The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 419: Focus on key points (make up for yesterday’s)

As soon as Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin came out of the corn field, they heard a series of dog barkings from ahead. The two were shocked and ran forward together looking for the barking dogs.

Before he could run more than 20 meters, Zhang Yuanmin was pushed further and further away by Zhao Jun, but there was nothing he could do about it, because his legs were short.

But Zhao Jun suddenly stopped and saw the black tiger galloping towards him.

In his two lifetimes of sieges, this was the first time Zhao Jun saw such a dog, barking and killing at the same time.

When Black Tiger arrived in front of Zhao Jun, he only paused for a moment. In less than a second, he turned around again and continued to run forward happily.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..."

At this time, Gu Yang, who was seven or eight hundred meters away from Zhao Jun, was crying while hugging a tree.

After the black tiger left, the black bear stopped and looked in the direction it left for a while, then looked up at Gu Yang in the tree.

The moment he met the black bear's eyes, Gu Yang's heart was filled with endless regret. If he had known this, why bother? It's better to find a good family and become a son-in-law.

The black bear under the tree felt a little uncomfortable at this time, and his internal organs felt like they were on fire. This is the sequelae of poisoning. Although the bear's bile is still detoxifying, the toxins are constantly eroding its body.

At this time, the black bear was a little confused and looked up at the tree, but the bear's eyesight was not good to begin with. After being poisoned, my vision becomes even more blurry.

"Roar..." The black bear opened his mouth and shouted casually.

But when it screamed, Gu Yang couldn't stand it anymore. Although he grew up in a mountainous area, he had never been in the mountains since he was a child. This was the first time he had seen a living black blind man.

Hearing the Black Blind Man's cry, Gu Yang felt a wave of cold air rising from the base of his tail and running up his back. Wherever he passed, goosebumps appeared along with shivers.

When the cold air hit the back of Gu Yang's neck, it instantly covered his entire brain. In an instant, Gu Yang's scalp went numb. He couldn't hold it in anymore with a cry of "ah". His crotch felt hot, and a warm current flowed down his legs. It slipped.

He peed!

The black bear under the tree felt hot liquid falling on his head, and there was a smell of irritating air coming from above.

Mountain animals are different from people, especially Heixiazi, who likes fishy, ​​fishy, ​​and stinky smells, such as rotting meat with maggots in summer, which is its favorite.

When he smelled the odor, Hei Xiazi placed his front paws on the tree trunk, kicked off his two back paws, and the whole bear climbed up the tree.

"Ah..." As soon as the black blind man climbed up, Gu Yang was frightened and howled at the top of his lungs.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..." Just when Gu Yang was desperate, a series of dog barks sounded again, and the black tiger flew towards him.

But at this time, Gu Yang only hugged the big tree and pressed his face against the tree, feeling that there was no hope in his heart.

But sometimes, hope appears in times of despair.

When the black tiger ran under the tree, he raised his head and barked towards the tree. When the black bear heard the dog barking, it stopped climbing the tree, but it had just climbed the tree and was less than two meters above the ground.

The black tiger came under the tree, turned to one side, looked up, jumped up with its hind legs, and opened its mouth to bite.

Although the black tiger is lame on one of its front legs, its hind legs are strong and it can reach the black bear with one leap.

And it is different from a normal dog. A normal dog would bite at the tree, which would bite the bear on the buttocks. But the black tiger couldn't. It leaned on the tree with its shoulders and jumped up.

So it took this bite right between the bear's legs.

This is a female black bear, but dogs are not allowed to bite in that location.

He saw the black bear stretching its neck, stretching its head and letting out a shrill scream. As soon as the bear roared, Gu Yang, who was in the tree, was trembling, crying and urinating, and almost fell from the tree.


Something did fall from the tree, but it wasn't Gu Yang, but a black bear. The pain from being clawed by the black tiger was unbearable. The black bear pushed the tree and the whole bear fell down from the tree!

As early as the black bear screamed, the black tiger ran away wagging its tail, and ran very fast, leaving behind a series of dog barks.

"Hang Ang...Hang Ang..." The black bear wanted to turn over on the ground, but his body was already very weak. It took him a long time to get up from the ground.

At this time, Zhao Jun was already three hundred meters away. He vaguely saw someone on the tree, and then heard the roar of the black bear.

And of course, there’s the black tiger’s unique cry.

Moreover, the cry is getting closer and closer.

Black Tiger ran all the way in front of Zhao Jun, circled around Zhao Jun, and then ran south again!

For a moment, Zhao Jun wanted to kill the black tiger with his gun. He didn't know what the black tiger had just done, so he just thought that this guy was doing nothing but causing trouble.

When the black bear got up from the ground, its vision was so blurred that it could not clearly see the surrounding vegetation. It only heard the annoying dog barking coming from the north, so it cautiously moved towards the north.

Three hundred meters later, the black tiger arrived quickly. It came in front of the black bear, three or four meters away, and then circled around the black bear, barking and circling.

The black bear looked up and could only see a vague figure wandering around him. It tried to pounce, but was easily dodged by the black tiger.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..." The black tiger that was attacked screamed and ran away, leaving only the black bear that jumped in the air, roaring in pain and anger.

At this time, Zhao Jun came through the grass. He did not see the black tiger, but only saw the black bear moving in circles on the ground and struggling.

Zhao Jun knew that this was the effect of potassium aluminum cyanate, but it did not prevent him from picking up the gun, aiming at the back of the black bear's head, and shot it.


A stream of blood smoke came out from the black bear's jaw. The black bear's neck was stiffened, its body paused, and then it fell straight onto the grass.

Zhao Jun cocked his gun, loaded it, closed his gun and started fighting again. Then, he fired a third shot. It wasn't until the black bear didn't move that Zhao Jun breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to step forward to check.

At this moment, the dog barked again, and the black tiger came beside Zhao Jun. It is really different from other hunting dogs. Other hunting dogs recognize guns and will pounce on their prey and bite them when they hear the sound of gunshots. But not the black tiger. It looks like it is holding a knife and fork and preparing to have a dinner.

"Brother!" Zhang Yuanmin came through the grass with a big ax in hand. He is short, and many of the grasses around him are taller than him.

Seeing the dead black bear on the ground, Zhang Yuanmin looked around and asked, "Where's Gu Yang?"

Zhao Jun took the ax from Zhang Yuanmin, pointed to the right, and said, "It's in the tree over there. Go find him."

Zhang Yuanmin took two steps to the right, looked up at the tree, and saw a man on the tree, his limbs tightly wrapped around the tree, and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

Zhao Jun first put down his ax and turned the black bear over. The blind female was not big, weighing about 200 pounds. Zhao Jun swung the ax and chopped open the lower part of her throat, and then moved the ax blade downward to break open her chest.

He came in a hurry and didn't bring an invasion knife. The ax was not as convenient as an invasion knife for disemboweling the chest, so Zhao Jun had some difficulty operating it.

While he was disemboweling the black bear, Gu Yang was sobbing and slowly coming down from the tree not far away.

When Gu Yang landed on the ground, his feet gave way and he collapsed on the ground. After surviving the disaster, he simply lay back and lay on the grass with his back stretched out.

Hearing the sound, Black Tiger stumbled over to Gu Yang, smelled the odor when he was near Gu Yang, and sniffed under Gu Yang's crotch.

"Hey!" Zhang Yuanmin on the side shouted when he saw this. Gu Yang looked up and saw that the dog's eyes were black. Although he couldn't speak, he had evil intentions.

"Go!" Gu Yang quickly sat up and reached out to push Hei Hu's head, but as soon as he pushed Hei Hu's head away, Hei Hu turned his head around again and explored his crotch.

"Get out of here!" Gu Yang's voice now sounded like he was crying. I was bullied by a black bear just now, and now I am bullied by a black tiger. What a bully!

Hearing Gu Yang's cry, Zhao Jun glanced over and shouted loudly: "Black Tiger! Come here!"

Hearing the sound, Black Tiger came running towards Zhao Jun. When Zhao Jun approached, he lay down obediently on the ground, raised his tail and wagged it fiercely.

At this time, Zhao Jun had disemboweled the black bear and removed its bile. Because he came out in a hurry and didn't bring a small cloth pocket, Zhao Jun tore open the lapel of his hurdle vest and wrapped the bear's bile in a large piece of cloth.

Zhao Jun raised his eyes and saw that Gu Yang was getting up from the ground with Zhang Yuanmin's support. But looking at his movements, he seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Jun shouted: "What's wrong with the leg?"

"It's okay!" Zhang Yuanmin responded: "I peed my pants!"

Gu Yang hurriedly pulled Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother Zhang, please keep your voice down."

"That's nothing to be afraid of." Zhang Yuanmin smiled and said, "Brother Jun is not an outsider either."

After saying that, Zhang Yuanmin walked towards Zhao Jun and asked, "Brother, how should we deal with this blind bear?"

"Throw it here first." Zhao Jun said: "We don't have a rope here, so we can't pull it back."

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, Gu Yang spoke from the side: "I got the rope!"

He wanted to kill the black bear, so how could he not bring a rope?

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun looked him up and down and asked, "Where's the rope?"

Gu Yang looked down and realized that the bag that was originally on his body had been thrown away somewhere.

"Okay!" Zhao Jun stopped Gu Yang, who was about to look around, and reached out to call him in front of him. Holding the bear gallbladder wrapped in vest cloth, he asked Gu Yang, "This is the black blind man's gallbladder. Look at it. …”

Zhao Jun stopped talking in the middle of his words, but Gu Yang understood it and said immediately: "Brother Jun, this bear's gallbladder is you..."

Speaking of this, Gu Yang saw Zhang Yuanmin beside him and quickly added: "I don't want what you and Brother Zhang have."

Zhao Jun nodded after hearing this. As long as Gu Yang has this attitude, it will be easy to handle. So, Zhao Jun said to him again: "You were the one who cured this black blind man. Without you, I wouldn't be able to fight him."

Then, Zhao Jun looked at Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother, I'll give you one-fifth. The remaining four-fifths will be divided between Gu Yang and I."

"Okay!" Zhang Yuanmin said with a smile: "Brother, you make the decision!"

Zhao Jun nodded and said to Gu Yang, "Let's go back, wash up, change into a pair of pants, and then go to my house."

As he said that, Zhao Jun pointed at the black bear lying on the ground and said, "I'll find a car in a moment and take this black blind man to my house. When you're done, you go to my house and take back some more meat."

"Yeah!" Gu Yang listened and listened, tears came down again, and while crying, he choked and said: "I can get a wife this time."

When Gu Yang was desperate in the tree just now, he thought that he could break in the door upside down. Now when he heard that Zhao Jun was going to give him bear bile, hope suddenly ignited in his heart.

"What?" Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin looked at each other, thinking that they didn't say anything just now. What does it have to do with him marrying a wife?

Zhao Jun shook his head, handed the gun and ax to Zhang Yuanmin, and then walked towards the village. In the morning, Lin Xiangshun was at home and asked him to drive out and pull the black blind man back.

But he took two steps forward, but he didn't see the black tiger following him. When he looked back, he saw the black tiger still lying next to the blind man, wagging his tail and looking at him.

"Hei Hu! Let's go!" Zhao Jun called Hei Hu.

"Aw! Aw!" Black Tiger agreed twice.

"Let's go! Go home!" Zhao Jun shouted again angrily.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Black Tiger responded twice more.

"If you don't leave, just stay here!" Zhao Jun got angry and turned around to leave, thinking in his mind that once he left, Black Tiger would definitely have to follow Lai.

But what he didn't expect was that the black tiger still "ouched" twice, and then lay down in front of the dead black bear, motionless.

At this time, Zhao Jun remembered that when he led the black tiger hunting for the first time, the dog was kicked by a deer and his leg was broken, and he did not forget to eat it.

Besides, I wasn’t injured today.

Zhao Jun didn't go to drag the black tiger, since he would have to come back soon anyway, so he returned to the village with Zhang Yuanmin and Gu Yang.

Back in the village, Gu Yang went home to change his pants, while Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin came to Lin Xiangshun's house.

After Lin Xiangshun got in the car, he suddenly said to Zhao Jun when he started the car: "Xiaojun, this new Director Dou is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

"Ah!" Zhao Jun responded casually, and then the car quickly left the village and arrived at the place.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Lin Xiangshun was startled by Black Tiger as soon as he got out of the car.

Zhao Jun came forward and kicked Black Tiger on the butt. Black Tiger nimbly dodged and almost dodged Zhao Jun.

Lin Xiangshun and Zhang Yuanmin, with quick hands and quick eyes, supported Zhao Jun on the left and right respectively. Lin Xiangshun asked with a smile: "Xiao Jun, why did you hit the dog?"

Zhao Jun pointed at the black tiger and said to Lin Xiangshun, "It killed our big rooster this morning."

"Tsk!" When Lin Xiangshun heard this, he slapped his mouth and said, "This is a bit outrageous, but it has just finished its work for us, so you can't hit it now."

"It did a shitty job!" When he mentioned this, Zhao Jun became even more angry. He didn't know that Black Tiger had just exerted force, and he just thought that this guy would turn back and run away. He immediately said angrily: "What the hell is it?" I didn’t do anything, I just made trouble!”

"Okay, brother, calm down." Zhang Yuanmin advised from the side: "Let's hurry up and get this black blind man back. The bear's gall still needs to be cleaned up."

Upon hearing Zhang Yuanmin talking about this, Zhao Jun realized what he was doing and got the black bear into the car with Lin Xiangshun and Zhang Yuanmin.

As soon as he saw the black bear getting into the car, the black tiger tried to climb up the car, wanting to be with the meat. But one of its front paws was bent irregularly, and it couldn't climb up the car without the strength.

"Xiaojun, give it a tug."

When Lin Xiangshun asked him to put the black tiger into the car, Zhao Jun glared at the black tiger and said angrily: "Ignore it, let it run with the car!"

This chapter is a make-up from yesterday and will be updated as normal tonight.

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