The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 586 The mountain goods collector is here (September monthly ticket adds 3035)

It is strange to say that the two workers in Lengchang did not say hello to the forest farm inspector, but called Zhang Yuanmin from a distance.

These two people were obviously fooled by Zhang Yuanmin.

If Li Ruhai is suitable for art, storytelling and cross talk, then Zhang Yuanmin, an old boy, is definitely suitable for MLM.

Seeing that Zhao Jun had told him off, Zhang Yuanmin laughed and said, "Brother, you arranged that place for me, but my trip was not in vain."

"Heh." Zhao Jun snorted and said: "Brother, you are not going to work. Even Du Chunjiang is so flattering to me. He doesn't dare to ask for you. He will let me take you over no matter what. return."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, Jie Chen was startled. He didn't know the specific situation, but on the day he came, Jie Chen felt that these people were so interesting. The liveliness can't keep up with Zhao Jun's village.

Li Baoyu on the side couldn't help but laugh. He knew that Du Chunjiang first gave away dogs and then guns in order to curry favor with Zhao Jun.

Not counting the cost of inviting Zhao Jun to eat and drink, the total of these gifts would cost at least two thousand yuan.

But now, Du Chunjiang didn't dare to keep Zhang Yuanmin. As Du Guo said, Zhang Yuanmin had only been here for three days, but he had already made their people in Lengchang feel distracted. If Zhang Yuanmin was allowed to hang around there for another two days, his place in Lengchang would be stained.

"Ah, you're back." Suddenly, a voice came from the yard. Zhang Yuanmin heard the sound and asked, "Why are you here?"

The speaker was none other than his wife Yang Yufeng.

Yang Yufeng rolled her eyes at Zhang Yuanmin and said, "You see what you said, if you can come, I can't come?"

After speaking, Yang Yufeng greeted Zhao Jun and the others.

When everyone entered the courtyard together, they saw several large pots placed in the courtyard. Wang Meilan, Jin Xiaomei and Li Ruhai were sitting in the courtyard cutting radishes.

This is the preparation of pickled radish pickles.

And Yang Yufeng was obviously here to help.

It's like this in the countryside. If someone has any work, you do it for me and I'll do it for you. With more people, we can work faster, and we can chat together for a while.

Taking advantage of the crowd, Li Baoyu and Jie Chen dragged the sacks containing the badgers into the yard. As soon as the nine big badgers fell into the yard, the dogs in the two yards barked non-stop.

After Zhao Jun scolded the dog, Wang Meilan came over and looked around with satisfaction. These badgers were fried eggs for her to treat stomach problems. With these, she didn't have to eat the steamed millet from the wild boar's belly.

Thinking of this, Wang Meilan, who was in a good mood, waved her hand and called Zhao Jun: "Son, you skin the badger. When you're done, mom will stew it here, and we'll put it aside for lunch."

Since the conditions have improved, Wang Meilan likes to have dinner parties.

Otherwise, seeing the nine badgers placed on the ground, she was about to start the banquet.

"This..." Zhao Jun said hesitantly after hearing this: "Mom, we have to go up the mountain in the afternoon."

It's already five minutes after eleven. Although it's quick to grill the badger, can't it be simmered for a while?

Moreover, the meat of this mountain animal is not as cooked as that of goose or chicken. It is good to eat it if it can be stewed for more than an hour.

According to this calculation, after finishing this meal, the sun will not be far from setting.

After hearing Zhao Jun say that they were going down the mountain in the afternoon, Wang Meilan hurriedly asked: "Son, what else are you doing in the afternoon?"

"Go up the mountain and trap the pig." Zhao Jun said and winked at Wang Meilan.

Seeing Zhao Jun's eyes drifting towards Jie Chen, Wang Meilan suddenly remembered that Jie Chen would have to return to Lingnan the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Before Jie Chen left, Zhao Jun and the others wanted to bring back some prey to Jie Chen to show their appreciation.

In this case, Zhao Meilan planned to change it and move the dinner to evening.

But at this moment, Zhang Yuanmin suddenly said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, there is no need to go this afternoon. I know a bunch of pigs, there must be seven or eight of them."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this, especially Li Baoyu and Xie Chen. They had just gone up the mountain together, and the aid document had not left their sight. Why did they suddenly know that the wild boar was missing?

However, Zhao Jun responded quickly and said directly: "Did I just meet those two people who told you?"

"Yeah." Zhang Yuanmin smiled and said, "Brother, do you have enough brains?"

Zhao Jun laughed and said nothing more. Now that he knows the exact news, he doesn't have to run around all over the mountain anymore, which saves time and effort.

But Yang Yufeng was curious and asked Zhang Yuanmin.

But Zhang Yuanmin couldn't name a specific person. He only said that he saw that the two people looked familiar. They should also work in the 77 Leng factory, but they were not from the same shack as him. They should be people from Guileng. They recognized Zhang Yuanmin, but Zhang Yuanmin But I don't know their names.

"Brother, you can do this now." Li Baoyu said to Zhang Yuanmin with a smile: "You don't even know their names, so they just told you about the traces of wild boars."

"Then look." Zhang Yuanmin's enthusiasm came back and he boasted: "Brother, in our village, we all have relatives in the village, so I don't make it public. But if it's outside...that guy..."

"What's going on?" Jie Chen asked curiously, and he was really curious.

Zhang Yuanmin puffed up his chest, and then pulled Zhao Jun to testify for him, saying: "Ask my brother, no matter what the leader Du is, just the workers in his 77 Lengchang, including his younger brother, as long as they see me there, they will You have to talk to me with a high face."

At this point, Zhang Yuanmin also imitated the manners and words used by those people to greet him, nodding and bowing and saying: "Big brother is here, big brother is here."

At this time, Yang Yufeng suddenly interjected from the side: "Isn't his sister-in-law here?"

"His sister-in-law..." Zhang Yuanmin was stunned when he was interrupted, and looked at Yang Yufeng and stopped talking.

"Haha..." Wang Meilan said with a smile: "Once his sister-in-law leaves, his eldest brother won't be able to stay any longer."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, but there was no harm in it, they were just talking and laughing.

With more people working faster, two badgers were picked off in three strokes, five divided by two. Zhang Yuanmin directly used the axe, and chopped the skinned badger into pieces. Jie Chen used cold water to wash the badger meat, and fished out the meat into a large basin with a fishnet.

At this time, the large pots in the house were boiling water. Wang Meilan brought the basin into the house to blanch the badger meat and prepare the staple food.

Others were outside, chopping radishes and making pickles as usual, and continuing to peel badgers.

While working together, naturally chatting was indispensable. Zhang Yuanmin quickly peeled off the badger skin while telling the Li brothers the story of his plan to destroy the bear tyrant.

In Zhang Yuanmin's story, Zhao Jun had many outstanding roles. The two of them complemented each other in both civility and martial arts.

Just as he was talking, he heard a burst of children's laughter, and four little girls walked into the door of Zhao Jun's house hand in hand.

Looking at them, the dogs from both families did not dare to bark.

Jin Xiaomei stood up, smiled and shouted: "Back!"

Today is Saturday, and the elementary schools in Zhao Jun's area have weekends. It just so happens that Xiao Lingdang came with Yang Yufeng today. Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei asked Xiao Lingdang to take their children out to play.

Xiao Lingdang took Zhao Hong, Zhao Na, and Li Xiaoqiao out and caught a large bag of grasshoppers.

These days, children catch grasshoppers and bake them to eat, but Xiao Lingdang took three little girls to catch them because he wanted to take them to feed the grasshoppers to the chickens in the afternoon. As long as the time is right, he can take the three of them to have fun all afternoon.

Seeing that Little Bell was back, Zhang Yuanmin stopped bragging to the Li brothers. It is said that children’s words have no hesitation. What evil intentions can children have? He was afraid that if he was bragging, his daughter would ask, "Dad, you are so awesome, why didn't you have enough to eat before?"

Although Zhang Yuanmin stopped bragging, the atmosphere was still very good with so many people gathered together. When the kids are hungry, there are snacks like peanuts.

It wasn't until nearly two o'clock in the afternoon that Zhao Jun's family started eating.

Badger meat is stewed with radish. There is no way, the badgers always live in holes, and they have a strong smell. If they are not stewed with the big radish, the strange smell on them cannot be suppressed.

In addition to this dish, there are also cucumbers, mixed persimmons, eggplant stewed with potatoes, and fried cabbage with fungus.

Eggplant stewed with potatoes, stewed by Jin Xiaomei next door, only five dishes, Wang Meilan opened two more boxes of canned saury.

In this way, Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin, Li Baoyu, Jiechen and Li Ruhai were in the west room, and Wang Meilan, Jin Xiaomei, Yang Yufeng and their four little girls were in the east room.

In the east corner, Wang Meilan, the eldest, moved the chopsticks first, and soon everyone was nibbling badger meat.

Suddenly, Yang Yufeng, who had put down the meat and bones, said, "Hey, my uncle and Uncle Li are the only ones leaving our three families today."

As soon as Yang Yufeng said this, Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei were startled. The two sisters looked at each other, but the next second they both turned their heads and competed with the badger meat in the bowl.

In the west room, except Zhao Jun and Li Ruhai, the other three people were eating and drinking.

Suddenly, Li Baoyu asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, when we go for a siege tomorrow, can't we bring black tigers and cubs with us?"

"We don't need them." Zhao Jun said, "Let them stay at home. We have so many dogs and it's enough to catch pigs."

Hearing this, Li Baoyu nodded in agreement. I just heard what Zhang Yuanmin relayed, that there were seven or eight wild boars in that group.

According to the experience of the siege, the lone pig has not returned to the group yet. There should be no hard problems among the pigs. Even if the little bear and the black tiger don't go, there will be no problem relying on the other nine dogs.

After discussing the hunting tomorrow, Zhao Jun and others talked about the three jackals kept in the backyard of Li's house.

These three jackals are living quite comfortably recently, eating and drinking every day.

When several people were picking up the badger just now, Li Baoyu sent all the badger's internal organs that the dog gang didn't eat to the next door, and the three jackals devoured them.

According to what Zhou Shujuan said, if you want to train jackals to follow dog gangs to fight sieges, you have to use female dogs to drive male jackals.

There were two male jackals in the cage, but Zhao Jun's family didn't have many female dogs.

Now the cubs are still in a special period, and the only female dogs left are Xiaohua and Heilong, both of whom are puppies, although those two are also young jackals. But if my own dog is bitten by a jackal, how distressing would it be?

"Brother!" At this time, Zhang Yuanmin, who put down the wine jar, called Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun's eyes lit up and he asked: "Brother, do you have any clever ideas?"

"Yeah, yeah." Seeing Zhao Jun's approach, Zhang Yuanmin nodded repeatedly and said happily: "Brother, I'm telling you..."

But before Zhang Yuanmin finished speaking, the dogs in both courtyards suddenly started barking. Zhao Jun stood up and looked out through the window, then quickly turned back to Li Baoyu and said, "Baoyu, our third uncle is here."

"Ah?" Upon hearing this, Li Baoyu quickly got off the kang. Zhao Jun also went to the next door and said to Wang Meilan who was eating and drinking: "Mom, Uncle Baoyu is here, and he is bringing someone with him. He should be here to collect mountain goods!"

The update is finished. I don’t know what happened. Yesterday afternoon, I slept from 4 to 8 o’clock, and then I was still sleepy and drowsy. To write two sentences, I had to sleep for a while, and washing my face with cold water didn't work. It wasn't until after eleven o'clock that I couldn't stand it anymore, so I asked for leave.

This morning, I got up a little after 3:30, but I was still in the same state, drowsy. Just write a few sentences and fall asleep for a few minutes. You can even fall asleep sitting down. Brothers, does anyone know what is wrong with this?

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