The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 557 Bear King Hanging Sheep

The big bear is the brown bear.

Brown bears are larger than black bears.

An adult black bear rarely weighs 500 kilograms, even in autumn.

But a brown bear weighing 500 pounds is too much.

In the Northeast, it is said that a brown bear weighing 1,500 kilograms was caught in autumn.

As the saying goes: A strong body is worth its weight in gold.

No matter how fierce the black bear is, it is not worth mentioning in front of the brown bear. Even if the two meet, the brown bear will try to hunt the black bear.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

You know, whether it is a brown bear or a black bear, they have a territory, but they do not have a sense of territorial defense.

In other words, when a brown bear steps into the territory of another brown bear, the brown bear whose territory is violated will not drive the other one away.

However, as long as the brown bear smells the scent of the black bear, it will go after the black bear.

It is this gap in strength that differentiates the activity ranges of the two bears.

According to Zhao Jun's local report, brown bears generally stay at the foot of mountains and mostly move around rock ponds and stone pond zones.

Black bears usually roll up jujubes in dustpans and eat them when they go down to the foot of the mountain, especially in autumn.

Of course, not all brown bears are qualified to be called bear bullies.

Generally, a brown bear weighing more than 800 is respected by mountain runners as a bear bully. As for the big bear, it is a brown bear weighing more than a thousand pounds.

It's autumn now, and wild animals in the Northeast, no matter how big or small, have to gain weight at this time and accumulate fat to survive the harsh winter.

At this time, brown bears have to eat forty or fifty kilograms of food every day. In one autumn, they need to accumulate more than one hundred kilograms of fat.

Therefore, the brown bear that Tao Fei talks about weighs 1,200 to 300 kilograms, excluding the exaggerated elements and fat grabbing, it can also be called a giant bear!

Such a big guy is not easy to measure.

In terms of both quantity and quality, Zhao Jun's dog gang may not be able to find a group of hunting dogs like this in Lingnan and Lingxi provinces.

But they alone can't knock down a brown bear weighing more than 1,000 kilograms.

It is said that if the earthen pot is not broken outside the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.

The dog siege is about hunting dogs fighting against the minions of ferocious beasts with their flesh and blood bodies.

There are too many uncertainties here!

These dogs can knock down a four hundred kilogram wild boar today, but they may not be able to defeat a three hundred kilogram cannon egg tomorrow.

A solitary pig is difficult to fight, and there are very few people who are dedicated to rounding up a large, solitary pig.

Because it is too easy to hurt the dog.

Generally, big things like Gouwei meet on a narrow road, that is, they happen to meet by chance.

After all, no matter how powerful the big-headed dog is, no matter how good the scent head is, it can't smell the size of its prey.

Most of the time, as soon as the alpha dog passes by, he smells the scent and calls on his companions to start.

Another situation is that these big guys hurt people's lives, and some units offer rewards for hunting them.

But as long as you are going for big goods, you have to be mentally prepared for the dog to pick the gang.

If a dog picks a gang, it means that none of the dogs belong to you. Like when Xu Changlin sold dogs before, he directly told the people who came to buy dogs that he would choose to sell his three dogs, not just one.

And the dogs picking a gang during the siege means that even if the gang of dogs is not dead, it is almost the same.

At the very least, the big dog or the alpha dog is definitely gone.

As for a group of mature hunting dogs, as long as the head dog is gone, even if the other dogs are still there. If the head dog cannot be added, the other dogs will be faster.

If the solitary pig is like this, what about the giant bear weighing more than a thousand pounds?

Staying in the warehouse is another matter, but the big bear who comes out of the warehouse is the king of the forest!

When a Siberian tiger encounters such a big guy, it has to stay far away.

Therefore, when Zhao Jun heard that Tao Fei said that there was a big bear and he was willing to pay 1,200 to 300 pounds, Zhao Jun's first reaction was to refuse.

For such a big brown bear, when it sits there, it looks like a hill. Once the big bear's paw is slapped, the dog is about to hit it, and it's up to fate.

These days, wild boars and black bears are thick in the mountains. Where can I go to hunt for bear bile? Isn't that stupid if you don't want to hit the big bear bully?

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "I won't go!"

Tao Fei was startled and hurriedly said to Zhao Jun: "Brother Jun, you don't know. This big bear bully has been hiding in the Yuanzaozi ditch for three years. Our brigade and the Red Star Guard Field, Several groups of besiegers failed to contain it."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he shook his head slightly, frowned and looked at Tao Fei sideways, and said, "They can't stop it, so you still let me go?"

If he didn't know Tao Fei well, Zhao Jun would have doubted whether this kid was trying to trick him.

"Ah?" Tao Fei looked surprised. At this time, he was more anxious than Zhao Jun. He just said: "Brother Jun, if they can't defeat them, can you still be unable to defeat them?"

Speaking of this, Tao Fei saw Old Li Tou next to him and said to him, "Master Li, am I right?"

"Man." Li Wencai shook his head with a smile and said, "Brother Zhao Jun and these dogs can do things like black men, so why do they do bullies?"

Because of Tao Fulin, Li Wencai had a very good relationship with the Tao family. He looked at Tao Fei with loving eyes, so he offered words to fly back to Yuan for Tao Fei, and also told Zhao Jun that this child didn't know how to run in the mountains. It's okay, don't be surprised.

Although Li Wencai is not a siege, his age shows here. To say that he eats more salt than Tao Fei eats rice is an exaggeration. But he definitely knows a lot more than Tao Fei about these things in the mountains.

As for bear bile, black bear bile with the same weight is more valuable than brown bear bile. Brown bear bile is all about its size, but when it comes to selling it, it may not be able to sell for black bear bile that is much smaller than it.

Therefore, generally older hunters will not deliberately bring dogs to hunt brown bears. Even if they know where there is a bear bully, they will avoid it.

Only those young hunters who rely on their youthful vigor, love to be famous, and enjoy excitement will deliberately go after the big brown bear.

As Tao Fei said just now, there were several groups of people from the Yongxing Brigade and the Dongfang Security Factory nearby who brought dogs to surround the brown bear, but those who returned in vain were all young people.

Although Zhao Jun is also young, Li Wencai has been in contact with Zhao Jun for two days, and the old man has seen that Zhao Jun is calm and experienced, unlike the two companions he brought with him, one is stupid and the other is Huba Chao.

Looking at the tone of Zhao Jun's words just now, Li Wencai knew that Zhao Jun would not fight this big bear bully, so he used Tao Fei to ask questions, and the old man intervened.

Tao Fei didn't have bad intentions. In his mind, among all the people who surrounded him, Zhao Jun was the most powerful. Zhao Jun went to ensure that there would be no problem with the Big Bear Ba that no one else could defeat.

Zhao Jun naturally wouldn't blame Tao Fei, but just as he was about to speak, he heard someone at the gate of the courtyard say: "What the hell is this thing that is both a black man and a bully? What's going on?"

Zhang Yuanmin is back!

He had just gone to Tao Dabao's house to deliver bear meat. Tao Dabao was not at home. Zhang Yuanmin dropped the bear legs and bear meat to Jiang Lan and came back.

Before he even reached the door, Zhang Yuanmin heard people talking in the courtyard. When he heard the blind man and Big Bear, Zhang Yuanmin suddenly became energetic.

"Brother is back?" Zhao Jun was afraid that Tao Fei would pick up the conversation, so he quickly grabbed the conversation and asked, "I sent it to Uncle Tao's house."

"Yeah." Zhang Yuanmin nodded and said, "Aunt Tao is at home. I'll put it next to the stove for her and I'll be back."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yuanmin looked at Tao Fei and asked, "Brother Tao Fei, what's going on? Where did you see Xiong Ba?"

"I didn't see it." Tao Fei explained to Zhang Yuanmin: "There is a bluestone roof on the top of our Nanshan Mountain, and there is a stone pond there. Three years ago, someone from our brigade put it there to dig out salt nests and medicinal deer... …”

As soon as Tao Fei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Yuanmin, who asked, "Did you invite the Big Bear?"

Zhang Yuanmin's words made Tao Fei stunned. Tao Fei asked: "How do you know?"

Zhang Yuanmin raised his head slightly, puffed out his chest and said, "My father and I also let the blind man chase us away like this."

Li Wencai, Tao Fei: "..."

The old man and the young man were speechless. This was obviously a very sad thing, but when Zhang Yuanmin said it, it seemed a little complacent.

A deer is full of treasures.

But these days, even deer fetuses are worthless, and the main purpose is to obtain the antlers of male deer.

Therefore, medicinal deer have to dig salt nests in places where deer often pass by in April and May.

The deer's activity areas are similar to those of brown bears, and they are all around the rock ponds and stone pond belts at the foot of the mountains.

The Yanwozi diggers kill the red deer with poison, cut off the velvet or other deer products, and then carry some of the deer meat down the mountain. Most of the remaining deer meat is usually left on the mountain.

There is nothing we can do about it, because it is too common for an adult red deer to weigh four to five hundred pounds or five to six hundred pounds. It would be impossible for one or two people to carry such a big deer down from the mountain, so they could only go back to meet friends and come back the next day.

And in April and May, it happens to be the time when brown bears have just finished hibernation and are hungry. Ten miles into the wind, let it smell the smell of mutton and blood from the big red deer, and it will rush over to enjoy the deer meat.

Sometimes brown bears even eat overnight to replenish their hibernating energy.

As a result, deer hunters who bring people to carry venison the next day are in danger of encountering bears.

That year, several people from the Yongxing brigade called Big Bear Ba and kicked them out. Thanks to Big Bear Ba, who had eaten all night, he was reluctant to run with his stomach full, otherwise some of those people would definitely not be able to come back.

After the deer hunter came back, he went to find someone to hunt the big bear.

There were many hunters in the Yongxing brigade, but the deer hunter was afraid that the bear bile would not be enough, so he only hired two gunners who had a good relationship with him.

But by the time they arrived, the bear was long gone.

There was no rain in the first few days of spring, there were no bear tracks on the ground, and there were no hunters. So I returned to the group, looked for dog hunters, and took the hunting dogs up the mountain.

The next day, eight dogs went up the mountain. By the afternoon, only two dogs had walked back by themselves, and two dogs had been carried back on their backs. As for the other four dogs, they all stayed in the mountains.

On the third day, another group of besiegers took dogs up the mountain. Of the ten dogs, six were brought back and the remaining four were left in the mountains.

This big bear bully is awesome, that's what everyone has thought about. The key is that after two battles, no one has seen this brown bear.

This is not ordinary.

Then, the hunters from the Yongxing Brigade entered the mountain and divided into dozens of small teams. They killed many roe deer and wild deer, but they were never able to find the brown bear.

This is also normal.

Among the mountains and forests, the most intelligent things are the eagle's eyes, deer's ears, and bear's nose. It is said that the bear's sense of smell is more than ten times that of a dog.

He couldn't trace it, and when he was smelled by the brown bear from far away, it ran away.

In this case, the only option is to drive the dog away from the bear. But the dog could catch up with it, but it couldn't defeat this big guy. Before anyone arrived, the dog gang was defeated.

As for leading thirty or forty dogs to surround him, that was impossible. There are so many hunting dogs in the Yongxing Brigade, but these dogs belong to more than a dozen families. When they are put together, the dog's brains will be beaten before the bears can fight!

The bear did not offend the Yongxing Brigade at all, and it did not injure anyone, so Yu Xuewen did not use mortars.

As a result, the Yongxing brigade withdrew its troops and began to work on spring planting.

It wasn't until autumn that someone came back and said that they saw the bully bear again in the round Zaozi ditch under the big bluestone roof.

When the Deer Hunters and others were chased away by the bear bully before, they saw the bear bully's appearance clearly. Its hair was brown, and only one of its ears was pure black.

At this time, the Xiong Ba in Yuanzaogou had one black ear.

The next day after receiving the news, five hunters from the Yongxing brigade went up the mountain with five semi-automatic rifles. However, no matter what kind of guns they took, before anyone arrived, the brown bear left early as soon as it smelled the scent.

When people arrived, they could only find the green, thin feces left by the bear bully.

As for leading the dogs to surround them, the people from the Yongxing brigade have given up.

Just like that, a week later, two hunters came to the Dongfang Security Factory, and they brought eleven dogs together.

Dongfang Security Factory specializes in manufacturing firearms and ammunition.

There are many talented people in this factory, but no matter how good your marksmanship is, the first thing you need to do is to be able to fish and shoot with a gun.

They led the dogs into the mountains, and it didn't even take ten minutes from the time when the two leading dogs started talking to when all eleven dogs became silent.

When the besiegers arrived, there was nothing they could do except save the dog.

From then on, Tao Dabao warned the hunters of the Yongxing Brigade not to take care of the big bear. It was more than ten miles away from the Yongxing Brigade and the well water did not interfere with the river water. Why bother with it? Wouldn't it be troublesome if someone was hurt?

The hunters of the Yongxing brigade were not stupid. They knew they couldn't hit them, so they took advantage of Tao Dabao's steps to get down.

Usually when outsiders ask about this, people from the Yongxing brigade will say that the director of security will not allow beatings. In this way, others can't say anything.

Three years later, in the eyes of the hunters in the Yongxing Brigade, this bear bully had already been crowned king.

Just like the wild boar king who killed two people in Xinrangchang before, when the record reaches a certain level, this bear tyrant will become a veritable bear king.

Three years after listening to Tao Fei tell the legend of the Bear King, Zhang Yuanmin turned to Zhao Jun with bright black eyes and asked: "Brother, I have..."

"Brother!" As soon as Zhang Yuanmin opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Zhao Jun. Now it can be said that Zhang Yuanmin can poop a few sheep dung eggs when he sticks his butt out, and Zhao Jun knows it.

When Zhang Yuanmin opened his mouth, Zhao Jun also knew what he was going to say, so Zhao Jun did not allow him to speak and said directly: "Well, let's not fight! Let's catch some roe deer, two wild boars and two black blind men. How good would it be?"

"Yes." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yuanmin immediately nodded in agreement. This group of people is led by Zhao Jun, and they do whatever Zhao Jun says. This is especially true when going out.

When Li Wencai saw it, he hurriedly called to Tao Fei and said, "Xiao Fei, let's eat here tonight. Let's buy the black blind man's meat."

"My mother also makes it at home." Tao Fei said: "My father also asked me to come to you and let you all come to my house to eat."

"That won't work." Li Wencai frowned and said, "That black blind man's thighs are so tight for me."

Li Wencai finished what he said, and it was already boiled. This is not only true for Heixiazi meat, but also for all meats that will shrink when boiled in hot water.

"Xiao Fei." At this time, Zhao Jun said to Tao Fei: "Go back and tell my aunt that we will not go there today. When you are done, come over and we will eat at Master Li's place."

"Yes, men." Li Wencai said, "Go back and ask your father to come too, so that we can have a drink."

"Hey!" Tao Fei agreed and ran towards his home.

Seeing that Tao Fei had left and Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen were unloading meat in the courtyard, Li Wencai hurriedly went inside to prepare vegetables.

But as soon as he entered the house, he found Zhao Jun following him.

Li Wencai asked Zhao Jun: "What's wrong, man? What else do you want?"

"No need for anything, Mr. Li." Zhao Jun said: "The bluestone roof you just mentioned is not far from the bluestone roof."

"Oh..." Li Wencai frowned and said thoughtfully, "Qingshi Lizi, this name sounds familiar."

After hearing what Li Wencai said, Zhao Jun asked again: "Master Li, have you ever heard of hanging sheep?"

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Li Wencai suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhao Jun in shock.

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