The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 137 Type 56 Bayonet Loaded (10,000 words)

Zhao Jun and others helped Huang Gui and sent all the injured dogs to the home of Huang Gui's cousin Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming was also a hunter who hunted dogs. As the first hunter to bring dogs into Xiaogushan to surround the injuring wild boar, three of his five hunting dogs died and two were injured.

When Zhao Jun and others came outside Jiang Ming's courtyard, they happened to meet Jiang Ming who was sending someone out from the door.

Coincidentally, the person Jiang Ming sent was none other than Zhao Dejiang, the doctor at Yongshengtun Health Center.

Compared with the Yong'antun Health Center which only has one doctor, Han Shang, the Yongshengtun Health Center is equipped with two doctors.

But ever since that wild boar repeatedly injured people and picked out dogs, the two doctors were extremely busy. Not only did they have to change dressings and give injections to the injured villagers every day, they also had to work part-time as veterinarians to take care of the injured hunting dogs of various families. .

It is said that it is better to catch up early than to rush in time. Now that he had caught up, Zhao Dejiang, who had just finished injecting IV drips on Jiang Ming's hunting dogs, could only turn around and go back to the house to sew, bandage and inject Huang Gui and the dogs.

The four dogs together required more than 300 stitches, and one of the black dogs had a fractured spine. Zhao Dejiang said that he was not going to die soon and did not want to show it to the dog, but he couldn't bear Huang Gui's pleading, so he still did it. It stitched up the wound, bandaged it, and attached an anti-inflammatory needle.

In the outer room of Jiang Ming's house, each of the six dogs had hanging bottles. Even in pet hospitals ten or twenty years later, such a scene would probably be rare.

Since the dogs were delivered, everyone has been busy taking care of the four dogs, and Zhao Jun and others could not find a chance to say goodbye to Huang Gui and Jiang Ming.

It wasn't until Zhao Dejiang carried the medicine box on his back and said he was going to Wei Lai's house to give injections to Wei Lai's two dogs that were injured by wild boars that everyone walked out of Jiang's house together.

After seeing off Zhao Dejiang and Wei Lai first, Huang Guicai cupped his fists at Zhao Jun and Zhou Jianjun and said, "Brother, thank you."

At this time, Zhao Jun knew Huang Gui's mood best, and also knew that it was useless to say anything to him now, so he simply comforted him and left with Zhou Jianjun.

When approaching Zhou Jianjun's house, he heard dog barking coming from Zhou Jianjun's house. Zhao Jun smiled at Zhou Jianjun and said, "My nephew can't sleep well this time."

Zhou Jianjun smiled and said: "It's okay, the child is older than before and is much easier to coax."

While the two were talking, they came to the gate of the courtyard. Through the fence, Zhao Jun saw four dogs rushing towards the door.

These four dogs were not tied up and were just scattered in the courtyard.

When Zhao Jun pushed open the door and entered the courtyard, four dogs pounced on him from the front, back, left and right.

Hearing the noise of the dog, Li Baoyu walked out of the house and greeted Zhao Jun as soon as he saw it. However, he greeted Zhou Jianjun first and then asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, are you hunting?"

"Let's talk after we get inside."

Zhao Jun calmed down a few dogs for a while, and then entered Zhou's house with Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun.

Seeing Zhao Jun and Zhou Jianjun return safe and sound, Zhao Chun and Hu Sanmei breathed a sigh of relief. After a few people sat down around the kang table, Zhao Jun told them what happened in the mountains today.

After hearing what Zhao Jun said, Li Baoyu spoke first and said: "This cannon egg is so powerful!"

Zhao Jun shook his head, looked at Li Baoyu with a wry smile, and said, "This pig is really powerful. To this day, four waves of people surrounded it with dogs. Not even a single gunner has seen it, not even settling in its den."

Hu Sanmei and Zhou Jianjun didn't understand, but Zhao Chun understood a little bit. She asked Zhao Jun worriedly: "Brother, what kind of family's six dogs didn't surround me, how can we and Baoyu's four dogs OK?"

As soon as Zhao Chun finished speaking, Zhou Chunming came back from outside. He entered the house and got to know each other first, and then asked Zhao Jun whether he had hunted the wild boar in the mountains today.

After hearing Zhao Jun repeat what happened today, Zhou Chunming immediately said to him: "Son, why don't you go tomorrow? I'll look for someone else to fight."

As soon as Zhou Chunming said this, Zhao Jun was stunned. He didn't know why Zhou Chunming's attitude changed like this.

"Old Zhou, how did you and Director Zhang study this?" When Zhao Jun was stunned, Hu Sanmei asked Zhou Chunming.

Ever since Zhao Jun and Zhou Jianjun left home and went up the mountain today, Hu Sanmei has been feeling uneasy. The wild boar has made trouble now and injured so many people. It is already a public matter. Otherwise, Qi Shengli will not represent the Tunbu Xu. Give heavy rewards.

Since it is a public matter, why would you let your own children be in danger on the mountain?

It’s just that Hu Sanmei and Zhou Chunming have spent most of their lives. She knows Zhou Chunming better than anyone else. She knows that he is the director of the production site and is in charge of production. All he thinks about every day is coordinating and dispatching wood and wood to support the construction of China. For other things, He didn't care about it at all.

Therefore, Hu Sanmei urged Zhou Chunming to discuss with Zhang Yuntao, the leader of Yongan Forest Farm, to see if there was any other way.

In the past, when dangerous beasts appeared around the forest farm, it was just to encourage hunters to hunt them with some rewards. Either organize it on the field, or report it to the higher-level department, so that the superior can dispatch people.

Just like the tiger war twenty years ago, the forest farm reported it and asked the superiors to order four semi-automatic rifles. Then the forest farm sent four gunners to shoot the tiger to death.

But that was 1966, and now there is no shortage of semi-automatic rifles in forest farms. The key question is where to find gunners to shoot guns?

When it comes to marksmanship, the top four are undoubtedly the four who shot the tiger back then.

But among those four people, Zhou Chengguo was seriously injured and has not yet recovered, and is still in bed at home recuperating.

Han Shengli and Xue Baojun were expelled from the forest farm for stealing tiger bones after hunting tigers.

That was in 1966. At that time, you could imagine the consequences of stealing from public property.

Therefore, of the four tiger-fighting generals back then, Zhao Youcai is the only one who can be used now.

Zhao Jun is a junior in his family, and Zhao Youcai is his in-law. It doesn't seem to be the case for him to take his son's place in danger.

Are Zhou Chunming and Zhao Youcai supposed to say, "My dear, we have a wild boar here that has picked off several people. It might be dangerous for your son to hunt it. How about you go ahead?"

So Zhou Chunming discussed with Zhang Yuntao whether the forest farm could send out guns and apply to the town to transfer a few capable people from the security system.

But Zhang Yuntao said that if he killed a tiger, it would be fine, but if he reported it to a wild boar, his superiors would inevitably think that Yongan Forest Farm was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Discussions came and went, but no results came out of the discussions, but Zhou Chunming changed his mind and did not want Zhao Jun to go to Xiaogushan to take risks.

At this time, facing Hu Sanmei's question, Zhou Chunming shook his head and said: "Lao Zhang didn't have any good ideas. He just said that there must be brave men under the heavy reward. Didn't the village give out one hundred yuan and fifty kilograms of food stamps?" Is that so? We will give you another one in the market. The total is 200 yuan and 100 catties of food stamps. I don’t believe that no one will go."

After saying that, Zhou Chunming looked at Zhao Jun again and said, "Jun, don't go. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to my in-laws."

"Uncle." At this time, Zhao Jun said: "I went up the mountain to take a look today. This pig is difficult to beat."

At this point, Zhao Jun changed the subject and said: "But I can fight."

As soon as Zhao Jun said these words, Zhao Chun, who was sitting behind him, hurriedly patted him on the back and said, "Brother, this is no joke."

"Don't worry, sister, I know it well." Zhao Jun drank the water in the glass in front of him in one gulp, and then tipped the translucent glass upside down on the table.

Zhao Jun regarded the upside-down cup as a small lonely mountain and explained to everyone: "Yesterday, I heard Brother Wei talk about how the pig hurt those people and picked on those dogs. Today I also went up the mountain to track down this pig. …”

As Zhao Jun spoke, he pointed his right index finger at the side facing him on the outer wall of the cup, drew a circle around the cup counterclockwise, and said: "Every day, this pig goes from east to south, then west, north, and finally goes around again." When I came back to the east, I would draw a circle around this mountain every day.

This pig is difficult to beat because this mountain farm is too flat, full of big hills, and very noisy. When the pig charges, the dog can't contain it. "

Although the Zhou family and his son do not hunt, they both work in forest farms and are familiar with the mountain terrain. When they heard what Zhao Jun said was clear and reasonable, the father and son could not help but be attracted by Zhao Jun's words.

When Zhao Jun saw them nodding, he continued: "I took a look today. There are two posts on the west post, and there is a depression in the middle. It's a whole circle, and there are a few big pine trees next to it. The pig will be eighty-year-old at night." Lie down there.

If we want to fight, we must take the dog up early and surround it before it gets up from the nest! "

After Zhao Jun finished speaking, he looked at the Zhou family and his son. Zhou Chunming and Zhou Jianjun looked at me and I looked at you. The father and son could not make a decision.

At this time, Zhao Jun said to Zhou Chunming: "Don't worry, sir. Didn't you see that the wild boar will only hurt people when it's alone? If you surround it with dogs, it will hurt dogs at most, not people."

When Zhao Jun said this, Zhou Chunming and the others believed it. It was indeed true. Counting Huang Gui today, four waves of people had brought dogs to surround the wild boar. However, no matter how many dogs were killed or injured, the hunters were all safe.

The Zhou family doesn't keep dogs, so they don't know how deep the hunter's feelings are for hunting dogs. They just think that as long as people can be safe and sound, it will be fine.

Zhou Chunming thought for a while before asking Zhao Jun: "Jun, do you still want to go tomorrow?"

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "Baoyu and I will take the dog for a walk in the mountains tomorrow and circle the dog again to see how to fight."

Hearing this, Zhou Chunming looked at Zhou Jianjun and said, "Jianjun, you are still going to follow us tomorrow and call Wei Lai too. After all, he is always running in the mountains."

"Okay, Dad." Zhou Jianjun agreed immediately.

It was getting late, especially since Zhao Jun and Zhou Jianjun were busy helping Huang Gui with the dog work at noon, and they didn't even have a bite to eat, so Hu Sanmei and Zhao Chun went to the outhouse to light a fire to cook.

After eating, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu mixed the potatoes cooked specially by Hu Sanmei with vegetable soup and fed the dogs in the yard.

Looking at the four dogs eating mashed potatoes, Zhao Jun said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, if you follow me up the mountain tomorrow, you must have caught these dogs. I won't let them go. You must not let them out."

Seeing that Li Baoyu didn't understand, Zhao Jun said to him: "My brother-in-law and others are laymen, and they can't understand what I say too much. It's not easy to beat this big lone man, and it's not as simple as I said before eating. Let’s go for a walk in the mountain tomorrow, pinch the traces, and then try the dog.”

Li Baoyu only felt that the more he listened, the more confused he became. When he looked to the left and right, his eyes finally fell on the white dragon, and he seemed to have some understanding and said, "You have to give it a try."

Early the next morning, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu got up at around five o'clock. Of course, I don’t mean to go up the mountain so early, but I’m staying at someone else’s house. It’s better not to get up too late.

After breakfast, it was just after seven o'clock. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu packed up and came to the west room to find Zhou Jianjun.

At this time, Zhou Jianjun was sitting on the edge of the Kang wearing leggings. Zhao Jun took his eldest nephew from Zhao Chun's arms and wanted to hold him for a while before setting off.

Li Baoyu also came over and looked at the child with a smile, but seeing faint marks on the child's face, he asked, "What's happening on this child's face?"

Zhao Chun laughed from the side and said, "I had a rash a year ago, and it's all thanks to the bear bile you two beat me up."

As soon as bear bile was mentioned, Li Baoyu suddenly remembered something and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, I forgot about bear bile. Did Brother Zhang go up there to kill that bear?"

"Brother Zhang?" Zhao Jun was startled when he heard this, and looked away from his nephew's face. When he looked up at Li Baoyu, the smile on his face had faded, and he asked, "Big crotch?"

"Yes, it's just him, who else could it be?" Li Baoyu answered as if it was natural.

Zhao Jun asked hurriedly: "Which Xiong Bacangzi should I kill?"

"Only you don't dare..." Li Baoyu was mid-sentence when he suddenly felt something was wrong. He quickly changed his words and said again: "Let's put down the big wallet and climb over the top of the mountain, and jump into the stone pond."

"You..." When Zhao Jun heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and his voice suddenly raised an octave. But when he thought about the little nephew in his arms, he lowered his voice again, glared at Li Baoyu, and gritted his teeth and said: "Tell him of?"

"Ah!" Li Baoyu responded, nodded and said, "He also said that we will share in the killing."

Hearing that some people would share their own bear bile, Zhao Jun didn't even smile. He stared at Li Baoyu and couldn't help but blurt out swear words: "Kill him? He killed him with 13 chicken feathers?"

"He...he said he was going to kill him with explosives." Li Baoyu was a little confused. If it were anyone else, he might wonder if he was reluctant to let others kill the bear's gall.

However, Li Baoyu has been following Zhao Jun since he was a child, and he believes that Zhao Jun is not such a person.

But he didn't understand. Zhang Yuanmin wanted to use explosives to kill the bear. This was a very safe thing. Why did Zhao Jun look like this?

Just when Li Baoyu was thinking wildly, Zhao Jun had already arrived in front of the Kang and hurriedly handed the child to Zhao Chun. Then he said to Zhou Jianjun: "Brother-in-law, take me to your camp quickly. I need to use the phone."

"Ah?" Zhou Jianjun was confused. He had already agreed to go up the mountain, so why did he have to go up to the camp to make a phone call?

When Zhao Jun saw that he was not moving, he hurriedly dragged him out. As he walked, he said, "Brother-in-law, leave quickly, life is at stake!"

Zhou Jianjun still didn't understand, but as soon as he heard that his life was at stake, he hurriedly took Zhao Jun out of the house.

Li Baoyu stayed on the spot and was stunned for a few seconds, then hurriedly chased him out.

Zhou Jianjun brought Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu to the village. When he pushed the door in, he saw that there was no one in the village. The only phone in the village was locked by a wooden box.

This wooden box has a hole at one end so that the telephone line can be passed through it, but the entire telephone body is contained in the wooden box, and there is no way to dial the number without opening the lock.

"Xiaojun, you wait here, I'll find someone."

Zhou Jianjun left the camp again to find Qi Shengli, leaving only Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu in the house. Apart from the huge telephone and a few guns, there was nothing valuable. The guns and phones were locked, and there was no information. One can steal, but no one dares.

"Brother, what happened?" Li Baoyu felt that he must have made a mistake, so he asked Zhao Jun cautiously.

Zhao Jun glanced at Li Baoyu, and after thinking about it, he couldn't blame him, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Baoyu, it's hard to say whether Brother Zhang can pass today's test."

"what happened?"

While the two were talking, Zhou Jianjun hurried in with Qi Shengli.

It turns out that this village is not deserted. Qi Shengli came early this morning, but he drank too much rice soup in the morning, so he took the time to go out and go to a hut.

As soon as he came out of the latrine, he was pulled back by Zhou Jianjun.

Zhao Jun stood up and said to Qi Shengli: "Uncle Qi, it's urgent. Please use the phone."

"It's okay, just use it." Qi Shengli took out a bunch of keys from his trouser pocket. The key ring was tied with a rope, and the other end of the rope was tied to Qi Shengli's trouser belt.

Qi Shengli opened the wooden box and pushed it in front of Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun picked it up and pressed the phone numbers of Yong'an Tunbu one after another.

As soon as the call was connected, someone answered, and it was Zhao Guofeng's familiar voice: "Hey, who's there?"

"Uncle Zhao, it's me, Zhao Jun."

"Zhao Jun, why don't you let Yongsheng Tun go? What happened?"

"Uncle Zhao." Zhao Jun didn't have time to talk nonsense with him and said directly: "Hurry up to Zhang Yuanmin's house and see if he is at home."

"Ah?" Zhao Guofeng on the other end was stunned, thinking why you kid is giving me orders every day, but he said: "He is not at home. When I came to Tuenbu today, I saw him and Chen Dalei going to Tuentou. "

At this point, Zhao Guofeng paused for a second and then said: "It seems that he is going up the mountain."

Zhao Jun hurriedly asked: "How long have you been walking?"

"It seems like it's been more than half an hour since we left."

Zhao Jun was helpless, thought for a moment and said hurriedly: "Uncle Zhao, hurry up to my house and find my dad..."

Before Zhao Jun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Guofeng. Zhao Guofeng glanced out through the window filled with frost flowers in the village and said, "Your father is not at home either."

"What did my dad do again?" Zhao Jun was speechless, thinking that his dad organized people to fight the pig god again?

"I don't know." Zhao Guofeng said, "I just watched Lin Xiangshun drive over, and your dad was sitting in the car."

"Just now..." Zhao Jun grasped the key point in Zhao Guofeng's words and said hurriedly: "How long has it been?"

"Just passed by."

Zhao Jun hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhao, hurry up and chase my dad and ask him to come back. I have something urgent to tell him."

"You kid, you can't do it if you have something urgent." Zhao Guofeng said angrily: "Can I get in the car?"

Zhao Jun: "..."

For a moment, only one thought flashed through Zhao Jun's mind: Who are the people living in this village?

But Zhang Yuanmin has one life after all, no, there are two, and there is also Chen Dalai.

Zhao Jun suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Zhao Guofeng: "Uncle Zhao, let me tell you this, Zhang Yuanmin and Chen Dalei, they went up to the Gaojianzi Peak to kill Xiong Bacangzi. It was a landcangzi. If you put them in a stone pond, the bottom is completely empty. If they can’t kill them, they will easily be kicked by Xiong Ba. You should quickly find someone to rescue them.”

Zhao Guofeng didn't hunt, so Zhao Jun told him about a farm and other things, but he half understood what he was hearing. But he understood Zhao Jun's last two sentences.

Thinking about Zhao Jun's recent achievements, Zhao Guofeng couldn't believe it. Even if he was the commander of the village, he would not bear any responsibility if Zhang Yuanmin and Chen Dalei died because of hunting in the mountains.

But human lives matter.

Zhao Guofeng's claws suddenly became numb. If he wanted to start a group fight with some villagers, organize manpower, etc., he was good at this kind of thing. But when it comes to hunting and rescuing people, he doesn't know how to do it.

"My eldest nephew, what's going on?" Zhao Guofeng was anxious for a while and could only place his hope on Zhao Jun, hoping that Zhao Jun would give him advice.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and asked, "Baoyu's father and my uncle also went with my father, right?"

"Ah." Zhao Guofeng responded: "I just saw him standing in the back of the car."

Zhao Jun was busy thinking about the candidates in the village who were strong and capable and could save Zhang Yuanmin.

After thinking about it, Zhao Jun still said a name that he was very reluctant to mention.

"Wang Dalong, Uncle Zhao, hurry up and find my brother Dalong and ask him to take the dog up the mountain to save people."

Zhao Jun knew that Wang Dalong bought three dogs from Xu Changlin, and also knew that Wang Dalong's marksmanship was pretty good.

But whether Wang Dalong can hit the bear bully is a matter of two opinions. If the dog is damaged by Xiong Ba's minions, Wang Dalong will definitely come to trouble Zhao Jun if he later finds out that Zhao Jun was responsible for the incident.

Therefore, Zhao Jun was very reluctant to introduce Wang Dalong.

But human life is at stake, mainly because Zhang Yuanmin is a pretty good person.

So, Zhao Jun warned again: "Uncle Zhao, Brother Dalong is going, don't forget to get him a semi-automatic gun."

"Wang Dalong..." Zhao Guofeng paused and said, "I saw Wang Dalong was also in the car just now. He also left with your father."

"My dad..." This is his biological father. Zhao Jun couldn't say anything to him, so he could only say in desperation: "Uncle Zhao, let's not waste time. Hurry up and find someone in the village. Xiong Cangzi is there." If we leave our village and look to the east, the highest one we can see, Gaojianzi Peak, is over the Tiaoshi Pond. Just inside the Tiaoshi Pond, there is a big stone covering it. Hurry up and find someone."

"Okay!" Zhao Guofeng put down the phone and ran out. Logically speaking, the phone should be locked when he left, but he only wanted to save people and hurriedly left the village.

Zhao Guofeng was running out when a person happened to walk towards him.

"Guofeng, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Xu Changlin, who had just returned from seeing off his son and his family, asked Zhao Guofeng curiously.

When Zhao Guofeng saw it was Xu Changlin, his eyes lit up. Even if he didn't hunt, he had heard of the reputation of this old Xu Pao.

Zhao Guofeng immediately relayed to Xu Changlin what Zhao Jun said to him, using gestures and vernacular.

After hearing this, Xu Changlin couldn't help but change his expression. He looked at the Gaojianzi Peak in the distance and said, "If it's really like what Mr. Zhao said, no matter how big the crotch kills this warehouse, there will be no benefits."

There was Zhao Jun in front and Xu Changlin behind. Both of them said this, and Zhao Guofeng believed it even more.

He looked at Xu Changlin and asked expectantly: "Uncle Xu, do you think you can take a trip?"

"I can't do it." But Xu Changlin still disappointed Zhao Guofeng. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "My old legs, when I get up there, I won't have to rush for anything."

After he said this, Zhao Guofeng realized that he was seriously ill and had to seek medical treatment. Xu Changlin and his mother were both older. The old man had just passed the new year and was already sixty years old. He was pointing him up to the Gaojianzi Peak. By the time he climbed up, it would be almost dark.

Just when Zhao Guofeng was in a panic, he saw a group of dogs running from the south. There were eight dogs in this group. They scattered in all directions, running and stopping, sniffing everywhere, and some dogs turned around and turned back.

Xu Changlin pulled Zhao Guofeng and pointed in the direction of the dog.

Zhao Guofeng understood and went towards what Xu Changlin expected. He saw a group of five people walking towards Zhao Guofeng and Xu Changlin while driving their dogs.

Zhao Guofeng took a look and saw that the leader of the five was Qin Qiang, who was carrying the gun. On his left were the three Tao brothers and Zhang Laibao.

"Uncle Zhao and Master Xu, what are you doing here?" Qin Qiang greeted them, as did the three Tao brothers.

Only Zhang Laibao only spoke to Zhao Guofeng.

Xu Changlin didn't care about this. The old man felt like a mirror in his heart. He had offended this boy the day he sold the dog.

But the old man had no regrets about this matter.

Zhao Guofeng was about to talk to Qin Qiang, but Xu Changlin said before him: "Qiangzi, where are you treating so many dogs?"

Qin Qiang smiled and said: "Noble and I bought them from Lingnan. I bought three and Noble bought four."

When Qin Qiang said this, he was also angry. He wanted your old man not to sell the dog to us, and we would buy someone else's!

But he has always been a smiling tiger, and he will not be like Zhang Laibao, who can't get along with Xu Changlin's face.

"Ah." Xu Changlin glanced around and then said, "These dogs are quite nice and don't recognize strangers."

A hunting dog is different from a guard dog. A guard dog must recognize strangers. Otherwise, if it doesn't bite people or look after people, then what's the use of keeping it?

As for the hunting dog, if you want it to recognize only one owner, you cannot let the dog follow others up the mountain, and after hunting, you must feed the dog yourself like Huang Gui did.

Such a dog, even if it is led by a stranger to hunt in the mountains, will not work hard even if it does not run when the rope is loosened.

But as for the dogs led by Qin Qiang and the others, Xu Changlin knew at a glance that these dogs did not recognize strangers. They must have been dogs since they were young. Whoever had free time led the dogs up the mountain to hunt.

In this way, even if the dogs change their owners, as long as they are fed for two or three days and then taken to the mountains to hunt, they will work very hard for the new owner.

At this time, Zhao Guofeng wanted to talk again and asked Qin Qiang to take people and dogs up the mountain to rescue Zhang Yuanmin.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the words that came to his lips had not yet come out, but Xu Changlin beat him to it again.

The old man sighed, looked at the tall peak to the east, and said, "The man is old and useless. Even if I know where the big bear Bacangzi is, I won't be able to kill him."

Upon hearing what Xu Changlin said, Qin Qiang and the other five people suddenly became interested. Qin Qiang asked: "Mr. Xu, do you know where there is a big bear Bacangzi?"

Xu Changlin glanced at Qin Qiang and asked instead: "What? Do you want to kill it?"

"Ah!" Qin Qiang responded, thought for a while and then said: "Mr. Xu, tell me where the bear is. When I kill him, you will have a share of the bear's bile."

Hearing this, the old man stared at Qin Qiang and said with a smile: "Qiangzi, how much can you share with me?"

Qin Qiang was startled. According to his idea, after the bear bully was killed, the bear bile must be dried in his own home. After the bear bile was dried in the shade, it was he who went down the mountain to sell the bear bile, and he had the final say for how much the bear bile was sold for. How many points you give Xu Changlin is up to him.

But since the old man asked this again, Qin Qiang knew that he couldn't slip through, so he said: "Master Xu, look, the five of us, with guns and dogs, have to wait to kill the bear before we see the quality of the bear bile. .”

Speaking of this, Qin Qiang saw Xu Changlin's face darken and said hurriedly: "But Mr. Xu, don't worry, if we really kill him, I will definitely give you fifty yuan."

"Fifty..." The old man pondered for a moment. Just when Qin Qiang and the others were about to get impatient, he sighed heavily and said: "Okay, who made me unable to kill? If I can kill , I'm still looking for you? Qiangzi, let me tell you..."

"Okay, Mr. Xu!" Seeing that Xu Changlin was about to finish, Zhang Laibao interrupted him and said: "I'll give you fifty yuan, which is not much at all. Tell me where the Xiong Ba Cangzi is. "

Xu Changlin glanced sideways at Zhang Laibao and ignored him. Instead, he pulled Qin Qiang over, pointed at the high peak and said to him: "Qiangzi, you climb over the top of the peak. Down there is the Tiaoshi Pond. There is a big stone bag there." , right down there.”

"Okay, Master Xu, I understand." Qin Qiang responded and immediately whistled.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the dogs scattered around came running towards him.

"Qiangzi!" At this time, Zhao Guofeng suddenly spoke and stopped Qin Qiang.

They did not dare to be as casual with Zhao Guofeng as they were with Xu Changlin. Qin Qiang stepped forward, nodded and said, "Uncle Zhao, what do you want me to do?"

Zhao Guofeng glanced at Xu Changlin and saw that the old man was smiling. Zhao Guofeng secretly raised a thumbs up in his heart, but said to Qin Qiang: "I heard that Xiong Ba's thing is not easy to control. How about I get you a semi-automatic Bar."

"Oh!" Qin Qiang never thought that such a good thing could happen. He was immediately overjoyed and said hurriedly: "That's great, Uncle Zhao, thank you."

"I have to thank you." Zhao Guofeng cursed in his heart, turned around and walked into the village, waving his hand for Qin Qiang and others to follow.

Several people entered the camp together with Zhao Guofeng. Zhao Guofeng took out the key, opened the large iron cabinet, and took out a semi-automatic rifle and a full pack of twenty-five rounds of ammunition.

Zhao Guofeng handed these to Qin Qiang and said, "Qiangzi, be careful."

Qin Qiang took the gun and bullets with a smile, and handed the No. 16 gun on his shoulder into Tao Dasheng's hand, saying: "Da Sheng, you will use my gun later, and our two guns will be safe."

"Okay, brother-in-law." Tao Dasheng happily took the gun. Who doesn't love guns? But there was only one gun at home, and gun ammunition had to be bought. Tao Dasheng could only rely on the few opportunities to practice his skills. During hunting, Qin Qiang could only be beaten.

Seeing this, Zhao Guofeng hurriedly said: "Can Da Sheng also shoot? Then I will get you a semi-automatic weapon."

As soon as Zhao Guofeng said this, the smiles on the faces of Qin Qiang and his three brothers-in-law became even brighter. Qin Qiang asked with a smile: "Uncle Zhao, is this okay?"

"Hey, what's wrong with this?" Zhao Guofeng said and took out a semi-automatic gun from the big iron cabinet. Before he could put the gun in Tao Dasheng's hand, Zhao Guofeng looked at Tao Ersheng and Tao Sansheng. and Zhang Laibao, asked: "Do you three need to take a handful away?"

Zhao Guofeng was like this, but it made Qin Qiang and others feel happy. Over the years, in the entire Yong'an Tun, besides Zhao Youcai, how many people could borrow guns from the Tunbu?

Zhao Guofeng's generosity today made Qin Qiang and others mistakenly think that the village chief looked at them differently.

But how did they know that Zhao Guofeng was first to save people, secondly for the safety of the five of them, and thirdly to make up for Xu Changlin's deception of them.

Qin Qiang stupidly said to Xu Changlin: "Uncle Zhao, no need, the three of them don't know how to shoot. One shot for me and Dasheng is enough."

Zhao Guofeng nodded, also took another pack of bullets, and handed the gun and the gun to Tao Dasheng, who was already smiling from ear to ear.

Tao Dasheng took the gun and slung it on his shoulder. The group said goodbye to Zhao Guofeng and Xu Changlin, then left the camp and headed east with the dogs.

Zhao Guofeng stood at the door, watching the people go away, then turned to Xu Changlin beside him and said: "Uncle Xu, I just realized it. If you hadn't said that, they would have been in trouble to go."

A smile appeared on Xu Changlin's face, and he said: "You have to say that it is the matter of Zhao Youcai, the eldest son of the family, and none of the five of them went there."

"Yeah." Zhao Guofeng nodded, but suddenly remembered something, smiled at Xu Changlin and said: "Uncle Xu, if you don't say that ginger is hotter than old, you can still make fifty yuan after you have your hair straightened." .”


Yongshengtun, Tunbu.

Qi Shengli waited for Zhao Jun to put down the phone, and then asked him: "I heard from Field Director Zhou, are you going to shoot that cannon-egg pig?"

"Yes." At this time, Zhao Jun had put Zhang Yuanmin's matter aside. He had done everything he could, and the rest was up to him to spread his crotch.

He said to Qi Shengli: "I will go back and carry the gun and leave immediately." At this point, Zhao Jun also asked Qi Shengli: "Uncle Qi, what other orders do you have?"

"There is no order." Qi Shengli waved his hand and said, "Even if you want to go, please be careful."

Zhao Jun and others said goodbye to Qi Shengli, left the garrison and returned to Zhou's home. They carried their guns and led their dogs straight to Xiaogushan.

When I arrived at the village entrance, I saw three people standing in front of me, Wei Lai, Huang Gui and Jiang Ming.

Wei Lai was waiting for Zhao Jun and the others here, while Huang Gui and Jiang Ming were going up the mountain to collect the bodies of the two dead dogs of Huang Gui's family.

He met Wei Lai on the road and chatted for a few words. Hearing that Zhao Jun was going to take dogs into the mountains, Huang Gui wanted to stay and take a look.

Of the four dogs, Zhao Jun led two and Li Baoyu led two. Zhou Jianjun wanted to lead him, but Zhao Jun refused.

When they saw these four dogs, Wei Lai, Huang Gui, and Jiang Ming all brightened up.

But Huang Gui frowned immediately.

"Little brother." Huang Gui shouted to Zhao Jun when he was still seven or eight meters away, saying: "These dog legs of yours are a bit hard. Do you have to give it a try?"

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this and said: "Brother, you have good eyesight. Three of our four dogs were injured years ago. This is the first time they have gone up the mountain since they were raised. Their legs and feet are a bit stiff."

After listening to the two people talking, Li Baoyu realized that when Zhao Jun was feeding the dog last night, he said he wanted to test the dog, so he thought Zhao Jun wanted to see the ability of the new Bailong.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jun said he wanted to test the legs and feet of these dogs.

The three dogs rested at home for more than a month. As soon as they went up the mountain, they thought they could return to their pre-injury state, which was impossible.

At this time, it is necessary to give the hunting dogs some buffer time to allow them to slowly recover during the battle.

"You have some good dogs." Huang Gui praised for a while, then nodded heavily.

Several people walked into the mountain while talking. Along the way, neither Zhao Jun nor Li Baoyu let go of the dog.

Four dogs pulled the ropes and walked in front of everyone.

Suddenly, Hua Xiao'er stopped, raised his head, smelled, and then struggled to pull the rope forward.

Zhao Jun looked around and immediately pulled the buckle of the chain. When the knot was loosened, Hua Xiao'er ran out like an arrow from a string and went down the ditch.

"Baoyu, release the dogs."

Zhao Jun gave an order, and the two men unbuckled the ropes, and the three dogs followed Hua Xiaoer and ran away.

At this time, Huang Gui praised Zhao Jun again: "Little brother, your dog is not bad."

Jiang Ming said with a smile: "Fourth brother-in-law, that flower neck is the first dog in our Yongan Forest Farm."

"Yeah." Huang Gui nodded solemnly and said, "This dog scented head is really good, but it's a bit old."

The few words Huang Gui said before and after proved that this person was really an expert.

His attitude today was completely opposite to yesterday. It wasn't because his dog failed to hunt and his pride was greatly reduced. It was simply because Zhao Jun and others helped him save the dog, and he was grateful.

Zhao Jun likes this kind of character.

"Brother-in-law." Huang Gui said to Jiang Ming, "Let's go with our little brother and see what the job of the first dog in Yong'an is like."


The group of people walked down, and when they reached the bottom of the ditch and pond, they heard the barking of dogs on the opposite hillside.

Several people were about to walk up the slope with striding steps, but before they could go up the slope, they saw a wild boar running down the hill on the east side, with four dogs chasing after it.

Except for Li Baoyu and Zhou Jianjun, the other four people have been hunted for a long time. Although they are far apart, they can estimate by visual inspection that the wild boar weighs about 340 to 50 pounds, which is about the same size as the one Huang Gui hunted yesterday.

A pig and four dogs galloped down the hillside, picking up snow like smoke and dust as they ran.

Daqing, Dahuang, and Bailong quickly kept pace with the wild boar, and the flower boy attacked from behind, jumped up towards the two big eggs hanging on the buttocks of the wild boar, and took a hard bite.

Hua Xiao'er bit down and didn't let go. The wild boar was rushing downwards, and under its own impact, it almost tore off both of its own eggs.


Accompanied by the wild boar's scream, it wanted to stop, but was unable to stop under the influence of inertia. Under the action of two forces, the wild boar's feet were confused, its hooves slipped, and it turned over and fell down, along the slope. Roll down and fall into the ditch and pond.

At this time, the wild boar was only 180 meters away from Zhao Jun and others, and there was no need to go uphill.

The six people were all stunned. This was a sign of good luck.

The wild boar fell into a ditch and pond, and one of its front legs was broken off, while one of its hind legs seemed to have been bruised.

Four dogs swarmed up. Daqing and Bailong grabbed the wild boar's ears. The two dogs tore the pig's ears hard, and they pressed their bodies against the wild boar.

In this way, even if the wild boar shakes its head, its tusks cannot pick them up.

Rhubarb bit the wild boar Haraba, while Hua Xiaoer followed behind, making the wild boar scream and wail.

All four dogs pounced on the wild boar. The wild boar's legs were injured, one in front and the other in back, and it could not get away.

Zhao Jun did not raise the gun to his face, but stood up the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle that Zhou Chunming borrowed from the garrison. He touched his left hand near the muzzle, retracted the spring buckle, and casually moved the bayonet. fold.


With a crisp sound.

Bayonet loaded!

The bayonet with the double-sided blood groove glowed coldly under the winter sun!

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