The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 255: Pig picking on Daqing and Huaxiao hunting bear

That's how it is with siege, full of uncertainty.

Just like today, with Li Baoyu leading the way, the dogs had been brought to the pine tree to let them smell the scent left by the black bear.

But when the dog chased him down the hillside, something went wrong.

Of course, this can't be blamed on the little bear.

Although dogs are humane and understand simple human language, they are not humans after all.

There is no owner who tells it to chase black bears, it just chases black bears.

it's out of the question.

Hunting dogs usually catch whatever they smell.

Moreover, when dogs are fighting, when the leading dog smells the scent of two animals around it, it will usually choose the one it likes to eat and chase it.

Just like Hua Xiaoer and Xiao Xiong, the two leading dogs chased them down from above.

But when they reached the bottom, the little bear smelled the scent of the wild boar again, and chased it directly to the south.

But Hua Xiaoni still chased the black bear.

But this cannot be blamed on the dog, nor on Zhao Jun. He has never encountered such a thing in his two lifetimes of sieges.

Li Baoyu took Tao Fei, mounted the invasion knife, and chased him all the way.

As I ran forward, I heard the barking of the dog in front of me change. In Northeastern dialect, it was: not a good barking.

"It's broken." Li Baoyu has been hunting with Zhao Jun for half a year. When he heard the sound, he knew that a dog was injured.

At the same time, he also knew that with the dogs surrounding this thing in front of him, whether it was a wild boar or a black bear, he would not be able to take it down by himself.

When they got closer, they saw four dogs surrounding a wild boar weighing about three hundred pounds.

This is a cannon egg, which is currently surrounded by four dogs. Its back is arched, its head is sinking, and a pair of fangs are shining with cold light, like daggers, sharp and sharp.

"Hoo! Hoo ho..." The wild boar moved first, and it rushed towards Daqing. Daqing dodged to the side, then turned his head and clamped the right ear of the wild boar, twisted it hard, and smashed the wild boar's head. Pull to the right.

Before the wild boar could react, Bailong rushed over and bit the wild boar's left ear.

"Brother Li, the white dog is injured!" At this time, Tao Fei pointed at Bai Long and shouted to Li Baoyu.

In fact, Li Baoyu also saw it without him having to say anything.

Bailong was injured on his shoulder and head, and blood slowly flowed down his front thigh, onto his claws, then down the cracks of his claws, and finally seeped onto the snow.

The two dogs worked together to attach pliers to the wild boar, and together they pushed down the wild boar's head.

At this time, Little Bear and Xiaohua rushed over together. Little Bear bit one of the wild boar's hind legs, while Xiaohua lowered her head and bit the wild boar's belly.

The wild boar's head was pressed into the snow by Daqing and Bailong. It kept struggling with its back arched, and kept moving backwards, slowly gaining strength.

To be honest, if Hua Xiaoer were here now and took a dig at the two eggs under the wild boar's tail, the wild boar would not be able to escape today even if Zhao Jun was not around.

This is why people who fight against the problem say that the dog that picks out the back door is the nemesis of the wild boar.

But now that Hua Xiaoer is not here, the four dogs can only fight with the wild boar in the snow.

"Xiao Fei, just put your cat on the tree and don't come out yet." Li Baoyu stretched out his hand and pushed Tao Fei behind a green poplar tree, and told Tao Fei: "If you want to see the wild boar coming towards you, you can get on the tree. Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, yeah." Tao Fei nodded hurriedly. He followed Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu up Tiantian Mountain yesterday. Tao Fei felt that the siege was quite interesting. But when he was asked to hold a knife and face the wild boar, he was really scared.

After Tao Fei was settled, Li Baoyu was about to step forward. He knew that Zhao Jun wouldn't be able to come for a while, so he had to help some dogs.

But as soon as he took two steps away, he saw the wild boar suddenly raised its head. After breaking free from Daqing and Bailong's grasp, it turned back and struck.


With a muffled sound, Daqing, who weighed more than 110 kilograms, was whipped out by the wild boar and fell heavily on the snow.

At this time, there was a large gash as long as a hand on Daqing's left front leg, from the knee joint upwards. The skin and flesh were turned over and bleeding continued.

If it is a wild boar weighing more than 400 pounds, their tusks will begin to curve and grow, and such tusks will not be so powerful.

There is only this wild boar weighing about three hundred pounds, with two tusks like daggers.

This is what Dawei people call the picky pig. This is the wild boar that hurts dogs and people the most!

Daqing rolled over on the snow, stood up, and ran towards the wild boar again.

Although Daqing is not a good leader due to his short distance, bad head, and not harsh words, he is definitely a tough dog.

Daqing, who was seriously injured, instantly turned red.

The wild boar just turned around and struck again, sending the white dragon flying. At this time, it turned around and attacked the little bear biting its hind leg.

The little bear dodged aside, and the wild boar picked up the little flower again, and the little flower ran away nimbly.

Although the wild boar couldn't even chase the dog, it saw Li Baoyu who had originally circled behind it.

The moment it saw Li Baoyu, the wild boar rushed towards him without hesitation.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Baoyu hurriedly threw away the knife in his palm, turned around and hugged the birch tree next to him, kicked the two in succession, and climbed up the tree in two strokes.

As soon as they saw the wild boar chasing Li Baoyu, Daqing, Bailong and Xiaohua rushed towards the wild boar from all around.

Needless to say about Xiaohua, Li Baoyu is its owner. After raising it for so long, Xiaohua has already recognized Li Baoyu as its owner from the bottom of her heart.

As for Daqing and Bailong, Li Baoyu would open their bodies and cut the meat to feed them almost every time they were surrounded, which was almost the same as their masters.

Not only them, the little bear who was last at this moment hesitated and howled after the wild boar.

The wild boar jumped under the tree, then turned around and attacked the hunting dogs. It dispersed the dog gang, but the four dogs surrounded it again.

"Get up the tree, get up the tree!" At this time, Li Baoyu shouted in the direction of Tao Fei: "Xiao Fei, get up the tree quickly."

Although the wild boar did not go to Tao Fei at this time, Li Baoyu was afraid. After all, Tao Fei had no hunting experience at all and was just a spectator.

Tao Fei seemed to be really frightened, but after hearing Li Baoyu's shout, he came to his senses and climbed up the poplar tree in front of him.

Not far away, the four dogs could no longer surround the wild boar.

The wild boar suddenly turned around, the four dogs dispersed instantly, and the wild boar headed straight for the little bear.

The little bear turned around and ran away, but was caught up by the charging wild boar.

It stands to reason that dogs are much faster than wild boars. But the little bear started late. When it started, the wild boar had already started sprinting.

So the little bear didn't run a few steps before he was caught up by the wild boar. When the wild boar picked him up, the little bear was thrown away by the wild boar.

The wild boar's fangs pierced the bear's butt with this blow.

This is a very interesting phenomenon.

When a hunting dog is hunting a wild boar, if the dog picks at the lower part of the wild boar's front body, then when it is injured by the wild boar, the hunting dog will also be injured in the front half of the body.

Just like Daqing and Bailong just now, they bite the ears of wild boars, so their injuries are mostly on the front shoulders and necks.

As for the little bear, it specializes in biting the hind legs of wild boars. So when the wild boar turned around and attacked it, it was picking up the bear's butt.

As soon as the wild boar flew the little bear away, Daqing and Bailong came over to kill him from left to right.

These two dogs were head-on dogs, and they both ran in front of the wild boar, but the wild boar threw its head up and knocked the white dragon away again.

At this time, Daqing rushed up and bit the wild boar's mouth. The wild boar raised its head and knocked Daqing over.

Da Qing, who was lying in the snow, had just turned over when the wild boar rushed towards him again, stretched its mouth under Da Qing's belly, and lifted it up with force.


Hearing Daqing's scream, the wild boar flew him away. Under his belly, his intestines were torn and he was bleeding.

The wild boar rushed forward again, and came to Da Qing's side again in a few steps. It stuck its mouth under Da Qing's body and lifted it up with all its strength.

"Ouch..." Daqing flew up, and when he landed again, two holes were opened in his chest, blood spurted out, and his breath was dying.

"Ahhhh..." Li Baoyu, who was on the tree, could no longer control himself and started to cry loudly.

This scene was so miserable that Li Baoyu couldn't accept it.

But this is a very common scene in dog circles.

Many hunters have had this experience. They sat in a tree and watched their dogs being picked on by wild boars, but they could do nothing but cry.

This is really realistic.

If a person is attacked by a wild boar, as long as his dog can stand up, the dog will risk his life to protect the person.

However, I have never attacked people to protect dogs at their own risk.

Hearing Li Baoyu's cry, Xiaohua rushed over and took another bite into the wild boar's belly.

The wild boar was in pain and chased Xiaohua, but Xiaohua turned around and ran away.

This puppy who just went up the mountain is not like those old dogs. The puppies will curl up when they see something tough and run away when they see danger.

But it was precisely this that lured the wild boar away. The wild boar chased after Xiaohua and found that Xiaohua was running fast and no longer attacked it, so he turned the pig's head and moved sideways along the hillside.

Seeing the wild boar leave, Li Baoyu came down from the tree with tears in his eyes. He ran two steps and fell into the snow, but he quickly struggled to get up and ran towards Daqing again.

When he came to Daqing, Daqing had taken in less air and released more air.

Daqing was seen panting violently, and the two bloody holes in his chest were leaking air as he inhaled. Look at the intestines flowing out of Daqing's belly. They have been broken.

Li Baoyu knew that the dog would not survive.

This is the first dog that has died since Li Baoyu and Zhao Jun went up the mountain.

"Brother..." Li Baoyu called Zhao Jun and howled loudly again.

At this time, Zhao Jun was climbing up a hillside.

If anything, Little Bear made the right choice.

Then, Zhao Jun's choice was not wrong.

He knew that Little Bear was a good leader, but he believed in Hua Xiaoer more.

So, when the two leading dogs separate to chase the prey. He believed that Hua Xiaoer was chasing the black blind man who came out of the pine tree.

That's why he climbed up the hillside. As for the little bear, the prey encountered may be another black bear, a wild boar, a roe deer, or even a deer.

It is precisely because of this uncertainty that Zhao Jun cannot go there.

At this time, halfway up the mountain, the black bear was already irritated by two dogs.

It turned over and slapped the rhubarb away with a palm.

Rhubarb fell to the ground, unable to get up for a while.

When the black bear attacked it just now, Rhubarb made a dodge movement. This made the black bear's claw only leave a bloody groove on Rhubarb's back, but Rhubarb was a little suffocated by the fall.

At this time, Hua Xiaoer was swimming around the black bear, avoiding the black bear's attacks again and again.

And every time after escaping from the black bear's attack, Hua Xiao'er would attack the black bear's butt from behind. Whenever the black bear returned its palm to dig out, Hua Xiao'er would dodge in advance.

Although the black bear has long hair and a thin body at this time, Hua Xiaoer specializes in biting the butt, which is the weakest part of the black bear's body.

As Hua Xiaoer turned around, the black bear turned its head. It was a coincidence that it happened to see Zhao Jun coming up from the slope.

The black bear let out a "scream" and came straight towards Zhao Jun.

When Black Bear saw Zhao Jun, Hua Xiaoer also saw it. Seeing the black bear attacking Zhao Jun, Hua Xiaoer hurriedly jumped from behind, biting the black bear's butt and refusing to let go.

The black bear dragged Hua Xiao'er two meters away. When he found that Hua Xiao'er had not been shaken off and that his buttocks hurt terribly, he stopped and pawed backwards to dig out.

But before it could touch Hua Xiaoer, Zhao Jun on the opposite side opened fire.


Although there was still more than 200 meters away, Zhao Jun still fired the shot.

He has rich hunting experience and knows that Hua Xiaoer, who is eager to protect his owner, will not hide away from the black bear's claw back.

And as long as it doesn't hide, it will get hurt.

So, Zhao Jun fired!

One shot saw blood.

The black bear's left shoulder was pierced by a bullet. At this time, it no longer cared about catching Hua Xiao'er and only rushed towards Zhao Jun fiercely. Ren Hua'er attacked repeatedly from behind, but didn't care.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Zhao Jun pulled the trigger repeatedly.

Four shots in a row.

After four shots, the black bear fell heavily to the ground on his back and died.

At this time, Dahuang also got up on the side, rushed over and jumped on the black bear with Hua Xiaoer, biting hard.

Zhao Jun came over and saw the black bear lying on its back. Among the four shots, two of them hit it in the belly, and the other two shots hit the crescent-shaped white belt on the black bear's chest.

"Bang!" Zhao Jun shot another shot into the bear's head. Seeing that the black bear was motionless, Zhao Jun quickly took out a knife, disembowelled the black bear, took out the bear's bile, put it into a cloth bag, and put it in his pocket.

Then, he cut two pieces of bear meat from the bear, one piece was stuffed into Hua Xiaoer's mouth, and the other piece was stuffed into Dahuang's mouth.

At this time, Hua Xiaoer was lying on the snow next to the black bear. It opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue, and breathed white.

Zhao Jun put the bear meat into its mouth, but Hua Xiaoer didn't pick it up, and the bear meat slipped out again. Hua Xiao'er lowered his head and touched the bear meat with his nose, but it still didn't eat it and just gasped for air.

Zhao Jun squatted next to Hua Xiao and gently stroked it from the back of its head to its neck. With the other hand, he picked up the bear meat and stuffed it into Hua Xiao'er's mouth again.

This time Hua Xiaoer did not refuse the owner's kindness, but chewed the meat.

The rhubarb over there had finished eating its meat, so Zhao Jun cut off a few more pieces of meat and gave them to the two.

While Rhubarb was eating meat, Zhao Jun took out cigarette noodles and a bandage from his shoulder bag and bandaged Rhubarb.

After the two dogs finished eating the meat, Zhao Jun also bandaged the rhubarb.

Zhao Jun lowered his head and looked at Hua Xiaoer. At this time, Hua Xiaoer also raised his head and looked at Zhao Jun with bright dog eyes.

Zhao Jun said: "Hua Xiao'er, go down the mountain, go down."

Hua Xiaoer still looked at Zhao Jun without blinking.

Zhao Jun said again: "Hua Xiaoer, go and find Baoyu."

When Zhao Jun said the last word "jade", Hua Xiaoer stood up instantly, turned around and ran straight down the slope.

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