The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 822: If you have money, you will be surrounded. The more you fight, the more you lose.

The temptation that Zhao Youcai had been brewing all morning was shattered by Wang Meilan's ruthless words.

Zhao Youcai was quite dissatisfied. Just as he was about to defend himself, he heard Wang Meilan's question: "Tell yourself, how many troubles have you caused this year just by doing siege?"

"I..." Zhao Youcai just started, but before he could finish his sentence, Wang Meilan counted for him: "Then just after the New Year, before the first lunar month came out, you led Dayong and the others to attack. It’s snowing heavily in the mountains, I’m sure some of you didn’t freeze to death!”

"Who...who froze to death?" Zhao Youcai was unconvinced and spoke for himself: "Didn't we come back on our own?"

"Yes! Yes!" Wang Meilan nodded and said, "If you're not afraid of freezing to death, what are you doing back here?"

Zhao Youcai: "I..."

Wang Meilan counted again: "After you finish it, go to Yongsheng's in-laws' house to hunt local leopards. You haven't even beaten the leopards, so you can take advantage of the three sheep."

"That's not..." Speaking of this, Zhao Youcai had to say something fair for himself. He was either trying to get along with the other three, or just get along with the other two. Didn't the last big ewe drink milk for her grandson? The leopard can't be considered blind if it doesn't feed it.

"Isn't that what it is?" Wang Meilan said angrily: "And those two times, when we went out, you went outside and screamed. You threw the child to Dayong and made the child scream when he was hungry. What did you think about it? You How do you become a father?"

At this point, maybe because she felt that she couldn't relieve her hatred, Wang Meilan gave Zhao Youcai a pestle, then straightened her arm, pointed at Zhao Youcai and said: "This is because our mother... the child is still alive, knowing that you are such a bear." Yes, the old lady won’t slap your big ears?”

Wang Meilan put out Zhao Youcai's fire again with a few words. When Zhao Youcai gave up hunting and became a cook, it was probably because of Mrs. Zhao.

Zhao Youcai originally had a big brother, otherwise how could he be called Er Gudong?

But his eldest brother was in poor health and died before reaching adulthood. Zhao Youcai didn't have an older sister or younger sister. At that time, he only had such a son, and he fucked the black blind man and the wild boar every day. It was strange that Mrs. Zhao could feel relieved.

Mrs. Zhao's original words at that time were: As a father, you have to raise your children.

At that time, Yong'an was selecting a site to build a factory and had just begun to recruit people. Zhao Youcai had no intention of joining the Caotai team at first. But if he didn't go, Zhao Jun would slap him in the face with the sole of his shoe, so Zhao Youcai entered the forest farm.

At that time, there were not so many people in the forest farm. A bunch of old men gathered together, and none of them knew how to cook. Zhao Youcai had never cooked before, but he was very courageous and dared to cook anything. He cut up the stewed cabbage and potatoes and boiled them with water to make a stew.

Twenty-two years ago, when Yongan was built, it was just after the most difficult three years. Not to mention boiled cabbage and potatoes with sorghum rice, just some potato seeds, like what Wang Meilan feeds the dog every day. At that time, people had to say yes to it!

So when Zhao Youcai first joined the company, no matter what he did, his co-workers agreed. As a result, Zhao Youcai firmly secured the top spot in the canteen of Yongan Forest Farm.

Later, the conditions got a little better, and the forest farm specially sent Zhao Youcai down the mountain to learn skills.

Isn’t it said that practice makes perfect? ​​After doing this every day and cooking for more than 20 years, Zhao Youcai is now definitely a veritable Yongan chef.

But the chef has always longed for the mountains in his heart. Perhaps he has never given up hunting.

After more than twenty years with him, Wang Meilan knew very well who he was. Seeing that Zhao Youcai was silent, Wang Meilan rolled her eyes at him and said, "If I don't tell you, don't think I don't know what's going on!"

"Huh?" Zhao Youcai was startled, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

But Wang Meilan didn't deceive him, she said directly: "That day we went down the mountain to sell sticks, and there was no one in Dayong's family. I asked you to take leave to cook for our three children. What did you do?"

As soon as Wang Meilan said this, Zhao Youcai clicked his eyes several times. He secretly went to the mountain three times in total, once when Wang Meilan went to Lingnan for shopping, and the second time when Zhao Jun took Wang Meilan to Lingnan.

These two times Zhao Youcai was not at home, it was Li Dayong who helped manage Zhao Hong and Zhao Na.

The time Wang Meilan just talked about was the day that Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan went down the mountain to sell mallets in Daohua County. Jin Xiaomei returned to her parents' home because of something, and Li Dayong went to work as usual.

That day, of the Zhao and Li families, only Zhao Youcai was at home. Zhao Hong, Zhao Na, and Li Xiaoqiao had to go home for lunch after school.

Under this situation, Zhao Youcai secretly took his dog up the mountain to catch pigs, and it was Xiao Lingdang who heated up the food for the three children.

Later, Zhao Youcai was extorted 400 yuan from Wang Meilan for this matter, and everyone suppressed the matter with a tacit understanding.

Wang Meilan revealed this matter today, which is equivalent to breaking up. She really doesn't want Zhao Youcai to go out to fight in the future.

"Lingdang cooked the food for our two daughters!" Wang Meilan shouted loudly: "Do you know? What are you thinking about?"

"Then if you ask for money, I won't give it to you?" Zhao Youcai knew that he was at a critical moment, so he still fought for it with all his strength, saying, "Then you won't let me fight?"

"No!" Wang Meilan said in a strong tone: "You can do the math for yourself. How much did you put in when you surrounded me? The day before yesterday, I asked people to block the door and scold you. You don't mind it, but we ladies still don't mind it. What a shame!"

When mentioning Wei Xiaojuan's crime, Zhao Youcai also felt that his face was disgraced. Just when he was organizing his words and preparing to fight back, he heard Wang Meilan say: "My son will fight to make money for everything."

"What happened to me?" Zhao Youcai scratched his neck and said, "Did I give you less money?"

"You gave me a lot of money." This was the truth. Wang Meilan's tone softened slightly and said: "You know how can we, the villagers, talk about you behind your back now?"

"Huh? Why are you talking about me?" Zhao Youcai's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said anxiously: "Who is talking about me? What's wrong with me attacking them?"

Wang Meilan didn't care about Zhao Youcai's attitude. She just smiled and said to Zhao Youcai: "People say that if you have wealth to attack, the more you attack, the more you lose."

Zhao Youcai: "..."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Jun couldn't help it anymore, lowered his head, put his forehead against the Kang table and laughed non-stop.

Zhao Youcai was indeed angered by these words. He leaned on the kang with his hands, moved his butt to the edge of the kang twice, got off the ground and went out.

At this time, Zhao Jun raised his head, smiled and asked Wang Meilan, "Oh my god, who in the village is so particular about my father?"

When asked by Zhao Jun, Wang Meilan smiled faintly, pointed her chopsticks at herself, and said, "I will."

After saying that, seeing Zhao Jun stunned, Wang Meilan smiled again and said, "Isn't your mother from this village?"

Just after seven o'clock, Jie Chen drove Zhang Yuanmin to pick up Zhao Jun. Li Baoyu from next door came out to help, and the four of them released the dogs in the yard one by one.

These dogs now have experience. After being released, they first run around in the yard and then run out and have fun outside the yard for a while. Then he didn't need anyone to take him, he just jumped to the back of the car.

If the barrier is standing and cannot be jumped over, the dogs will sit under the car and wait.

Today, Zhao Jun brought all the dogs into the car.

There are five dragons, green, black, white, yellow and flower, big fat, three fat, big yellow, two black, small flower, tabby cat, flower wolf, black tiger and little bear, a total of fourteen dogs. Such a large dog gang, or a group of dogs, has never been seen in Yongan Forest District.

When the car drove away from the door of Zhao's house, Li Baoyu reluctantly looked at the car going away. He had not gone up the mountain to hunt for a long time, and he longed to go hunting with Zhao Jun.

Zhao Youcai, who came back from a relaxing break, looked at the leaving car with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Uncle!" Seeing Zhao Youcai coming back, Li Baoyu quickly calmed down and said hello to Zhao Youcai.

But seeing Li Baoyu at this moment, Zhao Youcai suddenly thought of something.

It was last fall. Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu had to sneak up the mountain. After hunting bears, they encountered a lynx.

On the next day, Zhao Youcai, Zhao Jun and his son divided their troops into two groups to squat on the lynx. When the lynx appeared, the two of them shot each other.

But the difference is that Zhao Jun's shot directly hit the head, while Zhao Youcai's shot only damaged the lynx's short tail.

Zhao Youcai rarely thinks about the embarrassing past, but he can never forget that time when Li Baoyu threw the lynx tail at his feet and said, "Uncle, you hit it!"

Zhao Youcai suddenly realized that from then on, Zhao Jun became more powerful day by day, but he himself was declining day by day.

To this day, the phrase "If you have money to fight, the more you fight, the more you will lose", which directly broke up the determination and persistence in Zhao Youcai's heart.

The car picked up Wang Qiang again halfway, and then all the way out of the village, along the mountain road to the place where Zhao Jun and the others laid the trap yesterday. The car stopped by the side of the road, and Wang Qiang got out of the car with a gun on his back and a sack in his hand.

"Uncle!" Zhao Jun said to Wang Qiang: "You should pay attention to yourself!"

"Hey!" Wang Qiang responded: "Jun, you should also pay attention to your safety!"

It might snow tomorrow, so today's schedule is very tight. Not only do you have to walk around half a chicken trap, but you also have to take the dog for a walk. It is best to have a fight with the pigs and catch a few wild boars.

So, Wang Qiang followed. But he got off the car halfway and went to pick up the sand-and-half chicken according to the direction Zhao Jun told him. After slipping all the condoms around, Wang Qiang took the captured Shaban chicken home.

Anyway, it's not far from home. It takes more than an hour to walk back to Yong'an Tun.

So, a group of four soldiers divided into two groups. Jie Chen drove Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin, and pulled fourteen dogs to the forest and headed towards the high mountain.

Heading to the mountains is because it’s the season!

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhang Yuanmin's favorite book, Zhuge Liang once said to Lu Su: "To be a general who does not understand astronomy, does not know the geographical advantages, does not know the strange gates, does not know the yin and yang, does not understand the formation map, and does not understand the military strength, is mediocre. ."

But Zhao Jun always said: To siege, you need to know the terrain of the mountain and the living habits of various prey!

Today is November 7, 1987, and in about half a month, the 23rd will be the light snow of the 24th solar term.

After the light snowfall, the soil in the Northeast freezes one centimeter deeper every day and night.

But for ordinary people, there is no intuitive concept of this solar term, unlike the winter solstice when you have to make dumplings.

For wild boars, this solar term is crucial.

Because after a light snowfall, wild boars will begin the most important thing in their lives - mating, commonly known as pawing or circling.

Before that, they need to migrate and choose a mate.

Of course, the migration of wild boars is not large-scale, unlike wild ducks from north to south, nor like Siberian tigers, which travel along the Changbai Mountains between China and Russia.

Wild boars migrate only in early winter, from the foot of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

To put it bluntly, we are looking for mountains with high altitudes. The old sow led the pigs there, and at the same time, the cannon eggs also drove there, and then entered the pigs alone.

It is said that a girl from one family is sought after by hundreds of families.

In this litter of pigs, there are several sows, big and small, and they have to fight several times to compete for mating rights.

The car drove all the way to the end of 93 Linban. Jie Chen parked the car aside, and Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin put down the dog gang.

After landing, Zhang Yuanmin put his gun back on his back. He suddenly remembered something and smiled at Zhao Jun: "Brother, I saw Chen Dalai this morning."

"Hmm." Zhao Jun responded with his nose and waited for Zhang Yuanmin to continue.

Zhang Yuanmin smiled and said, "He listened to me. He would be envious if I came out with you to fight."

"Ah!" Zhao Jun took Huang Long, the only one who had not untied the rope, and asked Zhang Yuanmin casually: "Didn't he make a siege this time?"

"No." Zhang Yuanmin pouted, shook his head, and said, "He said it wouldn't snow, so he didn't dare to come to the foot of the mountain."

"Hey, brother?" The person who asked the question was Jie Chen. He asked Zhang Yuanmin with a smile: "Is the Chen Dalai you are talking about the one who killed Hei Xiazicang with you?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yuanmin nodded and asked Xie Chen in surprise: "It's him, what happened?"

"He dares to come out with you to fight the blind man. How brave he is!" Jie Chen said with a bad smile: "He dares to do this, but he still doesn't dare to go up the mountain?"

"Go to the other side!" When Zhang Yuanmin heard what the commentator said was not good, he immediately gave the commentator a pause.

Jie Chen laughed, and Zhao Jun was also happy, and then said to Jie Chen: "Brother Zhang was just scared. He used to be a very adventurous person, but now he is trembling when he hears the blind bear yelling."

As he said that, Zhao Jun was afraid that Jie Chen would not understand, so he raised his hand and pointed to the top of the mountain and said: "The blind bear will not enter the barn until it snows. Now the big bear has to wander outside. Chen Dalai wants to hunt wild boars, but he doesn’t dare to go to the mountains!"

When Zhao Jun said this, Jie Chen understood. No wonder Chen Dalai envies Zhang Yuanmin. What he is afraid of is not afraid of Zhao Jun and others.

At this time, there was no snow falling in the forest. No matter what the fourteen dogs encountered in the forest, not to mention whether they could survive it, at least they could give people an early warning and prevent the big bear from touching them.

Looking back from the top of the mountain, Zhao Jun took the semi-automatic rifle in his hand. He pulled the bolt twice. When he felt that the spring was not frozen hard, he loaded the bullet into the chamber.

"Let's go!" Zhao Jun held a gun in one hand and Huang Long in the other. He greeted Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen twice, and then whistled three times in a row. All the hunting dogs who heard it gathered towards Zhao Jun.

The three of them carried guns and dogs and walked all the way up the hillside.

I have been holding it in for a long time at home. Today, except for Hualong, the other dogs are very excited and are not around people at all.

But all the gang dogs were in Zhao Jun's sight, but Big Fatty, the leader, was missing. As the big-headed dog and the two-headed dog in the future, Qinglong and Black Dragon moved together, all the way down the south slope.

As for the black tiger, who is a gangster, he hasn't had a good meal of meat for several days. Today, he worked hard and went out to find prey with Rhubarb.

On the contrary, it was the little bear. Although he was also excited, he did not run far away. Not only was he in Zhao Jun's sight, he also did not let Zhao Jun leave his sight.

This dog is experienced and knows that he is heavy. If a fight breaks out for a while, it will just follow its companions and take advantage. Unless the owner is in danger, it will never fight.

At this time, the southern slope of Gangliangzi was diagonally above Zhao Jun, about four miles away.

There is a hollow in the mountain, and a bunch of pigs are lying here.

There are big ones and small ones, male ones and female ones. But the boars in the middle zone are all underage, not sexually mature, and will not compete for mating rights.

One hundred and fifty-six meters north of Zhugang, under a red pine tree, lies a cannon egg weighing nearly 400 kilograms.

And more than 200 meters east of Zhugang, between a few catalpa trees, there was still a cannonball lying.

This cannon egg weighs over 300 kilograms, which is a bit smaller than the one in the north. However, the pig in the north has a broken tusk, and the only remaining tusk on the right side is also bent upward.

And this one, with a pair of straight fangs, is the so-called troublemaker!

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