"Every sunny and frosty day... so the fisherman sang: "The Badong Three Gorges Wu Gorge is long, and the ape calls three times and sheds tears on his clothes! "

Yong'an Middle School, Grade 2, Grade 2.

At the southernmost table in the second row by the window, Hu Lina stood up and recited the text in a clear voice.

All the girls in the class looked at Hu Lina. To be precise, it was looking at the red ribbon on her head.

"Okay!" Chinese teacher Liu Yunfeng stretched out his arm to Hu Lina, slapped her palm down, and said with a smile: "You're doing well, sit down."

Liu Yunfeng is forty-seven years old, about 1.8 meters tall and thin. He has a daughter named Liu Mei, who is Li Baoyu's fiancée.

Since Yong'an was classified as a forest area, the Forestry Bureau has built farms, family areas, and schools here.

When there was a school in Yongan, Liu Yunfeng was the teacher. But at that time, there was only a primary school in Yongan, and a middle school three years later.

Liu Yunfeng has been teaching in Yongan for 22 years. He is dedicated and hardworking and has won the love of students and parents.

Last week they studied a classical Chinese article "Three Gorges". Since they learned it word for word, they studied it for three days.

After finishing the article, Liu Yunfeng asked the students to memorize the text.

In fact, students like Hu Lina who study well have memorized the text early in the learning process.

Therefore, Hu Lina's performance today was very good. She memorized a text from beginning to end without any pause or stumbling, which made Liu Yunfeng very satisfied.

The text required all students to memorize it, so Liu Yunfeng called on them one by one. At this time, Hu Lina sat down, and the next one should be Ma Yang, who was at the same table with her.

Logically speaking, it was his turn, so this kid should take the initiative to stand up. But Ma Yang sat there with his head down, staring straight at the textbooks on the table.

At this time, other students in the class looked at Ma Yang. Liu Yunfeng frowned and called, "Ma Yang, Ma Yang?"

"Hey!" Hu Lina couldn't stand it anymore and moved Ma Yang's arm to the side with her right hand.

"Huh?" Ma Yang looked at Hu Lina blankly, but saw Hu Lina pointing her hand forward and whispering: "The teacher is calling you to memorize the text!"

"Huh? Ah!" Ma Yang stood up immediately after hearing this. He was completely confused now. He subconsciously picked up the textbook on the table and hurriedly held the book in front of him.

His actions stunned the teachers and classmates, and then they heard Ma Yang reading from the book, stuttering: "This morning's class is about first..."


After a brief moment of astonishment, the students interrupted Ma Yang's recitation with laughter.

Although Liu Yunfeng has been teaching and educating people for 22 years, he has never seen such a scene.

He left the podium and walked toward Ma Yang. At this time, Ma Yang was dumbfounded by the laughter of his classmates. He looked around at the smiling faces in astonishment.

If Zhao Jun was here, he would definitely know what happened to Ma Yang. In Zhao Jun's previous life, when he learned that Li Ruhai and Hu Lina were engaged, Ma Yang sat on the edge of Zhao Jun's home and stared at the snowflakes on the TV all afternoon.

But Liu Yunfeng didn't know. He walked up to Ma Yang and reached out to take the English textbook from Ma Yang's hand. At the same time, Liu Yunfeng looked back at the blackboard.

On the right side of the blackboard, there is a line of words written vertically: English, numbers, language, style...

This is today's class schedule. Every day, students on duty come to school early to wipe the blackboard. After wiping the blackboard clean, they will write today's class schedule on the far right side of the blackboard.

English, mathematics, Chinese and physical education are the four classes this morning. The first class is English, the second class is mathematics, and the third class is now Chinese class.

This is already the third period of class, and Ma Yang is still reading an English book!

These days, teachers can physically punish students. Some parents even ask the teacher to beat their children to death if they don't study hard.

If it were left twenty years later, I’m afraid no one would receive this kind of education. But every era has its own characteristics. In this period, learning can really change a person's destiny.

Every family has many children. The adults go to work and go to the fields every day and have no time to take care of the children. As for the children's study, they have no control over it.

So if someone is willing to teach and supervise their children, parents would be grateful.

But Liu Yunfeng has a gentle personality. He never punishes students corporally, but focuses on persuasion and education.

Liu Yunfeng took a deep look at Ma Yang. After heaving a sigh of relief, he glanced at the watch on his wrist. Then he handed Ma Yang his English textbook, pointed to the door and said, "Go and find your Xiao." Teacher, go chat with her."

"Ah..." Ma Yang responded numbly, and walked out with his English textbook in his arms. The teacher and classmates were stunned.

Ma Yang walked out of the classroom in a daze. The classrooms these days were just a row of conjoined bungalows, with the teachers' offices at the far west end. But Ma Yang held the book and walked slowly eastward.

At this time, a bell rang, and students from all classes ran out of the classroom. Although it is cold in winter, for children of this age, they have to run out as soon as get out of class is over.

The noise behind him couldn't stop Ma Yang, and he walked home step by step.

The twenty-minute journey took Ma Yang nearly forty minutes. When he entered the house, Wang Cuihua, who was kneading the steamed buns, and Ma Ling, who was cutting the radish strips, were both startled.

"Huh?" Wang Cuihua stared, pointed at Ma Yang and said, "Why are you back so early?"

Usually when Wang Cuihua talks to Ma Yang like this, Ma Yang must stop and answer his mother's question. But today, Ma Yang turned a deaf ear to Wang Cuihua's words and walked into his room step by step. Cotton Monkey lay down on the kang without taking off his clothes.

"Huh?" Just as Wang Cuihua was about to follow, she was stopped by Ma Ling. She only heard Ma Ling say: "Mom, today is Monday, and their last period in the morning is physical education."

"Ah..." Wang Cuihua suddenly realized, nodded and said: "That's what I said."

The Ma family had radish sticks and potato stick soup for lunch today, and their staple food was steamed buns with noodles.

As soon as the food was out of the pot, Wang Cuihua picked up the steamed buns and put them on the curtain tied with sorghum poles, while Ma Ling poured the soup into a basin.

The food was served on the Kang table in the east room. When Wang Cuihua went out to get the bowls and chopsticks from the outer room, she shouted to the west room: "It's time to eat!"

When Wang Cuihua returned to the house with the dishes and chopsticks, Ma Ling also brought chili oil and vinegar.

This carrot soup digests gas and is a perfect match with vinegar. When vinegar is dropped into the soup, it tastes very fresh.

"Come on, daughter!" Wang Cuihua filled a bowl of soup and handed it to Ma Ling. As the two families exchanged gifts, Ma Ling spent less and less time at home, and Wang Cuihua felt that she couldn't get enough time with her daughter.

After Ma Ling took the soup, she handed another empty bowl to Wang Cuihua. While Wang Cuihua was holding the bowl in one hand and filling the soup with the other, she tilted her head outside the kang and shouted toward the door: "I summoned you to eat, but you didn't Did you hear that?"

At this time, Wang Cuihua had a problem with Ma Yang.

But when her voice fell, the room opposite was still quiet. Ma Ling blinked her big eyes and said, "Is my little brother asleep? Let me check."

With that said, Ma Ling was about to get off the kang, but was stopped by Wang Cuihua.

Wang Cuihua got up and ran to the west room. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Ma Yang lying on the kang, without taking off his cotton clothes and without a pillow under his head.

"What?" Wang Cuihua frowned and said angrily: "I still have to bring it over to feed you?"

After Wang Cuihua finished speaking, Ma Yang still didn't move. Wang Cuihua's heart suddenly became angry. She took a step forward, reached out and hit Ma Yang on the leg, and shouted: "Get up and eat!"

"I won't eat!" Ma Yang sat up all of a sudden and shouted hysterically at Wang Cuihua: "I won't eat! I won't eat!"

In the room opposite, Ma Ling hurriedly ran this way. After falling into a brief shock, Wang Cuihua came to her senses and waved her hand to slap Ma Yang in the face.

Your mother serves you like this every day, how dare you yell at an adult? This is outrageous!

But as soon as Wang Cuihua waved her hand, Ma Yang closed his eyes and grinned: "Ah ha ha ah uh..."

Countless sadness and grievances all turned into tears and burst out at this moment.

Wang Cuihua was stunned on the spot. Ma Ling came in and took a look at the crying Ma Yang. Then she saw Wang Cuihua next to her with her hands raised, and immediately asked: "Mom, did you hit him?"

Ma Ling didn't feel sorry for her brother, but was a little curious. Ma Yang skipped school that day, and Ma Dafu gave them both a big mouth, but the boy didn't even cry. No matter how hard Wang Cuihua beats her, she can't beat Ma Dafu, right?

"Ah?" Wang Cuihua was stunned by Ma Ling's question. She turned her head subconsciously. When she saw her raised hand, it trembled as if she was electrocuted, and then she took it back.

"No!" Wang Cuihua shook her head, then approached Ma Yang and asked, "Son, what's going on?"

It's okay that she didn't ask. As soon as she asked, Ma Yang fell down instantly. This time, Ma Ling and Wang Cuihua were stunned.

But the next second, Ma Yang raised his arms and hugged his head, and continued to cry: "Ahh..."

The mother and daughter looked at each other under the kang. Wang Cuihua opened her mouth and asked Ma Ling in a weak voice: "What is going on?"

Ma Ling followed Wang Cuihua's example and responded: "I don't know."

After saying that, Ma Ling regained her voice, went over and sat sideways on the edge of the kang, reached out and gently pushed Ma Yang's leg, and asked: "Little brother, what's wrong? Who provoked you?"

Ma Ling asked, but Ma Yang didn't reply and was still crying.

"Oh!" Seeing Ma Yang like this, Ma Ling also felt distressed and said directly: "Who bullied you? Tell me and I will find someone to beat him!"

"Huh?" After hearing Ma Ling's words, Wang Cuihua hurriedly asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Zhao Jun..." As soon as Ma Ling opened her mouth, Wang Cuihua stopped her and said, "That's not possible. Zhao Jun is an adult. Can he be allowed to mix with children?"

When children fight these days, adults won't get involved easily.

"I won't let him get involved." Ma Ling said, "I asked him to help find Li Ruhai. That kid knows a lot of people..."

Before Ma Ling finished speaking, Ma Yang suddenly got up. Ma Ling and Wang Cuihua were shocked by his sudden appearance.

"I don't need anyone!" Ma Yang wiped his eyes with his arm, then jumped off the bed and walked to the opposite room.

When he arrived in the east room, Ma Yang sat down on the kang, picked up Ma Ling's bowl of radish soup, and put the soup and vegetables into his mouth.

After pulling two bowls of vegetables, Ma Yang freed his hand, grabbed a big steamed bun from the basin next to him, brought it to his mouth and took a big bite.

Judging from his fierce posture, it doesn't look like he is biting a steamed bun, but rather like he is biting someone.

In the east room of the Zhao family, a group of people were eating burritos around the table. There were a lot of dishes left over from the banquet yesterday, but there was too much oil and water yesterday, and everyone said they wanted to eat something vegetarian.

Just when Yang Yufeng brought some mung bean sprouts, Wang Meilan soaked the vermicelli and then fried it with eggs, bean sprouts and soaked vermicelli.

In addition, add a shredded potato, scallions, and miso to make a roll.

People in the Northeast like to put more vegetables in burritos. Just two simple dishes. Use chopsticks to put the burritos into the burritos. Then roll the burrito as thick as a child’s arm. Open your mouth and take a big bite. Chew a few times before drinking. A hot mouthful of gooey porridge.

After everyone finished eating, the table was cleared, the dishes were washed, and the women sat on the kang to cut fabrics.

Just then, the dog outside the house barked.

"I'm going out to take a look!" Zhao Jun greeted from the west room, then walked out with the little lynx in his arms.

As soon as he came out of the house, he saw Zhang Lifu standing outside the courtyard gate.

"Uncle Zhang!" Zhao Jun trotted over and slowed down when he was almost at the door and asked, "Did you come here?"

This is strange. When Zhang Lifu came here before, he always drove the sledge.

"No!" Zhang Lifu smiled, raised his arm to the right, and said, "Is the sledge tied up at the door of Lao Sun's house?"

"Huh?" Zhao Jun was stunned when he heard this. He stretched his neck and glanced eastward, and saw an ox sledge tied to the door of Sun's house.

"Uncle Zhang, did you go to his house?" Zhao Jun was puzzled. In his impression, Zhang Lifu did not deal with the Sun family.

"No." Zhang Lifu said softly, "I'm here to find you."

"Looking for me?" When he said this, Zhao Jun frowned and said, "Looking for me, why don't you..."

Halfway through his words, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something. He turned back and glanced at Huang Long who stretched his neck and looked around, and understood what was going on.

"Uncle Zhang, let's go into the house." Zhao Jun asked, "Have you eaten?"

"I'm not going into the house!" Zhang Lifu waved his hand and said, "I'm going to tell you something, and I'll leave as soon as I'm done."

"Huh? Why are you so anxious?" Zhao Jun asked again, but Zhang Lifu did not bother and just said: "The pigs on the killing post have moved."

"Ah, where are you going?" Zhao Jun didn't think much about it, because in winter, it is difficult for wild boars to find food, and they cannot stay in the same place for too long.

They stay in one place for up to ten days. After they have eaten all the food nearby, they will move elsewhere.

So upon hearing that the wild boars had left the killing post, Zhao Jun only asked where the pigs were going.

"Went to 62 Linban!" Zhang Lifu said: "I was thinking about going there today, but I didn't want to walk halfway. I looked up and saw that there were people running around on the hillside over there. The smoke was gone. A bunch of pigs, there must be thirty or forty of them, and they ran away huffing and puffing."

"62..." Zhao Jun frowned. He remembered the mountainous terrain in his heart. He remembered that the big killing post was behind 64 Lin Ban.

"Army!" Seeing Zhao Jun's hesitation, Zhang Lifu asked, "What's going on?"

"64? Ah..." Zhao Jun thought for a while and then asked Zhang Lifu, "Are you sure you went to 62?"

"Sure!" Zhang Lifu nodded, then he turned back, raised his finger and pointed at the air in front of him, and said, "I left the old brick kiln there."

As he spoke, Zhang Lifu slid his right index finger from right to left and said, "Look at those pigs running like this from that end?"

Zhang Lifu made a gesture, and Zhao Jun nodded, and at the same time he thought in his mind: "Lao Guitouziling is the leader of the 65th class, and from the 65th class to the 62nd class... Xiao Liu'er will be two hundred miles away."

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun said to Zhang Lifu: "Okay, Uncle Zhang, I will take the dog up tomorrow!"

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