Zhao Jun finished the pancake with pickle sticks in several mouthfuls, and then began to untie his leggings. After taking off both leggings, he stood up to see the big green dog.

Don't forget, Daqing was grabbed by a black bear just now. The palm-sized skin on his back was peeled off, and a lot of blood flowed.

After Zhao Jun beat the bear to death, Daqing pounced on the black bear and bit it. Zhao Jun saw that the blood on its back was no longer bleeding, so he did not bandage it immediately.

This is not because Zhao Jun does not cherish dogs. In Northeastern terms, dogs are like the eyes of a hunter, the most precious. People who have not been surrounded will not cherish dogs.

However, although this dog is smart, it is not a human after all.

Especially for a hunting dog like Daqing, which had been on the mountain for the first time, if Zhao Jun had forcefully pulled it off the black bear at that time, Daqing might have received wrong information.

It may think that the owner will not let it bite the bear, or that it cannot bite again after shooting.

Therefore, since the wound stopped bleeding at that time, Zhao Jun left it alone for the time being, also wanting it to remember this feeling.

When Li Baoyu divided the Daqing meat, Daqing looked as if he hadn't eaten in three days, even though he had eaten four or five kilograms of bear meat more than half an hour ago.

Zhao Jun was secretly happy when he saw this, knowing that if the dog dragged on for another year and a half, it would be almost done.

At this time, Daqing had finished eating the meat. This time he was full. He lay lazily next to the black bear and licked his front legs. The blood on his back just now flowed down his legs. There was a taste in the blood. .

Zhao Jun came over and squatted beside it. Daqing tilted his head and rubbed his big head against Zhao Jun's leg.

Zhao Jun touched Daqing's neck and observed the wounds on Daqing's back.

When fighting a black bear, the dog's body is hot due to intense exercise, but when it stops, its surface temperature gradually drops.

In the depths of the mountain at more than 30 degrees below zero, the cold temperature froze the peeled skin on Daqing's back and the wounds together.

Zhao Jun wrapped both leggings around Daqing's body. Seeing that it did not have much impact on his movements, Zhao Jun was about to get up when he heard Li Baoyu shouting over there: "Brother, come here quickly."

Zhao Jun stood up, looked back, and saw Li Baoyu squatting in front of Hua Xiaoer. Zhao Jun's heart skipped a beat and he quickly walked over.

When he came to Li Baoyu's side, Zhao Jun saw that Hua Xiaoer's left rib was stained red with blood.

Since Li Baoyu called him, the blood was definitely not bear blood. Zhao Jun stretched out his hand and gently smoothed the dog's hair, only to see two bloody grooves on Hua Xiaoer's left rib.

This was because the black bear's claws had rubbed it, and it was not grasped firmly, otherwise Hua Xiao'er's skin would have been lifted off.

At this time, Li Baoyu had untied the left legging and handed it to Zhao Jun, asking Zhao Jun to wrap up Hua Xiaoer's wound while he began to untie the right legging.

After bandaging Hua Xiaoer's wound, the two brothers discussed going home. The black bear had its internal organs drained and the blood drained, leaving about two hundred kilograms left.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu discussed it and decided to work together to pull the black bear back with a rope.

This winter is not like autumn. In autumn, the road is full of sand and soil. The friction is high and it is too difficult to pull up. After winter, there is snow on mountain roads and village roads, so towing is convenient and labor-saving.

So, the two of them tied the black bear's hind legs with ropes, took away the bear's nose and corrugated cover, and then dragged the black bear down the mountain.

The trip back home was mostly downhill and gentle, so it was not very difficult for the two of them to drag the bear on the snow.

It happened that both dogs were injured, so they walked back slowly and leisurely. By the time the two arrived home, it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

This winter, it's not even thirty-nine yet, but the nighttime temperature in the northeastern mountain villages is about minus thirty-five degrees.

It's so cold. Who would wander outside if nothing happened? Every household has closed its doors early and is warming up indoors.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu dragged the bear into the village and met several people along the way. They asked Zhao Jun for meat, so Zhao Jun used a knife to shave off several strips of meat from the bear's belly and gave it to them one by one.

These people were beaming with joy after getting the bear meat.

Bear belly, where is the meat? This is oil.

Take it back and simmer it into oil, enough to feed the whole family for a month.

When they arrived at the door of their house, the two of them dragged the bear into the yard of Zhao Jun's house. At this time, Zhao Youcai and Wang Meilan, who were eating in the house, heard something moving outside. When they came out to take a look, another bear came back.

"You two are..." Wang Meilan didn't know what to say. Didn't she say that she was going to help Xing Zhiyong fight bears? Why did you beat the bear back to your home?

"Mom, Mom, give us a quick meal." Zhao Jun first said to Wang Meilan, asking her to get a mouthful of rice for himself and Li Baoyu. They ate two pancakes at noon, and they were already hungry now.

"Ah, okay." Upon hearing that her son was hungry, Wang Meilan couldn't care less, so she responded and turned around and ran into the house.

"Mom, I'm going home to eat." Li Baoyu shouted from behind.

"Where can we go home to eat?" Zhao Jun stretched out his hand and grabbed him and said, "I didn't know we were coming back today, and my aunt definitely didn't bring you food. It's already this time, and everyone at home must have finished eating. You I still have to trouble my aunt when we get back, so let my mom cook something for us both."

When Li Baoyu heard this, he smiled and said, "Don't I want to go back and see Ruhai?"

Zhao Jun also smiled when he heard what he said, "As a brother, have you been wandering around all day?"

When Zhao Jun said this, he saw Zhao Youcai squatting in front of Hua Xiao'er, while Hua Xiao'er stuck out his tongue and licked Zhao Youcai's hand. When the dog opened its mouth, white air kept coming out.

Zhao Jun said: "Dad, go to Old Han's house quickly and find Dr. Han."

"Are you still instigating me?" Zhao Youcai glanced at Zhao Jun coldly, but felt that Hua Xiao'er was still licking his hand, so he said, "I'm just looking out for the dog's face."

After saying that, Zhao Youcai stood up and walked straight out of the hospital.

Zhao Jun only felt that what Zhao Youcai just said was not a good thing, but he did not respond to what his father said, so he and Li Baoyu drove the two dogs into the house.

This dog doesn't easily go into the house and lives in the kennel no matter how cold it is in the winter. But if it is injured in the winter, it has to stay in the house to recuperate.

When will you recover from your injuries and when will you go out again?

There is nothing to say, and there is no need to worry about them soiling the house. Although they are not as trained as later pet dogs, they know not to urinate in the house.

At this time, Wang Meilan was about to light a fire to burn oil for cooking. When she saw Zhao Jun letting the dog in, she told Zhao Jun: "Go to the warehouse to find two sacks and lay them on the ground of your house to keep them from getting cold."

"Yes." Zhao Jun took out the cloth bag containing bear bile from his arms, placed it next to the pot, and said to Wang Meilan, "Mom, you can boil the bear bile after you cook it."

Wang Meilan and Zhao Youcai have been together for so many years, so they naturally know a lot about hunting and know how to handle bear bile.

Wang Meilan took the bag and took a look, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she couldn't stop smiling. When she turned around and saw that only Li Baoyu was standing beside her, she shared her joy with Li Baoyu and said, "Baoyu, copper gall! "

Li Baoyu responded with a smile and said, "Yes, ma'am, put this one on."

At this time, Zhao Jun walked out of the room and called Li Baoyu to come in and sit down.

Wang Meilan took out a sharp knife. She carefully held the front tip of the knife with her hands and handed the handle to Zhao Jun.

"Son, go open the inside of that black bear's thigh and pull out some meat."

"What?" Zhao Jun saw the smile on Wang Meilan's face and asked with a smile: "This is to reward us."

"That's right, my son has become a bear again."

Zhao Jun laughed, took the knife and pushed the door open. As soon as he went out, he heard a pleasant voice at the door.

"The door is open. Who's home?"

"Who is it?" Zhao Jun asked. Although he was asking, he already knew who it was.

After Zhao Jun finished speaking, he saw a girl walking in from the courtyard door.

The girl is young and good-looking, with a braided braid, an old calico cotton-padded jacket, sleeves on her arms, and a basket in her hand.

"Zhao Jun." The girl came in, looked at Zhao Jun, and called him.

Zhao Jun was stunned and opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

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