The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 256 A single dog plays with a solitary pig

"Dahuang, let's go." Seeing Hua Xiaoer going down the mountain, Zhao Jun greeted Dahuang, then quickly walked down the slope with his gun in hand.

The wounds on Dahuang's body were flesh wounds, and the wounds were not deep, just a little long.

This did not affect Rhubarb's walking, but as it walked, blood oozed from the wound and penetrated the gauze.

But if Zhao Jun didn't stop, Rhubarb couldn't stop. It could only follow Zhao Jun quickly.

When Hua Xiao'er came to Li Baoyu's side, Li Baoyu and Tao Fei had just bandaged the wounds of Xiao Xiong and Bai Long. As for Xiao Hua, the puppy had just gone up the mountain and hid when it encountered danger, so there was no danger.

Daqing, on the other hand, lay quietly aside. Li Baoyu did not touch it, but waited for Zhao Jun to come back to decide what to do with Da Qing's body.

At this moment, Tao Fei suddenly pointed to the way he came and shouted to Li Baoyu: "Brother Li, Brother Li, look, is that the old dog?"

Li Baoyu looked up and exclaimed: "Hua Xiao'er!"

When Hua Xiaoer arrived, Li Baoyu knew that Zhao Jun was not far away, but he now had another thought in his mind, that it seemed a little late for Zhao Jun to come now.

Li Baoyu's voice drifted towards Hua Xiaoer in the wind.

When Hua Xiao'er heard Li Baoyu's voice, it ran towards Li Baoyu quickly until it reached Li Baoyu's side. Hua Xiao'er stopped, got up and grabbed Li Baoyu's leg.

Just as Li Baoyu was about to squat down, he saw Hua Xiao'er falling down and running to the side.

There are wild boar footprints all around, and there is also a lot of wild boar smell left behind. Hua Xiao'er lowered his head to smell the scent of the wild boar's footprints, then raised his head and smelled it again.

Seeing Hua Xiaoer's appearance, Li Baoyu whistled, thinking that he could call Hua Xiaoer back.

After all, the only ones who can continue to fight now are Hua Xiaoer and Xiao Hua. As for rhubarb, Li Baoyu hasn't seen it yet, so he doesn't want to think about it.

Hua Xiao'er seemed to be just sniffing, and finally he smelled Da Qing. Looking at Da Qing lying on the ice and snow, Hua Xiao'er lowered his head and smelled on its face, and then lay down next to Da Qing, resting his chin on it. On the front legs, he looked at Daqing quietly.

Seeing this situation, both Li Baoyu and Tao Fei were stunned for a moment.

After about half an hour, Zhao Jun came over with the big yellow dog. The moment he saw Zhao Jun appear, Li Baoyu suddenly seemed to have a backbone and ran towards Zhao Jun.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu called Zhao Jun when he was still more than ten steps away from Zhao Jun. He couldn't help but burst into tears again.

Although he may look like a young man, the hour before was the most painful hour for Li Baoyu in these nineteen years. He felt very uncomfortable without Zhao Jun by his side.

At this time, Zhao Jun's heart skipped a beat, because when he came, the first person to greet him was Li Baoyu, not Da Qing and Bai Long. Zhao Jun knew that something was wrong. Looking at Li Baoyu who was choked with excitement, Zhao Jun said nothing. Just stop and look ahead.

At this time, Dahuang, who had been following Zhao Jun, ran two steps and came to Li Baoyu. After being scratched on the back by the black bear, it could not stand up and pick off Li Baoyu's trouser legs, so it could only use its head to rub Li Baoyu's legs. rub.

"Rhubarb..." Li Baoyu saw that Rhubarb was wrapped in a bandage, and hurriedly knelt down and hugged it.

Zhao Jun, on the other hand, continued to move forward.

"Brother Zhao." Tao Fei came up to him. The battle between the four hunting dogs and the wild boar had frightened him, but now that he thought about it, Tao Fei found it quite exciting.

Zhao Jun nodded at him, and then moved his eyes to the side. At this time, he saw the white dragon struggling to get up, and the little bear and little flower lying on the side wagging their tails at him.

Finally, Zhao Jun's eyes fell on Hua Xiao'er and Da Qing, who was motionless beside him.

"Baoyu." Zhao Jun called Li Baoyu and said, "Come, come here."

Li Baoyu let go of Dahuang, then stood up and hurried to Zhao Jun's side. Seeing Zhao Jun looking at Daqing's body, Li Baoyu choked and said, "Brother, I'm sorry..."

Before Li Baoyu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Jun, who asked: "Is it a wild boar? Or a blind bear?"

"Wild boar." Li Baoyu replied: "A cannon egg weighing more than three hundred kilograms."

As soon as he said the weight and the second he said it was a boar, Zhao Jun understood in his heart.

He nodded, looked around, and asked Li Baoyu: "Where is the wild boar? Which way did it go?"

Li Baoyu raised his arm, pointed to the west, and said to Zhao Jun: "Move the post to the west."

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded anyway, and then said to Li Baoyu: "Baoyu, find a pine tree and help me bury the big green under it. Then, you and Tao Fei, you two will take care of these dogs." . I think they can all walk, so I lead them back slowly."

Li Baoyu heard the implication of Zhao Jun's words and did not agree. Instead, he asked first: "What about you?"

"I'll chase him and have a look." Zhao Jun said, "You picked my dog, you can't let it go like this."

With that said, Zhao Jun started to walk up. This time he didn't even plan to take Hua Xiao'er with him.

This wild boar had just been surrounded by dogs. As a result, it would not stop until it ran to feed at about three o'clock in the afternoon.

And in this way, it would be very difficult for Zhao Jun to catch it. It would be easier if there was a dog chasing ahead.

But Zhao Jun knew that Hua Xiaoer was tired. Yesterday and today, it went up the mountain for two consecutive days. Yesterday I hunted two wild boars, and today I hunted a black bear. I'm afraid Hua Xiao'er doesn't have much energy anymore.

You know, the wild boar has just been here fighting with four dogs for a long time. The scent left by the wild boar is everywhere, and those footprints are still new. It is really easy for Hua Xiao'er to follow them.

But at this moment, Hua Xiao'er was lying here motionless, which means he couldn't run.

Seeing Zhao Jun about to leave, Bai Long staggered towards him, but Zhao Jun ignored him. At this time, Li Baoyu whistled repeatedly to stop Bai Long.

Zhao Jun didn't look at Daqing either, but when he was really about to leave, he paused and turned around to take a look.

About a hundred meters away, Da Qing could no longer be seen clearly. All he could see was a strong Da Qing dog lying on the snow.

But this also made Zhao Jun's heart feel as if someone had pinched it with a hand, and then he felt a little heavy in his heart, his nostrils swelled slightly, and he felt a little sore. Immediately afterwards, my eyes felt a little warm.

No matter how stubborn and strong a hunter is, he will cry when he sees his hunting dog die.

Moreover, the relationship between the hunter and the hunting dog is very delicate.

Daqing was brought home by him from Yongshengtun and has been at home for more than half a year. There is already a relationship between man and dog.

Zhao Jun did not go over to take a last look at Daqing, because he knew that if he went over, he would definitely cry.

He didn't go there because he was afraid of being embarrassed by crying in front of others. In the eyes of besiegers, it has never been a shame for a hunter to cry for his hunting dog.

It's just that he still has to chase the wild boar and avenge Daqing, so he can't delay.

So Zhao Jun turned back, took a long breath, followed the wild boar's footprints, and chased him out.

When this wild boar walked, it was unusual. It does not choose a good path to walk, nor does it climb up the mountain along the beam, but moves sideways on the entire hillside.

This is what Li Baoyu said just now.

Walking like this is not easy for pigs, and it is even more difficult for people, especially when there is snow on the hillside.

Just when Zhao Jun was about to take a tentative step, a black shadow suddenly flashed past him.

Zhao Jun took a look and saw Hua Xiaoer running quickly to the top of the mountain.

Zhao Jun's heart moved, and he quickly gave up his plan to move across the post, and instead chased Hua Xiaoer.

Dogs can smell things that humans can't.

Hua Xiao'er must have smelled the scent of the wild boar, and then took a shortcut and chased it out.

As for why it went from being too tired to get up to starting to chase the wild boar, Zhao Jun did not consider the reason here. At this time, he wanted to catch up with Hua Xiaoer and the wild boar as soon as possible to avenge Daqing. , and try to avoid Hua Xiaoer getting hurt.

That wild boar, after killing Daqing and injuring Bailong and Xiaoxiong, moved across the hillock for more than a hundred meters. It found it difficult to walk, so it changed its route and headed towards the top of the mountain.

Waiting for it to go up, then go down the opposite hillside, enter the ditch and pond, and then go up to the opposite hillock.

It kept walking. As Zhao Jun knew, this wild boar would run until after three o'clock in the afternoon, and it would stop looking for food until it was time for dinner.

It's just that although the wild boar has been running, its speed is much slower than when it first left the battlefield.

After all, it would be too much for him to keep running like that.

But just as they were going up the hillside, a barking sound suddenly came from the wild boar's ears.

At this time, the wild boar had just experienced a dog attack and was already considered a dog hound. It was already experienced and confident when facing hunting dogs.

But when it heard the dog barking, its first reaction was to run.

Therefore, even though the barking of the dog reminded it of those annoying guys just now, it did not turn around to attack Hua Xiaoer, but followed its instinct and continued to escape.

Just as the wild boar was running up the slope, Hua Xiaoer came down from the hill opposite it, crossed the ditch and pond, and then went up the slope.

When he was still about a hundred meters away from the wild boar, Hua Xiaoer started sprinting. When the wild boar came close, Hua Xiaoer pounced on it and took a bite.

This bite was right on the two big egg bags behind the wild boar's butt.

Moreover, Hua Xiaoer took two eggs into his mouth in one gulp, and the two eggs rolled between his canine teeth. No matter how hard the wild boar was, it couldn't bear it.

"Aww..." the wild boar screamed, trying not to turn around and fight.

The wild boar suddenly turned around and swung its butt to the left, almost knocking off Hua Xiaoer who was biting behind it.

Hua Xiaoer quickly let go and fell aside.

"Ouch..." Hua Xiao'er bit it, and the wild boar howled; Hua Xiao'er let go, but the wild boar still screamed.

Because the place where Hua Xiao'er bit her was so... immoral!

If it is bitten elsewhere, such as the ear, front elbow, or hind leg, the wild boar can shake it hard and throw the dog away and it will be fine.

But when the wild boar was bitten at that spot, even if the wild boar threw Hua Xiao'er away, during the swing, Hua Xiao'er's whole body weight was pulling on the wild boar's balls. Wouldn't it hurt even more?

Blood flowed from the back of the wild boar.

It is said that the skin of the wild boar is raw, and at this time, the skin of the wild boar is raw, and one of the eggs has fallen.

This is so painful that the wild boar is in pain.

"Woof! Woof!"

At this time, Hua Xiao'er was standing there, barking at the wild boar.

It nodded its head, spread its hooves, and rushed towards Hua Xiao'er.

I swear to avenge the egg-ripping revenge!

But Hua Xiao'er has experienced hundreds of battles and has dug out countless eggs over the years. How could he be hit by it?

When the wild boar was still three or four meters away from Hua Xiao'er, Hua Xiao'er jumped to the side, avoiding the wild boar's attack, and quickly moved around behind the wild boar.

The wild boar charged too hard this time. Although Hua Xiao'er was not hurt, the wild boar still rushed down the slope under the influence of inertia.

At this time, Zhao Jun was on the opposite hillside and could see the next scene clearly.

He saw Hua Xiaoer chasing after him from behind again, jumping up and taking another bite.

With this mouthful, an egg entered the mouth. Hua Xiao'er swallowed it up, but saw the wild boar turn around and rush to kill it. Hua Xiao'er hurriedly spat out the egg, turned around and ran up the slope.

"Aw! Aw..." the wild boar shouted while chasing up.

"Good job." Seeing Hua Xiao'er luring the wild boar up the hillside, Zhao Jun secretly cheered.

Although this way, the wild boar is getting farther and farther away from Zhao Jun, instead of moving towards Zhao Jun.

But Zhao Jun knew that this was the best choice for Hua Xiaoer.

Because when going uphill, there are few dense forests, and the trees are sparse. When a dog fights with a wild boar, it can avoid getting hurt easily.

But if you want to go downhill to the ditch and pond, it is too noisy down there, with countless real needle shrubs. If the wild boar picks out the dog, the dog will easily be unable to avoid it and will be injured.

And Zhao Jun knew better that Hua Xiaoer was not a little flower and would not keep running away.

Sure enough, Hua Xiaoer led the wild boar and ran up for more than ten meters, then ducked to the side.

The wild boar had no target in front of it, but it kept running up the slope without changing its direction.

At this time, the wild boar has given up and no longer intends to chase Hua Xiaoer. As long as Hua Xiaoer does not trouble it, it will be satisfied.

But the wild boar didn't go very far, and Hua Xiaoer followed up again, taking another bite at the last egg hanging behind the wild boar.

The wild boar howled, turned around and killed it again.

Hua Xiaoer led the wild boar downhill again, about ten meters downhill, then stepped aside and let the wild boar rush downhill.

Then, Hua Xiaoer chased from behind and took out again.

Hua Xiao'er bit him again, and the wild boar felt heartbreaking pain and howled again.

This time, it got scared. It didn't want to turn around and chase Hua Xiao'er again. It just wanted to run.

So, it rushed straight to the bottom of the ditch and pond.

But it wants to leave now, but it can't.

Hua Xiaoer turned back and ran for two steps. When he saw that the wild boar was not chasing him, he caught up with the wild boar again.

After catching up, there was another bite.

This time, the only remaining egg of the wild boar was pulled away, and only a trace of skin was left connected to the wild boar's body.

It bullies the pig so much that it won’t work without beating it.

The wild boar turned around angrily and attacked Hua Xiao'er viciously, but when it turned around, Hua Xiao'er had already run out.

In the past, if there were other dogs around, assisting from the side, the wild boar might chase other dogs.

But today, there was no other dog, Shanhua Xiaoer himself, and it perfectly demonstrated the strength of the first dog in Yong'an Forest District.

I remember that when it was three years old, Lin Xiangshun took it into the mountains and surrounded wild boars and black bears alone in spring and autumn.

That was when Hua Xiaoer was at his peak.

Now the dog is old.

A dog that is surrounded by dogs bleeds and is injured every year. It is very rare for a dog to live to be six years old.

And Hua Xiaoer is seven years old this year.

When Hua Xiaoer gave way to the wild boar again, pulled the only remaining egg from the wild boar, and then led the wild boar downhill, the old dog's physical strength was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, Zhao Jun arrived at this time.

The moment he saw Zhao Jun, Hua Xiaoer stopped, turned around, and opened his mouth to bark at the wild boar that was charging towards him.

"Woof! Woof!" Hua Xiao'er opened his mouth and white air came out with the cry.

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