The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 534 Battle in the Sow Forest (Part 2)

The wild boar in autumn is full of energy and can run well, which Zhao Jun had expected. That's why he left Zhang Yuanmin to look at the car.

But what Zhao Jun didn't expect was that this wild boar couldn't run away.

The most important reason why it can run so well, besides its abundant physical strength, is that this wild boar is timid!

Just like Big Fatty, Tabby Cat and the four others who had just arrived in Zhao Jun's hands, they were timid in the face of battle because they had suffered losses before.

Facts have proved that being timid can save you a lot of losses.

An ordinary big boar has a strong temper and a fierce temper. When surrounded by hunting dogs, it will start to fight with the dogs. Anyone who fights sieges knows that the more horizontal a wild boar is, the shorter its life will be.

Because there is a person behind the dog, and the dog relies on the power of the person. Even if they can't hold the cannon eggs for the time being, when the hunter arrives and the bullets come out of the chamber, no matter how powerful the cannon eggs are, the moment they hear the sound of the gunshot, they will either die or become cowardly.

This wild boar had been hunted before and escaped from the muzzle of a gun or a dog's mouth. During the hunt, it was called a gun leaker or a dog leaker.

Wild boars that have experienced life and death will be afraid of being surrounded by dogs. If they encounter this situation again, they will run as fast as they can.

Just like this wild boar, running over mountains and hills, almost non-stop, running hard. But it has to be said that under the previous ditch and pond, the wild boars gave the dog gang a chance, but they were useless.

If they could capture the wild boar under that ditch and pond, they would definitely be able to catch it with Li Baoyu's foot power.

But now, even if they capture the wild boar, Li Baoyu will not be able to survive in a short time.

At this time, the wild boar rushed down the hillside and entered the second ditch and pond. There are still autumn trees here, the pond is quite clear, and there are few messy needle poles.

So, the Dog Gang gets a second chance!

The white dragon instantly stood in front of the wild boar, raised his head and roared viciously at the wild boar twice. The wild boar slowed down, and the big fat, tabby cat, and tabby wolf stopped in front of the wild boar one after another.

Seeing this, the wild boar quickly turned around, just as the three fat men came from the right, and almost collided with the wild boar.

The third fat man suddenly braked and barked at the wild boar as if he was frightened!

Just as the wild boar was about to charge at San Pang, he felt pain in his left elbow and the rhubarb was swallowed!

The first one to take a bite was Huamao, Hualang and Sanpang. The three of them were faster than Big Fat and White Dragon, and they swarmed up in an instant.

At this time, the wild boar was tilting its head to the left, trying to poke the rhubarb with its teeth, but the right pig ear was grabbed by the flower wolf. The next second, Haraba on the right was bitten by San Fatty again.

The wild boar ignored Rhubarb and tilted its head to the right, trying to get rid of the wolf biting its ears. But as soon as the pig's mouth turned forward, the tabby cat jumped up, opened its mouth and grabbed the wild boar's left ear.

The wild boar pounced on its head, only to feel a black shadow coming down on its head. The big fat man bit the wild boar's nose and pushed it down violently.

At the same time, Little Bear, Little Flower, and Black Tiger all started to bite. Little Bear and Little Flower bit the wild boar's hind thighs one on the left and the other on the right. The Black Tiger put his mouth under the wild boar's crotch, trying to take out the pig gun, but unexpectedly he bit him. On the lining of the wild boar's thigh.

For a time, only White Dragon, Green Dragon and Black Dragon were left watching the battle. But the difference is that Qinglong and Black Dragon did not dare to step forward, but Bailong was a little confused. It is a dog with pliers and usually bites wild boar ears. Today is a step too late. The two ears of the wild boar are called tabby cats and tabby wolves.

The white dragon barked twice, then circled from the front of the wild boar to the side, then gave the wild boar a hard bite in its belly.

During the first few sieges, the dog gang would swarm the wild boar and suffocate it to the ground. But today this pig is big and strong.

Although the wild boar's head was smothered by the three dogs, it still kept swinging its head in an attempt to break away from the bites of the three dogs.

Big Fatty, Tabby Cat, and Hualang have been wrestling with the wild boar, trying to rub its head on the ground.

Suddenly, the wild boar bent its left front leg and knelt on the ground on one knee. Seeing this, the tabby cat and rhubarb on the left side of the wild boar became even more aggressive.

The wild boar kept shaking its body and was in a stalemate with the dog gang. At this time, it’s time to work hard!

As I said just now, if this scene had happened in the last ditch and pond, Li Baoyu would definitely have arrived. Even if his marksmanship was not good, could he still be incapable of shooting with ten semi-automatic shots?

But at this time, Li Baoyu had just reached the second post, which was still more than four miles away, and he couldn't make it for a while.

Even if his speed is fast, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen are still at least six miles away from the battlefield.

Up and down, a mountain is a hill. Now there is a mountain between Zhao Jun and this battlefield. He can't hear the dogs barking in this ditch and pond!

Li Baoyu, who was going uphill, couldn't hear the dog barking. But he had no choice but to keep running. When he was tired, he would stop to take a breath, and then continue running.

By the time Li Baoyu reached the second rib of the mountain, the dog gang and the wild boar had been in a stalemate under the ditch and pond for twenty minutes.

During the stalemate, both sides lost a lot of energy. During these twenty minutes, the wild boar tried to stand up from its knees on the ground again and again, but Rhubarb bit it firmly under the left front elbow. Even if the teeth became loose, Rhubarb would not let go.

But the tabby cat's bite was not so harsh. The wild boar kicked its left front hoof for the seventh time. At the same time, it exerted force on its back, raised its neck upward, and suddenly pulled up, kicking off its left leg!

Anyone who has done a dog siege knows that during a siege, when the dog gang settles the wild boar in its den for the first time, people must rush over as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the wild boar gets up, it will definitely pick a dog!

The wild boar stood up with its left leg and must have exerted force to the right. The tabby cat biting its left ear finally couldn't hold on any longer. As soon as the mouth was loose, the pig ears slipped out, and the wild boar took advantage of the situation and knocked the fat man to the ground.

Then he shook his head to the right and picked out the flower wolf biting its right ear. The dog with its dull head and pliers was gone, and the wild boar turned around.

In an instant, all the dogs could no longer hold on and let go. They were chased away by the wild boar and fled in all directions.

The big fat man kicked his legs on the ground and rolled over, then got up and ran. The wild boar knocked him over with brute force and he was not injured at all. As for Hualang, his left shoulder was scratched by a pig's tooth, a wound of about ten centimeters, and the skin was torn, but there was not much bleeding. He got up and ran away.

The wild boar chased the dog for a few steps. When he saw that he could not catch up, he took another step and ran away up the hill.

At this time, almost all the dogs gave up!

From the time when the cubs and black tigers opened their voices to now, dog gangs have been raiding for ten miles, and even the furthest hunting dogs can only do so. Moreover, after running ten miles, the dog gang fought with the wild boar for a long time. By this time, they were all tired.

But among the dogs, there was one who stood out. When it comes to whether the bite is cruel or not, it is definitely not cruel, but the position of the bite is more tricky and attracts more hatred.

But when it comes to which dog is the greediest, he is the most greedy.

It is the black tiger.

Black Tiger had been hungry for a long time and had not eaten enough at noon. How can we let the pork run away at this time? It howled and ran straight up the hillside.

If, as usual, a dog barks and chases him, the dog gang will follow him. But at this moment, the other dogs still retreated. Although they did not lie down, they all watched the black tiger go away.

But at this moment, Qinglong and Black Dragon both set off to chase Black Tiger.

It stands to reason that the physical strength of two and a half-year-old puppies should have been exhausted long ago. But when the dog gang and the wild boar were in a stalemate just now, they were just watching the fun. After watching the excitement for twenty minutes, they were almost recovered.

"Woof woof woof!" What was even more unexpected was that the little black dragon actually spoke up. As a little female dog, she would run and bark as soon as she started barking, chasing the black tiger while running and barking.

Listening to the mixed sounds of the black dragon and the black tiger, the little bear raised his head and barked a few times, then took steps to catch up. Almost at the same time as the little bear, the rhubarb also ran up the mountain.

When the little bear moves, the little flower must follow him all the way. And how can Bailong, who has always been strong, lag behind the dog?

At this time, the only ones left under the ditch and pond were Big Fat, Three Fatty, Hua Mao, and Hua Lang. Listening to the barking of the three dogs, Little Bear, Black Tiger and Black Dragon, Big Fat raised his head and responded twice, then took the lead and ran towards the mountain.

Seeing this, San Pang, Hua Mao and Hua Lang also started to move. For a time, the dog gang regrouped and started chasing the wild boar again!

As soon as they chase them, Zhao Jun will be even less able to catch them!

Not to mention Zhao Jun, even Li Baoyu took nearly half an hour to reach the bottom of the ditch where the wild boar and dog were fighting.

There is no way, the mountain road is difficult to travel. The more he ran, the more tired he became. Even Li Baoyu, after climbing over the top post, kept running and stopping, running and stopping. After running two or three hundred meters, he had to stop and take a breath.

By this time, it was almost four o'clock.

Since the beginning of autumn, the days in the Northeast have become shorter and shorter. At four o'clock in late September, it will be dark in the mountains.

Li Baoyu looked carefully under the ditch and pond and found that wild boars and dog gangs had fought here.

He looked up at the post in front of him and listened, but there was no sound of a dog barking.


At this moment, a gunshot rang out from the top. Li Baoyu turned around and looked up the mountain, but it was getting late, and the distance was far and there were trees blocking him, so he couldn't see clearly.

Li Baoyu knew that it must be Zhao Jun who fired the gun, and he also knew that Zhao Jun must not have discovered the prey, but was sending a signal to himself.

Li Baoyu picked up his gun and fired a shot into the empty space beside him in response to Zhao Jun.

After waiting for nearly twenty minutes, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen came down the hillside panting heavily. Seeing Li Baoyu at this time, Zhao Jun didn't even have time to talk to him, so he looked left and right.

Li Baoyu hurriedly took Zhao Jun to the place where the dog gang was fighting the wild boar. The sun had already set. It was almost dark deep in the mountains, especially in the ditches and ponds.

Li Baoyu said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, it seems that a dog is injured, but the bleeding is not much."

Zhao Jun raised his head and glanced at the hill opposite, sighed and said: "We are in big trouble!"

"Brother!" Li Baoyu also knew that he was in trouble, so he asked Zhao Jun, "How should we deal with it?"

Zhao Jun raised his hand and pointed, saying: "Let's go up to the top of the post and shoot to call the dogs!"

"It's done!" Li Baoyu agreed and went ahead with his gun. When he went up to the pine tree hill, he looked for the bright pine trees, cut out three torches and lit them one by one.

At this time, the wild boar and dog gang climbed over the mountains and hills, traveled six miles all the way, and came to a river!

At this time, both the dog gang and the wild boar were exhausted. The wild boar swung his body and prepared to fight to the death with the dog gang on the river bank!

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