The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 823: Wild boars form a fighting dog gang (October update 1041)

Relatively speaking, the wild boar's character is not very domineering.

Let's talk about roe deer. When a female roe deer is about to give birth, she will drive out all the other underage roe deer in the group, even those from her previous litter.

As for the Shaban chicken, when it comes to giving birth, it will find a separate place to nest.

Wild boars don't.

Not only that, even for the right to mate, the two boars fought for three days and three nights.

After the winner is determined, the losing side may not be expelled.

It has no right of priority. If it stays in the pig group, it may help the winner. Or the herd of pigs is very large, and it can pick up sows that the winner cannot take care of.

At this time, the two cannon eggs not far from Zhao Jun have not yet reached the point where they can coexist peacefully. They had a fight yesterday, and there was no winner.

Therefore, neither of them interfered with the pigs. They spent the past night recharging their energy and preparing for another battle today.

At this time, the smell of pig gangs spread to the dogs' noses with the wind, and the first thing they smelled was black tiger.

Just now, Black Tiger and Da Pang went down the north slope, went around in a circle, and went down the south slope in front of Zhao Jun.

After returning from Lingnan, Zhao Jun put the matter of treating Black Tiger's leg on the agenda.

Just as Wang Meilan made a brazier, Zhao Jun planned to use a casserole to stew ginseng and chicken soup for Black Tiger, and then use external medicine to treat the dog's legs.

The reason why I haven't started to do it now is that I want Black Tiger to go up the mountain again. When it snows for the first time, the black tiger will be splinted, and then the black tiger will not be able to come out for the next two or three months.

Heihu was not only exhausted from not going up the mountain these days, he was even more greedy.

Zhao Jun's family prepares delicious food every day. They bake meat and barbecue in the yard. After that, they make the broken bones for the dogs to eat. Other dogs didn't have any objections, but Black Tiger was already unhappy.

So today it is particularly diligent and relies on its own efforts to earn enough to eat.

When a ray of cold wind brought the scent of wild boar to the black tiger, it jumped out with a "ouch".

As soon as the black tiger barked, Big Fatty changed from the leader dog to the helper dog in an instant. He followed the black tiger and went straight to the place where the smell of pig came from to kill.

At the same time, all the Dog Gang except Hualong rioted and gathered in one place from all directions.

Zhao Jun pulled the rope, the chain horse buckled open, and Huang Long roared and rushed out.

Halfway down the road, Black Tiger and Big Fat met Qinglong and Black Dragon. The four dogs formed the first echelon and soon saw the wild boar making a nest in a hurry.

Normally, when these pigs see a dog approaching, they will definitely scatter and run away.

But today is different from the past. The two cannon eggs are at the peak of male hormone secretion, and they will not shrink back when facing foreign enemies.

Therefore, this is the only time the eggs can protect the group during the year. After a few days, when they feel comfortable, they will be the first to run away if a dog attacks.

But now, the two cannonballs rushed in front of the pigs together, putting aside their old grudges and blocking the four dogs from the pigs!

"Roar! Roar! Roar..." The two-headed cannon eggs lowered their heads slightly, and the bristles on their backs stood up like needles, and they roared in protest.

"Woof woof woof..." Four dogs formed a fan shape, about three meters away from the wild boar, and roared in unison.

At this time, the temperature in the mountains and forests was about minus ten degrees. When dogs barked and pigs roared, they would exhale white air from their mouths and noses.

When the four dogs were confronting the two cannon eggs, the other hunting dogs ran towards here.

And behind the two cannon eggs, the group of wild boars did not run away. They formed a formation, with two adult female wild boars leading three pigeons to form the second line of defense, protecting the four little yellow-haired boars in the innermost part.

Unless there is a pig god, this is the only time of year when you can see wild boars forming formations.

Suddenly, the larger of the two cannon balls took the initiative to charge towards the big fat creature opposite it.

Big Fat nimbly dodged, trying to lure the cannon eggs away from the pigs, so that Qinglong and the others could help.

At this time, the wild boars are warlike!

If Big Fatty runs away, Big Cannon Egg will chase him. When it left the pigs, the three dogs, Black Tiger, Green Dragon, and Black Dragon, all followed it.

While running, Qinglong speeded up, while Black Tiger and Black Dragon aimed at the back of the cannon egg.

But at this moment, the trouble maker rushed out, and the black tiger and black dragon chasing behind the cannon egg quickly dispersed.

The picker stopped after forcing the two dogs back. After the cannon egg noticed something, he immediately abandoned the big fat one, turned back and scared away the green dragon, and quickly came back to join the pickpocket. The two big boars were guarding the front of the pigs.

The four dogs ran around in a circle and gathered in front of the pigs again. On the way to turn around, Black Tiger saw his companions coming.

Among them, there are two thin strings, Bailong and Erhei running in front, followed by Sanpang, Huamao, Hualang...


As soon as the reinforcements arrived, Black Tiger jumped up and rushed directly in front of the picky pig.

Seeing the black tiger charging towards him, Kaifuzi lowered his head, and while rushing forward, raised his fangs.

When the picky pig lowered his head, the black tiger stopped. The moment the pig moved, the black tiger pulled away and ran away.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." He ran four to five meters away in one breath, and then stood still before turning around and roaring at the pigs.

At this time, hunting dogs rushed to the battlefield and joined the confrontation.

Soon twelve dogs and eleven wild boars formed a confrontation between two small groups. These twelve dogs were missing Hualong and Huanglong. It's just that Hualong is following Zhao Jun, while Huanglong is wandering outside, as if he is brewing something.

Sure enough, Huanglong outflanked from the left. It has lived in the mountains since it was a child. It knows that cannon eggs are difficult to deal with, but there are little wild boars behind it!

But just as Huang Long was about to start, a sow and a pig on the left side of the second defensive circle of the pigs turned at the same time, and two pairs of small eyes were fixed on Huang Long.

Huang Long was unwilling to give in and still moved his body to surround him. Just then, the female wild boar rushed out.

In early winter, the female wild boar that has just caught her autumn fat has not yet dropped off her scales. This female wild boar weighed over 200 kilograms. It came at her with such ferocity that Huang Long quickly turned around and ran away.

Seeing the female wild boar running towards Huanglong, Dahuang howled twice and rushed towards her with Sanpang and Erhei.

But what I didn't expect was that the troublemaking pig on the left moved. It chased the three dogs and scattered them.

But at this time, seeing that one cannon egg was missing, Big Fatty jumped up to attack the remaining cannon egg that was guarding the wild boar herd.

It was really different from usual. When Big Fat led the dog gang forward, Cannon Egg, who was left behind, came up with the pigs!

Immediately afterwards, the troublemaking pig came back with the female wild boar. The dog gang didn't dare to step forward, but the pigs held their ground, and the eggs from both ends were eager to have a fight with the dog gang.

In recent months, the group of dogs led by Zhao Jun first fought a fierce battle with a group of jackals to sharpen the fighting spirit of the hunting dogs.

Then there was a fierce battle in the sow forest, and the hunting dogs seemed to be reborn.

Early the next morning, I hunted a leopard on the way, and then I traveled through the mountains and forests, and it was difficult to meet any opponents.

These dogs, in the words of Dawei Xingli, are just out to work.

When hunting dogs work, their ferocity is one aspect. After all, no matter how ferocious a dog is, can it still be more ferocious than a cannonball or a blind bear?

Therefore, in the dog hunting circle, judging whether the hunting dogs are capable of working depends on their experience.

For example, Zhao Jun's dogs rarely recovered from their injuries in the past six months, and the time they spent recovering from their injuries was spent fighting.

In this way, the combat experience accumulated by these dogs in recent months is equivalent to two years of training for normal hunting dogs.

Even now, Qinglong and Black Dragon, although they are young, they have been in battle for a long time and have seen both big and small battles.

But today's formation is something that few of these dogs have ever seen.

Among the four dragons, none of them have ever been seen before. Big Fatty, Big Fatty, Cat, and Wolf. These four dogs used to play cheap games. To put it bluntly, they can only play low-end games with favorable winds. How have you ever seen such a scene?

If I have to say that I have actually seen them, they are Little Bear, Dahuang and Erhei. Little Bear has been holding back his strength today. It's okay to wave the flag and take advantage, but it's not okay to let him charge into the formation.

Rhubarb was old, and it rushed twice, but was intercepted by two cannon eggs. As for Erhei, it tried again and again.

But at this time, a companion is needed to help. The other dogs don't know Er Hei's plan, so Er Hei can only slowly wait for the opportunity.

Finally, Big Fat once again led his team to charge. He led San Fat, Huamao, Hualang, White Dragon, and five dogs together. Dahuang and other dogs were restraining them on both sides. Under this situation, the two big boars made a decisive decision to take the initiative. They first dispersed Big Fat and the others, and then circled around each other to force back the dog gangs on both sides.

But when the two cannonballs were dragged away from the pigs by Big Fat and the others, Erhei escaped the attack of the stubble-picking pig, but he did not run away, but bypassed the boar and rushed straight into the pig formation!

Erhei knew that only by breaking away from the pig formation, and when Shen and Xiao Huang Maozi ran away in all directions the next year, Cannon Egg would give up the pigs. At that time, the Dog Gang will have the opportunity to grab orders.

Erhei charged into the formation, and the two cannon eggs roared in unison. They both turned to come back for help. At this time, Dahuang got ahead of the cannon eggs and attacked the pigs with Erhei.

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in the nest!

The two big boars fought bravely, and the female wild boars in the formation did not show any signs of deterioration. They faced Dahuang and Erhei with their heads swung, one from the left and the other from the right.

The two dogs had no choice but to stop, and then three dogs surrounded them. There were pigs in front of them and boars in the back. Dahuang and Erhei had no choice but to flee to the left and right.

Usually the dogs chased the pigs away, but today the pigs were all fighting with their lives. Even the four little yellow cats followed in the footsteps of their mother, aunt, brother and sister, and joined forces with their future stepfather, facing each other. Dahuang and the other dogs, who turned around to fight again, rushed over.

Eleven wild boars roared and charged with momentum like a rainbow!

The dog gang scattered and fled all over the mountain.

Can't stop it!

Among this group of dogs, in addition to the green dragon and the black dragon, even the pregnant cubs can still take the little yellow haired child.

Like Big Fat, Erhei, and Bailong, these three heavy and aggressive hunting dogs can catch female wild boars under 200 kilograms alone.

But when so many wild boars formed a formation, no dog could stand in their way.

Breaking through the blockade of the dog gang, the pigs, led by two boars, moved towards the top of the hill.

Older wild boars have experience. They know that they must go up. There are hilly forks above, and they can run up the mountain step by step.

If the pigs run away, the little yellow pig will be in front and the big pig will be behind. But this is not because the big pigs are dedicated, but because they can't run as fast as the little pigs.

But now we are not running away, we are charging!

This means the big pig is in front and the little pig is behind.

So when the two-headed cannon eggs rushed away from the oncoming dogs such as Big Fat, Three Fat, Er Hei, and White Dragon, the Yellow Dragon and the Black Tiger touched the little yellow hairy child behind the pigs.

When the two pounced on the small yellow-haired child, the screams were heard. The big pig in front heard it, and the female wild boar turned around angrily. While frightening the yellow dragon and the black tiger, the two female wild boars and three of the other female wild boars killed the four small yellow-haired animals. All are protected in the middle.

At the same time, both cannon eggs also turned around. But before they arrived, Dahuang, with the help of Little Bear, led Qinglong, Black Dragon, Huanglong and Xiaohua to attack the sow boar's formation.

As soon as the two cannon eggs arrived, Little Bear and Dahuang dispersed with the help of dogs. At this time, the pig formation turned around, and Big Fatty and Three Fatty began to attack the two pigs at the back.

If people think about it, the two cannon eggs can be separated to defend against dog gang attacks one after the other.

But that's what people think, but wild boars don't do that. As the two cannon eggs once again rescued the tail of the formation, the pig formation was actually running at this time.

Two female wild boars and three female wild boars formed a circle, with the pigs' heads facing outward, and they moved counterclockwise in a circle!

And in the inner circle, the same is true for the four little yellow-haired boys!

The most important thing is that after the two cannon eggs once again dispersed the big fat and other dogs, they joined the circle where the female wild boar was, expanding the scope of the pig formation.

Seven wild boars were outside and four wild boars were inside. The formation was in full swing. Although every pig moved very slowly, no hunting dog dared to step forward.

Unlike Big Fat and other dogs who roared anxiously, Little Bear, Dahuang, and Erhei calmed down after seeing this scene.

Because they still have reinforcements!

Zhao Jun held his gun and ran here panting. Although it was below freezing, once I started running, my cotton-padded jacket got wet.

Behind Zhao Jun, Jie Chen and Zhang Yuanmin both made great achievements today and were not left too far behind by Zhao Jun.

Especially Zhang Yuanmin, who was carrying a pig hook behind him at this time, holding back his energy and preparing to show off his skills.

When the three people came closer, Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen were shocked by the scene in front of them!

I saw twelve dogs surrounding eleven wild boars. The hunting dogs were in a circle and the wild boars were in formation. The hunting dogs are stationary outside, and the wild boar is rotating inside.

Whether a dog or a pig, white gas will emit from the mouth and nose when breathing or roaring.

Seen from a distance, this scene is really shocking!

"Formation!" Zhang Yuanmin, who had read "The Romance of the Gods" twice recently, was extremely excited when he came back to his senses.

But after the excitement, Zhang Yuanmin turned to Zhao Jun and asked: "Brother, you are well-informed, can you recognize this formation?"

Zhao Jun ignored him, but held the gun in his hand and turned off the safety on the gun.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was silent, Zhang Yuanmin knew that it was not appropriate to disturb Zhao Jun, so he came to Jie Chen's side, pulled the stunned Jie Chen who had not yet recovered, and said, "You haven't seen him before, brother?"

As soon as Zhang Yuanmin finished speaking, before Jie Chen could reply, Zhao Jun on the side made a move.

He raised the muzzle of the gun slightly, but suddenly remembered something, turned to Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother, Jiechen, you two get up the tree!"

Zhang Yuanmin and Jie Chen were stunned when they heard the sound. Zhang Yuanmin reacted quickly. He pushed Jie Chen aside and said, "Hurry up the tree."

"Ah?" When Jie Chen was surprised, he heard Zhang Yuanmin say: "Your brother Jun asked us to see how their formations look like..."

Zhang Yuanmin remembers that in "The Romance of the Gods", whether it was the Twelve Golden Immortals breaking through the Ten Jue Formations or the Four Teachings in the Killing Immortals Formation. Before breaking the formation, you have to enter the formation to explore the reality.


But as soon as the two of them hugged the tree, a gunshot exploded in the mountain.

This shot was like a starting gun. The dog gang and the pig formation all rioted!

A heavy rain ruthlessly destroyed my vegetable garden... I have been working hard all morning today and am exhausted. Dinner is ready, but I haven't eaten it yet.

I'm going to make up for it today, I still owe it last year. Although it is late, the debt will be repaid.

It has been more than a year since I wrote the book. I would like to thank my brothers for supporting me all the way. Without your support, I would not be able to survive today.

Thanks again!

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