The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 556 A giant bear weighing one thousand two hundred and three hundred kilograms

Zhao Jun's shot entered from the left armpit of the black bear and exited from the right side. When it penetrated the chest, it shattered the heart and killed the black bear.

This shot was a coincidence. Zhang Yuanmin naturally knew it, so he was only surprised for a moment before going to pick bear bile.

No matter what is broken, as long as the bear bile is not broken.

After taking off the bear bile, Zhang Yuanmin returned to Zhao Jun, handed the bear bile to Zhao Jun, and asked Zhao Jun how to feed the dog.

Zhao Jun asked Zhang Yuanmin to take care of enough food for the dogs. The hunting dogs also suffered losses in the past two days, and Zhao Jun saw it. And since we came out in the afternoon, it’s already too early and it’s time to go back.

After receiving Zhao Jun's reply, Zhang Yuanmin returned to Heixiazi and used his knife to cut the meat and feed it to the dogs.

When the dogs were full, the three men tied the black bear with a rope and dragged it from the mountain to the bottom of the ditch and pond.

I have to say that thanks to the black tiger, the black bear was lured down, which saved a lot of walking. The key is that the mountain is too steep and difficult to walk.

After getting the black bear into the car, the three of them took the car back to Yongxing Brigade. When the car arrived at the guest house, they put the dog down first and put it back in the shed.

It doesn't feel like home when I go out, and I don't know the team very well. It would still be a troublesome thing if the dog gets lost.

"You're back?" Just as Li Wencai was out picking cabbage, he asked Zhao Jun and others casually when they came back.

"We're back, Mr. Li." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "We have knives, big basins and so on. You can take a few of them, especially the big basins."

Li Wencai was startled when he heard this and asked, "What are you doing with the big basin?"

Li Wencai also didn't expect that Zhao Jun could fight back the black bear so quickly. The hunters in their team usually go out in the morning and don't come back until late in the evening.

But Li Wencai forgot that Zhao Jun had a car. Hunting by car is much more convenient.

"Master Li." Zhao Jun explained to the old man: "The three of us beat a black blind man, and now the three of us will fix it. You go back to the house quickly to get a knife and a basin, and we will carve up its meat."

"Hey." When Li Wencai heard what Zhao Jun said, he turned around and ran to the guest house.

When he came out with the big basin, Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jiechen had already got the black bear out of the car.

"Master Li." Zhao Jun turned around and took the knife and basin from Li Wencai's hand, and said to Li Wencai: "Help me boil a pot of water, and I'll dip it in the bear bile."

"Okay!" Li Wencai agreed readily, but without moving his feet, he said to Zhao Jun: "Man, it's okay to boil water or something, or you will have to blanch the meat in a while. But there is one thing. After you've dipped your guts into that black man's guts, you can't leave it here."

"Huh?" When Zhao Jun heard this, he asked with a calm face, "Master Li, why is this?"

"Why else?" The old man looked around, lowered his voice and said to Zhao Jun and others: "Everyone comes to our guest house all day long, is it okay to put it here?"

Although Li Wencai's guest house currently only accommodates Zhao Jun's group, people often come to Li Wencai to talk and chat with him.

That's not to say that everyone is a bad person, but the problem is that as long as one person has evil intentions, there will be trouble.

At that time, if they want to catch up with Zhao Jun and others to go hunting, Li Wencai will be left alone in the guest house. If the bear bile is lost, Li Wencai still has to take responsibility.

But after the old man said what he just said, he added another sentence and said to Zhao Jun: "Man, I know Old Tao well. You can put this bear bile at his house and take it away before you leave."

"Yes." Zhao Jun nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, Mr. Li, I will listen to you."

In fact, Zhao Jun planned to do this even if Li Wencai didn't say it. Now that Li Wencai took the initiative to speak, it saved him a lot of words and possible embarrassment.

Seeing that Zhao Jun agreed, Li Wencai took the bear bile back to the house to boil water. Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jie Chen began to peel off the entire black bear skin.

While the three of them were peeling off the skin, the bear bile had already been dipped in hot water. Li Wencai came out of the house, hung the bear bile under the eaves, and came over to help Zhao Jun and the others.

While working, Li Wencai said to Zhao Jun: "Man, I don't think you are very old, but you are really good at siege!"

If he praises others, Li Wencai may have to be restrained. After all, they have just met each other, so they can't brag blindly.

But Kua Zhaojun has no such scruples. He can even catch him with his big claws. That's really awesome.

Zhao Jun smiled faintly at Li Wencai and said nothing. In a situation like his, there is no way to be humble.

Although Zhao Jun didn't speak, it didn't stop Li Wencai from continuing: "Man, how many black men can you persecute in a year?"

Zhao Jun replied: "Five, seven or eight."

Zhao Jun didn't know what Lao Li Tou wanted to do, so he just answered casually. After all, I'm not familiar with it, so I can't tell the old man that I can fight dozens of people a year.

"That's quite a lot." Li Wencai nodded, but suddenly raised his hand to gesture to Zhao Jun and said, "Man, I heard someone mentioned that there was that person who attacked the black blind man who had just been killed. Fill the bile with mung beans, and when the bear bile is dry, the mung beans will also be filled with flour."

At this point, Li Wencai looked at Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen's surprised eyes and said, "Isn't this weighing on the scale? It can be sold for a lot more money."

The recovered bear bile must be dipped in hot water, and the water temperature must be at least 80 degrees.

But at that time, people boiled water in a large pot and could not control the water temperature, so they just dipped the bile in boiling water.

As soon as fresh bear bile is put into boiling water, the skin of the bear bile bulges. As it is hung in a cool place, the bulging skin on the outside will slowly deflate.

Wait for this layer of skin to wrinkle, then dip it in boiling water, and then dry it in the shade. Repeat this many times until the bear's bile is completely dry before taking it down the mountain for sale.

This process is repeated many times, and the entire process must be dried in the shade, which takes a long time.

So, someone came up with some weird idea, which is to pour mung beans into bear bile, and let it be repeatedly dipped in water and dried in the shade together with the bear bile. After a few months, the mung beans will be powdered in the bear bile and mixed with the bear bile powder. , no one can check it out.

In this way, the bear's bile will be much heavier, and it can be sold for a lot more money.

Hearing what Li Wencai said, Zhao Jun secretly winked at Zhang Yuanmin. Zhang Yuanmin stood up and said to Zhao Jun with a smile: "Brother, what kind of meat can you bring to Master Tao? I will send it to him."

"Brother, you are not needed." Zhao Jun said, "When you deliver meat to Master Tao, you have to get bear bile. Let Jie Chen drive there. You can cut off some fat from the whole thigh and deliver it to Uncle Tao. "

"Ah." Zhang Yuanmin asked again: "Then remove the thigh?"

"Take it off." Zhao Jun pointed at the black blind man and said, "Take off all four thighs, and let's eat one."

"Okay." Zhang Yuanmin agreed, and he and Jie Chen started to fight.

With Zhang Yuanmin's interruption, Zhao Jun naturally stopped accepting what Li Wencai had just said.

Of course, Lao Litou may not be trying to correct the evil, but Zhao Jun is not interested in these frauds, and he doesn't want to know about them.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers had already used the knife to remove the four bear legs and palms.

Zhao Jun then asked Zhang Yuanmin to remove the bear paw from one of his front legs, and asked Li Wencai to use a basin to carry the bear's legs into the house, and reheat the water dipped in bear bile to use it on the bear's legs.

It's not that Zhao Jun was reluctant to give Li Wencai bear paws. The problem was that the bear paws were better than the bear legs. They were cooked together but not cooked together. They had to be cooked separately and had to be treated specially.

After Li Wencai left, Zhao Jun asked Zhang Yuanmin to take a hind leg with a palm and a large piece of fat to send to Tao Dabao's house. Zhang Yuanmin would definitely be able to find the meal he had at Tao Dabao's house the day before yesterday. If Tao Dabao is not at home after going there, just give it to Jiang Lan.

Zhang Yuanmin left with the bear legs and bear meat, and Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to take another hind leg with paws and more than ten kilograms of bear meat to Tao Xiaobao's family.

Not only the bear legs and bear meat, Zhao Jun also asked Jie Chen to bring the bulging bear bile.

When Jie Chen drove, he hung the bear bile in the car, threw the meat and legs on the back of the car, and drove straight to Tao Fei's house.

After Jie Chen left, Zhao Jun picked up the last bear leg, took the bear's paw, cut a piece of meat and carried it on a rope, and sent it to the brigade headquarters to Yu Xuewen.

The brigade headquarters is close to the guest house, just turn around.

When Zhao Jun came, Yu Xuewen and Tao Dabao were both there. In addition to them, there was another person. Zhao Jun recognized this person as the accountant of the brigade. Zhao Jun didn't know his name. He only knew that his surname was Yan.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming in with bear legs and bear meat, no one in the room paid much attention to it. It was just some mountain animal meat, and no one would take it seriously.

"Hey." Tao Dabao put out his cigarette in the ashtray and asked with a smile: "Zhao Junxing, I've only been here two days and you're already beating up the blind man."

Zhao Jun smiled at Tao Dabao Weiwei, then put the bear legs by the door and said to Yu Xuewen: "Secretary Yu, take this meat home and eat it."

"Okay." Yu Xuewen heard the words and said with a smile: "Thank you then."

"No thanks." Zhao Jun responded with a smile, then turned to Tao Dabao and said: "Uncle Tao, I, Brother Zhang, gave your aunt the meat, you can go home and eat it."

"Hey." Tao Dabao knew that if Zhao Jun could send bear meat to Yu Xuewen, it would be his own. And you don’t even have to ask, the old man has them too.

"Zhao Jun." Yu Xuewen pointed to the accountant of their brigade and introduced to Zhao Jun: "This is the accountant of our brigade."

After saying that, Yu Xuewen said to the accountant: "You must know this."

"I know you, I know you." The accountant extended his hand to Zhao Jun and said, "Yan Zhengdong."

"Accountant Yan." Zhao Jun shook hands with him and said he was afraid of affecting the official affairs of the three people, so he said goodbye and left.

Zhao Jun returned to the brigade headquarters and began to unload bear meat in the courtyard.

At this time, Li Wencai came out of the house and saw Zhao Jun removing the ribs from the bear's ribs one by one. He asked from the side: "Man, what are you going to do with this old meat?"

A bear weighed more than 300 kilograms when alive, but after it was eviscerated, bled, eviscerated, fed to dogs, and skinned, it was left with just over 200 kilograms of bones and flesh. Four bear leg paws, three large pieces of fat, and the bear's head were removed, leaving a total of about a hundred kilograms of meat.

"How to deal with it?" Zhao Jun was stunned when Li Wencai asked, and just said: "Let's keep it to eat."

Hearing this, Li Wencai glanced at the remaining bear meat and said to Zhao Jun: "How much can we eat? Otherwise, you can sell it."

"Ah..." Zhao Jun was about to reply when he heard the movement of a car. When he turned around, he saw Tao Fei coming back with the car.

As soon as the car stopped, Tao Fei got out of the car, walked in front of Zhao Jun in two steps, and asked: "Brother Jun, there is a big bear on the high mountain here. It weighs one thousand two to three hundred kilograms. How dare you do it?" No?"

I had to take leave that day and was due for an update. I had to make up for 3,000 words here. I was still short of 1,000 words. I saw that the chapter had more words, so I made up for it.

There is an extra update today, and all the family matters have been taken care of. This year has not been peaceful for me.

Thank you brothers for your rewards and monthly tickets, thank you brothers for your support, I will give it a try and try again.

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