The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 585: Surrounding the badger

Wisps of white smoke rose from the large area of ​​​​the hillside, and the only hole that was not blocked was also billowing with white smoke.

Gasoline emits black smoke when burned, strips of cloth emits black smoke when burned, and even rats and badgers emits black smoke when burned.

But the badgers in the cave took all the dry leaves on the surrounding hillside into the cave.

When dry leaves are on fire, white smoke will naturally billow out from the inside out.

"Brother!" Zhao Jun called to Zhang Yuanmin again. They were the only ones wearing gloves now, so there was no need for Li Baoyu and Jie Chen to reach out.

While Zhang Yuanmin was catching mice from the cage, he praised Zhao Jun and said, "Brother, you are so good at this trick. You don't even have to dig out the holes in the rocks."

"That's right." Zhao Jun smiled and said, "I told you yesterday that we can kill this hole without using a knife or a shot."

While the two were talking, another flaming rat got into the hole. This cave is connected in all directions. The badger's storage room, bathroom and bedroom are all in different directions, so a few more hot mice have to be sent in.

None of the three big rats he brought ran away. They all had flame wheels wrapped around their waists and squeaked into the entrance of the cave.

After delivering the last mouse, Zhang Yuanmin took off his gloves and took the stick handed over by Jie Chen, and guarded the entrance of the cave with Li Baoyu and Jie Chen.

"Woo..." Suddenly, I heard the whine of a badger coming from the cave. Li Baoyu, who was closest to the entrance of the cave, swung the wooden stick in his hand, and the hands holding the stick stopped by his ears.

I saw a gray lump popping out of the white smoke. The moment a badger rushed out, Li Baoyu hit it on the back with a stick, while Zhang Yuanmin slashed the badger on the head with a stick, but there were only two of them. When the stick was put away, the badger could still stagger forward.

But as Jie Chen hit the badger on the back of the head with a stick, the badger fell to the side and died.

Without even having time to deal with the badger's funeral, the three of them turned their attention to the smoking hole.

At this time, another badger rushed out of the hole wrapped in white smoke. Li Baoyu subconsciously swung the stick, an action similar to playing golf, and hit the badger head-on in the mouth.

The badger paused, lifted its front body upwards, and turned its waist back to the left. The movement was a bit slow, but its determination to escape could be seen.

However, Zhang Yuanmin stepped forward and struck out with two sticks, then used the stick to lift the badger three meters away.

With the three of them taking action, Zhao Jun was waiting on the outside to collect the badgers. But even so, Zhao Jun still had a stick in his hand. When he saw the badger fell to the ground, the badger's four legs were still twitching.

Zhao Jun was not polite. He came closer, swung his stick, and hit the big head of the stick on Badger's chin.

Although this guy has an unattractive appearance, he has a strong vitality and is rough-skinned and thick-skinned. If you let him breathe and get bitten by him, you will be in big trouble.

At this time, Li Baoyu and others knocked down another badger. But when Li Baoyu had just picked the badger to Zhao Jun, he heard Jie Chen shouting and Zhang Yuanmin hit the cave entrance with his stick.

A badger jumped out of the hole wrapped in white smoke. It seemed that there were quite a few badgers in the hole.

Seeing Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin go to surround the badger, Zhao Jun hurriedly stepped forward with his stick, and the ministers and ministers guarded the entrance of the cave.

As soon as Zhao Jun stood at the entrance of the cave, a badger came out of the hole. Zhao Jun swung a stick and the badger got away.

Zhao Jun hit the ground with a stick, but Jie Chen blocked the badger, picked up two sticks and beat it until it curled up into a ball.

At this time, Zhao Jun's hands were a little numb from the shock just now, but he still stepped forward and reached the head of the stick to the entrance of the cave.

There might be a lot of badgers in this cave, and Zhao Jun was afraid that he and Xie Chen would not be able to handle them, so he tried his best to block the badgers from escaping before Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin came back.

At this time, white smoke was still coming out of the hole. When Zhao Jun blocked the stick in front of the hole, the white smoke separated along the two sides of the stick and gathered upward.

"Woo..." Hearing the cry of a badger from the cave, Zhao Jun raised his head and looked to the south.

There, Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin were beating badgers with sticks. Thinking that they would be back soon, Zhao Jun looked back and winked at Jie Chen.

Jie Chen nodded heavily, and while raising the stick in his hand, he concentrated on looking at the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, Zhao Jun suddenly felt something tugging on his stick. There was no doubt that it was a badger.

Zhao Jun grabbed the stick with both hands and pulled it out hard. Jie Chen saw a badger coming out with the stick, and it started to turn around.

The stick in Zhao Jun's hand was different from the hook handed down from Zhang Yuanmin's family. The badger couldn't bite it. Just as he showed his head, the badger received a heavy blow on the head. He immediately let go and rushed towards Jie Chen, but was relieved. Chen was knocked down with a blow to the head.

Zhao Jun added a stick from behind and continued to block the hole with the head of the stick, but he saw that Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin were already rushing this way.

As soon as Zhao Jun lowered the stick head, a huge biting force came from the hole. Zhao Jun was startled, and then he tried hard to pull the badger out just like before.

But the badger competed with him in the cave, and his strength was not small. For a while, he was in a stalemate with Zhao Jun.

When Li Baoyu came here and saw it, he threw his stick aside, grabbed the stick for Zhao Jun, and asked Zhao Jun to let go.

Then Li Baoyu used force and pulled his body back. He was very strong, but the badger at the end of the stick never showed up.

"Oops!" Zhang Yuanmin became anxious when he saw it. He also threw away the stick in his hand, then hugged Li Baoyu's waist, and the two of them wrestled with the badger together.

Zhao Jun picked up Li Baoyu's stick and guarded the entrance of the cave with Jie Chen. He knew without looking that the badger must be smaller, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

Perhaps taking advantage of the geographical advantage, Badger dug all four of his claws into the soil and started a unique tug-of-war competition with Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin.

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate for a long time, Zhao Jun held a stick in one hand and waved at the two of them with the other hand: "Let go, give it the stick, and see what it does!"

"Ah?" Li Baoyu and Zhang Yuanmin suddenly reacted, and only after they stabilized their bodies did they let go.

As soon as they let go, the badger inside who was exerting himself must have dodged. The stick was suddenly pushed in, and then inserted diagonally at the entrance of the hole.

Zhao Jun stepped forward and easily pulled out the stick and threw it to Li Baoyu. At this time, I heard a "woo-woo" sound in the cave.

I'm afraid this badger is coming out again!

There is no other way. If it doesn't come out, it will choke in the hole.

The moment the badger jumped out of the hole, four sticks were struck down at the same time, but at the same time as the four of them took action, Zhao Jun and the others were also frightened by the badger.

This big badger weighs almost twenty pounds.

Four sticks hit him on his body, but the big badger was fine and rushed straight towards Zhang Yuanmin.

Zhang Yuanmin was nicknamed Badger in the past. He had caught many badgers. At this time, Zhang Yuanmin was not afraid at all. He raised the stick upward and then chopped it down.

Badger jumped to the side and was hit by Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu again. Although he suffered a head-on attack, Badger still wanted to break out from Zhao Jun and continued to charge forward.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu retreated and fought, and then struck twice in a row. Badgerzi finally realized and wanted to go to the left to return to the cave, but was stopped by Jiechen again.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin arrived and swung his stick at the badger's ears twice. Zhao Jun, Li Baoyu, and Jie Chen successively attacked, and the big badger finally fell to the ground.

Without enough time to enjoy the joy of victory, the four of them ran back to the cave entrance to block it. At this time, Jie Chen said: "Just when we were fighting the badger, two people ran out of here."

"It's okay." Zhang Yuanmin said with a smile: "This one can beat those two!"

In fact, not only that badger is big, but this badger's cave is also not small. On this hillside with a radius of about 100 meters, there should be all badger's caves underneath.

There must be a big nest of badgers living down here!

As white smoke came out of the hole, badgers kept coming out.

From front to back, Zhao Jun and others shot a total of nine badgers.

Badgers hibernate in November, and now the badgers are fat. Except for the largest one, there are five of them weighing 11 to 12 pounds, and only three of them weigh less than 10 pounds.

If no badger came out after continuing to wait, Zhao Jun and others were ready to return home.

The badgers were stuffed into the sacks one by one. Li Baoyu carried one and Jie Chen carried one. The four of them climbed over the mountain and returned to the car. They threw the sacks containing the badgers onto the carriage. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu also got on. Trunk.

But just when Jie Chen and Zhang Yuanmin were about to get in the car, they suddenly heard someone shouting from the west mountain: "Is that Brother Zhang?"

Zhang Yuanmin was startled when he heard this and saw two people coming down from the mountain. They each carried a basket. They must have come to collect mountains.

Zhang Yuanmin walked around the front of the car and asked, "What are you two doing here?"

In the carriage, Jie Chen stuck his elbow out of the carriage; while in the carriage, Li Baoyu asked Zhao Jun in a low voice: "Brother, who are these two people?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "I don't know him."

Next, I saw Zhang Yuanmin holding a person in one hand, and the three of them were facing the west mountain together, with their backs to Zhao Jun and the others. They muttered for a while, and then Zhang Yuanmin said goodbye to the two of them and came back to get in the car.

Before getting in the car, Zhang Yuanmin raised his head and glanced at Zhao Jun on the trunk, but Zhao Jun tacitly agreed without asking him.

When the car slowly drove away, the two people were still standing on the side of the road watching Zhang Yuanmin, and Zhang Yuanmin also waved to them through the car window.

In this way, the car returned all the way to Yongxingtun and stopped directly in front of Zhao Jun's house. As soon as he got off the car, Li Baoyu couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, who are those two people?"

Along the way, Jie Chen and Zhang Yuanmin must have been chatting in the car. As soon as Li Baoyu finished speaking and Zhang Yuanmin could not answer, Jie Chen smiled and said, "Did those two people hang out with our brother Zhang before?"

"Huh?" Li Baoyu was stunned when he heard this, thinking who would mess with Zhang Yuanmin. In the past...he himself didn't have enough to eat. Whoever messed with him would starve to death?

But when Zhao Jun heard this, he understood immediately and asked Zhang Yuanmin: "Brother, are they two people from 77 Tinglangchang?"

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