The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 951 The Second Tiger

The warehouses in the two courtyards were opened, and the hunting dogs rushed out. Bailong almost knocked down Zhao Jun with a single move.

Dogs have no sense of time, but they know that they have not seen Zhao Jun for a long time.

Zhao Jun hugged Bailong with both hands, and Sanpang jumped over from the side. It pounced upward and pushed Bailong away from Zhao Jun with a pair of front paws. Then the third fat man stood up and threw himself into Zhao Jun's arms.

The third fat man was not light either. Fortunately, Zhao Jun was prepared. He hugged the third fat man and touched it from the back of its head.

The third fat man put the dog's muzzle on Zhao Jun's chest, gently twitching his nose and sniffing. At this time, other hunting dogs also came over, and they circled around Zhao Jun.

These hunting dogs, which can fight fierce beasts in the mountains, will be jealous of their owners.

In the Zhao Family Dog Gang, there are no two hunting dogs weighing less than one hundred kilograms, and most of them weigh upwards of one hundred kilograms. Those rough grids, if there was a fight, even ten people might not be able to pull them apart.

Therefore, Zhao Jun asked Jie Chen to hold Huang Long and the old lady and walk slowly. And he himself pushed the three fat men and ran out of the courtyard.

As soon as Zhao Jun ran away, the hunting dogs roared away after him. Some dogs followed Zhao Jun, and some dogs surpassed Zhao Jun but kept looking back at him. As a result, no dog got tired of chasing Zhao Jun.

After Zhao Jun ran a hundred or so meters and stopped, the hunting dogs scattered around, sniffing, sniffing, and raising their legs to urinate.

Zhao Jun shook his head from side to side from time to time, looking at his hunting dogs. Although these dogs could not bite, there was no guarantee that they would be attracted to another animal.

The fat man raised his legs and peed on the trunk of a big willow tree beside the road, and the slightest trace of heat dispersed with the urine.

Seeing Zhao Jun glance at him, the fat man retracted his legs and ran towards him.

This fat guy has lost some weight recently, but his weight is still around 125 pounds.

When the big fat man started running, the flesh on his body trembled. In addition, the big ears flap, and white air spurts out when the mouth is opened, making it look majestic and energetic.

The fat man came closer to Zhao Jun, and a pair of front legs pried Zhao Jun's trouser legs, causing Zhao Jun to stumble.

This was a dog getting close to people, so Zhao Jun would not blame it, but he was afraid that the dogs would attack him outside, so he stretched out his hand to greet Big Fatty: "Big Fatty, run!"

With that said, Zhao Jun took a step and ran forward.

Hearing this, the big fat man kicked the ground with his four claws, bowed and opened his body, closed his four claws, and quickly surpassed Zhao Jun.

Seeing Zhao Jun and Big Fat running, the other dogs followed suit.

Home was around the corner. Zhao Jun's steps gradually slowed down, and he waved his hand forward and said, "Go home!"

Dogs can understand these two words.

Big Fatty, White Dragon, and Erhei were the three dogs running home.

A golden den or a silver den is not as good as your own kennel. I wonder if they will miss home after being away from home for a day. But when they saw home, these dogs were a little excited.

When the fat man jumped into the yard, he happened to see Zhao Chun walking towards the door of the room.

Zhao Chun came the day before yesterday, and from the time she arrived home, she didn't leave the house much except for going to the latrine.

But Big Fatty and the others also know Zhao Chun, and there is a very magical thing about dogs, that is, when a stranger comes to the house, the dog can judge the relationship between this person and the family.

Although they had only met her a few times, Big Fatty and the others knew that this woman had a close relationship with their master. Therefore, they will not stop Zhao Chun from entering the house.

"Come!" They didn't care about Zhao Chun, but Zhao Chun wanted to take care of them.

When Zhao Chun was born, there were dogs at home.

If children in the grassland grow up on the back of a horse, then Zhao Chun grew up on the back of a dog.

She has been riding the family dog ​​around the yard since she was four years old. At that time, the hunting dogs at home weighed only 70 to 80 pounds. But the dog would lie down and let Zhao Chun ride on it. Then the dog would stand up and carry Zhao Chun around the yard.

It was precisely because of the dog named Sansha that Zhao Chun became the envy of children all over the village when he was a child. But every time an adult passes by Zhao's house and sees the little girl riding a big dog in the yard, he or she will shout, "The child's crotch is ruined by riding a dog!"

This bad crotch is not a curse, but an old local saying. In the future, many dogs will be raised in rural areas, and Zhao Chun is not the only child riding a dog.

However, there are not many dogs that will cooperate with their little masters to ride. Generally, dogs may not resist, but they just stick there and let the children climb up and down on them.

Dogs in the Northeast are not short. If a child wants to ride on a dog, he must spread his legs and pull his crotch to put one leg on the dog's back. As a result, the crotch will often be pulled open.

Therefore, the locals say that a child’s crotch will be ruined if he rides on a dog.

In some places, there is a saying that if a child rides a dog when he is young, it will rain on his wedding day when he grows up.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something?

Zhao Chun and Zhou Jianjun got married, and it rained on the day the Zhao family held a banquet. Fortunately, it was a rain shower, which only lasted for more than ten minutes. When the clouds passed, the rain stopped.

Although it was raining at the wedding, it could not extinguish Zhao Chun's love for dogs. Before, if the barking dog hadn't woken up the child, she wouldn't have given Daqing to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Chun clapped his hands twice, and then greeted: "Come here! Come here!"

Although he knew that Zhao Chun was not an outsider, he was not familiar with her after all. A group of dogs stood about two or three meters away from Zhao Chun, and no one came forward.

"You're so disrespectful." Zhao Chun wasn't angry even though he didn't call the dog. But when she smiled and took her hand back, she saw a big black dog running toward her, wagging its tail.

The black tiger was not running, but taking small steps along the way. It lowered its head, its chin almost touched the ground, but stuck its butt high, and its big tail was still swaying in mid-air.

This dog is usually like this. It originally wanted to please Wang Meilan, Zhao Hong, and Zhao Na, but later evolved into pleasing everyone who came to Zhao's house.

Licking well, eating well.

Even Xie Sun, who had nothing left to eat, had to feed the black tiger every now and then.

"Ouch!" Looking at the black tiger approaching, Zhao Chun was very happy. She squatted down and hugged the black tiger, touched the hair on its back, and couldn't help but admired: "This dog is so good!"

At this time, Zhao Jun led Qinglong and Heilong to the front of the hospital when Wang Meilan, Jin Xiaomei, and Yang Yufeng came out of the back room. When the dogs saw Wang Meilan, they all moved closer to Wang Meilan.

If dogs are not smart, they know that Wang Meilan cannot hold herself. So they would attack Zhao Jun, and sometimes Zhao Youcai and Li Baoyu, but they would not attack Wang Meilan.

Every dog ​​that comes to Wang Meilan just lowers its head and rubs against Wang Meilan's legs.

"Come on!" Wang Meilan shouted, and then grabbed the big fat man by the back of his neck from the pile of dogs.

Then Wang Meilan grabbed the flesh on his neck, and Big Fat followed Wang Meilan to his kennel, and obediently allowed Wang Meilan to tie the dog's leash.

"Three fat guys!" After tying the big fat guy, Wang Meilan greeted him, and the three fat guys came over. At this time, Jin Xiaomei climbed over the wall and returned to her yard to tie Dahuang and Xiaohua.

When Zhao Jun entered the hospital, he followed Wang Meilan to tie the dog. While tying the green dragon, Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan, who was tying the flower dragon aside, said, "Mom, the little bear is born."

"Ah?" Wang Meilan was startled and asked in surprise: "What did my ex-son give birth to?"

"I just gave birth." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Four cubs, I have no energy to give birth to three of them myself. I will deliver one of them after this."

"Oh, brother!" Yang Yufeng laughed when he heard this: "Can you still do this?"

Zhao Jun laughed, and Wang Meilan asked from the side: "Son, what should I prepare for Little Bear tonight?"

Speaking of this, Wang Meilan subconsciously glanced at the large vat against the wall and said, "There are also wild boar hooves in the vat. Can you make soup for it?"

After a female dog gives birth to her pups, she won’t like to eat for the first three days, especially on the day of delivery. But if you get some soup, it may be able to drink two sips, or it may not drink a sip.

Zhao Chun was stunned by Wang Meilan's words. Did the bitch drink pig's trotter soup when she gave birth? Thinking about how many days had passed since his birth last year, Zhao Jun gave himself four wild boar trotters and more than ten kilograms of wild boar meat.

Zhao Chun was not being picky, but he just felt something was wrong. At this time, Zhao Jun replied from the side: "No, Mom. Whatever we do tonight, he won't eat much. Why don't we just give the little bear two spoons when we make soup for the black tiger tomorrow morning."

As soon as he heard Zhao Jun chanting his name, Black Tiger's ears twitched and he hurriedly wagged his tail at Zhao Jun.

At this time, Zhao Chun no longer cared about the pig's trotter soup. She said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, before I go back in two days, I will pick a puppy and take him away."

These are biological siblings. Zhao Chun didn't discuss it and just said he wanted a puppy. But this is normal. Female dogs give birth to pups these days. It would be nice to keep one in the family. The rest are given away.

So Zhao Chun didn't think much about it. After all, the yard was full of dogs. Can he still keep them?

But after Zhao Chun finished speaking, he saw Zhao Jun and Wang Meilan look at each other, and then they smiled.

Zhao Chun also laughed, and she asked jokingly: "What? You don't want to give it to me?"

When Zhao Chun asked this, even Yang Yufeng and Jin Xiaomei who came back from climbing over the wall were happy.

Everyone was happy, but Zhao Chunle was confused. Zhao Jun smiled and said to her: "Sister, you can tell our dad about this, we can't make the decision."

"Huh?" Zhao Chun was stunned, and then Wang Meilan said: "Yes, your father said that no one can give anything to this litter of bastards."

"Why?" Zhao Chun asked blankly.

"It's because I'm afraid of breaking the relationship." Yang Yufeng said with a smile: "I promised to give it to us at first, but then I said no."

"This old man!" Zhao Chun laughed when she understood that it was her father who acted as a monster. She suddenly raised her voice and said, "Then why does he want my dog?"


Go east from Linban 45, Yong'an Forest District, walk up the gangliangzi, and you will see a jumping stone pond.

In the jumping stone pond, there is a huge stone shaped like a person standing. Therefore, this piece of jumping stone pond is called Giant Lazi by the locals.

In the southwest corner of Giant Lazi, there is a forest. At this time, in the forest, the two of them were hiding behind two trees, one behind the other, one on the left and one on the right.

They held guns in their arms and stood with their backs against the big tree. They were Li Chunming, the security section chief of the Forestry Bureau, and Zhang Dongzhi, the security guard.


Suddenly, a strange whistling sound reached the ears of the two of them. Li Chunming turned around, and the person came out from behind the tree.

Li Chunming took a step forward. As he jumped out of the woods, he stumbled forward and knelt down on one knee.

The next second, Li Chunming put the gun to his face. At the same time, he sat on the heels of his knees with his buttocks and the handle of the gun pressed tightly against his shoulders.

Zhang Dongzhi was two meters away from Li Chunming at this time, and was behind Li Chunming. Zhang Dongzhi was seen placing the gun steadily on the branch of a small tree, and then aiming in the direction of Jumping Stone Pond.


The beast's roar rang out from the jumping stone pond. In an instant, birds flew into the sky in the forest, the mountain wind passed through the forest, and the branches of the trees swayed and rustled.

But Li Chunming and Zhang Dongzhi were like statues, motionless even when they knelt or stood up.

Their cheeks were tense and their faces were expressionless. At this time, the two of them opened one eye and closed the other, staring at the gun star with the open eye, their eyes full of determination.


The howl was long and the whine was short, but the roar of the beast quickly approached the two of them.

Li Chunming and Zhang Dongzhi both held their breath, waiting for their prey to appear.

The gun takes one shot, and since this is tiger hunting, the first shot is particularly important.


Suddenly, a strange sound came from behind the two of them.

The forest where Li Chunming and Zhang Dongzhi were hiding was not far to the west, and it was a steep downhill slope.

Tens of meters down, there is a sledge path.

At this time, a strange noise jumped up from the slope and exploded in the forest.


Leng Buding suddenly made Li Chunming and Zhang Dongzhi tremble with fear.

It was at this trembling moment that I saw a yellow shadow drawing an arc in mid-air, heading straight to the south.

That sound not only frightened Li Chunming and Zhang Dongzhi, but also frightened the prey they were guarding.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Li Chunming and Zhang Dongzhi moved their guns and shot after the yellow shadow. But that guy was too fast, just like the old people said, it was just a gust of wind.

Even though the two of them had set aside an amount of advance, every time they pulled the trigger, the yellow shadow had already passed ahead of the amount of advance.

This is also the reason why Zhao Youcai couldn't even fire a single shot when the four major gunners crouched in the middle of the night.



Gunshots rang out here, and behind them there were firecrackers exploding in the woods.

"Ouch, fuck me!" Zhang Dongzhi withdrew the muzzle of the gun from the branch of the tree, turned around and shot in the air.

"Bang! Bang!"

This was purely venting, and his bullets couldn't hit the person who fired the cannon.

Almost at the same time, behind Linban 64 in Yong'an Forest District, there was a virgin forest, which was called Dasha Gang by the locals.

The main hilltop of this mountain extends from east to southwest, and the mountain becomes steeper as you go up.

In a dustpan on the southern slope of Dongshan Mountain, more than 40 wild boars were lying in a mess.

It's almost snow and these wild boars are getting ready to breed the next generation.

There are three cannon eggs in such a large group of wild boars, but at this time they are no longer fighting, they are in a tripartite state, and they have all accepted each other's existence.

Anyway, the pig herd is so big, with nearly 20 adult sows, which cannot be served by just one cannon egg. Just two more to share the burden can also help guard the pigs and drive away other cannon eggs.

It was not yet noon, and none of the wild boars had made their nests. Food is hard to find in winter, and no matter what you do after getting up, you have to consume it, so these wild boars usually have to lie down until the afternoon.

Suddenly, a female wild boar raised her head and made a "buzzing" sound while twitching her nose.

The next second, dozens of "beep buzzing" sounds sounded almost simultaneously, followed by wild boars getting up one after another.

These wild boars were a little panicked. They formed a formation and ran down without even peeing. Xiao Huangmaozi went first, followed by Chen Shen and the female wild boar the next year, and the three-headed cannon broke the eggs.

Not two minutes after the wild boars left, a beast appeared in the place where they had just laid down.

Another tiger!

This tiger is larger than the tiger that jumped on the horse in Xiao 44 Linban. It is also an adult male Siberian tiger.

People in Yong'an call Zhao Jun a wild boar herder, but there is another wild boar herder in this mountain.

Older mountain runners say that when there are large groups of wild boars, they will appear. It will chase the pigs leisurely, and then catch a wild boar every now and then to eat.

The wild boars were as if they were herds, and he was like a swineherd driving the pigs.

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