The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 418 Dog! help me! (More thanks to nono97 for painting this book)

While Zhao Jun was talking to Yang Yufeng, Zhang Yuanmin ran out of the yard with a No. 16 shotgun in both hands.

Arriving in front of Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin pushed forward with a shotgun and said: "Brother, here you go."

At this time, Zhao Jun didn't care about taking care of the black tiger anymore. He loosened it. When the black tiger's front legs fell to the ground, Zhao Jun lightly kicked it on the buttocks and said: "Go back!"

The black tiger held its tail between its legs and ran towards home with small steps. But as soon as it ran two or three meters, it stopped and looked back at Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Jun didn't pay attention to it. He just picked up the gun and took a look in the distance.

There are two types of No. 16 shotguns, one with long sight and the other with short sight.

Zhang Yuanmin's gun was a long-sighted gun. It had some problems before, but after Zhao Jun recalibrated the gun for him, he also replaced the firing pin and spring. Now there is nothing wrong with this gun except that it is old.

"Where are the bullets?" Zhao Jun put the gun on his shoulder and went to Zhang Yuanmin for the bullets, but found that Zhang Yuanmin was no longer with him.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yuanmin was seen running out of the courtyard carrying a big axe. When he came in front of Zhao Jun again, Zhang Yuanmin grabbed a handful of bullets from his pocket, handed it to Zhao Jun and said, "Brother, I'll go with you!"

Zhao Jun took the bullet and asked, "Brother, are you not afraid anymore?"

"Afraid!" Zhang Yuanmin swallowed, but raised his neck and said, "Then I have to go with you!"

"Yes, brother!" Yang Yufeng answered from the side and said, "Let your eldest brother go with you so that we can take care of each other."

Zhao Jun glanced at Zhang Yuanmin and saw that he nodded firmly to him, so he immediately agreed.

No matter how capable you are, you rarely hunt a bear alone. Bring a helper, there will always be someone to take care of you in times of crisis.

There was no dog around today, and Zhao Jun was afraid of danger. Moreover, Zhao Jun could trust Zhang Yuanmin as a person. Therefore, since Zhang Yuanmin wants to follow, Zhao Jun will leave it up to him.

So, Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin went to the southern land. Yang Yufeng also went to Nandi to break corns, but she walked slowly, so she followed far behind.

Zhao Jun had not gone far when he heard Yang Yufeng shouting from behind: "Brother! Your dog is following you!"

Zhao Jun heard the sound and wanted to look back. But just as he turned around, Black Tiger had already run past him.

Zhao Jun turned around again and saw the black tiger in front of him, jumping up and down, as if he was very excited.

"Go! Go home!" Zhao Jun raised his hand, pretending to fight, but actually wanted to drive the black tiger home.

But Black Tiger didn't listen to Zhao Jun's words, but ran forward. Its speed is extremely fast, and it can jump three or four meters away in the blink of an eye.

"What the hell..." Zhao Jun was holding his breath, but even if the black tiger only had three legs left, he couldn't catch up, so he had no choice but to let it follow.

Along the way in the southern land, Zhao Jun went straight to the corn field of his old uncle Wang Qiang's family. When I came here, I saw that the corn fields were falling one by one. I didn't know where to look for the black blind man.

Suddenly, the black tiger barked twice toward the south, and then ran that way with small steps.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin, who was holding a big ax, asked Zhao Jun from behind: "Brother, are you talking like a dog?"

"I don't know." Looking at Black Tiger's shaking steps, Zhao Jun was speechless. If you want to say that it has a voice, it is different from other dogs. Because, as long as other dogs make a sound, they will run away. But if you want to say that it didn't make a sound, it still barked.

In desperation, Zhao Jun could only point to the south and said to Zhang Yuanmin: "Let's go, brother, follow over there and see what's going on."

After saying that, Zhao Jun took the gun off his shoulder, held it in his hand, and walked forward quickly. But as the black tiger burrowed into the corn bushes, Zhao Jun lost sight of it.

After passing through a bush of corn, he found that all the corn in front of him had fallen down again. When Zhao Jun came forward, he saw corn stalks lying on the ground, and on the ground, on the corn leaves, and on the corn stalks, There's green shit everywhere!

Zhao Jun pointed to the filth around him and said to Zhang Yuanmin: "That black blind man will die with myrrh!"

"How is that possible?" Zhang Yuanmin stepped forward to take a look. Monk Zhang Er said in confusion: "I heard Gu Yang talk about that... strategy yesterday. The black blind man will definitely die!"

Zhao Jun did not answer first, but just waved his hand to Zhang Yuanmin, indicating that he should continue walking forward with him, and then whispered to him: "The black blind man is different from the other mountain animals. The big ones with big claws will fall down after eating the medicine beans." He will fall, but the black blind man will not fall."

At this point, seeing Zhang Yuanmin's expression of disbelief, Zhao Jun said again: "Brother, let me tell you, the courage of a blind man is more courageous than that of a bear."

What Zhao Jun said is true. When the state-owned store at Yamashita collects bear bile, the price per gram of black bear bile is higher than that of brown bear bile. But generally brown bear gallbladders are big and heavy. Many brown bear gallbladders are always facing up when they are first taken out.

The reason why black bear bile is expensive is its medicinal effect. It cures children's rashes and gums in their eyes, almost all of which are cured by the medicine.

Moreover, it has the effect of detoxification. Potassium and aluminum cyanate can seal the throat when blood is seen. But if you want to bring down a three hundred kilogram black bear, you have to use twice the amount of six hundred kilograms of red deer.

For mountain people, the use of bear bile is nothing more than rashes and eye diseases in children. Over time, few of them remember that bear bile can detoxify.

Just like Gu Yang and Zhang Yuanmin, they only know that bear bile is valuable, but they don't know its true function.

Therefore, Gu Yang suffered.

At this time, where Zhao Jun was, two miles south, Gu Yang was running around a big tree, running as fast as he could.


Behind him, a black bear was chasing after him with staggering steps.

Yesterday at noon, after Gu Yang came out of Zhang Yuanmin's house, he took a dead pheasant to Nan Dadi and stuffed the medicinal beans into the pheasant's belly. Then, he wrapped the pheasant around a wooden stick about one meter above the ground, just like a bomb.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Gu Yang came out of the thatched house where he was keeping watch with a knife in hand, and quietly touched the area adjacent to Wang Qiang's cornfield. Then, vaguely, Gu Yang heard the screams of a blind man not far away.

Gu Yang was surprised at that time because he had heard someone say that if a big man ate the medicinal beans, he would die immediately. So he didn't understand why the black blind man wouldn't die after eating it?

But Gu Yang heard that the blind man's cry was very painful, so he immediately stayed there, waiting for the blind man to die among the corn bushes.

But this time, it was almost three o'clock.

Gu Yang didn't feel relieved until he couldn't hear the blind man calling anymore. But for the sake of safety, he waited there for about ten minutes before starting to walk towards the place where the cry had just come from.

When he arrived at the open area, Gu Yang saw that the black blind man had knocked down a large area of ​​corn around him, and there was also loose feces all over the ground.

Gu Yang thought, this black blind man should be struggling to his death, and he should be dead not far away by now. So, Gu Yang walked south along the path that Heixiazi had made through the corn field.

Gu Yang kept going south. Not long after he left the southern land, he saw a mountain farm in front of him.

Gu Yang thought for a while, he didn't dare to go into the mountain. He thought that the blind man might have died nearby, so he scratched the grass with his knife.

He guessed right, the black blind man was lying in the grass, but he was not dead!

Just when Gu Yang was still three or four meters away from it, the blind man suddenly appeared and rushed towards Gu Yang.

The moment he saw the blind man, Gu Yang was frightened, but he subconsciously raised his knife and stabbed him.

The black bear, on the other hand, swung his palm and sent the knife flying away, knocking Gu Yang back.

The young man was in such good health that Gu Yang rolled on the spot, climbed up and ran around a big tree.

If he runs, the black blind man will chase him!

Gu Yang ran slower and slower, but the black blind man couldn't run fast at all because of his physical weakness. But even so, Hei Xiazi's physical strength was much better than Gu Yang's.

Because there was no paving in advance, the tree was surrounded by new branches protruding from its roots. Gu Yang's feet stumbled and he fell heavily to the ground, scratching his face all at once.

But before Gu Yang could think of anything else, he smelled a gust of fishy wind blowing down his nose. He rolled on the ground and found himself in front of the big tree he had just circled to escape. And the black bear, which had just pounced in vain, was heading back here.

At the time of crisis, Gu Yang remembered that yesterday when he was at Zhang Yuanmin's house, he heard Zhang Yuanmin talk about how he saved the day when he missed the first time he killed Heixiazicang.

Thinking of this, Gu Yang hugged the tree and climbed up the tree. He wanted to climb to a height of five meters above the ground, so that he could lure the black bear up the tree.

Then he jumped from the bottom of the tree to the bottom of the tree. After all, when a black bear goes down a tree, it also moves down with its head up and its butt down. If you jump quickly, after landing safely, the black bear will still be in the tree and has not come down.

In this way, wouldn't you be able to escape?

But as soon as Gu Yang climbed up the tree, he looked down and saw the black bear already in front of the tree. A pair of front paws were resting on the trunk, trying to climb up.

Before Gu Yang had time to rejoice, when his eyes glanced at the ground, he suddenly remembered something. It was winter for Zhang Yuanmin at that time, and there was a thick layer of snow on the mountain. Even if he jumped from a height of five meters above the ground, nothing would happen.

But where I am now is autumn. I have to climb to a height of five or six meters and jump down. If I don't fall to death, I will be crippled!

In an instant, the joy in Gu Yang's heart disappeared, leaving only misery and helplessness. For a moment, Gu Yang felt sad in his heart, and just thought: "I haven't married a wife yet, and if I die like this, I might as well step in the door."

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

At this moment, a strange cry caught Gu Yang's attention. He followed the sound and saw a big black dog running this way.

The sun, which had just risen above the horizon, shone the first ray of sunlight in the morning. The sunlight shone on the black tiger, making its smooth and smooth fur glow with light.

At this moment, the black bear also stopped climbing the tree and turned around to look at the black tiger.

For a moment, Gu Yang saw the savior and hope. He hugged the tree and shouted loudly: "Gouzi, save me quickly..."

There should be a modal particle behind Gu Yang's words. But before he could finish his sentence, Hei Hu turned around and walked back along the original path.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..." It was still the same cry, but it was different from before. What brought Gu Yang at this moment was only deep despair.

Added an updated chapter. Thanks to brother nono97 for the great drawing of Zhao Jun and Big Crotch. Hereby add a chapter as a thank you.

Thank you brothers for your support and encouragement. Thank you brothers for your rewards, subscriptions, and monthly tickets. I will update as usual in the evening.

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