The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 533 Battle in the Sow Forest (Part 1)

There is a wild boar forest in "Water Margin", and there is such a sow forest in Yong'an Forest District.

This forest is not small. The mountains are large hills in the north and south, nearly twenty miles from south to north, and there are many oak trees on the hills. And going down the hillside, it's all Qiuzitang.

Qiuzi is a kind of dried fruit that looks very similar to walnuts, so it is called pecan by Northeastern people.

The fruit of the oak tree is called acorn, which looks a bit like a hazelnut. Some people say it can be eaten, while others say it cannot.

But wild boar can certainly eat it.

Boars can eat acorns and walnuts. Therefore, this mountain farm provides abundant food for wild boars.

If you have enough food, you will naturally gain weight. Therefore, a big pig comes out of this sow forest. According to Xu Changlin, since their generation, all the large sow wild boars they have seen and been surrounded by came from this mountain farm.

The large female wild boars that people in Dawei call must weigh upwards of 350 kilograms, nearly 400 kilograms.

You know, it's very common for male wild boars to reach this weight. Even the pig god hunted by Zhao Jun weighed over a thousand.

But there are very few female wild boars that can weigh three hundred kilograms even if they catch a whole autumn of fat.

When Zhao Jun and Xu Changlin were chatting in Xing San's cellar during the lynx hunt, Xu Changlin said that one autumn, the harvest of various dried fruits in the mountains was particularly good.

At this time of year, Qin Qiang's father shot a female wild boar in that mountain farm and brought it back to the village, weighing more than 350 kilograms.

A few days later, Xu Changlin also hunted a female wild boar in that mountain farm, and it was bigger than the one Qin Qiang and his father had hunted, weighing more than 370 kilograms.

Only one day later, Zhao Dazhu, Zhao Jun's father, still shot a female wild boar weighing nearly 390 kilograms in that mountain field, and it was disemboweled with three fingers of fat.

Since then, people in eight villages in ten miles have called this place Sow Forest.

Later, when the Dawei people went hunting here, they discovered that not only did the mountain farm produce large female wild boars, but also large solitary pigs.

No matter how big a female wild boar is, her canine teeth are not exposed outside her mouth, so the degree of danger is limited. But the big ones are cannon eggs, weighing four to five hundred kilograms, seven or eight hundred kilograms, which is scary.

Therefore, if you want to come to this sow forest to fight, you must have the ability.

Today, Zhao Jun named him and wanted to go to the Sow Forest. According to what he said, he wanted to train the dogs under his command.

As for the dogs in the car, he and Li Baoyu were the two. There are eleven dogs in total. Excluding the two puppies, Qinglong and Black Dragon, even if there are nine remaining dogs, it is not a big deal to go out together in battle.

After all, life is not easy these days, and not everyone can afford to keep a dog at home.

The more dogs there are, the more this is true.

Therefore, at this time, a person who hunts dogs is considered a wealthy family if he has four hunting dogs at home.

As for Zhao Jun and his dog gang, there are eleven dogs. Walking down the slope from the mountain, it is really impressive. If they swarmed up, they once pulled down a black blind man who was about to climb a tree.

In addition, Zhao Jun never loses control, and the morale of the Dog Gang is also good. It can be said that as long as he is around, Big Fat and they will work hard.

But to say how tough this dog gang is, it’s not necessarily clear.

He also said that Big Fatty, Three Fatty, Cat and Wolf, although they are no longer naughty now, they have moved up in battle. But it is very difficult to correct some of the problems developed from the beginning. This is true for people, let alone dogs?

Then there is the black tiger. This dog is quite special. You may say that it is good, but it is different from other dogs. But you may say that it is not good. It is quite aggrieved. After all, it has made great contributions to Zhao Jun.

As for Xiaohua and Bailong, they are very hardworking dogs, but Xiaohua's hard work is that there must be a bear in front.

In comparison, Bailong is much stronger than Xiaohua. Especially since it followed Zhao Jun, it rarely missed a beat.

It's just that they are still young and have little experience.

In this dog gang, the only tough dogs are Little Bear and Big Yellow. One is the leader and the other is the helper.

The only fly in the ointment is that both dogs are quite old.

Over the past six months, Zhao Jun's conditions have gotten better and better, and his family can afford the daily expenses of these dogs.

Therefore, Zhao Jun's dog gang is getting bigger and bigger. But since Hua Xiao'er left, the dog gang had only fought one time with the jackals, which was considered a tough battle.

The damage that jackals can do to dogs is far less than that of wild boars and black bears. It is enough to see how quickly these dogs recover from their injuries after fighting with jackals.

If Zhao Jun wants to train dogs, he must first train a group of tough dogs.

It's fall, a great time to walk your dog. If you take the dog out for a walk at this time, you can keep it around until next summer.

So, Zhao Jun led the dog gang and went straight to the sow forest.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and Zhao Jun asked Zhang Yuanmin to stay in the car and look at things, mainly at the cage of squirrels on the trunk. As for why Zhang Yuanmin was taken, it was because he couldn't run fast.

Then, Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Jie Chen carried guns and dogs into the mountain.

As soon as they entered the mountain field, Little Bear, Little Flower, Big Fatty, Black Tiger, Green Dragon, Black Dragon and White Dragon disappeared immediately.

Among these seven dogs, there are current top dogs and future top dogs. As for Xiaohua, she has recently shown her potential as a top dog, especially when it comes to finding roe deer.

As for the white dragon, it is a tough beast with a slide, and its range of activities is within 200 meters of its owner.

Even closer than its range of activities are Dahuang, Huatao, Hualang and Sanpang. These four are pure help dogs.

Entering the mountain from Qiuzitang, Zhao Jun followed the old method and prepared to grab the gangliangzi and take the dog up the mountain. If you walk like this, if there are wild boars on the hillsides or ditches on both sides, the leading dog will be able to smell it.

Not long after we went up the mountain, the black tiger and the little bear both screamed and went straight up the beam. As soon as they barked, the other hounds set off one after another, and the gang roared out.

When Zhao Jun and others were below, they saw the dog gang rushing straight to the mountain to kill.

"Brother Jun!" Jie Chen took off his gun and said with a smile: "The fight today was really cool. As soon as we entered the mountain, the dog started barking."

At this time, Li Baoyu also took the barrel gun in his hand. After listening to Jie Chen's words, he replied: "Brother, you are still inexperienced. We have all told you that after the Beginning of Autumn, the wild boars will be put down at the foot of the mountain. On."

"Ah!" Jie Chen suddenly realized, but he also remembered that Zhao Jun had actually told him this. It’s just that there is only theory but no actual practice. When something happens, you can’t think of it.

"Baoyu!" Zhao Jun said from the side: "You exchange guns with Jie Chen, you use a semi-automatic to chase him away!"

Li Baoyu was startled when he heard this, but since it was Zhao Jun who spoke, Li Baoyu didn't say much. He just agreed, exchanged guns with Jie Chen, and ran up with big strides.

Li Baoyu is famous for climbing mountains. As he was marching, he held a gun in one hand and a tree in the other to use his strength to keep pushing his body upwards.

This scene left Jie Chen dumbfounded.

"Let's hurry up!" Zhao Jun called to Jie Chen, and they both quickened their pace and walked up.

While he had enough energy, Jie Chen found an opportunity to ask Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, why did you let me, Brother Li, go first?"

Zhao Jun said: "If a dog chases a pig from uphill to downhill, he will probably be able to catch it. But if he chases it from downhill to uphill, he will probably not be able to catch it. Now it is an uphill slope. If the dog is left behind by the pig, people will arrive. If you don’t, it’s easy to hurt the dog!”

Just as Jie Chen was about to ask something, a mountain wind blew down on him, bringing with it the sound of dogs barking.

At this time, near the tip of the post, Black Tiger and White Dragon caught up with the wild boar first.

If we look for the source, these two are just a bunch of misunderstandings! There is no doubt about their speed.

Bailong forcibly accelerated and intercepted the wild boar head on. As soon as the wild boar stopped, a little bear jumped up from behind the wild boar and gave the wild boar a small leg.

This is a male wild boar, also known as a cannon egg, weighing upwards of 500 kilograms. The pig's hooves are as big as a cow's hooves, and its body is like a door fan. The little bear dug into its leg, and the wild boar turned around to avoid the black tiger's bite, then turned and rushed towards the black tiger.

The black tiger turned and ran away, while the wild boar took advantage of the situation and dived down the mountain. At this time, the little bear was leading the dog gang up, but was rushed by the wild boar and fled in all directions.

The wild boar came down the mountain and the first thing he saw was the little bear, so he chased the little bear on the hillside. The little bear nimbly turned around the tree, but the wild boar walked in a straight line across the hills, with the big yellow and white dragon chasing after it.

The little bear went around in a circle, barking and chasing the wild boar. Other dogs heard the barking and came from all directions.

The wild boar ran across the hill for 180 meters, then went up again. It quickly climbed over the top of the hill and turned from uphill to downhill.

Four figures passed by the wild boar, headed by the white dragon, the big fat one, the tabby cat, and the tabby wolf. They quickly passed the wild boar. Twenty meters away in front of the wild boar, the big fat one turned around and barked "woof, woof", and the other three The dogs stopped one after another, turned around, and growled at the wild boar.

At this time, Dahuang and Sanpang were on the left and right of the wild boar, and Black Tiger, Little Bear, Xiaohua, Qinglong, and Black Dragon were following behind the wild boar.

There were four dogs blocking the road in front of him, but the wild boar was not afraid and ran down without stopping.

A big wild boar weighing more than 500 kilograms, with bristles standing upright and a windy body! Not only like a hill, but also like the iron pulley, it crashed down with an unstoppable force!

Big Fatty, White Dragon, Tabby Cat, and Flowered Wolf, who collided head-on with the wild boar, saw that the wild boar was not stopping and hurriedly dodged left and right.

Four head-on dogs failed to stop the wild boar! The other dogs did not dare to pounce on the wild boar.

But the hounds did not let go of the wild boar and continued to chase.

Just like that, the wild boar took the lead, leading eleven dogs, and rushed down the ditch and pond with billowing smoke and scattered fallen leaves.

At the bottom of the ditch and pond, Big Fatty led the white dragon, the tabby cat, and the tabby wolf to meet him again. This time, the wild boar finally stopped.

The moment the wild boar stopped, Bai Long stepped forward and was about to bite him. The wild boar stuck out its snout at Bai Long, and Bai Long quickly pulled away.

At this time, Rhubarb bit the Haraba on the left side of the wild boar, which had the first lower mouth. The tabby cat moved forward and bit the ear on the left side of the wild boar.

At the same time, the little bear bit the wild boar's right calf. Seeing the little bear's mouth, Xiaohua was about to attack, but when the wild boar raised its head to the left, forcing the tabby cat to retreat, and then shook its body, the big yellow couldn't hold the wild boar and was forced to let go.

The wild boar turned around, dust flew into the air, and the pig's hooves stepped on the fallen leaves, making a rustling sound.

The wild boar turned around in a big circle, and the dog gang dispersed. The wild boar rushed towards the big fat man who was about to attack it. The big fat man hurriedly retreated, and the wild boar took the opportunity to run up the mountain.

The wild boar ran away, and the dog gang chased it again.

From the time the dog gang encountered the wild boar, they had traveled five miles, and the wild boar did not stand still for more than a few minutes.

This group of dogs, during this process, barely left a nest for the wild boar under the ditch and pond. But he didn't even stop for a minute before the wild boar ran away.

Zhao Jun was still worried about hurting the dogs, but he didn't know that his dogs didn't even have a chance to be hurt.

This is why Zhao Jun wants to train his dogs. These dogs are good at fighting with favorable winds, but not when faced with tough battles. The only ones who dared to take the first bite were Little Bear, Rhubarb and White Dragon.

This wild boar must be Gouleuzi. Just now, he was almost surrounded by the dog gang under the ditch and pond. Now he is running for his life.

On the way up the mountain, Big Fat organized Bailong, Huamao, and Hualang to intercept them several times, but they were all scattered by wild boars.

When the wild boar reached the top of the post again, it had already killed eight miles away.

If an ordinary dog ​​gang had pursued them here, they would have retreated. But this group of dogs is neither tough nor tough, but with the little bear and the black tiger taking the lead, they are really persistent in chasing the pig.

In this way, the dog gang chased the wild boar over the hillocks and down the mountains, and then rushed down the ditches and ponds.

From the moment Little Bear and Black Tiger discovered the wild boar was making noise to now, the dog gang has been chasing the wild boar for ten miles!

At this distance, not even the Mountain Buckthorn and Baoyu could catch up, let alone Zhao Jun and Jie Chen!

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