It's not that Zhao Jun has never seen the girl before, it's just because this girl was his wife in his previous life and the person he was most sorry for in his previous life.

Zhao Jun felt countless guilt and regret towards her.

Since his rebirth, Zhao Jun has never seen her because he doesn't know how to face her.

"Yeah." Zhao Jun was suddenly in a trance, and somehow he opened his mouth and responded with "Yeah."

Seeing that Zhao Jun's attitude was a little cold, the girl suddenly felt that she should not come, but then she thought about it, she had already come in, and it was not good to turn around and leave now.

The girl is a cheerful person and immediately said: "I heard Mr. Wang said that you beat the black blind man. Can you give me the whole piece of meat?"

At this point, the girl paused for less than a second and added: "Just give me one. My little brother wants to eat pancakes and has been making noises for several days."

"Ah." Zhao Jun heard every word the girl said clearly, but his mind was muddled and he could only subconsciously utter "Ah" with his mouth open.

Is this "ah" considered an agreement or a disapproval?

When the girl heard this, she felt even more angry. She was about to turn around and leave, but saw Zhao Jun give her the answer with practical actions.

At this time, Zhao Jun felt nothing. It seemed that his subconscious was controlling his body. He raised his legs and left the door, walking step by step towards the black bear corpse.

With every step he took, Zhao Jun felt that the usually flat ground in the courtyard seemed to have pits tonight. Every step he took was one foot deep and one foot deep.

And every foot feels like stepping on cotton.

No, to be precise, it seems that the whole person is in the clouds, light and airy.

Zhao Jun came in front of the black bear's body, squatted down, and slashed the black bear's belly with a knife. Then he slashed twice horizontally, and a large piece of meat came out of the black bear's body.

Okay, this big piece of meat weighs about seven or eight pounds.

Zhao Jun casually threw the knife on the black bear and held up the piece of meat with both hands. When he stood up, he heard the girl behind him say in surprise: "Not so much!"

Then, she glanced at Zhao Jun's face and asked doubtfully: "Are you drunk?"

Just now, the girl greeted and talked to Zhao Jun, and Zhao Jun responded lightly, making the girl think that he was annoying someone by asking for meat.

But now, seeing Zhao Jun cut off such a big piece of flesh for herself, the girl knew that Zhao Jun didn't mean that.

But seeing Zhao Jun's confused look and the fact that the knife was such a big piece of meat, the girl just thought he was drunk.

"I remember you don't drink." The girl whispered again.

As if he hadn't heard anything, Zhao Jun walked up to the girl and said in a low voice, trembling a little, "Take this meat back and eat it."

The girl declined and said, "If it doesn't cost me so much, just give me one less cut."

Zhao Jun did not respond. He only held the meat with his right hand, grabbed the girl's basket with his left hand, and then pushed the meat into the basket with his right hand.

"This...thank you." Seeing that she couldn't refuse, the girl thanked her.

At this time, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something, let go of the basket and turned around to leave.

Zhao Jun suddenly let go, and the basket of meat was no longer affected by Zhao Jun's strength. The girl's hand holding the basket couldn't help but be knocked down by the basket of meat.

If the girl hadn't reacted in time, even the meat basket would have fallen to the ground.

"You...did it?" The girl looked at Zhao Jun's back and said, "When you're done drinking, go back to the house and rest. I'll go back soon."

"Ma Ling!" Zhao Jun suddenly called out the girl's name, the name he was most familiar with in his previous life.

As soon as he said "Ma Ling", something seemed to sink in Zhao Jun's heart, and the feeling of lightness from head to toe disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Alas!" Zhao Jun sighed silently in his heart, bent down and stretched out his hand to pull out a bear paw from the black bear's belly.

This was taken off by Li Baoyu when he was on the mountain. On the way home, the four bear paws that were removed turned into trouble.

Not only were they heavy to carry on their backs, but they were also in the way, so Zhao Jun stuffed them into the black bear's belly.

And this bear's paw, whether it is the front paw or the back paw, has five fingers. The fingertips have hook-like claws.

When Li Baoyu removed the bear's paw, he cut off the tips of the claws.

Therefore, Zhao Jun was able to hold a bear paw finger, carry it, and walk back to Ma Ling.

Then, Zhao Jun picked up the bear's paw and said to Ma Ling: "Take this bear's paw back and burn it."

"That's not okay." Ma Ling hurriedly refused and said, "You have already given me such a big piece of meat, how can I ask for your bear paws again?"

"Take it quickly." Zhao Jun pushed the bear's paw in front of Ma Ling.


"Take it."

"Thank you then." Ma Ling reached out and grabbed the other fingers of the bear's paw. As Zhao Jun let go, Ma Ling, who was prepared this time, took the bear's paw.

At this time, the two of them were silent for a while, and Ma Ling said: "Then... I will go back first. If you drink, you can rest early."

"Yes." Zhao Jun responded and did not go to see her off. He stood there and watched Ma Ling leave.

After watching Ma Ling walk out of her courtyard, Zhao Jun turned around and went back to the house. But as soon as he entered the house, he left again. When he opened and closed the door, Wang Meilan's voice came from the crack in the door.

"I want you to gain some muscle in your thighs. What are you thinking about? What have you been doing outside for so long?"

Zhao Jun heard this and remained silent. He came to the black bear's body and picked up a knife to cut off one of the black bear's hind legs.

He chose the inner part of the thigh and cut it open, then pulled out the black bear's thigh meat from the top. He took twelve or three strips in a row, and then he entered the house with the knife in one hand and the meat in the other.

At this time, on the road between villages.

Ma Ling carried the basket on her left arm, folded her forearm inward, and held the edge of the basket with her left hand; while her right arm drooped, holding a bear paw in her hand, and she staggered home.

Suddenly, two people passed by at the corner in front. Ma Ling used the light from the yard next to her to vaguely see who they were.

"Uncle Zhao, Doctor Han." Ma Ling greeted the two of them.

These two people were none other than Zhao Youcai and Han Shang, the doctor at the Tun Clinic.

"Girl, what are you doing so late..." Before Zhao Youcai could finish his question, he saw the bear paw in Ma Ling's hand. Looking at it, the girl must have come from his own house. Zhao Youcai didn't go there. Speak out.

Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Go home quickly."

"Well, uncle, I'm leaving first." Ma Ling knew that she couldn't say anything in front of Han Shang, so she turned to the side and passed by Zhao Youcai.

After he and Ma Ling walked on both sides and walked forward for about ten steps, Han Shang asked Zhao Youcai, "Second uncle, what did the girl from the Ma family do to your family? Your family gave her such a big piece of meat, and Bear’s paw.”

Zhao Youcai naturally understood the implication of Han Shang's words. He knew that this boy just wanted to tell himself that I am here to give your dog an injection, so you can't treat me badly.

Zhao Youcai glanced at Han Shang and said, "Nephew, do you want bear paws or legs?"

When Han Shang heard this, he knew that since Zhao Youcai said this, his idea of ​​having both the bear's paws and the bear's legs would not work.

Han Shang dared to discuss demands and conditions with Jin Xiaomei and Li Baoyu at the Li family, but in front of Zhao Youcai, he restrained himself a lot, so he said: "Second uncle, just give me a black blind man's palm."

Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "That's easy to say."

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