog gang today is not as good as it was before. At that time, the four dogs, Big Fat, Three Fat, Cat, and Wolf, all weighed 500 kilograms. At that time, the Zhao family dog ​​gang was killed by the Siberian tiger. How did they win now?

"Uncle." Zhao Jun called Wang Qiang and asked, "Do you think the Siberian tiger is not as good as before?"

"That's for sure." Wang Qiang nodded and said, "It was shot twice, although it didn't hit the vital parts, but it still needs to be raised. How long has it been?"

Hearing what Wang Qiang said, Zhao Jun looked back in the direction of Laogui Touzi Ridge.

As the saying goes: Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Zhao Weipeng is leaving, why not take this opportunity to send this Siberian tiger to be a stud?

I owe two thousand words today, and I will make up a chapter of four thousand tomorrow. I went with the gift today, and wasted time on the way back and forth.

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