When Zhao Jun said that he was going to help Tao Dabao catch the tiger, everyone in the room looked at him in shock.

Even Li Baoyu reached out and tugged Zhao Jun's sleeve and whispered: "Brother, you don't drink either, so why are you talking nonsense?"

If Li Baoyu was drunk, he would dare to talk such nonsense, and even dare to imitate Wu Erlang and go up the mountain to challenge a tiger. But now Li Baoyu has just poured the wine and hasn't drunk it yet.

When he was awake, Li Baoyu knew that the Siberian tiger was just like a wild black bear. If you wanted to kill it, you might be able to do so using some means. But it would be difficult to catch it alive.

If nothing else, let’s just say that there are more than a thousand militiamen in the Yongxing Brigade. Tao Dabao pulled them up the mountain. Why can’t they be killed?

But it would be difficult to capture the Siberian tiger alive. After all, if you want to capture someone alive, you can't use a gun.

But if you don't use a gun, you can't threaten the tiger. The big claws scratched the skin and flesh. A chokehold would mean death.

On a daily basis, the person who believes in Zhao Jun the most is Li Baoyu. If he doesn't even believe it at this time, then who else can believe what Zhao Jun says?

But for the Tao family, Zhao Jun was their invited guest no matter what. If they have doubts, Li Baoyu can say it, but they can't.

At this time, Tao Fulin winked at his eldest son.

Tao Dabao saw it, but what could he say?

Just listen to him say: "Zhao Jun. How do you want to catch him? Should you use a net or a trap?"

"No need for anything." Zhao Jun moved his rice bowl to the side and told everyone his plan with gestures and words on the Kang table.

But what Zhao Jun didn't expect was that after listening to what he said, the people in the room looked at me and I looked at you, and they all fell silent.

"Ahem." Tao Dabao cleared his throat and said to Zhao Jun: "Okay, Zhao Jun, I have remembered everything you said. When I go back to discuss with Lao Yu, if we really have no choice, we will Do as you say.

What Tao Dabao said was that he really had no other options, so he had to do as Zhao Jun said. Everyone present, even the youngest Tao Fei, could tell that Tao Dabao was trying to save face for Zhao Jun.

"Okay, you guys eat quickly, I'll go back first." After Tao Dabao finished speaking, he stood up and left.

At this time, Tao Fulin was also afraid that Zhao Jun would think too much, so he diverted his attention to greet everyone to start eating.

But Zhao Jun didn't take it seriously and finished two bowls of rice in a hurry.

After finishing their meal, Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, Tao Fulin, and Tao Fei all went back to their houses to rest.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu lived together. At this time, the two of them were soaking their feet in the house. There was a large basin filled with hot water. Zhao Jun was sitting on the edge of the kang, and Li Baoyu was sitting on the bench. The two of them had their four feet in a basin.

Just listen to Li Baoyu say to Zhao Jun: "Brother, what are you thinking about today?"

"What?" Zhao Jun was stunned when Li Baoyu asked.

Li Baoyu said again: "The trick you told Uncle Tao to catch the tiger was too inappropriate."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he glared at Li Baoyu and said angrily: "What do you know? This is how I catch tigers."

"Ah?" Li Baoyu was a little surprised when he heard this: "How do you know what this old man is doing?"

"This..." Zhao Jun was startled by his question again. He was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

In his previous life, when he was collecting ginseng in the Far East, he did see Lao Maozi catching Siberian tigers, but he couldn't tell Li Baoyu this.

Seeing that Zhao Jun stopped talking, Li Baoyu pulled one of his feet up from the basin, took the rag and wiped it, and then said: "Brother, the trick you said is impossible at first sight. I feel like, if we were Brother Zhang, Here, maybe he can do something good."


"It's Zhang Yuanmin." Li Baoyu said, "It's up to you to say it or not. This old boy just memorizes his ideas, but he's really good at beating up gangsters."

"Go aside quickly." Zhao Jun grabbed the rag from Li Baoyu's hand, wiped his feet, and said angrily to Li Baoyu: "Go and pour the water."

"I'll do it tomorrow." Li Baoyu said, then climbed onto the kang and got into bed.

The next morning.

When Zhao Jun got up and washed up, Li Yunxiang was already making dumplings.

Yesterday, the hunters of Yongxing Brigade went into the mountains and came back after hunting a lot of prey. In the evening, the brigade shared some meat with the militiamen guarding the mountain, and Tao Xiaobao got a roe deer thigh.

Li Yunxiang shaved off the meat from the roe deer's leg and put it in cold water overnight. When she got up this morning, she chopped the meat into stuffing and added chopped green onions to make dumplings.

Although there are old and young, there is definitely not enough food for five men without 200 dumplings.

Li Yunxiang also cooked some more. After cooking, he took it out of the water, let it cool, and put it in an aluminum lunch box. He wanted to take it with Zhao Jun and others. If he couldn't come back at noon, he would bake the dumplings over a fire in the mountains and eat them.

Li Yunxiang used the remaining dumpling soup to boil corn noodles with salt, put them in a large basin and set them aside to feed the dogs after they cooled down.

In the past two days, Li Yunxiang helped feed the dogs. But today there is a little bear. Zhao Jun can only feed this dog in person if it is given by others.

So, after eating, Zhao Jun took the basin of corn noodles and went out to feed the dog.

The six dogs ate together. The Tao family certainly did not have that many dog ​​food bowls, but they had a large manger. Zhao Jun filled the manger with cornmeal and noodles and fed them to the six dogs in piles to prevent them from fighting. .

The six dogs had just finished eating, and Li Baoyu and Tao Fei, who had just finished eating, also came out. They stood side by side, watching Zhao Jun continue to add more food to the dogs.

"Brother Li." Tao Fei pointed at Hua Xiao'er and asked Li Baoyu curiously. : "Why does this dog have so many injuries?"

When a hunting dog fights with a wild boar or a black bear, how can anyone not be injured?

As long as the dog has been injured, even if the hair grows back after the wound heals, the hair will still be different from the original hair. It is prickly with gun hair.

Among the six dogs, Hua Xiaoer was the one with the most scars on his body. His whole body could be said to be riddled with scars.

Hearing Tao Fei ask himself, Li Baoyu turned around and took a look. Seeing that Tao Fei was pointing to Hua Xiao, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Tao Fei's hand back and said to him: "We Hua Xiao'er have been hunting for many years and have experienced hundreds of battles. Isn’t it normal to lose money?”

"Has it been hunting for the longest time?" Tao Fei doesn't hunt, so naturally he doesn't understand what's going on here. He just said: "I saw it was injured and thought it was not good, so I let the wild boar pick it and the black blind man catch it."

After Tao Fei finished speaking, he saw Hua Xiao'er who stuck the dog's mouth in the manger and looked at him with raised eyes.

For a moment, Tao Fei was in a daze, wondering if the dog could understand what he said?

At this time, Li Baoyu explained from the side: "As I said, the injury was caused by the old dog. Don't look at us as a beggar, but he is almost seven years old."

Hua'er went up the mountain when he was more than half a year old and less than a year old. He has been doing siege for six years now, so he is really almost seven years old.

"Oh, this is an old dog!" Tao Fei blurted out. He didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to express his admiration.

But Hua Xiao'er really seemed to understand. Although he didn't raise his head, he stopped licking the corn noodles.

It looked at Tao Fei with its two dog eyes, with a bad look in its eyes, its lips were slightly raised, its teeth were bared, and a purring sound came from between its lips and teeth.

Seeing this, Tao Fei hurriedly stepped behind Li Baoyu, held Li Baoyu's shoulders with both hands, looked towards Hua Xiao'er, and then asked Li Baoyu, "Can this dog understand what I'm saying?"

"Then why not?" Li Baoyu said with a smile: "If you talk about it again, it will kill you."

After Li Baoyu finished speaking, he squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch Hua Xiaoer's neck back and forth.

Touching the neck is the best way to make a dog feel cared for.

After Li Baoyu touched Hua Xiaoer a few times, he continued to eat silently.

Tao Fei didn't believe what Li Baoyu said, so he turned to look at Zhao Jun and asked, "Brother Zhao, this dog can really understand human speech."

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, nodded, and said, "I can understand it more or less."

As Zhao Jun said that, he also turned his attention to Hua Xiaoer.

Some people say the fox spirit, some say the yellow-skinned spirit, and some say the cat spirit. But if Zhao Jun is to say it, the most spiritual animal in the world is the dog.

Dogs can understand human language, and dogs also have emotions.

When Zhao Jun was working in the city in his previous life, he lived in a rented basement and the landlord lived upstairs.

He remembered that his landlord had a pet dog. Whenever the owner teased the puppy and said he wanted to give it away, the puppy would cry in frustration.

After the six dogs finished eating, Zhao Jun asked Tao Fei to get a rope and tie them one by one. Then the three people each took two dogs and left the house and ran into the mountains.

Today's trip has a target, and the target is the black bear Li Baoyu discovered yesterday.

The three of them followed yesterday's route into the mountain, and then Li Baoyu led the way to the pine tree.

Following Zhao Jun's order, they untied all six dogs, and then saw six dogs sniffing around.

Almost at the same time, Hua Xiaoer and Xiao Xiong ran out, followed by Daqing.

After running a few steps, the little bear opened his mouth to bark, and he barked all the way down the hillside.

As soon as it barked, the three dogs that stayed beside the three people all turned around and followed it all the way.

Zhao Jun and others stood on top and watched the six dogs going down the hillside. However, they did not expect that Hua Xiaoer, who was the first to start, would be the last.

"Alas!" Zhao Jun sighed in his heart when he saw this, Hua Xiaoer was indeed old.

In the past, when Hua Xiaoer, as the alpha dog, would run out and bark when it encountered prey, and then other dogs would follow, it would not be so obvious.

But now there is a little bear, it is a barking dog, it barks all the way, and the other dogs follow.

At this time, it can be seen that Hua Xiaoer is old and frail and can no longer run.

"Brother." Li Baoyu also noticed it and asked Zhao Jun in disbelief: "Is Hua Xiaoer..."

Li Baoyu stopped talking in the middle of his words.

Because, he saw Zhao Jun's face darken.

Zhao Jun shook his head and smiled at Li Baoyu: "I am almost seven years old. I went to the mountain yesterday. Today is definitely not as exciting as yesterday."

"Ah." Li Baoyu nodded, superficially agreeing with Zhao Jun's words, but in his heart he was dubious.

It is true that hunting dogs cannot enter the mountains consecutively, but according to the elders, hunting dogs will only become tired and unexcited when they climb the Tianshan Mountains for the third time in a row.

Zhao Jun adjusted his mood, waved to Li Baoyu and Tao Fei, and said, "Quick, follow them."

After saying that, Zhao Jun went down first, followed by Li Baoyu and Tao Fei.

The three of them went down the hillside and saw that the dog's footprints were all heading south, so they followed the ditch and pond all the way south.

But less than a mile away, I saw that the dog footprints were divided into groups. One group went up to the post, while the other group continued southward.

"Brother, what should we do?" Li Baoyu looked at Zhao Jun in surprise.

The dogs are divided into gangs, this gang of three and that gang of three, which gang should we follow?

To the south, the barking of dogs is always there, and it gets farther and farther away. This sounds like a little bear.

At this time, Hua Xiaoer's cry was also heard from halfway up the hillside.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the barking of dogs in the south. This was obviously the discovery of prey, and other dogs also started barking.

But at the same time, there was no longer a dog barking on the hillside, but other dogs were also barking.

Zhao Jun looked at the ground and looked at the footprints. It seemed that a dog followed Hua Xiaoer up the hillside, and four dogs followed the little bear.

"Brother, what can we do about this?" Li Baoyu became anxious and asked Zhao Jun hurriedly.

At this time, Zhao Jun didn't know what to do. The dogs on both sides started barking, obviously having found prey.

But among the three of them, only he has a gun in his hand. Who should he help?

Zhao Jun calmed down, raised his hand and pointed to the south, and said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, listen to me. You and Tao Fei go over there and see what the dogs are surrounding. If you are surrounded by a black blind man, you Don't make any sound, please hurry back. I'll run over there soon.

If the dog is a wild boar around, if it is small, it can be cut with a knife. If you can't cut it, don't do it. "

When Zhao Jun said this, seeing that Li Baoyu was silent, he asked again: "Did you hear that?"


Li Baoyu felt a little unsure, but Zhao Jun also knew that this was not the time to be in trouble, so he reached out and patted Li Baoyu and said, "Go quickly."

After saying that, Zhao Jun took the gun in his hand and walked up the slope.

Seeing Zhao Jun leave, Tao Fei hurriedly asked Li Baoyu, "Brother Li. How should we deal with it?"

"Just use the knife." Li Baoyu said, pulling out the knife from his back and looking left and right for a suitable small tree.

At this time, Zhao Jun ran up the slope with his gun in hand.

The barking of dogs came in a series in his ears, and he could vaguely distinguish that there were two dogs barking. One was Hua Xiaoer and the other was Dahuang.

I just don’t know what these two old dogs are surrounding.

But between Hua Xiaoer and Xiao Xiong, Zhao Jun still chose to believe in Hua Xiaoer, believing that the black bear surrounded by Hua Xiaoer was the greater threat.

Zhao Jun made the right bet!

Halfway up the mountain.

A black bear stood like a human being, with a pair of front paws lifted on its chest. The bear's head swayed left and right, and a pair of black eyes moved back and forth between Hua Xiao'er and Dahuang.

Hua Xiaoer and Dahuang stood on both sides of the black bear, roaring at it.

The two old dogs were very experienced and no one had ever stepped forward.

It was the black bear that couldn't hold it any longer. It fell down, and when its front paws touched the ground, it quickly moved forward a few steps, rushed to Hua Xiao'er, stood up suddenly, and pointed at Hua Xiao'er with its right palm. Fish.

Hua Xiaoer jumped away and walked around the black bear. Dahuang took the opportunity to pounce and took a bite of the black bear's left hind leg.

The black bear pulled back his left palm, and Dahuang dodged and began to circle around the black bear.

After forcing back the two hunting dogs, the black bear took the road and fled. As soon as it left, Hua Xiaoer and Da Huang immediately followed and attacked from behind. One bites the black bear on the butt and the other bites its hind legs.

This black bear has also been squatting in a tree barn all winter. Although the hunchback was gone some time ago, it did not eat or drink.

Now, it has almost lost all the fat on its body, and its whole body is thin. In anthropomorphic terms, it has lost all its appearance.

And its pair of bear paws have become thin and tender, making it very difficult to walk.

If you dig out a few more nests for Hua Xiaoer and Dahuang like this, the black bear will be in a hurry!

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