The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 138 Kowtow to the Dog

Yesterday, Huang Gui hunted with a knife.

Today, Zhao Jun loaded his bayonet and headed straight for the wild boar with his gun in hand.

He did this not to compete with Huang Gui, but the wild boar's front and rear legs were injured and could not stand up. Faced with the bites of four dogs, it had to lie on the snow to struggle and flop.

The wild boar was lying down and the dog was standing. Zhao Jun's Daqing and Bailong were both large dogs weighing over a hundred. They stood next to the wild boar, almost as tall as the wild boar, and blocked most of the pig's body.

In this way, if you shoot, you will easily hurt the dog.

Therefore, Zhao Jun decided to play knife hunting himself.

Zhao Jun advanced with his sword in his hand. The flapping wild boar suddenly gained strength, and his two good legs worked together to push his body upwards.

But its right leg in front was injured, and its left leg was injured in the back. How could it stand up with just two legs, one in front and one in back?

As soon as the wild boar raised its body, Daqing and Dahuang, who were on the same side, used force to pull the wild boar towards their side.

The wild boar fell to the ground, but turned its head toward Zhao Jun.

When the wild boar saw Zhao Jun, it roared and kicked on the snow with its only two good legs, trying to get up and attack Zhao Jun.

Just when the wild boar saw Zhao Jun, the four dogs also saw him.

It is said that dogs rely on the power of men. As soon as Zhao Jun arrived, the four dogs started to bite the wild boar with all their strength. They bit the wild boar one by one, shaking their heads and even their whole bodies.

Zhao Jun did not dodge to the side or go behind the wild boar, but came straight in front of the angry wild boar.

The two dogs, Daqing and Bailong, pulled the wild boar's ears to the left and right, and raised the pig's head. Zhao Jun thrust his bayonet straight into the wild boar's throat.


A knife into the throat.

Draw your sword!


The white knife goes in, the red knife comes out!

The moment the bayonet was pulled out from the wild boar's throat, a stream of blood shot out like an arrow. Amidst the wild boar's weak whine, the wound under its neck continued to spurt blood.

Within ten seconds, the wild boar stopped wailing. It was lying on the snow, its head sank, and its mouth was thrust into the snow, and it was dead.

Zhao Jun held his gun, extended his bayonet to the wild boar, rubbed it twice, wiped away the blood on the knife, and then folded the bayonet back.

Zhao Jun rushed back and shouted: "Baoyu, disembowel him!"

"Okay!" Li Baoyu ran over in a hurry, pulling out the invasion knife from the back of his waist.

Jiang Ming and Wei Lai then helped Li Baoyu and combined their efforts to turn the wild boar upside down.

Li Baoyu opened the pig's chest, then looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "Brother, what are you feeding?"

Zhao Jun said: "Open it and let them eat enough."

After listening to Zhao Jun's words, Zhou Jianjun, who had just walked over, asked: "Xiaojun, this dog has to be fed. If we start hunting wild boars later, won't we be unable to run away?"

Zhou Jianjun, a layman, could say such a thing because he heard it from Huang Gui yesterday. He thought Zhao Jun would go on to kill the hurting wild boar like Huang Gui did yesterday.

But he obviously ignored the conversation between Zhao Jun and Huang Gui not long ago.

Knowing that his brother-in-law was an amateur, Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, these dogs of mine haven't gone up the mountain in almost two months. I have to let them exercise their muscles and bones today. When they can exercise, they can go and fuck that big solitary man."

"Ah." Zhou Jianjun nodded as if understanding, and then asked: "Then let's not fight today?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "We won't fight today, but let's take a walk here for a while to see if there is any place where we can lay an ambush."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Jiang Ming asked: "Little brother, you are fighting dogs, why are you still fighting?"

Zhao Jun said: "Looking at the big hoof marks, this pig must weigh nearly 700 kilograms. You guys can't even beat the dog to circle it. I only have four dogs, how can I do it?"

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Jiang Ming and others felt comfortable.

When Zhao Jun said this, he was not being modest, nor was he trying to praise them.

You know, if the size of a wild boar doubles, its combat effectiveness will increase several times.

Daqing, a dog, would have no problem trapping a female wild boar weighing about 150 pounds under normal circumstances.

However, two big greens can never catch a three hundred kilogram female wild boar.

Huang Guidao: "Little brother, since you said so, I won't hide it from you. I wanted to say this when I met you in the morning, but I didn't know how to open my mouth.

I also read it just now. You, a flowery dog, are really cruel. If you help the dog more, you can really trap the wild boar. "

Hearing this, Zhou Jianjun hurriedly said: "Brother Huang, can we go somewhere else to train the dogs?"

"This won't work." Wei Lai said: "Our place is different from Brother Huang and his friends in Lingnan. There is not much hunting, and there are not many dogs. They all still accept life. When unfamiliar dogs are brought together, they will fight. "

At this time, Zhao Jun raised his left hand, moved his index finger with the mountain, and said: "I took a general look at this mountain farm yesterday. It is all Damanangang. The wild boars are about to charge. There are not twenty dogs. I definitely can't hold it back.

Another thing is that there is still trouble on this post. In addition to the second crop of woods, there are tiger eyes, mountain thorns, and old thorn poles. The dogs cannot hide away and are waiting to be picked on. "

Wei Lai and others are not Zhou's father and son. They have been hunting for many years, so they can naturally understand the meaning of Zhao Jun's words.

And when they thought about it after hearing this, they suddenly realized that Zhao Jun was right. This mountain is full of flat hills. When the wild boar runs, it is the so-called flat river.

No wonder none of the four waves of besiegers had ever seen the wild boar face to face.

Also, this mountain is too noisy. Except for the secondary forest, there are needle bushes almost everywhere. The tree trunks and branches as thick as a finger, the wild boar thought that they would be pushed all the way.

But dogs can't, dogs can't get through.

Just like what Zhao Jun said, when the wild boar rushed over to pick on the dog, the dog was blocked by these needle sticks and bushes, making it difficult to dodge.

The hounds hunt wild boars and black bears, and they rely on their agility and speed. If the dogs can't dodge during the fight, how can they not be injured?

"Little brother, you can do it!" Huang Gui pointed his thumb at Zhao Jun and praised: "You are right, it will be difficult for this pig to be surrounded by a dog."

Wei Lai asked Zhao Jun: "Brother Zhao Jun, you said so. But what do I think of your posture, do you still want to fight with dogs?"

After listening to what Zhao Jun said just now, no matter how many rewards the forest farm and the Tunbu gave, Wei Lai gave up.

Because he knew that what Zhao Jun said was right, and it was so right.

According to the first point Zhao Jun said, if you want to hold back this wild boar, you will need at least twenty dogs.

And with this mountain farm in such trouble, if hunting dogs and wild boars fight, the damage will not be small.

Taking the two together, even if thirty hunting dogs can be gathered to surround it, as the wild boars continue to hurt the dogs and the number of hunting dogs continues to decrease, it may not be feasible.

In this case, forty hunting dogs were needed to trap this wild boar.

But these days, some people in the mountains have difficulty eating. How can they have anything to raise a dog?

Those who can raise three or four dogs are considered wealthy.

There are only a handful of families like Huang Gui in the entire Yong'an Forest District who can afford to raise six dogs.

If, like Zhou Jianjun said, we could find more people to join forces, we could get forty dogs from one family in the east and one in the west.

But those dogs are not familiar with each other. Once they go up the mountain together, as long as two dogs start fighting, other dogs may swarm up and start a group fight.

If two dogs are fighting, four people may not be able to pull them apart, let alone forty dogs fighting.

If people fight, they may still have some sense of control and retain some sense, but if a dog chokes them, they will bite them to death. It is normal for them to be bitten to death or maimed.

But even so, Zhao Jun still wanted to bring the dog, which made Wei Lai a little confused.

Zhao Jun pointed to the west again, but because they were all under the ditch and pond, no one could see what was above.

But Zhao Jun asked Wei Lai, "Brother Wei, there is a pine forest to the west, and there is a head-on post above. There are two post packages, and the whole circle is a nest. Do you have any impression?"

After hearing Zhao Jun's description, Wei Lai's eyes widened and he was stunned for a moment, unable to react in time.

Jiang Ming patted him with his hand and said to Wei Lai: "He is talking about the place where our little Qianer always goes to pick up pine cones with the adults."

"Ah..." Wei Lai suddenly understood and asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, I know where it is, what's going on?"

Zhao Jun asked him and Jiang Ming directly: "Is there an old pig's nest in that place?"



Wei Lai and Jiang Ming nodded in unison.

Wei Lai then patted Jiang Ming and said to him: "Do you remember, in the autumn of that year, my third aunt and your old lady went to the forest to pick up pine cones, and saw wild boars. .”

"Yes!" Jiang Ming said with a smile: "When they came back and told me, the next day your father and my father went out with guns and killed two pigs."

Zhao Jun said: "Brother Wei said that when he took the dog to surround the big solitary man that day, it was walking from the West Mountain to the North Mountain. Yesterday, Brother Huang surrounded it, and I didn't go far, but looking at the traces it left, it seemed It's from Dongshan to Nanshan.

Let's go take a look with Brother Huang later. If it's like what I said, then the pig must be running from east to south, west, and north, and then back to the east mountain, running in circles like this. If that's the case, we can fight it. "

"That's right!" Jiang Ming exclaimed and said, "The first time I led my dog ​​into a pen, it came from..."

Jiang Ming thought for a moment and then said firmly: "Go to Beishan and go east."

While the few people were talking, the four dogs devoured their food, and Zhao Jun said, "Let's go up and check the traces."

Everyone responded one after another and walked up the hillside together.

When we first entered the mountain, four dogs led the people in front. Now, the four dogs, with their bellies full of food, did not need to be tied up by ropes, and they were slowly following behind a few people.

A group of people came to the place where the wild boar and the dog fought yesterday, and walked along the road until they saw the black dog that had its carotid artery punctured and died.

After being frozen for a long time and a night, the dog was already frozen stiff. Only when I got closer did I see traces of being eaten by small animals on its nose and mouth.

This should be done by Huangpizi.

Huang Gui picked it up regardless, found a nearby pine tree, cleared the snow around the roots of the pine tree, and placed the dog under the tree to cover it with snow.

This is the rule for hunting down enemies. Taking advantage of the evergreen nature of pine trees, the dead hunting dogs are buried under the pine trees, hoping that the dead dogs will also be like the pine trees.

If it's not winter, dig a hole around the pine tree.

But it is winter now, and it is so cold in the mountains that the soil is frozen solid one meter down. It is impossible to dig it open, so it can only be buried with snow.

Huang Gui took out three pre-rolled cigarettes from his pocket, lit them one by one, and inserted them into the snow in front of the black dog one by one.

Then, Huang Gui knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Seeing Huang Gui like this, only Zhou Jianjun couldn't understand why people kowtow to dogs.

But everyone else, including Li Baoyu, who had only been running in the mountains for a few days, knew that this was something only a dog-fighting person would do.

This black dog must have saved Huang Gui's life.

After Huang Gui paid his respects, he stood up and walked forward.

Not far forward, I saw the flower dog lying there quietly. The intestines that had been torn out and severed had frozen solid and could not be stuffed back.

Huang Gui found another pine tree and buried the dog and its intestines under the pine tree.

For this flower dog, Huang Gui only lit three cigarettes, but never knelt down to worship.

"Haha..." Huang Gui turned around and laughed, but everyone could see that his face was full of bitterness.

Zhao Jun and others did not persuade him, because they all knew that such grief would be useless.

After Huang Gui buried the dog, the group of six people continued to move forward, but they were very silent. It was not until they followed the wild boar's hooves for more than two miles that Jiang Mingcai said to Zhao Jun: "Little brother, you are right. This pig really runs like this."

Huang Gui suddenly spoke and said to Zhao Jun: "Little brother, how do you want to fight this pig? Can you include me in this fight?"

"Okay." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "That's great."

"Count me in too." Jiang Ming said the same.

Zhao Jun agreed, pointed to the front and said: "Today we will walk slowly to the end of Nanshan, and then we will go down and go home. Get up early tomorrow and come back. Then we will come up from Nanshan and go around to the west to see the old pig nest. , and then go around in a big circle to find a place where the dog can get out of the way. Let's fight the siege, with a few people driving the fight, and a few people taking the dog there to block it."

As soon as Zhao Jun said these words, Wei Lai, Huang Gui, and Jiang Ming were just like Li Baoyu when he first heard Zhang Yuanmin's clever plan to kill Xiong Ba. Only one thought flashed through his mind: "Can we still fight like this during a siege?"

Among the three, even Wei Lai, who had been fighting the siege for the shortest time, had been fighting for seven or eight years.

But for them, beating the dog is beating the dog, and beating the dog is beating the dog.

This is the first time I’ve heard of this combination of dog fence and walking fence.

But after they heard this, they felt that Zhao Jun's plan was very clever.

So, the three of them followed Zhao Jun's instructions and walked south together, looking for open space as they walked.

while walking.

"Woof! Woof!"

Suddenly, Hua Xiaoer screamed twice and ran forward.

When Hua Xiaoer barked, the other three dogs ran out reluctantly. They were not as fast as usual when they were full.

"Follow!" Huang Gui shouted before Zhao Jun could say anything, took off the gun he was carrying and ran forward.

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